MARCH 195* Uras S
ennsylvani A ngler MARCH 195* uras s . • % symbol of S pring ff A LL FLESH IS GRASS, AND ALL THE Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, JTM. goodliness thereof is as the flower of but grass is immortal. Beleaguered by the sul the field." len hosts of winter, it withdraws into the im In these words the Prophet, Isaiah, wittingly pregnable fortress of its subterranean vitality, or not, summarized a fundamental biological and emerges upon the first solicitation of concept; for, in truth, grass feeds the ox, and spring. Sown by the winds, by wandering birds, the ox nourishes man. propagated by the subtle horticulture of the Green plants, only, are endowed with the elements which are its ministers and its serv ability to capture the energy of the sun, and to ants, it softens the rude outline of the world. utilize it in combining carbon dioxide from the Its tenacious fibers hold the earth in place, and air with water from the earth in the synthesis prevent its soluble components from washing of sugar, the basic source of energy for living into the wasting sea. It invades the solitude of things. Indeed, grass, as a symbol of vegetation, deserts, climbs the inaccessible slopes and for is essential for the maintenance of animal life. bidding pinnacles of mountains, modifies cli However, it is not my purpose here to ex mates, and determines the history, character, pound either on the importance or the chem and destiny of nations. Unobtrusive and pa istry of photosynthesis. Let us, on the other tient, it has immortal vigor and aggression.
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