Paul S Epistle to the Roman Church

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Paul S Epistle to the Roman Church

Paul’s Epistle to the Roman Church by, Rev. Eric Alan Greene 1:1-15 Paul is separated to God’s gospel, which He promised in the Scriptures before the coming of Christ, who is the seed of David (v.1-3) (See Rom 15:8) God has now fulfilled the promises through Christ’s death & resurrection. (v.4) God, through Christ, has now given apostleship and grace to Paul and his men, “for obedience to the faith among the nations”(v.5-7) (See Rom.6:16-17; 16:19,26) Paul’s thanksgiving and desire to visit the church in Rome (v.8-15) Paul’s Gospel Summary 1:16-17 The gospel reveals God’s righteousness: As God has promised (see v.2), through His power (v.16), He has accomplished redemption through Christ. Thus, God is righteous to fulfill His covenant promise. This gospel has come “from faith”, or from God’s faithfulness. This gospel is given “to faith”, or to those called for obedience to the faith. As the Scripture has taught and anticipated: “The just shall live by faith” Hab.2:4

God’s Impartial Future Judgment & The Work of God’s Spirit During the Old Covenant Era

1: 18 – 32 2:1-16 2: 17-24 2:25-29 God’s wrath is revealed God will judge Jews & Gentiles impartially. Jews violate the very Law they live Having continued the condemnation of Isaiah against all wickedness. They v.6) Paul quotes Ps.62:12 & Pr.24:12 which both under, which has led to Gentile and Ezekiel in verse 24, Paul will now point out all deserved the “righteous anticipated God’s final reckoning Day. Ps. 62:12 blasphemy throughout history. God’s spiritual work among the Gentiles, judgment”, or verdict of expected mercy. Pr. 24:12 trusted in “He who Paul significantly quotes Is.52:5 & especially since the return from Babylonian death. Contrast this to 8:4 keeps your soul.” Ez.36:20 in verse 24. exile. (See Ez.36:23; 39:21-29) where the righteous verdict of life that the Law desires is Believing Jews and God-fearing Gentiles during Both of these quoted passages come Jeremiah 31, Isaiah 52, Ezekiel 36 all had a fulfilled in us. the Old Covenant era were all “doers” of the Law from a context of God promising to partial immediate fulfilling of their promises of Moses. Their good works evidenced their faith. renew the nation of Israel. The Isaiah during the Restoration era. Yet, that era still Thus they will be justified on the Day of Judgment. passage is a prelude to the Suffering anticipated the New Covenant work of Christ. Servant. The Ezekiel passage is a For Paul this is “according to my gospel”… (v.16) prelude to the Spirit’s work of With an immediate and partial fulfilling of the 1. Because that future justification will vindicate resurrection. prophets’ promises, the Spirit worked a great all the evidential fruits of their faith. renewal within the empires (Dan.7:2), even 2. Since Christ, the Goal of the Law (10:4), has Verses 17-24 echoes the era of bringing more God-fearing Gentiles to saving now accomplished justification, they will be Israel’s apostasy when they did steal, faith. They were “in the Spirit.” (v.29) justified on that Day. commit adultery, and rob temples. 3. Their future justification is secure because By quoting Isaiah and Ezekiel he is The God-fearing Gentile during the Old “The Law” they “did” always anticipated the continuing the prophets’ Covenant era “keeps” and “fulfills” that Old Cov. work of Christ. Thus, their doing of condemnation upon his Jewish Law through the Spirit. This type of keeping & the Old Covenant Law was never a work of hearers. This implies that the fulfilling of the Law is not a sinless perfection, self-righteousness, nor self-salvation. It was Restoration renewal after Babylonian but the life of the Spirit yielding fruitful evidence the way of life under the Tutor. (Gal.3:24) exile did not ultimately remove the of faith. [Nicodemus, being a teacher in Israel, nation’s guilt. This helps to set up should have known these ‘earthly things’ in John Their “accusing or excusing thoughts” is the same Paul’s point in 3:25. 3:1-12] as when our hearts now condemn us, or do not The Spirit’s work during this time anticipated condemn us, in I John 3:20-21. (compare Pr. 24:12) His work in the New Covenant era. Rom.8:1-11 Observation: 1. Chapter 2 speaks of Old Covenant believers who “do”, “keep”, and “fulfill” the Law. (v.16,26,27) Same will be said about the New Covenant people. (3:31; 8:4,7; 13:8) 2. The fact that Paul never uses the word “faith” in chapter 2, may be more evidence that he is speaking about Old Covenant believers. Their good works were certainly evidence of their faith. Most likely Paul reserves the word “faith” to speak about the New Covenant people, Abraham to whom it was promised, and Christ who accomplished it. 3:27;4:13,14

