The Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Annual Report Has Now Been Distributed to All

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The Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Annual Report Has Now Been Distributed to All

Minutes of the Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Board Held on Wednesday 13 December 2011 9 am to 12 noon Rotherham Town Hall Meeting Room 3

Present: Professor Pat Cantrill Independent Chair for the Safeguarding Adults Board Shona McFarlane Director of Health and Wellbeing, RMBC Lesley Dabell Chief Executive, Age Concern Jo Abbott Consultant in Public Health, NHS Rotherham Nigel Mitchell Learning and Development Manager, RMBC Andy Lowman Safeguarding Adults & Mental Capacity Act Training, RMBC Sam Newton Safeguarding Adults Service Manager, RMBC Brigid Reid Deputy Chief Nurse, Rotherham Foundation Trust J Spurling Community Engagement Officer, RMBC Amanda Thompson South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

Apologies: Cllr Pat Russell Safeguarding Champion, RMBC Helen Dennis Safeguarding Adults Co-ordinator, RMBC Amanda Coyne Safeguarding Adults and Mental Capacity Act Co-ordinator, RMBC Cheryl Henry Domestic Violence Co-ordinator, RMBC J Williams Service Manager Learning Disability Service, RMBC Jill Jones Head of Operations – North, RMBC M Gladstone Director of Commissioning Policy and Performance, RMBC Val Allen Community and Voluntary Sector Representative, SCOPE K Hockley Detective Inspector, Rotherham Public Protection Unit Manager, South Yorkshire Police

Minutes: Joanne Featherstone Management Secretary

Item Action 1 Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed with the following comments:-

 A presentation for today’s meeting was requested on the Safeguarding Adults H Dennis, portal at the last meeting, however due to H Dennis being on annual leave this January has been deferred to January agenda. agenda

 The Rotherham Safeguarding Adults Annual report has now been distributed to all.

 Item 3, Home Care Protocol – Members were asked to read and feedback any comments to S Newton, this has now done and the final versions will be - 2 - Item Action distributed in due course.

 GP Cards – these have now been amended with the correct Police contact numbers added. J Abbott is to take to GP Executive Reference Group and also add to website. J Abbott

 South Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults procedures online programme update – S Newton advised the Board that another company possibly could also provide the same service that Tri.X offer. There have been discussions between Sheffield, Doncaster and Barnsley and after much consultation it was agreed that further expressions of interest will be carried out. The debate on the content has been put on hold until a provider has been sourced. It was agreed that the process has to be right and transparent. S Newton said that Sheffield Council have negotiated Tri.X down to £16,000 from £20,000.

The Board clarified that the existing procedures have been updated and that changes will be made on a regular basis.

 Jo Abbott reported on a recent Safeguarding audit that had been requested by the Cluster, in respect of NHS activity. Neither SM nor PC had been made aware of this, and there had been no other engagement with the local authority. PC expressed her view that it such audit should be undertaken with involvement of partners, especially the local authority.

2 Hidden in Plain Sight Report

Janet Spurling, Community Engagement Officer for RMBC presented the above report to the Board. The report provides an overview of the key findings and recommendations from the ‘hidden in plain sight’ inquiry into disability related harassment by the Equality and Human Rights Commission to which the Council, NHS Rotherham and South Yorkshire Police were required to make a submission earlier this year. Janet Spurling, Community Engagement Officer presented the report to the Board, this was reviewed and discussed.

The Board agreed to review what was already in place and make sure that the subject has been appropriately covered within the procedures. S McFarlane discussed the issue of everyday low level abuse and the need to look at how this can be addressed within the Safeguarding procedures. A discussion took place. S Newton suggested that a dedicated sub group be put in place, L Dabell added that Learning Disabilities should be included in the group. It was agreed that the sub group to be established by January 2012. SN to organise and provide the Board with an action plan.

S McFarlane suggested that the Safer Rotherham Partnership (SRP) be involved, it was agreed that this should be the case and that one action plan should be done by us which will be shared with the SRP.

P Cantrill asked that the Cluster be made aware of this report – Jo Abbott to action.

3 Recent Reports on Care of the Elderly

P Cantrill said that she was mindful that a lot of recent reports have been published P Cantrill relating to health. P Cantrill said that she would read the reports and pull together a Item for discussion paper for the next Board meeting. January - 3 - Item Action agenda

4 Workforce Development Policy and Strategic Training Programme

Nigel Mitchell and Andy Lowman jointly presented the Workforce Development Policy and Strategic Training programme, the report was reviewed and discussed.

