Aba of England Limited Board Meeting

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Aba of England Limited Board Meeting


I = Information D= Decision A= Action Item 1 Present

K. Walters (Chairman), P. King (Chief Executive), D. McElhinney (Finance Director), S. Rush, T. Goreham, A.D. Lynch, R. Scott, B. Jones, J. Atkinson. .

Item 2 Apologies

M. Gannon, D. Cockell, C. Andrews, P. Joy, S. Kemp.

Item 3 Company Secretary Reports

3.1 Formal Resolution to the Board re. Ball Inn

A report regarding the formal resolution to the ABAE Board regarding the sale of investments D was distributed following discussion It was unanimously agreed to formally confirm the transfer of investments to meet the purchase of the new ABAE property (The Ball Inn, Darnall, Sheffield).

3.2 Formal Resolution of the Board re. the purchase of the Ball Inn

This was submitted and agreed in person by the Board following an electronic vote (as allowed and agreed by the Articles of Association) to D purchase the property on behalf of the ABAE under the new ABAE Properties Limited Company. Supported unanimously. Item 4 Minutes of the last meeting (21 September 2007)

These were accepted as a true and correct record. Proposed D. Mc, Seconded KW, supported D unanimously.

Item 5 ABAE Actions Log

5.1 The current status position of the ongoing issues and work outcomes were distributed.

5.2 Audit Action Log

The current AHL audit actions have been completed by ABAE and would form part of the I forthcoming AHL Audit on behalf of Sport England.

5.3 UK Sport Funding Triggers

From an ABAE perspective the current RAG status report is green and completed points I 1 – 10

5.4 UK Sport (UKS) funding triggers 2 are complete however ABAE awaits quarterly up front payments from UKS to ensure pro-active planning and management of budgets to assist I the production of robust cash flow forecast, debtor and creditor reports to fall out of this information.

Item 6 England Team Managers Reports

6.1 Golden Gloves Tournament Minnesota USA 16/17 November 2007

6.2 European Schoolboy Championships 3 – 8 September 2007

6.3 European Championships Women I Denmark 14 – 20 October 2007

6.4 World Cadet Boxing Championships 28 – 29 September 2007

6.5 Minutes of the ABA Regional Coaches Seminar 20 – 22 September 2007 6.6 Team Manager Report England vs Canada 21 – 28 October 2007

6.7 Team Manager Report Young England vs Young Germany 29 Nov – 2 Dec 2007

6.8 Team Manager Report England vs Ireland Schoolbys 30 Nov – 1 Dec 2007

All of these reports were taken en bloc and M. Gannon who unfortunately could not attend due to previous holiday commitments was thanked for the amount of work he had I achieved and the splendid successes gained from all age groups of both male and female England National Teams.

6.9 The Board made a unanimous decision to continue with the Team Managers selection process and these would be advertised in February 2008 with 4 – 6 individuals to become D part time members of the England Team Managers Panel for the forthcoming season. These individuals may not currently be on the Team managers list but could potentially come from other areas within the sport who offer a high standard of organisation/administration and management skills.

Item 7 PMG Minutes / Reports

7.1 PMG Minutes / Report 17 September 2007

The report was submitted to the Board and was accepted as an outline document however a number of reservations were made concerning I some of the reporting process and this would be alluded to for the next PMG Meeting.

7.2 World Class Plan 2007/2009

This was also submitted to the meeting and was seen as a 1st draft which would certainly need to be embellished going forward, but it was I perceived as being a benchmark which could be considerably improved in the long term. Item 8 Chief Executive Reports

8.1 Database Report

PK gave a complete overview of the current database and was delighted to inform the meeting that the current membership had exceeded last year’s levels for the same third I quarter period by some 2,000 or so extra members. The membership base was improving and multiplying month by month and the Regional Registrars were thanked for their work and effort regarding this development. The Regional Registrars next monthly payment will be made in April 2008 and every 6 months thereafter.

8.2 Website Statistics

This report referred to the quarter September to November 2007. PK indicated for the same 6 month period last year. The difference has I seen an increase from 1.1 million visits to over 1.750 million visits. This was a large increase and certainly showed the prominence and profile that the ABAE website now delivers for our members and the sport in general in terms of communication.

