Service Schedule of Main Data Centre & Rcms Server Room

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Service Schedule of Main Data Centre & Rcms Server Room

Serial No. ___

U.S.- Pakistan Center for Advance Studies (USPCAS-E) National University Of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Islamabad Tender Document

1. Bids are invited from well-established firms/suppliers, holding NTN & Sales Tax for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of following: a. Lot No. 1: Audio Video Equipment b. Lot No. 2: Smart Podiums c. Lot No. 3: Multimedia Projectors d. Lot No. 4: Servers Infrastructure e. Lot No. 5: UPS 2. Submission of Quotation: Bids are invited in one stage two envelope format: a. Technical Bid in one envelop, sealed. b. Financial Bid in second envelop, sealed. c. Both envelops to be placed in a third envelop, sealed and submitted. d. Mention on envelope: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of following: i. Lot No. 1: Audio Video Equipment ii. Lot No. 2: Servers Infrastructure iii. Lot No. 3: Multimedia Projectors iv. Lot No. 4: Servers Infrastructure v. Lot No. 5: UPS e. Address it to “Procurement & Supply Chain Specialist, UPCAS-E/NUST, SMME Building West Wing NUST Campus, Sector H-12, Islamabad”. Seal envelop properly and initial flaps. 3. Notes for Submission of Bids and Attachments

a. Detailed bids may be submitted on the firm’s letter-head, duly signed. b. Quotation(s) should indicate rates of each item, with applicable taxes (as applicable). Exemptions in taxes, etc, by the government, where applicable, should be indicated in the quotation. c. Financial Quotation should be submitted in the following format: SNo Item Qty Unit Unit Price Total Price Price with GST with GST

d. Please arrange to supply items at USPCAS-E/NUST premises in the name of NUST, Islamabad so that certain duties / sales tax / etc. which are exempted for educational institutions may be saved. Please note that various activities related with clearance, transportation, etc, till delivery of the items at NUST premises shall be carried out by and their expenditures accounted for by your firm. Accordingly, the total quoted price shall be reduced / adjusted if certain duties / sales tax / etc are exempted for NUST. All payments shall be in Pak Rupees at USPCAS-E/NUST premises. For technical details contact Mr. Haris Aziz, IT Specialist at Office: 051-90855259, Cell: 0333 3114848, Email: [email protected]. e. Proposed Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is presented in Annexure – “C”.

Page 1 of 27 f. Delivery Time shall not be more than 4-6 weeks. g. Installation, testing, integration and commissioning time shall not be more than 2 weeks. h. Firms may quote for one or more lots; however, partial biding within the lot(s) will not be entertained. i. Firm’s level of relation (i.e. partner, distributor and reseller) with the manufacturer is to be submitted. j. The project must be executed by experienced/certified engineers in the relevant task. k. Technical specifications and datasheets are required to be submitted. l. The completed work will be verified by ICT Dte as per USPCASE/NUST standards including following parameters: i. Complete Documentation & Labeling. ii. Registration of USPCAS-E/NUST as user and customer against all purchased equipment with the manufacturer (where applicable). iii. Conduct and quality of training. iv. Companion Software, Latest stable Operating System (where applicable). v. Installation & commissioning of equipment, items, work etc. m. Acceptance of the equipment shall be conducted in the presence of technical evaluation committee rep and reports shall be signed by both parties and submitted to USPCAS-E/NUST. n. Selection / evaluation of items shall be according to the selection criteria. o. Softcopy of technical bid shall be provided by the bidder. p. Provide Earnest Money: 3% of total quoted value, as Draft/Pay-order to ‘USPCAS-E/NUST Islamabad’. For un-successful bidders, it shall be released immediately and for successful bidders, it should be released after award of contract. q. Performance Security. Successful bidders should submit 10% as performance security (in shape of bank guarantee) and shall be released after expiry of warrantee period of delivered equipment. r. Bidders shall provide a certificate from their bank certifying their sound financial position and credit limit from the bank or any appropriate documentary proof (e.g. Annual Audit Report/Balance Sheet), showing the financial standing of the bidders. s. Payment Terms shall be as per following schedule: i. 70 % on delivery and inspection of items on site. ii. 30 % on installation, testing, integration and commissioning. t. Payments will be made after deduction of Income Tax by NUST, as per rules. u. Penalty for Delays: Shall be 1% of total value of the item/per week up to a maximum of 10% of total value of the undelivered stores.

