Representing Territories

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Representing Territories CALL FOR PAPERS 4th international conference of the Collège international des sciences du territoire (CIST) Representing territories 22&23 March 2018 Université de Rouen Normandie, France After three conferences that have successively sought to define and lay the foundations for territorial sciences, to go beyond disciplinary frontiers and boundaries, namely through interdisciplinary collaboration, and to explore territorial social demand, the 4th CIST conference aims at mobilising the territorial sciences to address the question of representation. The objective of the conference, which will comprise 17 sessions, is to determine the contribution of the representational approach to the analysis of territories from a theoretical, methodological and empirical point of view. Analyses of representations have their origins in different disciplinary fields, particularly psychology, and have spread throughout the human sciences so that today they are used in a wide variety of contexts by geographers, sociologists, historians and specialists in the political and legal sciences. Both the concept of territory and that of representation, on account of their polysemy, provide the opportunity to bring together different topics, methods and disciplines. The conference is open to every type of representation: concepts, ideas, frameworks, maps, texts, still or animated images, databases, and multimedia vectors used in the context of the construction, development and transformation of territories. Similarly, a wide variety of sources may be used: surveys, interviews, biographies, testimonies, legal, political and cultural documents, plans, programmes, projects or dreams, artistic productions, advertising, social or campaign materials, canonical works, transient footprints on social networks, etc. The most important aspect will be the possibility of using empirical material likely to provide useful input to scientific debates on the role of representations in the territorialisation of societies. Papers will have to be presented in one of the 17 sessions listed below (abstracts are accessible online). 1 – Territorial struggles and social representations Co-facilitators: Laurent BEAUGUITTE (IDEES) & Marta SEVERO (Dicen IDF) The territory, which has often been defined as a portion of space appropriated by a social group to satisfy its needs (Le Berre, 1995), can be an object of struggle between actors with divergent interests. The notion of territorial struggle refers to conflicts related to the use of a portion of space (Dechézelles & Olive, 2016). Each actor involved in a territorial struggle mobilizes images and texts that generate representations congruent with their objectives (Mauvaise troupe, 2016). This session will focus on the creation and features of these conflicting territorial representations. Whether one considers the airport project at Notre-Dame des Landes, the nuclear waste disposal site at Bure, the Welzow open-pit mine or the Standing Rock pipelines, communication, in both its physical (banners, slogans, demonstrations, etc.) and digital forms, is one of the essential tools of the actors involved. The new online arenas of expression (social media, pure players, mailing lists...) enable opponents of a given project to emancipate themselves from traditional media and to spread their actions beyond militant circles at the local and international level. The investigation of newspapers (Comby et al., 2010) and digital traces (websites, blogs, periscope, facebook pages, see Severo & Romele, 2015), as well as the physical aspects of mobilization, is likely to provide a rich vein of material for conducting longitudinal studies of the representations of territorial struggles generated by the interactions between actors. Yet this type of research raises both conceptual issues (how to take into account the diversity of expressions) and methodological concerns (delimitation and representativeness of the corpus, volume of data, type of analysis), especially when territorial struggles are still in progress. BIBLIOGRAPHY Combes H., Garibay D., Goirand C. (dir.), 2016, Les lieux de la colère : occuper l'espace pour contester, de Madrid à Sanaa, Paris, Karthala. Collège international des sciences du territoire - Université Paris Diderot, UFR GHES Case 7001, 75205 Paris cedex 13 - Comby E., Le Lay Y. F., Merchez L., Tabarly S., 2010, « Visages médiatiques du barrage des Trois-Gorges : l'analyse statistique des données textuelles en géographie », Géoconfluences, geoconfluences.ens- Dalibert M., Lamy A., Quemener N. (dir.), 2016, « Circulation et qualification des discours : conflictualités dans les espaces publics (1) », Études de communication, n° 47. Dechézelles