Without Justification Being Accomplished, Then Condemnation Would Be Due Upon All People 3:1 – 8 3:9-20 If Gentiles keep the Law what good is it to be a Jew? Before Christ came Jews and Gentiles were “all under sin”. (v.9) If the Jews failed to have faith in the Messiah, will Paul quotes passages from Eccl. 7:20; Ps.14:1-3; Ps.5:10, 139:4, 10:7; Is.59:7; Pr.1:16; Ps.35:2 that forbid God’s faithfulness? No! Paul is slandered because many twist his words, Even more problematic, is that the Jews were “under the Law”, which can not justify a person. (v.19) saying the unrighteous of Israel demonstrates the Since the Law itself never accomplished justification, it only served to point out sin. righteousness of God. ** The Old Covenant “doers of the Law” in 2:13 will not be justified on the Last Day based on the “deeds of the Law”. 3:20 emphasizes this critical point. They will be justified on the Last Day because of what Christ accomplished for them, apart from that Law. Since that Old Law anticipated Jesus’ work, Paul affirms that those who evidenced their faith with good works, they will be justified “according to my gospel.” (2:16)

** Up to this point in Romans justification has not been accomplished. Without the arrival of the Law’s Goal, the Law only magnifies sin. (v.20) The Law Tutor, through the Spirit, always anticipated the accomplishment of justification.

The Work of God’s Son Demonstrates God’s Righteousness Justification Accomplished, New Covenant People Constituted 3:21-26 3:27 – 31 “But now” God has accomplished justification. The “Law of works” before Christ is a contrast to the “Law of faith” after Christ. (v.27) “Without the Law” God has accomplished justification. The “Law of faith” refers both to Jesus’ faithfulness to the cross and our faith in Him. “The righteousness of God” has been manifested through Jesus’ work. Believers are now justified only through Christ’s work; apart from the Old Law. Through Jesus’ faithful work, God has accomplished redemption. (v.24) Justification is now for Jews and Gentiles, through this new “Law of faith”. Wrath is satisfied and justification is now accessible to all through faith. This new “Law of faith” actually “establishes” what the Old Covenant Law intended. (v.31) By fulfilling His promises, punishing sin, bringing redemption, and justifying sinners, God has demonstrated His personal righteousness (v.25,26)

By Faith: Inheritance Is Obtained Justification Was Received By Faith By Faith: Righteousness Is Reckoned Justification Has Present Benefits 4:1 – 12 4:13 – 25 5:1 – 11 Abraham was accounted righteous by faith. God promised to give Abraham and his seed the world In the present time we have God’s peace, hope, Uncircumcised Abe was justified, and thus ungodly to Jews. as an inheritance through the righteousness of faith. and love. Nevertheless, Abraham was declared righteous just like God’s promise to Abraham included the justification In the future we “shall be saved” having now been God-fearing Gentiles, without doing any that God would give His descendants. justified by God and reconciled to God. (v.9,10) works of the Old Covenant Law, nor circumcision. Abraham’s children (Jew or Gentile) are now justified Abraham received God’s justification before circumcision, through faith in Christ, for God has fulfilled His therefore Gentiles have, and do, receive the same promises through Jesus’ work of death and declaration through faith. resurrection. Christ’s Justification Conquers Adam’s Condemnation 5:12 – 8: 39