8.3 Accreditation

PK was pleased to congratulate BJ who had carried out a great deal of work in the “Committed 2 Equality Accreditation” process which had been gained with a “Gold” standard level being reached at the first attempt of submission. This was an exceptional “first” for amateur boxing as no other sport currently carried this “Committed 2 Equality Accreditation” recognition.

8.4 Customer Charter

This piece of work was developed and would D be delivered and agreed by the Board. 8.5 Profit and Loss for the Commonwealth /8.6 Federation and European Schoolboy Championships

Profit and Loss Accounts were produced and agreed having delivered a profit and loss reconciliation for the two events which D was below the expected subsidies. Everybody involved with these magnificent Tournaments and superb successes were thanked for their efforts.

8.7 ISO 9001 Accreditation

A report was submitted to the ABAE Board regarding ISO 9001 which was to establish the ABAE’s commitment towards achieving certification and quality management standards which are recognised throughout the business world. ISO 9001 would deliver a quality management system, quality management responsibility, resource management, product realisation and measurement and analysis plus improvement in the long term.

It would also offer the ABAE an opportunity to adopt the following actions:

i) Define why the ABAE organisation is in business ii) determine the key processes and state what the ABAE do iii) establish how these processes work within the business determine who owns these processes iv) agree these processes throughout the organisation.

This is a stringent piece of work which will require core procedures being adopted whilst also ensuring quality assurance procedures are also adhered to. It was agreed an external consultant will work with the ABAE around the D documentation and control required in order to meet the standards at the levels required to accrue this very important accreditation. The appointment and payment level was agreed by the Board unanimously. 8.8 PK gave an overview of the recent AHL Audit which had been conducted on behalf of Sport England through the ABAE office for two days and a great deal of preparatory work was delivered with help from external sources which certainly complimented the quality and quantity of the improvements which have been made and delivered throughout the last 12 months. We await the formal report being submitted to Sport England and this will be shared with the ABAE Board when discussions have taken place concerning the content and outcomes.

8.9 Safety Update

The ABAE Board and Council had ratified the opportunity to develop a Safety and Harm Research Programme around equipment and data collection which, will also hopefully be jointly supported by AIBA and a financial commitment from the World Governing Body will possibly be made and signed up to in January 2008 when ABAE provide an I opportunity for AIBA to also adopt a database similar to the ABAE current system throughout the world.

This will be a magnificent opportunity for ABAE to share “Best Practice” with the World Governing Body and also to many other nations around the world who may wish to adopt the same sort of quality management of information. Report to follow after the ABAE and AIBA meeting on Friday 11 January 2008 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

8.10 EABA Update

EABA currently according to the potential new AIBA Constitution and Articles of Association will no longer be recognised as the European Body responsible for amateur boxing this will be I adopted by a new group which will be termed The European Confederation of Amateur Boxing which in the initial stages will be formed out of the AIBA European Bureau and also the current European Executive. Updated to follow after the AIBA Executive Meeting in Busan, Korea in February 2008. 8.11 AIBA Update

AIBA had recently called an extraordinary meeting to adopt the various new modernisation proposals and Articles of Association. This meeting took place in Chicago before the recent Senior World Championships and the modernisation process and proposed articles were accepted unanimously bar 1 or 2 abstentions and these would formally be adopted in terms of process and application following the next Executive Meeting of AIBA in Busan, Korea during February 2008.

