Santa Rosa County District Schools

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Santa Rosa County District Schools

Santa Rosa County District Schools School Improvement Plan 2016-2017


Principal Principal--Signature

School Advisory Chair School Advisory Chair—Signature

Date of School Board Approval 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Santa Rosa School Improvement Plan- 2016-2017 Part I- Current School Status Accreditation Standard 1- Purpose and Direction Accreditation Standard 2- Governance and Leadership

1. Describe the involvement of the School Advisory Council in the development of this plan.

2. Describe the activities of the School Advisory Council anticipated for the 2016-2017 school year including the monitoring of this School Improvement Plan.

3. Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Accreditation Standard 3- Teaching and Assessing for Learning Accreditation Standard 4- Resources and Support System

4. School-Based MTSS Team A. Identify the school-based MTSS leadership team members. B. Describe how the school-based MTSS leadership team functions (e.g., meeting processes and roles/functions). C. Describe the role of the school-based MTSS leadership team in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan (SIP). Describe how the problem-solving process was used in developing and implementing the SIP. MTSS Implementation D. Provide the data source(s) used at each tier for ELA, mathematics and behavior.  Tier I Academics-  Tier I- Behavior-  Tier II Academics-  Tier II- Behavior-  Tier III Academics-

2 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

 Tier III- Behavior- E. Describe the plan to train staff on MTSS during the 2016-2017 school year.

4. Effective and Highly Effective Teachers Describe the strategies that will be used to recruit and retain high quality, effective teachers to the school. Description of Strategy Person Responsible

5. Non-Highly Effective Instructors Provide the number of instructional staff teaching out-of-field and received a less than an effective rating. Number of instructional staff and paraprofessionals teaching out-of-field and who Strategies to support the staff in becoming highly effective received less than an effective rating.

3 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

6. Title I Schools –Not required for high schools.

Part II-Expected Outcomes Accreditation Standard 4- Resources and Support System Area 1- Schoolwide Barriers to Proficiency/ Graduation Required for primary, elementary, middle and high schools. Data Source for this Schoolwide 15-16 Results 16-17 Goal Goal: ______(%/#):______(%/#):______

Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy 1. A.


Data Source for this Schoolwide 15-16 Results 16-17 Goal Goal: ______(%/#):______(%/#):______

Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy 2. A.


4 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan


Area 2: English Language Arts 2A-2B- Required for primary, elementary, middle and high schools. 2A. Percentage scoring at or above 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 2B. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______

2016-17 DEA Test D Goal 2016-17 DEA Test D Goal 2015-16 DEA Test D Results 2015-16 DEA Test D Results (%/#):______(%/#):______(%/#):______(%/#):______For Primary Schools For Primary Schools For Primary Schools For Primary Schools 2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal 2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal 2015-16 FSA Year-end Results 2015-16 FSA Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______(%/#):______Results For Non-Primary Schools For Non-Primary Schools For Non-Primary Schools (%/#):______For Non-Primary Schools ELA-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.

2C-2D -Required for elementary, middle and high schools. 2C. Percentage of students making 2015-16 FSA Year-end Results learning gains in ELA. (%/#):______

2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal (%/#):______

5 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

ELA-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.

2D. Percentage of students in 2015-16 FSA Year-end Results lowest 25% making learning gains (%/#):______in ELA. 2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal (%/#):______ELA-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.

FSAA ELA- Required for schools with students who took the 2015-16 FSAA—The FAA has been replaced with the current FSAA, therefore a comparison for the prior year is unavailable. 2E. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results (%/#): accuracy for Task 1 (least _____ complex task). 2F. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results (%/#): accuracy for Task 2. _____ 2G. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results (%/#): accuracy for Task 3 (most _____ complex task).

6 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

Proposed English/Language Arts Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy

7 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan


Area 3: Mathematics 3A-3B. - Required for schools with grades K-8.

3C-3D -Required for elementary, middle and high schools. 3C. Percentage of students making 2015-16 Math State Assessment(s) learning gains in math. Year-end Results (%/#):______

2016-17 Math State Assessment(s) Year-end Goal (%/#):______Mathematics-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.

3D. Percentage of students in 2015-16 Math State Assessment(s) lowest 25% making learning gains Year-end Results in math. (%/#):______

2016-17 Math State Assessment(s) Year-end Goal (%/#):______Mathematics-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.

