<p> Santa Rosa County District Schools School Improvement Plan 2016-2017</p><p>School</p><p>Principal Principal--Signature</p><p>School Advisory Chair School Advisory Chair—Signature</p><p>Date of School Board Approval 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Santa Rosa School Improvement Plan- 2016-2017 Part I- Current School Status Accreditation Standard 1- Purpose and Direction Accreditation Standard 2- Governance and Leadership</p><p>1. Describe the involvement of the School Advisory Council in the development of this plan.</p><p>2. Describe the activities of the School Advisory Council anticipated for the 2016-2017 school year including the monitoring of this School Improvement Plan.</p><p>3. Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Accreditation Standard 3- Teaching and Assessing for Learning Accreditation Standard 4- Resources and Support System</p><p>4. School-Based MTSS Team A. Identify the school-based MTSS leadership team members. B. Describe how the school-based MTSS leadership team functions (e.g., meeting processes and roles/functions). C. Describe the role of the school-based MTSS leadership team in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan (SIP). Describe how the problem-solving process was used in developing and implementing the SIP. MTSS Implementation D. Provide the data source(s) used at each tier for ELA, mathematics and behavior. Tier I Academics- Tier I- Behavior- Tier II Academics- Tier II- Behavior- Tier III Academics-</p><p>2 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p> Tier III- Behavior- E. Describe the plan to train staff on MTSS during the 2016-2017 school year.</p><p>4. Effective and Highly Effective Teachers Describe the strategies that will be used to recruit and retain high quality, effective teachers to the school. Description of Strategy Person Responsible</p><p>5. Non-Highly Effective Instructors Provide the number of instructional staff teaching out-of-field and received a less than an effective rating. Number of instructional staff and paraprofessionals teaching out-of-field and who Strategies to support the staff in becoming highly effective received less than an effective rating.</p><p>3 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>6. Title I Schools –Not required for high schools.</p><p>Part II-Expected Outcomes Accreditation Standard 4- Resources and Support System Area 1- Schoolwide Barriers to Proficiency/ Graduation Required for primary, elementary, middle and high schools. Data Source for this Schoolwide 15-16 Results 16-17 Goal Goal: ______(%/#):______(%/#):______</p><p>Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy 1. A.</p><p>B.</p><p>Data Source for this Schoolwide 15-16 Results 16-17 Goal Goal: ______(%/#):______(%/#):______</p><p>Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy 2. A.</p><p>B.</p><p>4 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS</p><p>Area 2: English Language Arts 2A-2B- Required for primary, elementary, middle and high schools. 2A. Percentage scoring at or above 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 2B. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 DEA Test D Goal 2016-17 DEA Test D Goal 2015-16 DEA Test D Results 2015-16 DEA Test D Results (%/#):______(%/#):______(%/#):______(%/#):______For Primary Schools For Primary Schools For Primary Schools For Primary Schools 2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal 2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal 2015-16 FSA Year-end Results 2015-16 FSA Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______(%/#):______Results For Non-Primary Schools For Non-Primary Schools For Non-Primary Schools (%/#):______For Non-Primary Schools ELA-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.</p><p>2C-2D -Required for elementary, middle and high schools. 2C. Percentage of students making 2015-16 FSA Year-end Results learning gains in ELA. (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal (%/#):______</p><p>5 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>ELA-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.</p><p>2D. Percentage of students in 2015-16 FSA Year-end Results lowest 25% making learning gains (%/#):______in ELA. 2016-17 FSA Year-end Goal (%/#):______ELA-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.</p><p>FSAA ELA- Required for schools with students who took the 2015-16 FSAA—The FAA has been replaced with the current FSAA, therefore a comparison for the prior year is unavailable. 2E. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results (%/#): accuracy for Task 1 (least _____ complex task). 2F. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results (%/#): accuracy for Task 2. _____ 2G. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results (%/#): accuracy for Task 3 (most _____ complex task).</p><p>6 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>Proposed English/Language Arts Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy</p><p>7 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>MATHEMATICS</p><p>Area 3: Mathematics 3A-3B. - Required for schools with grades K-8.</p><p>3C-3D -Required for elementary, middle and high schools. 3C. Percentage of students making 2015-16 Math State Assessment(s) learning gains in math. Year-end Results (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 Math State Assessment(s) Year-end Goal (%/#):______Mathematics-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.</p><p>3D. Percentage of students in 2015-16 Math State Assessment(s) lowest 25% making learning gains Year-end Results in math. (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 Math State Assessment(s) Year-end Goal (%/#):______Mathematics-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to reaching Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy goal.</p><p>8 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>FSAA Mathematics- Required for schools with students who took the 2015-16 FSAA—The FAA has been replaced with the current FSAA, therefore a comparison for the prior year is unavailable. 3E. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 1 (least (%/#):_____ complex task). 3F. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 2. (%/#):_____ 3G. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 3 (most (%/#):_____ complex task). Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>Algebra I EOC (3H-3I) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Algebra I EOC. 3H. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 3I. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3 (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Algebra I-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy reaching goal.</p><p>9 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Algebra II EOC (3J-3K) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Algebra II EOC. 3J. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 3K. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Algebra I-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy reaching goal.</p><p>Geometry EOC (3L-3M) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Geometry EOC. 3L. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 3M. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Geometry-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>10 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p> reaching goal.</p><p>Proposed Mathematics Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy</p><p>11 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Science</p><p>Area 4: Science- Grades 5 and 8 4A-4B- Required for grades 5 and 8.</p><p>FSAA Science- Required for schools with students who took the 2015-16 FSAA—The FAA has been replaced with the current FSAA, therefore a comparison for the prior year is unavailable. 4C. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 1 (least (%/#):_____ complex task). 4D. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 2. (%/#):_____ 4E. Percentage of student 2015-2016 Results accuracy for Task 3 (most (%/#):_____ complex task). Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>Biology I EOC (4F-4G) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Biology EOC. 4F. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal 4G. Percentage scoring at or 2016-17 DEA Midyear Goal above level 3. (%/#):______above level 4. (%/#):______</p><p>2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end (%/#):______(%/#):______Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______Biology-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) to Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy reaching goal.</p><p>12 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Proposed Science Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy</p><p>13 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Social Studies</p><p>Area 5: Social Studies Florida Civics EOC (5A-5B) -Required for schools with grade 7.</p><p>Florida US History EOC (5C-5D) -Required for schools who offer the course and administer the Florida US History EOC. 5C. Percentage of students 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal 5D. Percentage of students 2016-17 EOC Year-end Goal scoring at or above level 3. (%/#):______scoring at or above level 4. (%/#):______</p><p>2015-16 EOC Year-end 2015-16 EOC Year-end Results Results (%/#):______(%/#):______FL US History-Specific Section Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>Proposed Social Studies Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy</p><p>14 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>At-Risk</p><p>Area 6: At-Risk Section 6A. Students at Risk- Required for primary, elementary and middle schools.</p><p>6B. At-Risk Graduates- Required for schools with grades 9-12. Goal Area: At Risk Graduates Number of 16-17 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 16-17 cohort’s At Risk This cohort is in the 9th grade during this actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 9th graders (%/#):____ Number of 15-16 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 15-16 cohort’s At Risk Most of this cohort is in the 10th grade actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still during this 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 10th graders. (%/#):____ Number of 14-15 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 14-15 cohort’s At Risk Most of this cohort is in the 11th grade actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still during this 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 11th graders. (%/#):____ Number of 13-14 cohort’s At Risk Graduates Number of 13-14 cohort’s At Risk Most of this cohort is in the 12th grade actively enrolled August 15, 2016 Graduates identified on 8/15/16 still during this 16-17 school year. (%/#):____ actively enrolled June 2, 2017 Maintain a list of these 12th graders. (%/#):____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>6C- Dropout Prevention- Required for schools with grades 9-12. 2014-2015 Dropout Rate 2015-2016 Dropout Goal (%/#):______(%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>15 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>2014-2015 Graduation Rate 2015-2016 Graduation Rate Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____</p><p>Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>6D- Attendance - Required for all schools. 2015-16 Attendance Rate 2016-17 Attendance Rate Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____ 2015-16 Number of Students with 2016-17 Number of Students with Excessive Excessive Absences (10 or more) Absences (10 or more) Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____ 2015-16 Number of Students with 2016-17 Number of Students with Excessive Excessive Tardies (10 or more) Tardies (10 or more) Goal (%/#):_____ (%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>6E- Suspension - Required for all schools. 2015-16 Total Number of In –School 2016-17 Total Number of In-School Suspensions Suspensions Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____ 2015-16 Total Number of Students 2016-17 Total Number of Students Suspended In – Suspended In-School School Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____</p><p>16 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>2015-16 Total Number of Out-of-School 2016-17 Total Number of Out-of-School Suspensions Suspensions Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____ 2015-16 Total Number of Students 2016-17 Total Number of Students Suspended Out- Suspended Out- of- School of-School Goal (%/#):____ (%/#):____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>6F- Parent Involvement - Required for all schools. 2015-2016 Performance (%/#):_____ 2016-2017 Goal (%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>Proposed At-Risk Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy</p><p>17 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics</p><p>Area 7: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEAM) - Required for high schools and STEAM schools 7A. Goal Area: STEAM Goal narrative</p><p>Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>Proposed STEAM Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy</p><p>18 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Acceleration Success</p><p>Area 8: Career and Technical Education (CTE) THIS COMPONENT IS COVERED IN AREA 9, THEREFORE THIS SECTION IS NO LONGER APPLICABLE. </p><p>Area 9: Advanced Coursework and/or Industry Certification 9A. Required for middle and combination schools.</p><p>Required for high schools and combination schools. 9B. Goal Area: Percentage of 2016-2017 Acceleration Success Rate graduates who are eligible to earn Goal college credit through passing Advanced Placement, AP, IB or (%/#):_____ AICE exams; passing dual enrollment courses ; or earning industry certification.</p><p>2015-2016 Acceleration Success Rate (%/#):_____ Anticipated Barrier(s) Strategies to Overcome Barrier Person Monitoring Strategy Method of Monitoring Strategy</p><p>Proposed Acceleration Success Professional Development for 2016-2017 PD Follow-up Person Responsible Topic Facilitator Targeted Participants Proposed Dates Strategy</p><p>19 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan</p><p>Area 10A-10B: SB 850 Section- Required for schools with grades 6, 7 and/or 8.</p><p>20</p>
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