The intended amendments regarding delivery of the sport concerning

 duration of rounds,  potential removal of head guards I  potential removal of singlets This was to be researched and discussed at greater length following an in-depth research measurement and data collection programme which would provide the sport with substantial, relevant and justifiable information. It was felt that this would take 2 – 4 years to compile and ABAE would play a major part within this research and data collection project. Item 9 Financial and Legal Reports

9.1 Financial Report for October 2007/2008

A full report was produced for the Board by the Financial Director D.Mc indicating a number of positive outcomes but also indicating two weak points which are the current concerns remaining around outstanding amounts due from Associations which need to be paid forthwith and also the insufficient funds being provided upfront in terms of the UK Sport GB Boxing Programmes. It was indicated the income targets are broadly in line with Sport England grant and affiliation fees however commercial income needs driving upwards and the income for October 2008 was down mainly due to monies owed by UK Sport and Sport England the year to date income stood at a reasonable figure but down on budget by a marginal amount, It was agreed unanimously by the Board unless funding was paid up front from UK Sport then from November onwards all invoices and expenses will remain unpaid until funds are received. The GB Programme Manager M. Archibald is advised on a monthly basis of the financial situation and alerted when funds run low as the programme is exceeding expenditure against income at this moment in time.

However the Amateur Boxing Association of England accounts income and expenditure in terms of balance sheet reporting was D reasonably healthy and the Financial Director D.Mc was thanked for his efficient and clear reporting. Report submitted and accepted unanimously by the Board.

9.2 Management of Risk

A full Management of Risk document (9.2) report was submitted and accepted unanimously and this submission was also adopted and submitted for the recent AHL Report. Completed Risk Register for ABAE D 2007/2008 was a very robust template and clearly identified were impacts likelihoods and risk priorities lie for the sport in the near, medium and long term future. This would be reviewed as a consequence going forward.

9.3 Insurance Renewal

D.Mc submitted the report. This report set out the renewal of the Amateur Boxing Association of England Insurance for the period 1st November 2007 – 31 October 2008 covering all aspects of the ABAE. It was unanimously agreed to re-appoint Hendersons Insurance D Brokers as our insurance provider for the period highlighted above. It was clear a tendering exercise was undertaken in 2005/6 and 2006/7 on these two occasions the first time ever and consequently a soft market testing exercise was undertaken for 2006/7 to match or meet the price leading sports insurers had failed to do so and as a consequence the Board supported the re-engagement of Hendersons. D.Mc had also made provision to cover the buildings insurance for the Ball Inn which was now the new ABAE property. Hendersons have thankfully also signed up as an official supplier for £2,000 per annum to the ABAE as recognition of our partnership and they were thanked sincerely for this support. All clubs to receive a register of insurance to copy and display in their club facilities.

9.4 Report to the ABA of England Board concerning the Boxing Tutor Courses

A number of these courses had taken place throughout 2007 and due to the relocation of the ABAE and no full time support in terms of Membership Officer capacity then administration had clearly been under some strain. However due to the new Sport England D funding towards a Club Coach Membership Officer this new task would be ring fenced within the duties of this post. It was ratified that the papers attached for the Boxing Tutor Course in terms of compilation and reconciliation would be adopted and adhered to in the future for any courses to take place. This was supported unanimously.

9.5 Company Restructuring Progress

Following the recent Board and Council decisions to restructure the company under ABAE (total ownership) this wholly owned company with the four ancillary companies within this umbrella were as follows:

ABAE Properties ABAE Investments D ABAE Commercial ABAE Sports Agency

Once again the Board was satisfied that the VAT taxable and financial advice recently given through Clark Wilmott and our auditors Ormrod Rutter would serve the sport well in the future. D.Mc was thanked for carrying out this consultation and the Board fully supported this new company structure as per previous papers.

The following Directors were nominated and accepted unanimously by the Board as the constituent ABAE representatives of the new ABAE umbrella companies:

ABAE Sports Agency – P. King, K. Walters, D. McElhinney, A.D. Lynch.

ABAE Commercial – P. King, K. Walters. D. McElhinney, Simon Kemp.

ABAE Properties – P. King, K. Walters, D. McElhinney, E. Hoyland.

ABAE Investments – P. King, K. Walters, D. McElhinney, T. Goreham.

9.6 Resolution in Working Capital

The Working Capital Paper Resolution submitted to the Board was agreed to transfer funds to the following subsidiary companies for the purpose of working capital.

i) £50,000 to ABAE Sports Agency Ltd D ii) £50,000 to ABAE Property Ltd iii) £25,000 to ABAE Commercial Ltd

This was fully endorsed and supported by the Board unanimously.