Page 2 of 27 v. Right to purchase at risk and cost of Supplier: If the selected supplier: (1) fails to complete the order, or (2) delays to supply within the delivery time in the quotation or extended time given by the purchaser, or (2) supplier sub-standard items, or (3) supplies quality items, partially. Then NUST reserves the right to (i) make purchase at the risk and cost of supplier for the un-supplied / full quantity as the case may be (ii) forfeit complete / portion of Earnest Money. w. Contract/Agreement shall be signed with successful bidders, as per NUST policy. x. Firms shall be asked to arrange demo of equipment, if requested by USPCAS- E/NUST Technical Team. y. NUST reserves the right to add/delete quantity in purchase order and reject any bid or the bidding process, any time, as permitted within the rules. z. Reps of the firms are allowed to be present at the time of opening of tenders. This does not confer any right on them in respect of consideration, acceptance or otherwise of this tender. aa. Late submission of tender will not be entertained. bb. Bids are liable to be rejected if; they are not conforming the terms, conditions and specifications stipulated in this tender document. cc. The information about purchase may not be communicated to un-authorized person(s). dd. In case of dispute, case shall be referred to ‘NUST Procurement Complaint Committee’ and ‘Rector NUST’’:- whose decision shall be considered binding, while remaining within the rules. ee. The specifications provided in this tender document are the minimum requirements of USPCAS-E/NUST. The bidders must meet these requirements of this Project and its successful practical implementation. ff. Provision of service and operation manual for all quoted equipment. 4. All Annexures should be filled and submitted duly signed and stamped by the bidder. Opening: Sealed envelope should be addressed to “Procurement Office USPCAS-E NUST„ and reach the under-mentioned Mailing Address until 12 July 2016 before 1300 hours. Technical quotations will be opened in the presence of firms’ reps and members of USPCAS-E equipment purchase/evaluation committee on same day at 1430 hours at the above mentioned address. Financial bids of shortlisted firms shall be opened on 19 July 2016 at 1430 hours at above mentioned address. In case of any query /clarification with regard to technical offer, the same shall be forwarded to concerned bidder for clarification. In case of any delay in opening of Financial Bid due to technical clarification, the same shall be communicated to the entire successful/technical qualified bidder well in time.

Mailing Address Manager procurement SMME West Wing Block USPCAS-E NUST, H-12 Islamabad, Pakistan Email : sayedakhlaq @uspcase. nus t. e du . p k Email : sakhawat @uspcase. nus t. e du . p k Phone: 051-9085-5257

Page 3 of 27 5. Selection / Evaluation Criteria: Bids shall be technically evaluated as per the following evaluation criteria: Lot No. 1 -4: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Audio video equipment, Servers Infrastructure, Multimedia System and Smart Podiums for USPCAS-E/NUST Bids shall be technically evaluated as per the following evaluation criteria:

Page 4 of 27 SNo Information/Data given by Firms Remarks Marks Details . Evaluation Parameters Technical Selection/Evaluation To be done by Technical/Financial Evaluation Committee: 1. Brand: Japan/ USA/Europe= 10. Brand and Make Details 0~10 Singapore/Malaysia/Taiwan/Korea/China = 2. 6. Others=3. Make: Japan/ USA/Europe= Total Technical Resource (in Relevant Lot) Details 0~10 10. 3. Certified Technical Resource (in quoted brand) Singapore/Malaysia/Taiwan/Korea/China = Details 0~10 detailed For The Project 6. Others=3. 4. Total Local Tech Resource expert in Support Services Details 0~5 relevant lot: 0.5 Marks per person. 5. Tech Resource Detailed For Project: 1 Tender Conformance to Specs* Yes/No - Marks per person. CVs be provided. 6. Support Services: Local=5, Outstation=2. Warranty* Yes/No - Sub Total - 35 Financial Selection/Evaluation To be done by Technical/Financial Evaluation Committee: 7. Financial Position (Audited Accounts & Latest Financial Position = Details 0~5 Bank Statement along with Form A, 21 and 29) Balance Sheet Footing/Share Capital/Bank 8. Statement Balance in PKR: > 2 M: 1, >5 M: Income Tax & GST deposited in last one(1) year Details 0~5 3, > 10M: 5. 9. Yes/No Income Tax & GST Deposited in Last 1 year Earnest Money received * - = 1 Year: 5, 9 months: 3, 6 months: 1, >6 10. Income. Tax & Sales Tax Registration Yes/No months: 0 Certificates* (Manufacturer, Importer, - Commercial Importer, Exporter, Wholesaler) 11. Registration Certificat-e with SECP/Registrar of Yes/No - Firms* 12. Firms having financial status of Rs. > 2 M as per Yes/No - Serial No. 10* Sub Total - 10 General Selection/Evaluation To be done by Technical/Financial Evaluation Committee: Literature: Complete= 2, Partial = 1, None = 0. Past Experience with NUST: Up to 5 marks may be deducted on unsatisfactory Undertaking By Company on letter head as 13. performance with NUST. Annex A duly signed and stamped on company Yes/No - 22. Firm’s Relationship with Principal: letter head* Partnership: Highest Level =10, Mid-Levels (if any) = 8, Lowest Level =6. Distributor = 5, Reseller/Other =2. Projects Completed in relevant Lot during Past 05 Yrs: 01 Marks per Project. Source And Nationality Compliance Form duly 14. Projects completed using quoted brand signed and stamped on company letter head. Yes/No - 23. during Past 05 Yrs : 1.5 Marks Per Project. Annex B* Experience: <2 Years: 0, <=4: 3, <= 7 Years: 15. Compliance Undertaking as Annex D duly signed Yes/No - 5. 24. and stamped on company letter head* Entity Status: Sole Proprietorship, =2, Provision of Non Black Listing record on 16. Firm/AOP =4, Pvt Co. = 6, Public Unlisted =8, company letter head duly signed and stamped Yes/No - 25. Public Listed =10. on company letter head* 17. Literature provided Details 0~2 26. Up to minus 18. Details Past Experience with NUST 5 27. 19. Firms’s Relationship with Principal (Evidence Details 0~10 28. Letter Should be attached with bid)

20. Samples of Quoted Items* Yes/No - 29.

Page 5 of 27 21. Projects Completed in relevant Lot during Past 5 Yrs (Attach Purchase Order/Commissioning Details 0~10 Certificate) Note: Parameters marked as * are mandatory. Failure to compliance with any mandatory parameter shall mean disqualification of bid.

Page 6 of 27 Evaluation Criteria

Lot No. 5: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of UPS for USPCAS-E/NUST

Page 7 of 27 Information/Data given by Firms SNo. Remarks Marks Details Evaluation Parameters Technical Selection/Evaluation To be done by Technical/Financial Evaluation Committee:

1. Brand and Make Details 0~10 Brand: Japan/ USA/Europe= 10. 2. Backup time of UPS on full load Details 0~4 Singapore/Malaysia/Taiwan/Korea/China = 3. Re-charge time of UPS Details 0~4 6. Others=3. Make: Japan/ USA/Europe= 4. Power factor Details 0~3 10. Singapore/Malaysia/Taiwan/Korea/China = 5. AC Voltage Input Range Details 0~4 6. Others=3. 6. Battery life Details 0~3 Backup Time: >20 mins: 4, <=15mins: 3, 7. Overload capacity/capability Details 0~3 <=10mins: 2, <=5mins: 1 8. Total Technical Resource (in Relevant Lot) Details 0~10 Recharge Time: <=3hrs: 4, <=4hrs: 3, <=5:2, 9. Certified Technical Resource (in quoted brand) Details 0~10 >5hrs:1 detailed For The Project from Serial No. 11 Power Factor: <0.7: 1, =0.7:2, >0.7:3 10. Support Services Details 0~5 Input Voltage Range: upto 260V: 1, upto 11. Tender Conformance to Specs* Yes/No - 280V: 2, upto 290V: 3, upto 300V: 4 12. Battery Life: <3years: 1, <=4years: 2, <=5: 3 Overload Capability= upto 10%: 1, upto 15%:2, upto 30%:3 Total Local Tech Resource expert in Warranty* Yes/No relevant lot: 0.5 Marks per person. Tech Resource Detailed For Project: 1 Marks per person. CVs be provided. . Support Services: Local=5, Outstation=2. Sub Total - 56 Financial Selection/Evaluation To be done by Technical/Financial Evaluation Committee:

13. Financial Position (Audited Accounts & Latest Bank Financial Position = Details 0~5 Statement along with Form A, 21 and 29) Balance Sheet Footing/Share Capital/Bank Statement Balance in PKR: > 2 M: 1, >5 M: 14. Income Tax & GST deposited in last one(1) year Details 0~5 3, > 10M: 5. Income Tax & GST Deposited in Last 1 year 15. Earnest Money received * Yes/No - = 1 Year: 5, 9 months: 3, 6 months: 1, >6 16. Income. Tax & Sales Tax Registration Certificates* Yes/No months: 0 (Manufacturer, Importer, Commercial Importer, - Exporter, Wholesaler) 17. Registration Certificate with SECP/Registrar of Yes/No - Firms* 18. Firms having financial status of Rs. > 2 M as per Yes/No - Serial No. 10* Sub Total - 10 General Selection/Evaluation To be done by Technical/Financial Evaluation Committee: Undertaking By Company on letter head as Annex A 19. Yes/No - duly signed and stamped on company letter head* Source And Nationality Compliance Form duly signed 20. Yes/No - and stamped on company letter head. Annex B* Compliance Undertaking as Annex D duly signed and 21. Yes/No - stamped on company letter head* Literature: Complete= 2, Partial = 1, None = 0. Entity Status: Sole Proprietorship, =2, Firm/AOP =4, Pvt Co. = 6, Public Unlisted Provision of Non Black Listing record on company =8, Public Listed =10. 22. letter head duly signed and stamped on company Yes/No - Firm’s Relationship with Principal: letter head* Partnership: Highest Level =10, Mid-Levels (if any) = 8, Lowest Level =6. Distributor = 5, Reseller/Other =2. Past Experience with NUST: Up to 5 marks may be deducted on unsatisfactory 23. Literature provided Details 0~2 performance with NUST. . 24. Entity Status Details 0~10 Projects Completed in relevant Lot during Firms’s Relationship with Principal (Evidence Letter 25. Details 0~10 Past 05 Yrs: 01 Marks per Project. Should be attached with bid) Projects completedPage using 8 of quoted 27 brand Up to 26. Past Experience with NUST Details during Past 05 Yrs : 1.5 Marks Per Project. minus 5 Experience: <2 Years: 0, <=4: 3, <= 7 Years: Projects Completed in relevant Lot during Past 5 Yrs 27. Details 0~10 5. Note: Parameters marked as * are mandatory. Failure to compliance with any mandatory parameter shall mean disqualification of bid.

Page 9 of 27 Undertaking Checklist – Mandatory

Ensure that you have provided the following documents, labeled and referred correctly. Please highlight the relevant information in the attached document.

Attached? S/No. Placed At Required Documents /  Company Profile including valid OEM authority Letter / 1. □ Flag A Distributor Certificate Technical bid including Literature of each quoted 2. □ Flag B equipment with technical data sheets Resumes/CVs of technical manpower (on company's 3. payroll), dedicated for this project: Relevant to the □ Flag C project only Source And Nationality Compliance Form duly signed 4. □ Flag D and stamped on company letter head. Annex B Compliance Undertaking as Annex D duly signed and □ 5. Flag E stamped on company letter head. Provision of Non Black Listing record on company letter □ 6. Flag F head duly signed and stamped on company letter head Undertaking By Company on letter head as Annex A □ 7. Flag G duly signed and stamped on company letter head. NTN and Sales Tax certificate along with last 1 year GST 8. □ Flag H deposit. 9. Firm's Registration Certificates Since foundation till date □ Flag I 10. Earnest Money (No less than 3% of the quoted value) □ Flag J Active Tax Payer Status of Firm on Date of Bid Active/Not- 11. Flag K Submission Active Document showing similar equipment/work 12. □ Flag L supplied/completed in last 5 years 13. Bid valid for at least 90 days □ 14. Each item is to quoted separately □ End-of-Life (EoL) and End-of-Sale (EoS) dates are not 15. □ declared for quoted equipment 16. Prices are to be quoted in Pak Rupees □ Delivery Time shall not be more than 4 - 6 weeks. X 17. Installation, testing, integration and commissioning □ time shall not be more than 2-4 weeks. 18. Warranty Information of all quoted items □ Make, Origin and Manufacturer is as indicated in the 19. □ quotation 20. All quoted items should be New and Genuine □

(Company Seal) Signature: Name: Designation: Date:

Page 10 of 27 ANNEX-A Cover Letter / Proposal Submission undertaking.

