SELF-EVALUATION WORKSHEET You are most likely to achieve personal, professional, and financial success if your career goals are compatible with your personal abilities, interests (and goals), character, and values. It is important to be as honest as you can in the Self-Evaluation, to enable you to choose a career path that will be realistic and personally satisfying.

1. Why do you work?

2. What’s important to you? (Peace and quiet? Intellectual stimulation? Helping others? Job security? Expressing yourself creatively? Spending time with your family? Being independent?)

3. What types of activities give you satisfaction? (Reading? Balancing your checkbook? Organizing an event? Talking with a close friend? Going to parties?)

4. What strengths (physical, mental, character, spiritual) do you have that can help you as a massage therapist?

5. What are your goals as an individual?

6. If you’re part of a couple, what are your goals together?

7. What are your ambitions?

8. Describe the jobs you’ve enjoyed the most (before becoming a massage therapist).

9. Describe the jobs you’ve enjoyed the least (before becoming a massage therapist).

10. Do you prefer to work around other people or alone?

11. Are you comfortable reporting to someone? If so, does it matter whether the person is a massage therapist or a non-massage therapist?

12. What workplace values are essential to you?

13. Do you like to structure your own use of time, or do you prefer to let someone else set priorities and arrange schedules? 14. Would you enjoy setting up the physical environment in which to provide massage, or would you prefer having this handled by someone else?

15. Will massage therapy be your main or only source of income? (Right away? In time?)

16. With what kinds of clients would you enjoy working? (Babies? Children? Athletes? People with illnesses or special needs such as trauma or abuse victims? Animals?)

17. Do you like telling people about the benefits of massage and encouraging them to try it?

18. Do you enjoy paperwork? Avoid it?

19. Do you like performing a variety of business tasks each day and each week, or would you prefer to focus only on one massage itself?

20. How many hours do you want to work each week?

21. How many of your work hours do you want to spend providing massages? (Consider your physical limitations as well as your financial goals.)

22. How many of your work hours do you want to spend on paperwork, phone calls and marketing?

23. Do you like working the same hours each week, or do you prefer variety and/or flexibility?

24. What modalities of massage are you trained to offer?

25. Do you enjoy speaking before a group?

26. What additional skills, techniques, and/or modalities do you want to learn?

27. How many hours of continuous education per year do you plan to take?

28. Do you enjoy the theories behind massage therapy?

29. Would you enjoy researching or teaching? 30. Who has given you career guidance already and might be a mentor for you?

31. Do your family and friends support your career goals?