S., Olive M. (dir.), 2016, « Conflits de lieux, lieux de conflits », Norois, pp. 238-239, Le Berre M., 1995, « Territoires », in Bailly A., Ferras R., Pumain D. (dir.), Encyclopédie de géographie, Paris, Économica. Mauvaise troupe, 2016, Contrées. Histoires croisées de la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes et de la lutte No TAV dans le Val Susa, Paris, éd. de l’éclat. Mabi C., 2016, « Luttes sociales et environnementales à l’épreuve du numérique : radicalité politique et circulation des discours », Études de communication, 47(2), pp. 111-130, communication-2016-2-page-111.htm. Severo M., Romele, A. (dir.), 2015, Traces numériques et territoiresI, Paris, Presses des Mines. EXPECTED TYPES OF PAPER Theories, methodology, fieldwork, results. 2 – The proliferation of territories. Efficacy of territorial engineering versus political legitimacy. Co-facilitators: Sylvia CALMES-BRUNET (CUREJ) & Yann RICHARD (PRODIG) After having envisaged an end to territories, social scientists (lawyers, geographers, political scientists...) are now observing a proliferation of territories, at every scale (particularly local) and every level (from intranational to international). This proliferation has resulted in a blurring of boundaries that undermines the legitimacy of these territories, which appear more as scales of action (political or otherwise) or strategic frameworks than as constructs resulting from long-term social processes, based on democratic, institutional, and normative mechanisms. The multiplication of territories combined with their permanent reconfiguration prevents their appropriation by the populations concerned, because power is given more to space than to citizens or other stakeholders. This trend in the organisation of political space raises questions on important issues such as the level of democracy, the construction of collective identity, and growing inequalities. It seems ultimately that the territorialisation of human societies does not permit the legitimization of their political representatives. Nor does it permit the construction of identities based on collective experience. In these circumstances, many territories cannot become objects of representation or identity referents. In the light of such developments, several hypotheses may be put forward that will be examined in the proposed session: (i) The proliferation of territories contributes to the decreasing legitimacy of territorial frameworks. Paradoxically, it undermines their political effectiveness; (ii) This lack of legitimacy ironically paves the way for more political centralization; (iii) ‘De-proliferation’ does not enable the re-legitimization of territories. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baron A., Kada N. (dir.), 2016, Communes et départements, frères ennemis du social ?, Grenoble, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, Droit & action publique. Chicot P.-Y. (dir.), 2013, Décentralisation et proximité. Territorialisation et efficacité de l’action publique, Dalloz, Thèmes et commentaires. Claval P., 1979, Espace et pouvoir, Paris, PUF. Di Meo G., 1998, Géographie sociale et territoires, Paris, Nathan. Jean Y. (dir.), 2013, Lire les territoires, Tours, Presses universitaires François Rabelais. Le Berre M., 1992, « Territoire », in Bailly A.S., Pumain D. (dir.), Encyclopédie de la Géographie, Paris, Économica. Marti G., 2015, « Territoire(s) et Union européenne », Civitas Europa, 2015/2, n° 35. Rouvellat C., 2014, « Présentation », dossier « Démocratie : territoires et frontières », Cités, 2014/4, n° 60, pp. 147-148, Sack R., 1986, Human territoriality. Its theory and history, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Wora G., 2015, La territorialisation du droit et le principe d’égalité, thèse de doctorat en droit public soutenue le 11 mai 2015 à l’Université Lyon 2, sous la direction de Sophie Nicinski, EXPECTED TYPES OF PAPER All kinds of presentations are expected (theory, case studies, methodology…) by specialists of various disciplines. p. 2/14 3 – Web data and territorial representations Co-facilitators: Marta SEVERO (Dicen IDF), Pierre BECKOUCHE (LADYSS), Bernard ELISSALDE (IDEES), Marianne GUÉROIS (Géographie-cités), Françoise LUCCHINI (IDEES) & Malika MADELIN (PRODIG) With the diffusion of digital technology in our societies, researchers and pratictioners in territorial and communication sciences have increasingly undertaken analyses on data from the Web, social networks and, more generally, soft data. They focus on answering two questions: Do these new data potentially provide us with new insights into our spatial practices and our territorial representations? Do they suggest the emergence of new constraints and/or services for the population? To
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