Manager Procurement Date: Center for Advanced Studies at NUST (USPCAS-E), SMME, west wing, NUST Campus H-12, Islamabad

Dear Sir 1. We, the undersigned, offer to provide our services For “Supply of Lab. Equipment” in accordance with your Tender Document dated , and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes this technical proposal, and a financial proposal sealed under separate envelopes. 2. We hereby acknowledge and agree to all terms, conditions, special provisions, and instructions included in the above-referenced RFP. We further certify that the below- named firm—as well as the firm’s principal officers and all commodities and services offered in response to this RFP—are eligible to participate in this procurement under the terms of this solicitation and under USAID regulations. 3. The understand and agree that the decision of the procurement/evaluating committee shall be final and cannot be challenged on any ground at any forum and the procurement/evaluating committee will not be liable for any loss or damage to any party acting in reliance thereon. 4. Furthermore, we hereby certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief: a. We have no close, familial, or financial relationships with any NUST / (USPCAS-E) staff members; b. We have no close, familial, or financial relationships with any other bidder submitting proposals in response to the above-referred RFP. c. The prices in our offer have been arrived independently, without any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other bidder or competitor for the purpose of restricting competition. d. All information in our proposal and all supporting documentation is authentic and accurate. e. We understand and agree to NUST / (USPCAS-E)’ prohibitions against fraud, bribery, and Kickbacks. 5. We hereby certify that the enclosed representations, certifications, and other statements are accurate, current, and complete Authorized Signature


Page 11 of 27 ANNEX-B

SOURCE AND NATIONALITY COMPLIANCE FORM (Attachment of this form with Technical Proposal is must)

The purpose of this form is to gather information from bidders about source/nationality compliance. The authorized USAID geographic code for the USPCAS-E is 937. 1. Origin: While the concept of “origin” has been deleted from the USAID procurement regulations, there are still significant U.S. regulations (such as OFAC regulations) that prohibit transactions with certain countries. As such, I confirm that the quoted items are not manufactured, grown, produced, shipped from, or otherwise originate from any of the following countries: Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran, North Korea, (North) Sudan, or Syria.

☐ No, I cannot confirm ☐ Yes, I confirm this is true.

2. Source:

“Available for Sale” in the Cooperating Country:

• Supplier is an authorized sales representative/dealer of the manufacturer in the cooperating country. If yes please provide brief introduction and attach copies of dealership certifications. • Quoted items are included in supplier’s standard catalogue. (YES /NO) • If YES, attach catalogue. • Supplier certifies that quoted items are routinely traded or offered for sale in the cooperating country. (YES /NO) • Supplier has an installation base in the cooperating country. (YES / NO) • If yes provide some details of after sale support points with complete addresses. • Offered equipment is serviceable by the supplier and has a valid warranty in the cooperating country (YES / NO) • IF YES, please provide details of capability how equipment is serviceable in cooperating country • Complete details of type of warranty offered in cooperating country (or attach standard warranty terms and conditions offered). • Supplier will be responsible of ensuring that after sale service support / spare parts are available will try all efforts to make it available. (Bidder / Supplier agrees with is statement) – (YES/ NO)

For items purchased outside of the cooperating country: If the items are not “available for purchase” in the cooperating country, identify the “source” of the Equipment and describe compliance with the authorized geographic code 937: The items will be imported from source is [Describe the "source" countries and compliance with the authorized geo code.]

3. Nationality:

Per 22 CFR 228.12, organizations must meet both (a) and (b) below, as well as either (c) or (d): a. The supplier is incorporated or legally organized under the laws of a country in the authorized geographic code: [Describe the supplier's registration status; attach a copy of their business license or official registration to support registration status.] b. The supplier is operating as an “on-going concern” in a country in the authorized geographic code: c. The supplier is managed by a governing body, the majority of whom are citizens (or lawful permanent residents) of countries in the authorized geographic code:

Page 12 of 27 [Provide details and/or attach a certification from the supplier documenting that they comply with this.] d. The supplier employs citizens (or lawful permanent residents) of countries in the authorized geographic code, in more than 50% of its permanent full-time positions and more than 50% of its principal management positions: [Provide details, such as organizational chart with information, and/or attach a certification from the supplier documenting that they comply with this.]

Page 13 of 27 Annex-D Overall Compliance Undertaking ( To be a t t ac h e d w i t h Techn i c a l P r o p o s a l)

I, (Name); (CNIC#); (Designation), (Company Name) have gone through the Terms/Conditions of this RFP and have found the document in whole as non-biased to any particular vendor or product/brand. All quoted items meet USAID Geographic Code 937. I hereby undertake and firmly bound myself to abide by/comply all sections of this tender document except for those items noted below.










