Minutes of the Meeting of Gresford Community Council Held at Gresford Trust Memorial Hall

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Minutes of the Meeting of Gresford Community Council Held at Gresford Trust Memorial Hall


Members Present Councillors A. Bailey, M Harriman, J Holmes, J. Dutton, M. Lloyd-Roberts, J. Jones, B Watson, B Blackmore, J. Hughes G. Frank-Keyes, M. J. Edwards Chair: Councillor S. Cleaver Clerk: Serena Baxter Apologies given and accepted: Councillors M. Lightwood J. Macdonald


645. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were reminded that they should declare the existence and nature of any personal and or prejudicial interest on the form provided for this purpose. 646. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr H. Jones sat and observed the meeting. 647. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES A minor addition was requested regarding detail concerning 7 Chester Road. Otherwise the Minutes of the Council meeting held on the 2nd February 2017 were agreed as a true record. (proposed by Councillor Lloyd Roberts and seconded by Councillor Holmes) 648. POLICE REPORT: PCSO Lisa Davies attended the meeting, and advised that in future she would be able to attend the meetings regularly. The crime report for the month of February was presented. This detailed incidents of burglary to 7 properties in Gresford, and other incidents including a robbery at the Spar, 2 Anti-Social behaviour incidents in Gresford, and Marford, criminal damage in Marford and shoplifting at the Co-op. PCSO Davies was asked in the light of the robbery whether local shops receive advanced warning of incidents having occurred elsewhere. Councillor Edwards enquired about the illegal parking on the road outside the Co-op, with the concern that it could cause an accident. Councillor Bailey enquired about double yellow lines being ignored on Narrow Lane. PCSO Davies said she would look into the matters reported and advise.

649. Virgin Media. A presentation was given by Paul Hartley Senior Project Manager (VM) and Michelle McQuigg Community Liaison officer. They gave an overview of the aims of Virgin Media to expand their operations over the next 5 years and explained the work currently being carried out in Gresford. Questions were raised about the Highway notifications, the size and location of Cabinets, and disruption to pavements. Virgin Media gave an undertaking that care is taken with locations, particularly in areas of Conservation, and to replace road markings and other street furniture.

650. MATTERS FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES i. Car Parking Rofft school- The Clerk advised on the current position as advised previously by WCBC. which is that the consultation process is awaited. ACTION: Clerk to continue to liaise with WCBC

ii. 7 Chester Road: The Clerk advised that Planning Department had responded since the last meeting outlining proposals to take the matter forward including a meeting with the landowner.

1 Councillor Blackmore advised of a meeting she had had with the Planning Department as a concerned resident. A discussion took place and it was resolved that the Chair, Councillors Bailey and Harriman as they had met previously with the Planning Department, would represent the views of the Council at the proposed meeting and the outcome would be considered at the April meeting. iii. Broken Bollard on parking area close to Allington Park: The Clerk advised that the bollard has now been installed. This item can be removed from future agendas iv. Tree by Texaco Garage: The Clerk advised that she has liaised with WCBC and clarified the exact location. There has been a change of personnel in the Highways team and this could be responsible for the delay. Clerk will continue to liaise with Highways over the matter until resolved.

651. COMMITTEES. Finance Committee i. Councillor Cleaver gave an update in the absence of the Chair Councillor Macdonald. The minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on the 20th February were presented to the Council and were noted. Councillor Cleaver outlined item 2 in the minutes and the reasons why this item had been raised. The need for confidentiality was discussed and members were reminded of the need for confidentiality during the period between the Committee meetings and Full Council as Committee is making recommendations only and Committee’s decision is not final. It was proposed that in future the discussion concerning Grant Applications shall be considered as a Part 2 item at Finance Committee. This was seconded by Councillor J. Jones. A vote was taken and all were in favour. AGREED: Future discussions concerning Grant Applications shall be held as Part 2 discussions. 652: High Street- Signage

The Clerk advised of her discussion with Mr Lloyd of WCBC. The two warning signs proposed near the School Lollipop crossing had been discussed with Wrexham Council’s Conservation Officer, who was insisting that the poles now be black coated. The poles are currently grey. A discussion took place about the need for this. Mr Lloyd is looking to see if they can simply be painted rather than replaced to reduce the cost. Otherwise the signs can be progressed but a full cost is awaited before proceeding. Councillor Bailey will discuss the matter with Wrexham Council’s Conservation Officer. It was suggested that she be invited to a future meeting to discuss the Conservation areas. ACTION: Councillor Bailey to have discussion with Conservation Officer. Clerk to extend invitation to attend a future meeting

653. Task and Finish Groups i. Allotments Task and Finish Group. The Allotments Task and Finish group has been formed and is due to meet on the 6th March. The Clerk reported that a letter has been sent to the University of Wales outlining the Council’s proposal. ii. Telephone kiosk Task and Finish Group. Councillor J Jones outlined the discussions that have taken place by the group, concerning how to progress the matter with BT if that was the wish of the Council, and the possible costs and options involved. A discussion took place concerning the possible installation and costs associated with a defibrillator, and it was clarified that these are usually situated on the outside of buildings, and there are other locations where these are currently being situated in the village. Following discussion, it was agreed that more will be done to seek the views of residents nearby before proceeding to adopt the box.