9.7 Resolution Delegation

Resolution of the ABAE Board of Delegation of Powers adopted on 10 December 2007 the Board agreed to delegate to the Chief D Executive and the Director of Finance the powers to transfer further working capital as appropriate to a maximum of £50,000 on any one occasion within any (3) month period endorsed and supported unanimously by the Board.

9.8 Resolution Investment Holding

Resolution to the Board of the ABAE and investment holding agreed on 10 December 2007 the Board of the ABAE agreed to the transfer of its investments to its subsidiary D company ABAE Investments Ltd., this was endorsed and supported unanimously by the Board. 9.9 Legal Update - Welsh Amateur Boxing Federation

The current situation was that the costs and drafts of charges had been placed against the members of the former WABF who had previously taken the ABAE to court concerning recognition and registration. The courts and I the ownership searches had found that four properties were owned by members of the former plaintiffs (WABF) against ABAE. It was envisaged that throughout the month of January they would be formally informed of the potential charge being lodged against these properties and we await a response and court dates. D.Mc. was thanked for his work in this particular area.

9.10 Central Social Recreational Trust

The Charities Commission had written back to ABAE indicating that the ABAE had not been recognised or involved in the changes of Trust in terms of deeds, aims and objectives and also trustees positions in the past. ABAE to I respond following this information to the CSRT we await further information.

9.11 A purported member of ABAE from within Southern Counties was currently seeking damages following an accident this incident was being completely and thoroughly investigated and would be reported on at a I later stage.

9.12 Mr. Edmonds

The situation which fell out of a team visit to France some three years ago was still ongoing. However Mr. Edmonds had sought a judicial review and in company law ABAE could not be subject to this process. Therefore an appeal date has been offered and set which I will be based around a strict legal appeal with full terms of structure and a report submitted at a later stage. 9.13 VAT Audit Letter

ABAE had recently undertaken a two day VAT Audit by HM Customs and Excise which had identified an underpayment by ABAE. However previous financial provision within this financial year had been made and this I amount had fallen within the accrual made regarding this potential risk. The Board were satisfied with the management of this particular issue.

Item 10 Commercial Reports


Item 11 Commission / Boxing Directors Reports

11.1 A report and minutes were submitted from the recent EABA Womens Boxing Commission Meeting held in Denmark 19/10/07 from ABAE Delegate Terry Kelly. These were accepted.

11.2 Minutes of the meeting for the Female I Commission which, took place on Tuesday 13 November 07 were also submitted which highlighted a number of factors concerning the dates of Championships and organisational commitments of 2008 and also reported on I some excellent international outcomes during 2007 for England’s female boxers.

11.3 Minutes of the Referees and Judges Commission were also produced and these were discussed and a number Major Panel Appointments had been made for forthcoming international events in 2008 for all age groups both male and female. It was also indicated that AIBA had now confirmed W. Phillips (London ABA) was the GB Referee and Judge selected for the forthcoming Beijing Olympics of 2008 following his excellent performance at the recent World Championships in Chicago was congratulated on his achievement. 11.4 Minutes of the Medical Registrars Commission

The meeting took place on Sunday 2 December 2007 and discussions had taken place concerning the Recreational and Associate Membership Schemes whilst also taking into account the new Boxing Tutor qualifications. One issue falling out of the Medical Registrars was the up to date information concerning the current D construction of a match making service based upon the ABAE Database and website which would be a requirement of affiliation for each and every amateur boxing club to fulfil these expectations. Each club would be given a unique reference number to complete their information to ensure their boxers were adequately offered the opportunity of competition and protection.

It was also highlighted that a one bill system would be in place through BT now for future Regional Registrars Broadband provision. This would be paid by direct debit and would clarify any payment processes in the future.

Item 12 Child Protection and Equity Reports

12.1 BJ Offered up a refreshed version of the ABAE Discipline and Appeals Procedure. I This was accepted unanimously and to be re- posted in the ABAE website.