In Adam: The reign of Sin and Death gave In Christ: The reign of Grace and Life gives justification condemnation 5: 17 – 21 5: 12 – 20a

The Old Law entered, only increasing the Grace Abounding & Renewing Grace’s Conquest & Consummation strength of sin and the sting of death. 6:1 – 8:11 8:12 – 39 The Old Law could not bring life, nor save Israel Though sin abounded in the death of Christ, 1. Our Adoption: (v.12 – 17) or creation from condemnation. “grace abounded much more”. (5:20) - The Holy Spirit bears witness that we are sons of God. Chapter 6: New Exodus and New Baptism - We are heirs of God with Christ. “The Law entered that the offense might abound…” - We’re baptized into Christ, not Moses - Adam’s offense led to the “many offenses” (5:16) - We’re not under the Old Law, nor sin’s power, as 2. Creation’s Hope: (v.18 – 22) throughout Israel’s history. God’s people were before Christ. - Creation has an earnest - Their sin “abounded” in the killing of Christ. (5:20) (contrary to 3:9-18) expectation for the revealing of - Christ suffered the full tyranny of Sin and Death’s - Justification has given us righteousness, the sons of God. (v.19) condemnation. producing holiness, and the end, eternal life. - Creation will have an exodus from its bondage to corruption. (v.21) Chapter 7: The old Sinai Law has died in Christ. - Though the Old Law promised life, it only 3. Our Hope: (v. 23 – 27) brought death. - We look for the resurrection (v.23) - “Oldness of the letter” died with Jesus. (7:6) - The Spirit intercedes for us. (v.26) - The old Israel, “I”, died to the Law that the renewed Israel would be married to Christ. 4. Our Glorification: (v.28 – 30) (7:7-25 explains 7:4) - We will be glorified like Christ. (v.17,18,30) Chapter 8: A new Law of life, is raised in Christ. - The glory that God has predestined - Now, no condemnation for those in Christ. for us will come to pass. - In Christ’s death and resurrection the new “Law of the Spirit of life” frees believing Jews from the 5. God’s Salvation: (v.31 – 34) old “Law of sin and death”. (8:4) - None shall have a charge against us. - The Law’s righteous verdict of life is now - None shall condemn us. fulfilled in us. (8:4 is contrary to Rom.1:32) - By the Holy Spirit we “submit to the Law of God”. 6. God’s Love: (v.35 – 39) Paul’s earlier comments about the Old Covenant - Nothing separates us from God’s people doing, keeping, and fulfilling the Law in love in Christ (v. 35,37,39) chapter 2, are now applicable to the New Covenant people, who are now “in the Spirit.” 7. God’s People Conquer: (v.37) - In all our sufferings we conquer the Key Observation: Chapters 6-8 are simply the full blossom and details of what 5:20-21 contain in seed-form: world, through Christ (v.37) “…so that grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Chapters 6-8 explain the manifold and cosmic application of the justification that Jesus accomplished. Presently, justification frees us from God in His righteousness conquers, as God sin’s power. (ch.6) Historically, justification frees us from Moses’ Law, which merely magnified Adam’s condemnation (ch.7) promised, and as the gospel reveals. In the future, the full effect of justification will be applied at the final resurrection, when all creation will be “delivered from the bondage of corruption” (8:21) Romans 5 – 8 explains God’s victory in accomplishing and applying the full effect of justification. This is the outworking of grace’s reign through Jesus’ righteousness.