2 iii. Youth Working Group. Councillor Blackmore presented a letter from the Youth group being given out to all organisations inviting them on the 20th March to a review of youth provision and explain what they offer to young people. This will take place in the Church Hall and young people will also be invited. This has come to Council for approval to proceed because there may be a small cost involved. Approval was granted to proceed.

654. Internal Audit Review. The Clerk advised that Finance Committee had undertaken a review of the present arrangements concerning the commissioning of Internal Audit review. The recommendation from Finance Committee was to commission JDH Ltd to undertake this year’s internal Audit. Agreed: JDH Ltd be commissioned to undertake the internal audit for 2016-17. Clerk to action.

655. Revision to Grant Application procedure. Councillor Watson presented revised documents and explained proposed amendments to the current process that had been discussed by Finance Committee at their meeting on February 20th. A discussion took place about the wording and the definitions concerning Commercial Organisations and Social Enterprises. After clarification be made on the criteria it was proposed that One Voice Wales be asked for their views on the grant criteria proposed and that the Clerk and Councillor Watson liaise when the response has been received, and the matter be brought back to a future meeting. ACTION: Clerk to liaise with One Voice Wales. 656.Risk Assessment and Management Document 2017-18. The Clerk advised Council that this document is necessary each year as part of Financial Management. Finance Committee had considered it at their meeting on the 20th February and had recommended it be adopted. AGREED: The Council’s Risk Management document be adopted for 2017-18. 657. Annual Investment Strategy 2017-18. The Clerk advised Council that this document is necessary each year as part of Financial Management. Finance Committee had considered it at their meeting on the 20th February and had recommended it be adopted. AGREED: The Council’s Annual Investment Strategy document be adopted for 2017-18.

658. Appraisal Policy. The Chair advised of the document that had been developed for the purposes of conducting the staff appraisals. Each member of staff should have an appraisal once a year. The document had been considered by the Finance Committee at their meeting on the 20th February and had recommended the document be adopted. Councillor Jones suggested some minor amendments to a section of the document. AGREED: The Appraisal Document and process be adopted. 659. Archiving of previous Council Minutes. The Clerk advised of Community Council Minutes in her possession that went back to the 1960’s and 70’s. She had taken the advice of One Voice Wales concerning document retention and had approached Wrexham Council’s Archivist. AGREED: That any minutes from prior to ten years ago (2007) be lodged with Wrexham Council’s Archives department where they will become Public Record documents and retained indefinitely. ACTION: Clerk. 660. Information concerning forthcoming Council Elections. The Clerk circulated Election Packs for each member and a briefing note, following a briefing she had attended given by Wrexham Council’s electoral office. She highlighted the timetable for nominations. These were noted. 661.REPORTS i) Chair’s Report: The Chair did not report on this occasion.

3 ii) Wrexham County Borough Council: Councillor Bailey advised of a 2% increase in Council Tax. A new Officer Ian Roberts from Powys Council has been appointed to Head Lifelong Learning. The Council Plan has been adopted. iii) Gresford Trust: Councillor Dutton expressed thanks on behalf of the Trust for the Grant awarded towards refurbishment. A visit to the Trust is to take place from Lesley Griffiths AM. A party to celebrate the work of local volunteers was held funded by a grant received and this had gone well. The Trust’s AGM is pending. iv) IMAGE: Four new replacement tubs had been purchased and work to plant them up is due to take place. Damage had occurred to a tree previously it is proposed to plant shrubs instead of trees. Two of the tubs were funded with the underspend of the grant awarded by the council previously. v) Maes Y Pant: Councillor Edwards had previously circulated a report and highlighted that a new woodland adventure area is to be created. A Hog Roast is to be held on April 8th at 1.30pm. Councillor Dutton highlighted that several people had expressed concern at the way that trees have been felled. Councillor Watson stated that it is several conifers that have been felled. Councillor Edwards explained it is a long-term project to reintroduce native woodland. vi) Website: The Chair advised that the website had received 876 unique visitors in February. vii) Library: Councillor Jones advised that the average footfall has risen and presented a graph which indicated this. £317 had been made from a raffle towards Library funds.

662. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (AS AMENDED) i. P P/2017 / 2017/0071: - Single Storey extension to dwelling- Birman House, Chester Road, Gresford, Wrexham. Concern was raised by Members that the wall proposed would be directly on to Sandy Lane with little gap. Therefore, there is concern about the proximity of the extension as set out, on to Sandy Lane, and the possible over development of the size of the site. ACTION: The Clerk to pass on these concerns to Planning. ii. P/2017/0092: - Front Porch and Two Storey Side Extension- 11 Claypit Lane, Gresford. Councillors Blackmore and J Hughes declared interest in this item and left the room. There were no comments raised. iii.P/2017/0139: - Verge at corner of Chester Road and Pant Lane Marford. Application for prior notification of proposed development by a telecommunications operator for the installation of a 14 m high F Range Monopole Housing 6. No. antenna 3. No. equipment cabinets and ancillary works. Concern was raised by Members about the plethora of cabinets appearing in this location as it seems to be a popular site for Telecommunications poles, and a request whether cabinets could be sited out of sight behind the fence on the grounds of Marford Community Centre. ACTION: The Clerk to pass on these concerns to Planning. iv. P2017/0141: - 7 Church Green, Gresford. Crown raise a group of 3 No. birch trees (etc.), Dismantle and section fell No. Cherry tree within rear garden to ground level (etc.), Reduce selected neighbouring yew branches. (Within Gresford Conservation Area). No comments to make except that the advice of the Council’s Arboricultural Officer must be sought v. .P/2017/0016: - 13 Sandrock Road, Marford. Porch extension to Front and kitchen extension to rear. Councillor Edwards declared an interest and left the meeting for this item. There were no comments raised. vi. P/2017/0121: - Carthagena Villa, Vicarage Lane, Gresford. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 new bedroom house with detached garage. There were no comments raised.

4 vii .P/2017/0149 :- Trees on land adjacent to Gresford Memorial Hall High Street Gresford Wrexham: Councillors Holmes , Bailey and Dutton declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion. No comments made- the advice of the Council’s Arboricultural Officer must be sought.

663. FINANCE i. The Following items were approved for Payment: Date Payment to Cheque Reason Amount Number £ 2.3.17 North Wales Miner's Assoc. 202344 Award of Grant 200.00 2.3.17 Tenovus Cancer Care 202345 Award of Grant 100.00 2.3.17 Gresford Community Library 202346 Award of Grant 4400.00 2.3.17 Gresford Bowling Club 202347 Award of Grant 500.00 2.3.17 Gresford Recreation Club 202348 Award of Grant 475.00 2.3.17 Gresford Village Trust 202349 Award of Grant 500.00 2.3.17 Home-Start 202350 Award of Grant 165.00 2.3.17 Gresford Trust 202351 Award of Grant 3650.00 2.3.17 Gresford Athletic Football 202352 Award of Grant 500.00 Club 2.3.17 Gresford Pre-School 202353 Award of Grant 1000.00 Playgroup 2.3.17 1st Gresford Scouts 202354 Award of Grant 1630.00 2.3.17 Church House 202355 Award of Grant 598.00 2.3.17 Northalls ltd. 202356 Invoice for Bollard 312.00 installation 2.3.17 WCBC 202357 Quarterly 2192.16 Maintenance Street Lighting 2.3.17 WCBC 202358 Rechargeable Repairs 553.01 Street Lighting 2.3.17 WCBC 202359 Rechargeable Repairs 1640.08 Street Lighting 2.3.17 Scottish Power 202360 Lighting Supply 861.08 charges 2.3.17 Encore office systems 202361 Quarterly invoice for 39.60 printer 2.3.17 N. Route 202362 Grass Cutting 545.00 Cemetery January 2.3.17 N. Route 202363 Grass Cutting 545.00 Cemetery February 2.3.17 M Jones 202364 NJC Salary 2.3.17 S Baxter 202365 NJC Salary 2.3.17 HMRC 202366 Due payment monthly

ii. Membership of One Voice Wales. The Chair outlined the invitation received from One Voice Wales to continue with Membership at a cost of £760 for 2017-18. AGREED: To continue with membership of One Voice Wales. iii. The Clerk outlined the need to purchase 3 recommended publications to complete the CILCA but that these publications would be beneficial to the Council on an ongoing basis.

5 The estimated costs were £147. AGREED: Clerk to purchase necessary publications to cost outlined. 664. Member’s urgent announcements and requests for future meeting items. i. Councillor Lloyd Roberts highlighted a need for bike stands near to the shops that had been raised, to benefit the trade due to passing cyclists. Councillor Blackmore said it had been discussed previously. It was agreed to pass the matter to General Amenities Committee for consideration and location. ii. Councillor Watson highlighted issues resulting from the non-emptying of the waste bins, and the involvement of North Wales Wildlife Trust. Action. Clerk to write a letter to North Wales Wildlife Trust highlighting concerns. 665. ITEMS OF CORRESPONDENCE Items of Correspondence were tabled in a report from the Clerk, as received by the Council for the month of February, and these were noted.

666. DATE, VENUE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING. AGREED: The next meeting to be held on the 6th April 2017 at 7.15 pm at the Gresford Methodist Church Hall.


CHAIR ...... Date......


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