10…………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: In case of “Nil”, please cross those columns and stamp/sign this page.

Official Signature Stamp Date:

Page 14 of 27 Annexure - 'C' Bill of Quantities (BoQ) Checklist, Conformance and Scope of Work

Ensure that the quoted solution conforms to the following minimum specifications. Last three columns are mandatory for vendors. Return these pages with the technical quotation, with signatures, company stamp, name and designation on each page. Bids will be rejected in case of clash between claims in this document and the quoted solution. Bidders are advised to mention additional features separately on provided blank sheet in the same format. All brands & models are mentioned for reference. You may quote an equivalent brand & model of similar or higher specification.

Lot No. 1: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Audio/Video Equipment

Details Reference Conformanc Additional Page # e details, if SNo Nomenclature Qty Importance (Attach Requirements /  higher Evidence) (To Be Filled by Vendor) 1. HD codec 1080P60 02 Mandatory Video Conferencing Embedded Operating System Unit (Seminar Hall Comply with H.232, SIP & support both IPV4 & IPV6 & Network Rate: 64 kbit/s to 8Mbit/s Conference Room) Audio Support: G.711, G.722,G.722.1C,G.728,G.729 & AAC-LD Support H.263, H.263+, H.264, H.264 HP, and H.264 SVC. MCU:5 +1 HD video site + 3 Way VOIP Sites Functions to share & receive presentations during point to point Conference Include Packet loss concealment (Packet loss rate as high as 20%) Able to encode and decode 1080p60 video at 1024 kbit/s, 1080p30 video at 512 kbit/s, and 720p30 video at 384 kbit/s. HD camera with 12x Zoom

Page 15 of 27 Details Conformanc Additional Reference e details, if Page # SNo Nomenclature IP: 10/100/1000 Base-T, 2 x RJ45,2 x RS-232 COM, 2 x USB Qty Importance /  higher (Attach Requirements ports ,HDMI/VGA input & Output, 2xRCA / 1x3.5mm/2xRCA Audio input/output Software license, Onsite Support and Service One time implementation, installation & commissioning on 02 sites HD Camera 1080p50/60 HD Camera (12X Zoom,2.38MP) 2. 01 Mandatory (Seminar Hall) AV inputs for recording. Mandatory DVR (Seminar Hall Product must give output through HDMI port. 3. & Conference Functionality of playback recording and also Write it on 02 Room) DVD HDD 160GB minimum Screen Size 55 Inch Mandatory Smart LED TV Inputs:3 HDMI,2 USB ports 4. (Seminar Hall & 1080p HD display 03 Conference Room) Network Connectivity Moveable bracket with remote 01 hand mic and 01 collar mic as one set - Bundled Mandatory Wireless Dual Channel, VHF/UHF Frequency, 100 Meters Service 5. Microphone Range 03 (Seminar Hall) Two Output ports to connect devices Spurious suppression -60dB Gooseneck Mandatory Microphone 6. Sensitivity -47dB (+-3dB) 05 (Seminar Hall) Frequency 60 to 1400 Hz 7. Amplifier Input 120V ,240 WATT 01 Mandatory (Seminar Hall) 3x Mic inputs by phone jack type 2x Aux Inputs and 2x line inputs for spare use

Page 16 of 27 Details Conformanc Additional Reference SNo Nomenclature Qty Importance e details, if Page # Requirements EMC priority input /  higher (Attach Freq.10-16,000 Hz Digital-Sound Audio Mixer Mandatory Audio 12 XLR Channels with Mute Button for each channel 8. Mixer(Seminar 01 Phantom Power Hall) Output Level: 21dBm (1 KHz, THD=0.5%) 9. Wall Speakers 30 Watt, freq.110-15kHz , Wall Mounted 06 Mandatory AV cables with Audio cable, Video, VGA, HDMI cables to AV Room & 01 Mandatory 10. Laying Smart podium Job Installation & Mandatory Includes Complete configuration, Installation & Commissioning of integration of 01 11. Audio/Video equipment(Audio+Video+Multimedia+Smartpodium) with Job Equipment centralized control and one year onsite support (Seminar Hall) Central Control Audio Unit Mandatory wireless microphone input Audio Host upto 60 delegate units 12. Unit(Conference 01 Built in Speaker & volume control Room) Single wire daisy chain connectivity Switch for microphone turn on/off Delegate Audio Mandatory 24V input, Microphone ON/OFF Switch 13. Unit (Conference 22 Gooseneck with LED Room) Chairman Audio 24V input, Microphone ON/OFF Switch Mandatory 14. Unit (Conference Priority Button 01 Room) Gooseneck with LED 15. Wireless Dual Channel VHF/UHF Frequency, 100 Meter Service 01 Mandatory Microphone Range (Conference Two Output ports to connect devices