God’s Elect Remnant & God’s Fulfillment of the Old Covenant Law Romans 9 – 10:13 Chapter 9 Chapter 10:1 - 13 A. The History and Continuation of God’s Remnant People v.1-29 The Law’s Anticipation and Fulfillment v. 1-13 1. Israel’s Ignorance and Insufficiency: (1-3) History of Israel’s blessings and Paul’s sorrow (1-5) Israel, by rejecting Christ, is willfully ignorant of God’s righteousness History of God’s covenantal election within Israel (6-13) manifested in Christ. They do not know how God has fulfilled His covenant - God was free to choose His covenant people from inside Abraham’s seed. promises, having now accomplished the anticipated justification. - Isaac, not Ishmael (Gen.21:12,18:10,14)); Jacob, not Esau (Gen25:23,Mal.1:2,3) By “seeking to establish their own righteousness” in the Law, they’ve rejected God is righteous in hardening & having mercy (14-24) the Law’s anticipated Goal. Thus, their own outdated righteousness is a - God is free, even now, to choose His new covenant people from inside or wicked contrast to God’s righteousness/justification that we have in Christ. outside Israel’s race. (Ex.33:19, 9:16) 2. The Law’s “Goal” is “God’s Righteousness”: (v.4) Prophets foretold of God calling Gentiles into the new covenant and preserving a The work of Christ /God’s righteousness is the Law’s goal and fulfillment. remnant of Jews. Whoever now believes in Christ, God reckons them as “righteous”, since - Hosea 2:23,1:10 prophesied that Gentiles would be included. (25-26) they are in Christ. - Isaiah 10:22,23, 1:9 prophesied that a Jewish remnant would be preserved. (27-29) 3. The Law is reached by the “righteousness of Faith”(5-9) i . The Law’s Past Promise and Inability (v.5) B. Ironic Results: Called Gentiles now attain to, or arrived at, “ the Law of Moses rightly wrote about the “righteousness which is of the Law” (see 9:31) righteousness” through “ the righteousness of Faith” v.30-33 which promised life by doing the Law. “The man who does those things shall live by them” (Lev.18:5) describes this Called Gentiles now have righteousness, which is identified as the “righteousness righteousness of the Law. Yet, nevertheless it was under the era of of Faith” (30) condemnation, and thus unable to grant the righteousness and life it Israel pursued “the Law of righteousness”, yet did not reach, or arrive at, the Law.(31) promised. (see 7:10) Israel thought the righteousness of the Law was attained, or reached, through the Law’s works; wrong! ii. The Law is fulfilled in the “righteousness of Faith” (v.6-9) The “Stumbling Stone” for Jews (Is.8:14,28:16), was the Person through Whom the Christ is and established the “righteousness of Faith” which the “righteousness Law’s righteousness was achieved. In Him, Gentile’s “attain to righteousness.” of Law” anticipated. Only in “the righteousness of Faith” through Christ is the “righteousness of the Summary & Transition: Law” attained to and received by us. (10:5-9 explains 9:30-31) Israel’s “Stumbling Stone” was the rightful means of attaining the “the Law of Paul quotes from the Law (Dt.9:4; 30:12,13,14) to show that the Law anticipated righteousness”, which will now be identified as the Law’s “Goal” (10:4). this new work of God through Christ. (3:21) The “Stumbling Stone”, the Law’s “Goal”, has now established “the righteousness of Faith”, which is how believers attain even to the “Law of righteousness.”(cf. v.31) iii. The Invitation for this righteousness (v.10-13) Whoever believes in Christ now has this “righteousness of Faith” which the Compare Rom.9:30-10:6 with II Cor. 3:7-18. The little “glory” in Moses’ Law was the “righteousness of the Law” always desired and needed to give its intended “righteousness which is of the Law.” As the old glory needed the new and better glory, verdict of life. (10:4-13 explains 8:4) (Is. 28:16 & Joel 2:32 continue their call) so also the old “righteousness of Law” anticipated the “righteousness of Faith.” The details of going “from glory to glory” (II Cor.3:7-18), from Moses to Christ, are explained here in Rom.10:5-9. Key Observations: The “righteousness of Faith” refers both to Christ’s work for us (10:5), and our faith in Him (9:30). Through this “faith” God promised to Abraham and his seed, the world. (4:13) The “righteousness which is of the Law” (10:5), or “the Law of righteousness” (9:30-31) refers to the good anticipation of how the Law desired life and righteousness only to be accomplished in Christ. The Law could never give this glory, nor its own promises, not during its time nor within its power. (3:21) (Phil.3:6,9 is about the Law before Christ.) Our “righteousness” in Christ (10:4) is the long-anticipated new covenant position that now justifies us, since we are now reckoned (6:11) to be in His death and resurrection. “Justification” is a new-covenant, legal, and two-fold-eschatological declaration. In retrospect, it fulfills the past Law(10:4). In prospect, it secures the future judgment (2:13 & 5:9). Our present justification produces Spiritual and Lawful fruits, which the future judgment will inspect (2:6) and justify (2:13-16); after the Spirit completes our resurrection (8:23). God’s Faithfulness To Israel Chapter 10:14 – 11:36