8 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

FSAA Mathematics- Required for schools with students who took the 2015-16 FSAA—The FAA has been replaced with the current FSAA, therefore a comparison for the prior year is unavailable. 3E. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 1 (least (%/#):_____ complex task). 3F. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 2. (%/#):_____ 3G. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 3 (most (%/#):_____ complex task). Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

Algebra I EOC (3H-3I) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Algebra I EOC. 3H. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 3I. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3 (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______

2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Algebra I-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy reaching goal.

9 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Algebra II EOC (3J-3K) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Algebra II EOC. 3J. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 3K. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______

2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Algebra I-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy reaching goal.

Geometry EOC (3L-3M) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Geometry EOC. 3L. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 3M. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______

2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Geometry-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

10 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

reaching goal.

Proposed Mathematics Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy

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Area 4: Science- Grades 5 and 8 4A-4B- Required for grades 5 and 8.

FSAA Science- Required for schools with students who took the 2015-16 FSAA—The FAA has been replaced with the current FSAA, therefore a comparison for the prior year is unavailable. 4C. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 1 (least (%/#):_____ complex task). 4D. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 2. (%/#):_____ 4E. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 3 (most (%/#):_____ complex task). Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

Biology I EOC (4F-4G) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Biology EOC. 4F. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 4G. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______

2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Biology-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy reaching goal.

12 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Proposed Science Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy

13 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Social Studies

Area 5: Social Studies Florida Civics EOC (5A-5B) -Required for schools with grade 7.

Florida US History EOC (5C-5D) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Florida US History EOC. 5C. Percentage of students 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 5D. Percentage of students 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal scoring at or above level 3. (%/#):______scoring at or above level 4. (%/#):______

2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______FL US History-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

Proposed Social Studies Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy

14 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan


Area 6: At-Risk Section 6A. Students at Risk- Required for primary, elementary and middle schools.

6B. At-Risk Graduates- Required for schools with grades 9-12. Goal Area: At Risk Graduates Number of 16-17 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 16-17 cohort’s At Risk This cohort is in the 9th grade during this actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 9th graders (%/#):____ Number of 15-16 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 15-16 cohort’s At Risk Most of this cohort is in the 10th grade actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still during this 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 10th graders. (%/#):____ Number of 14-15 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 14-15 cohort’s At Risk Most of this cohort is in the 11th grade actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still during this 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 11th graders. (%/#):____ Number of 13-14 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 13-14 cohort’s At Risk Most of this cohort is in the 12th grade actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still during this 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 12th graders. (%/#):____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

6C- Dropout Prevention- Required for schools with grades 9-12. 2014-2015 Dropout Rate 2015-2016 Dropout Goal (%/#):______(%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

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2014-2015 Graduation Rate 2015-2016 Graduation Rate Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____

Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

6D- Attendance - Required for all schools. 2015-16 Attendance Rate 2016-17 Attendance Rate Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____ 2015-16 Number of Students with 2016-17 Number of Students with Excessive Excessive Absences (10 or more) Absences (10 or more) Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____ 2015-16 Number of Students with 2016-17 Number of Students with Excessive Excessive Tardies (10 or more) Tardies (10 or more) Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

6E- Suspension - Required for all schools. 2015-16 Total Number of In –School 2016-17 Total Number of In-School Suspensions Suspensions Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____ 2015-16 Total Number of Students 2016-17 Total Number of Students Suspended In – Suspended In-School School Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____

16 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

2015-16 Total Number of Out-of-School 2016-17 Total Number of Out-of-School Suspensions Suspensions Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____ 2015-16 Total Number of Students 2016-17 Total Number of Students Suspended Out- Suspended Out- of- School of-School Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

6F- Parent Involvement - Required for all schools. 2015-2016 Performance (%/#):_____ 2016-2017 Goal (%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

Proposed At-Risk Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy

17 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics

Area 7: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEAM) - Required for high schools and STEAM schools 7A. Goal Area: STEAM Goal narrative

Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

Proposed STEAM Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy

18 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Acceleration Success


Area 9: Advanced Coursework and/or Industry Certification 9A. Required for middle and combination schools.

Required for high schools and combination schools. 9B. Goal Area: Percentage of 2016-2017 Acceleration Success Rate graduates who are eligible to earn Goal college credit through passing Advanced Placement, AP, IB or (%/#):_____ AICE exams; passing dual enrollment courses ; or earning industry certification.

2015-2016 Acceleration Success Rate (%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy

Proposed Acceleration Success Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy

19 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan

Area 10A-10B: SB 850 Section- Required for schools with grades 6, 7 and/or 8.


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