Stage one of the review for the Bronze to Platinum was completed in November. This resulted in the Workforce Development Policy and Training programme. Stage two of the revised programme is to be in place by April 2011.

A discussion regarding the training cancellation fee ensued. Brigid Reid requested that no penalty admin fee be incurred if the person who cancels can be replaced. Nigel Mitchell explained that this fee is in place to encourage people to plan better and to prevent cancellations happening.

L Dabell suggested that instead referring to the charge as an admin fee that it would be better worded as a training cancellation cost.

J Abbott suggested that the fee should be £50, the board agreed this. The cut off time for cancellation changes will be 14 days prior to the training course date. The cost is to be reviewed in six months time. The report may need to go to partner agencies for information.

The question was raised as to whether we still need a training pool or whether we should outsource? A multi-agency training pool perhaps? A lengthy discussion took N Mitchell/ A place. It was asked what more information we would need to present this to Lowman. operational managers. S McFarlane suggested a separate report for options and Item for January implications to be done by Nigel Mitchell and Andy Lowman, by January Board agenda meeting 11 January 2012.

It was agreed that the PCT need to demonstrate commitment to this. S Newton to S Newton send J Abbott information.

N Mitchell asked if the Board approved for the content of the training programme to commence - this was agreed.

5 Feedback from Sub Groups

S Newton informed the Board that minutes from the sub group will be generated in the New Year. A ‘risk matrix’ is also being worked on and will be presented when finalised to Board in January. Items to be included in the matrix were discussed. S Newton Financial risks individual homes, vacancy levels and anything from ADASS.

6 Safeguarding Adults Strategy

S Newton reminded the Board to take ownership of the Safeguarding Adults Agenda item Strategy, between now and March we will need to review. This item will put on the for January January agenda for further discussion. meeting

7 Significant Safeguarding Issues

S Newton gave the Board an update on current safeguarding issues.

RMBC are still actively involved with ‘A’ care home. The fifteen most vulnerable - 4 - Item Action residents have all been reviewed and nothing has suggested the removal of these residents from the home. The suspension is starting to be felt by the care home. The Board expressed concerns about the serious and the amount of time it’s taking to resolve the situation. This to be relayed to CQC by S Newton at a meeting on 22/12. Action by 19/12 has been requested on the 15 residents.

8 Domestic Abuse

Sam Newton informed the Board that the Domestic Abuse unit will transfer under the Safeguarding Adults service from 15 December 2011, Helen Dennis will be the direct line manager, and will report any issues to the Board.

Preventative pathways reviews are under underway and will be reported to the Board.

S Newton stated that no domestic homicides had taken place in Rotherham since last reported.

P Cantrill informed the meeting that she has just completed a Domestic Homicide review, experienced and knowledge gained from this review may enable P Cantrill to offer help and advise where required.

9 Any Other Business

9.1 N Mitchell discussed a request from Warren Carratt regarding a NHS Rotherham protective learning time event, safeguarding master class – W Carratt has asked if can be delivered in partnership with the Safeguarding Team. Staff from Adults and Children’s services are both to be included, would someone from adults be available? S McFarlane/S Newton will be working with Jo Abbot on this.

9.2 S Newton informed the Board about the development of the Multi Agency S Newton. Case Review Audit (MACRA) and its implementation. This is to be brought Agenda item back to Board in January and then rolled out with the multi agency. S for January meeting Newton said that this will be tested out internally first.

9.3 B Reid asked for clarity on what information and communication we offer to relatives once a safeguarding alert has been made? This is in relation to an alert that had been NFA’d ‘no further action’ and then led to a complaint. S Newton said that we do need to review feedback on these kinds of alerts and that family members will become part of the process. S McFarlane said that the customer service leaflet information should be looked at. S McFarlane 9.4 S McFarlane informed B Reid that she would like to extend an invitation to the new Chief Nurse to attend RSAB meetings.

9.5 S McFarlane raised the Safe in Rotherham scheme, in the context of the EHRC report earlier in the meeting, S McFarlane asked the board felt that an update on the progress of this project, which contributes to the safety of vulnerable adults, would be welcomed. This was agreed. S McFarlane to action. S McFarlane

9.6 A Thompson confirmed that Dawn Peet will be attending the RSAB meeting in January.

9.7 All to note that B Reid is to attend RSAB meetings instead of D Wildgoose. - 5 - Item Action

10 Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting 11 January 2012, 9am to 12 noon at Rotherham Town Hall in meeting room 3.

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