A. Israel Is Without Excuse (10:14 – 21) C. God’s Faithful Growth Of His Renewed Israel (v.11-32) Israel having willfully rejected Christ has rendered themselves ignorant of The “fall” and “failure” of unbelieving Jews, brings riches to the world. God’s righteousness. They have rejected the good news that the Old These riches and fullness will also belong to them if they come to Testament anticipated. Christ. Their coming to Christ will be like life from the dead, and engrafting branches that were broken off. By asking four rhetorical questions, Paul stresses that people must hear the gospel to believe in it. Is. 52:27 proclaims the beauty of one’s feet who 60 Though God cuts off unbelieving Jews, He will grow the plant named preach the gospel. Yet, Paul affirms that they have “not all obeyed the “Israel” by engrafting Gentiles in place of faithless Jews. From this gospel,” by citing Is. 53:1. tree called “Israel”, God can also cut off faithless Gentiles, and engraft back any Jew who comes to Christ. God’s “cutting off” of, Though they have not all obeyed, has all of Israel heard the gospel? (v.18) and “engrafting on” to this tree, demonstrates His severity and Paul answers “yes, indeed”. And then cites Ps.19:4 to say that the gospel’s goodness. message has “gone to the ends of the world.” Then focusing upon Israel, Paul refers to Dt.32:21 and Is. 65:1-2. Israel is Nevertheless, it is in this manner, that the entire tree will grow. without excuse for they have rejected what the Old Testament has always This entire tree will be saved; thus Paul can say “all Israel will anticipated. be saved.” (v.26) Is.59:20-21 & Is.27:9 summarize, and have also anticipated, this new covenant fulfillment. B. God’s Elect Jews Reveals God’s Faithfulness to Israel (11:1-10) Like it was in Elijah’s day, so it is now; there is a remnant of Jews. (I Kings Unbelieving Israel are enemies of Christ, yet elect Jews are beloved 19:10,14,20) “At this present time there is a remnant according to the “for election of grace.” (v.5) the sake of the fathers.” (v.28, cf. 15:8)) The fact that an elect remnant of Jews believe in Christ demonstrates that God’s gifts and The “elect” mentioned in verse 1 – 10 are referring to Jews who believe in calling to the forefathers (the tree’s root 16-18) are irrevocable. (v.28) Christ. This is explaining 9:27 – 29. This remnant is evidence that God has not “cast away His people whom He foreknew.” (11:1-2) This By God having mercy on all, this is the only way “Israel shall blossom remnant is by grace and “no longer by works”. (See 3:21,27; 9:32) This and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.” Is.27:6 elect remnant is no longer defined by the works of the Law. Only the elect within Israel receive this new covenant position. In His righteousness, God is faithful to grow His Israel in Christ. Thus, God is faithful to Israel. Nevertheless, Dt.29:4, Is.29:10, Ps.69;22- 23 are verses used to demonstrate that God has hardened the other Jews. D. Doxology (v.33-36) Is. 40:13, Jer.23:18, & Job 41:11 explain that God’s ways are past finding out. “All things”, especially the growing of His Israel, is from Him, through Him, and to Him. (v.36)

to be continued……

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