Page 17 of 27 Details Conformanc Additional Reference SNo Nomenclature Qty Importance e details, if Page # Requirements Room) /  higher (Attach Two Mic inputs &Two Aux inputs, 120 WATT Mandatory Amplifier VOX priority for one MIC 16. (Conference 01 Phantom Power Room) Frequency 50Hz~16KHz(+1dB, -3dB) Wall Speaker Mandatory 17. (Conference 30 Watt, Wall Mounted 02 Room) Cabling & Includes Complete configuration, Installation, cabling & Mandatory Installation with integration of equipment 01 18. complete (Audio+Video+Multimedia+Smartpodium) Job configuration with centralized control and one year onsite support Administrative and User training of Audio/Video 01 Mandatory 19. Training equipment Job 1 year with onsite service and support for complete 01 Mandatory 20. Warranty Audio/Video Equipment Job

Lot No. 2: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Smart Podiums

Page 18 of 27 Details Additional Reference Page # Conformance details, if (Attach SNo Nomenclature Qty. Importance /  Requirements higher Evidence) (To Be Filled by Vendor) 19.5-inch Touch Screen Display Modular Electronics Design Plug and Play installation Single Button Power up function Integrated Desktop: Processor Ci3, RAM 4GB, HDD 500 GB with standard keyboard & Mouse Control Panel for Display Toggle and On/Off Built in Speakers 30 Watt Smart Podium VGA Cable, Audio Cable 1. With all 07 Mandatory Control Box (Including Amplifier & VGA interfaces) accessories Carbon-fiber tipped Stylus 04 x USB,02 x VGA & 02 x HDMI Ports Touch Panel Controls integrated through one box Wood Structure Light for reading notes Integrated Amplifier, Integrated PDU UPS included, Onsite installation and configuration Administrative and User training 01 2. Training Mandatory Job 1 year with complete onsite installation and support 01 3 Warranty Mandatory Job

Page 19 of 27 Lot No. 3: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Multimedia Projectors

Reference Additional Page # Details Conformance details, if (Attach SNo Nomenclature Qty Importance /  higher Evidence) Requirements (To Be Filled by Vendor) Output 3500 Lumens Contrast10000:1 Technology: Dlp Lan Ethernet RJ45 supported Multimedia Projection size 30-300 in 1. 07 Mandatory Projectors Connectivity USB-VGA-HDMIhes

Multi protection lamp life upto 6000 hours min. Projection Screen 6x8 ft Wall Mounted Onsite installation & fixing Output 3500 Lumens Contrast10000:1 Technology: 3LCD,LCD Multimedia Lan Ethernet RJ45 supported Projector 2. Projection size 30-300 inches 01 Mandatory (Conference Connectivity USB-VGA-HDMI Room) Multi protection lamp life upto 6000 hours min. Projection Screen 6x8 ft Wall Mounted Onsite installation & fixing 3. Multimedia Output : 6000 to 6500 Lumens 01 Mandatory

Page 20 of 27 Reference Additional Page # Details Conformance details, if (Attach /  SNo Nomenclature Qty Importance higher Evidence)

Technology:3LCD Requirements Resolution : WUXGA 1920 x 1200 Full HD Aspect Ratio: 16:10 Contrast 5000:1 Projector Projection size 30-300 inches (Seminar Hall) Interfaces: HDMI, VGA, Ethernet 6 ft. Ceiling Mount Kit HDMI, Power & VGA Cable 70- 100 Meter each Onsite installation, fixing & configuration with A/V Equipment & Smart podium Projection Screen 9x12 ft Wall Mounted standard 4. Training Administrative & User Training 01 Job Mandatory 5. Warranty 2 years with onsite service and support 01 Job Mandatory

Page 21 of 27 Lot No. 4: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Server Room Infrastructure