12.2 Wolverhampton ABC

It was indicated a number of situations have occurred at Wolverhampton ABC (WABC) which had alerted both the local Police and Social Services this situation was currently being assessed, with the support of the Midlands Regional Secretary and a local club who were assisting in relocating members. The club (WABC) had now been disaffiliated from ABAE and the members be they coaches, officials or volunteers have been offered the opportunity to relocate and the individuals concerned with the Police and Social Services investigation had also had their registrations I removed and rejected pending the outcome of the current investigations concerning their part

within the subject matter. Report to be completed at a later stage.

12.3 CRB Disclosures Notification of CRB Expiry

After a lengthy discussion it was indicated that due to the 3 year roll on period for the first renewals had created a back log both for amateur boxing and a great deal of other sports who had some three years ago initially launched the CRB Disclosure Notification I Process. Individuals to be guided to submit their applications at an earlier stage to ensure no crossover or period of delay in being re- approved.

12.4 Offences of Disqualified Driving

It was unanimously supported by the Board that any individual registered with the ABAE should inform their club of a recent disqualification of driving as soon as it occurs to ensure clubs and their committees are aware of their liabilities and commitment to Child Protection.

12.5 Appeals Regarding Expulsion

It was agreed that all appeals regarding Expulsion will where possible be delivered D within a 28 – 31 day period to ensure a concise time span and appeal procedures

However those persons excluded by adverse CRB disclosure this appeal period may will take upto a time limit of 6 months.

12.6 Disability

ABAE now have Disability Champions who were working for and on behalf of ABAE and had attended some recent Sport England and Sport England Disability Forums.

12.7 Equity Trained Interviews Currently ABAE has three of these individuals PK, D.Mc, and BJ. Other Council and Board members would be offered the opportunity to engage on this one day course in the near future.

12.8 Anti Doping

ABAE had now formally signed along with Welsh ABA and Amateur Boxing Scotland to the UK Sport Anti Doping Policy and I Procedures. This had met one of the funding triggers which had slowed up the UK Sport GB Funding from being front loaded.

12.9 Team Managers Course

BJ gave a verbal update concerning the outline of the course this is currently under construction and would be a very robust Team Managers Education process which other I sports and even Sport England have been interested in adopting the templates in the future.

Item 13 UK Coaching Certificate and National Coaching Framework

J. Atkinson gave an overview of the current work he was committed to on behalf of ABAE regarding the Level 1 and Level 2 modules for the new Coach Education Programme to be adopted through UKCC and Sports Coach UK. D

The perennial problem had been a lack of enthusiasm or drive from ABS in completing some of the information requests which have been required however Wales are now on their way to fulfilling this criteria.

PK to contact ABS to ensure this does not occur in the future. The processes and modules were being fleshed out at this moment in time and a forthcoming Regional Coaches Seminar will sign off the levels 1 and 2 before submission to Sports Coach UK for accreditation. This new invigorated Coach Education Programme delivered in a recognisable, modern and contemporary fashion will enhance the sports delivery and the quality of the National Coach Education Programme and outcomes in the future.

PK and JA also suggested a new DVD for a complete Coach Education package was under discussion for early in February 2008 to be

rolled out as soon as possible which would be integral within the Coach Education materials for the future in terms of an Aide Memoir (dvd) and written materials such as comparable booklets which had been produced for the Boxing Tutors Award which was deemed to be very successful and informative. All future courses would have a robust administrative and information source package to ensure a high profile and worthwhile Coach Education Programme and Accreditation system was in place valuing and educating our volunteers.

Item 14 Any Other Business

14.1 It was raised by D.Mc that it was evident some of our England Internationals needed some instant media interview support in terms of delivery and presentation concerning the answers and projections they have recently given following the tremendous success out of the World Championships. With this success in mind the Board, the Council and all within the ABAE praise the performances of Frankie Gavin (World Lightweight Champion Chicago 2007), Bradley Saunders (World Bronze Medallist Chicago 2007), Joe Murray (World Bronze Medallist Chicago 2007),

Tony Jeffries (Olympic Games Qualifier Chicago 2007). Their performances were exemplary whilst representing their country, club and city and their families in such an honourable and dedicated fashion. The medallists were to receive recognition from the ABAE Board which was agreed to be sent in the near future.

The meeting closed 5.30pm with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

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