World War Two & the Holocaust

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World War Two & the Holocaust





Aggression Mussolini Allies Navajo Soldiers Anti-Semitic Nazi Appeased Nazi-Soviet Pact Blitzkrieg Neutrality Acts Concentration Camps Nuremburg Trials D-Day Pearl Harbor Dictators Poland East Potsdam Declaration Fascism Ration Stamps Genocide Rationed Goods Gestapo Scapegoat Ghettos Stalin Hitler Totalitarian State Holocaust Treaty of Versailles Internment Camps Truman Kamikaze attacks United Nations Land V-E Day Lend-Lease Act V-J Day Manhattan Project War Production Board Military West Munich Conference

______, rulers who have complete power over a country were coming to power in Europe in the 1920’s and the 1930’s. ______was the leader of Italy and his political party ______believed in a strong national government and a strong sense of nationalism. ______was the leader of the Soviet Union and while he was in power he wanted to expand the idea of a ______

______where a single party has control over the government and every aspect of the people’s lives. ______became the leader of Germany and the

______Party, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. He was elected to be the leader of Germany and became their chancellor. The Nazis were extremely

______-______which means prejudice against the Jews. Hitler used the

Jews as a ______for why Germany was in a Depression during the 1930’s.

Hitler’s secret police, the ______ruthlessly terrorized people during the

1930’s and 1940’s. They put Jews into horrible, run-down neighborhoods called

______. They had to live there before being sent to

______. The Nazis wanted to commit

______by attempting to kill the entire race of Jewish people. The time when

Hitler and the Nazis killed the Jews is called the ______.

As threats of war in Europe grew, a strong isolationist mood gripped the country.

Isolationists were determined to keep the US out of any war. Isolationists passed a series of ______which banned arms sales or loans to countries at war. Hitler was made angry by the ______which punished Germany for WWI. He vowed to return Germany to the way it was before

WWI. He began to rebuild the German ______and take back some

______that Germany had lost in the treaty. Hitler took the Rhineland, an area near France and Belgium, annexed Austria, and took part of Czechoslovakia. All of these were violations of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler called a meeting with leaders from

Britain and France called the ______in which Hitler promised that he did not want any more land.

The leaders discussed the ______(warlike acts by one country against another without just cause) of Hitler, but listened to his promises and

______him because they wanted to avoid war. Hitler and Stalin signed the ______-______where they agreed not to attack each other. Now Hitler could attack Poland and only have to worry about France and Great

Britain attacking Germany from the ______, and didn’t have to worry about the

Soviet Union attacking from the ______.

Germany’s invasion of ______triggered WWII. Germany defeated

Poland easily using its ______or lightening war. The ______fought against Germany and eventually consisted of Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the

United States, and Italy (1943). The ______-______

______allowed for the sales or loans of war materials to any country whose defense the President deemed vital to the defense of the US, so the US sold weapons to

Britain and France before the US entered the war.

The US was pulled into WWII when ______was attacked by the Japanese. They used ______where they loaded their planes with bombs and crashed them into Allied ships. Because Americans were afraid that Japanese-Americans were going to be spies, they were put into

______where they were guarded and surrounded by barbed wire.

______used their language to send vital messages throughout the war. Probably the most important victory of the war for the Allies was

_____ - ______. Allied soldiers came across the English Channel landing in France to begin the invasion of Europe, eventually pushing Germany out of France.

On the Homefront, Americans did what they could to help in the war effort by recycling and conserving. Certain goods were in limited supply called ______

______and you had to have ______in order to buy these goods. The ______told factories what to produce during the war. Also in America, scientists were developing and testing the atomic bomb in the ______.

The Soviet soldiers advanced toward Germany from the East; British, French & US troops advanced toward Germany from the West. Eventually the Soviets closed in on

Hitler & he committed suicide before they could capture him. A week later the Germans surrendered to the Allies, so the Allies celebrated ____-______on May 7,

1945. Then in July of 1945, Allied nations issued a warning to Japan to surrender or face

“prompt and utter destruction” in the ______.

The Japanese government was not aware that the US had built an atomic bomb, so they did not surrender. President ______decided to use the atomic bomb on

Hiroshima, Japan, because a ground invasion would risk too many American lives. When the

Japanese did not surrender another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki in Japan. On August

14, 1945 Japan surrendered and the Allies celebrated _____ - ______. World

War II was now over. The ______was established as an international peacekeeping organization, so that future wars could be avoided. Nazis were tried for their crimes against humanity at the ______

______. Twelve Nazi leaders were sentenced to death and thousands of others were sent to prison. Thousands of others escaped without being tried for their crimes.

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