Applied Business Scheme of Work

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Applied Business Scheme of Work

Applied Business – Scheme of

CeWrtoificrkate/Extended Certificate Unit 4: Managing and leading people

Unit type: Externally Assessed

Guidance notes

This Scheme of Work (SoW) illustrates how the unit content could be delivered over 60 GLH. It is best if the Managing and leading people unit is delivered either before or at the same time as the Unit 5 Developing a business proposal unit and the chosen optional unit, which is where skills and knowledge are synoptically brought together.

This SoW should be used in conjunction with the qualification Delivery Guidance document. You should also note that it follows the GLH Breakdown section of the unit specification in relation to the apportionment of teaching time to unit content.

Scheme of Work Unit 4 AQA Level 3 Applied Business Specification Key learning objectives Learning activities and resources Plenary Embedding or reference contextualising Consider inclusion and What will be learner led? How will learner (opportunities for differentiation (as What will be tutor led? progress be checked? skills development) appropriate and relevant) Topics for plenary? Evidence requirements? Equality and Diversity in Homework? Maths in PURPLE BLUE (to be enhanced by Classroom based or off-site? unit teacher as appropriate Employer engagement? Transferable Skill for learner group) opportunities in Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher ORANGE as appropriate for learner group) 1 AO1 To understand the role of Starter – with pictures of various managers of businesses Plenary – last man Communication Investigate the managers within a on the PP ask learners what is the link between them all, standing activities, for shown throughout roles of business. and if possible to identify them – learners could do this on example a description the lesson managers and their own on mini white boards or discuss in groups. of reporting etc. leaders in a Ask each group to feedback their idea of the link and then learners to be Oral and written changing ask if the learners can hold up whiteboards identifying the presented with various literacy shown environment people. management throughout the situations and to use lesson Main activities: the mini white boards 60 second challenge – learners in groups to come up with to indicate how many as many ideas of what a manager’s role is – feed these they will have got back to the group. correct. Teacher to AQA theory – teacher to run through the different roles then ask learners to that AQA state the learner needs to know for the exam – stand and stay basic input. Drag and drop used on the SMART board to standing until their match descriptions and key terms. number is called out. Learner led activity – case study of manager’s roles put into news headlines, learners in groups of 4 to study the headlines and answer question which are based on outcomes – or identify, analyse, compare and contrast and evaluate. Case study can be made up or based on a real

Specification Key learning objectives Learning activities and resources Plenary Embedding or reference contextualising Consider inclusion and What will be learner led? How will learner (opportunities for differentiation (as What will be tutor led? progress be checked? skills development) appropriate and relevant) Topics for plenary? Evidence requirements? Equality and Diversity in Homework? Maths in PURPLE BLUE (to be enhanced by Classroom based or off-site? unit teacher as appropriate Employer engagement? Transferable Skill for learner group) opportunities in Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher ORANGE as appropriate for learner group) leaders in a different management business canvas model. mark the longer changing roles. h tt p s : / / ww w . y ou t ube . co m/ w a t ch? v =Q o A O z M T L P 5s Then analysis question. environment use the template and ask learners to use the template to plan out a business problem – a case study could be used also to support this. h tt p : / / ww w . bus i ness m ode l g ene r a t i on . c o m/ do w n l oads / busi ness_ m ode l _can v as_pos t e r . p d f Teacher to select a variety of past exam questions for the learners to attempt – a variety of short answer and analysis questions – shorter answers can be peer marked and longer questions marked by the teacher. h tt p : / / ww w . a q a . o r g . u k / s u b j ec t s / bus i nes s - su b j ec t s / as - and- a - l e v e l / app li ed - bus i ness - 8610 / pas t - pape r s - and - m a r k - sche m es Good opportunity to introduce the exam skills here. Stretch and challenge shown with the variety of exam questions. 2 AO1 To identify the role of a Starter – pictures on the smart board of leaders and Leaners to use white Written and oral Investigate the leader managers – Teacher can use example of local SME board to explain the communication To explain how the leader leaders, but also for example Terry Leahy and Philip roles of difference between Communication inspires and motivates Clarke, Steve Jobs and Tim Cook to support – ask managers and managers and leaders shown throughout others to implement a learners what is the difference. leaders in a and to give examples the lesson Number of hours Specification reference

changing environment

2 AO1 Investigate the roles of managers and leaders in a chan

Number of hours Specification reference

managers and leaders in a changing environment

1 AO1 Investigate the roles of managers and leaders in a chan

Number of hours Specification reference

2 AO2 Investigate the factors affecting the performance of employees within organisations. Number of hours Speci

2 AO2 Inves perf emp

2 AO2 Inves perf emp

Number of hours Speci

2 AO3 Assess

2 AO3 Assess lead Number of hours Speci


2 AO3 Assess

2 AO3 Assess lead Specification Key learning objectives Learning activities and resources Plenary Embedding or reference contextualising Consider inclusion and What will be learner led? How will learner (opportunities for differentiation (as What will be tutor led? progress be checked? skills development) appropriate and relevant) Topics for plenary? Evidence requirements? Equality and Diversity in Homework? Maths in PURPLE BLUE (to be enhanced by Classroom based or off-site? unit teacher as appropriate Employer engagement? Transferable Skill for learner group) opportunities in Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher ORANGE as appropriate for learner group) empower empowered and the learners to watch video – 30 minutes to consider the effect employees impact of this. when employees are not empowered and how the business may change to consider the motivation of employees. 2 AO3 To assess the ability of Starter – dominos of key terms across the whole of AO3 Presentations given Written and oral Assess the managers to lead and Main activities – learners to create presentations picking a by learners and communication ability of empower employees. business of their choice and leader of their choice. assessed by the managers to Learners to work in ability groups to stretch and challenge, teacher. lead and they should prepare for an hour and then present in pairs empower for the remainder of the lesson. employees 2 AO3 To understand the ability Teachers to plan an assessment for learners looking at Teachers to mark the Written and oral Assess the of managers to lead and AO3. Past papers can be used along with the specimen test and feedback to communication ability of empower employees. papers on the AQA website. learners. managers to h tt p : / / ww w . a q a . o r g . u k / s u b j ec t s / bus i nes s - su b j ec t s / app li ed- lead and g en e r a l / bus i ness / a sses s m ent -r eso u r ces and empower h tt p : / / ww w . a q a . o r g . u k / s u b j ec t s / bus i nes s - su b j ec t s / as - and- employees a - l e v e l / app li ed - bus i ness - 8610 / pas t - pape r s - and - m a r k - sche m es 2 AO4 To understand the types Starter – Learners to use the whiteboards to consider the Gap fill looking at Written and oral Assess the of organisational change. types of change. organisational change communication To identify different types Main activities – Teacher to introduce the idea of different Number of hours Specification reference

use of leadership and empowerment to implement or

2 AO4 Assess the use of leadership and empowerment to im Number of hours Speci

2 AO4 Assess chan

2 AO4 Assess organ

Number of hours Specification reference Key learning objectives

Consider inclusion and differentiation (as appropriate and relevant) Equality and Diversity in BLUE (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group) Learning activities and resources

What will be learner led? What will be tutor led? Topics for plenary? Homework? Classroom based or off-site? Employer engagement?

Stretch and challenge in RED (to be enhanced by unit teacher as appropriate for learner group) Plenary

How will learner progress be checked? Evidence requirements? Embedding or contextualising (opportunities for skills development)

Maths in PURPLE Transferable Skill opportunities in ORANGE

To understand how managers can organise, motivate and lead employees through organisational change to achieve business objectives. g en e r a l / bus i ness / a sses s m ent -r eso u r ces mark scheme on the website.

1 Feedback Mock To understand reasons why the grade was given for the mock exam. To identify how to improve and areas to revise. Teacher led lesson – Use the mark scheme to review the mock exam papers. Feedback sheets and reflection by learners to be completed. h tt p : / / ww w . a q a . o r g . u k / s u b j ec t s / bus i nes s - su b j ec t s / app li ed- g en e r a l / bus i ness / a sses s m ent -r eso u r ces Feedback forms used to identify any areas that learners need to focus on ahead of the real exam. Written and oral communication

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