Details Additional Conformance details,Reference if Page # (Attach Evidence) SNo Nomenclature Unit Qty Importance /  Requirements higher (To Be Filled by Vendor) Blade Chassis 4U Chassis,8 Node Slots,4PSU Slots,5Fans and Accessory Included Remote KVM and virtual media 4U static Rail Kit Support at least 8 high density blades in 4U chassis 1. Chassis No. 01 Mandatory Redundant AC Power Supplies, 1200W platinum AC Power Module 2*GE Interface Card Embedded OS, Embedded Mega RAID Software RAID for BIOS, support RAID0/1/10 3 Years onsite support & service Processor :2 x 8C E5-2600v3 RAM:64 GB RAM 2133MHz LP RDIMM 24 DIMM Slots 2. Blade Servers No. 03 Mandatory 2 x 600GB 10K SAS with RAID1 1 x CNA 10gbe adapter 3 Years onsite support & service

Page 22 of 27 Details Conformance Additional Reference Page # (Attach Evidence) /  details, if SNo Nomenclature 6TB useable storage with RAID 6 Unit Qty Importance higher Requirements HDDs SAS 10k RPM Storage Cache Min. 4 GB cache Per Controller (Scalable up to 8GB Cache) Per Controller Support Thin Provisioning RAID Supporting RAID 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 10 OS Support AIX,HP-UX, Solaris, Linux & Windows 3. Storage (SAN) No 01 Mandatory Multiple host connectivity : 12 x 1 Gbps iSCSI ports Minimum /O module hot swap: hot-swappable controllers, fans & power supplies supports online expansion of I/O modules Management software with storage Rack Rail Mount kit 3 Years onsite support & service

Branded 2x Power Distribution Units with Branded 4. No 01 Mandatory PDU&KVM KVM Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Rodent Repellant for Server Room 5. Rodent No 01 Repellant Good Life, UK or equivalent

Page 23 of 27 Details Conformance Additional Reference Page # (Attach Evidence) /  details, if SNo Nomenclature Unit Qty Importance higher Installation & Requirements 01 6. Complete installation and configuration No Mandatory Configuration Job

7. Training Administrative & User Training No 01 Mandatory

01 8. Warranty 3 years with onsite service and support No Mandatory Job

Page 24 of 27 Lot No. 5: Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Online UPS for USPCASE

Details Reference Additional Conformance Page # details, if SNo Nomenclature Qty Importance /  (Attach Requirements higher Evidence) (To Be Filled by Vendor) True online, Pure sine wave rack mountable UPS 10 KVA. Input voltage: 220/230/240 VAC (172 to 285 VAC). Built-in stabilizer Input Frequency: 40-70 hz. Output voltage: 220/230/240 VAC, -+1%(selectable). Freq. tolerance: 2-6% Wave form: true sine wave. Transfer Time: nil/zero (True on line) double conversion. UPS 1. Batteries: Sealed & maintenance free 3-5 Years Life. 02 Mandatory 10 KVA I/P Power factor : 0.98 O/P power factor : 0.8 Recharge Time: 2.5-3 hours on 80% capacity Efficiency: i/p 99% & o/p 94% Audible noise: 40-50 dba. Surge capacity IEC/61100-4-5 Certification : 62064-2 Class-A, EN50091-1, En60950, IEC950 SNMP Module for Network Connectivity

Page 25 of 27 Details Conformance Additional Reference /  details, if Page # True online, Pure sine wave rack mountable UPS 5 KVA. higher (Attach Input voltage: 220/230/240 VAC (172 to 285 VAC). Built-in stabilizer Input Frequency: 40-70 hz. Output voltage: 220/230/240 VAC, -+1%(selectable). Freq. tolerance: 2-6% Wave form: true sine wave. SNo Nomenclature Transfer Time: nil/zero (True on line) double conversion. Qty Importance UPS Requirements 2. Batteries: Sealed & maint free 3-5 Years Life. 02 Mandatory 5 KVA I/P Power factor : 0.98 O/P power factor : 0.8 Recharge Time: 2.5-3 hours on 80% capacity Efficiency: i/p 99% & o/p 94% Audible noise: 40-50 dba. Surge capacity IEC/61100-4-5 Certification : 62064-2 Class-A, EN50091-1, En60950, IEC950

Installation of Complete onsite installation and commissioning of UPS on 3x 01 3. Mandatory UPS sites Job 01 4. Training Administrative & User Training Mandatory Job 1 years with onsite service and support 01 5. Warranty Mandatory Job

Notes: 1. Site Survey is to be conducted by the bidder. 2. As build diagrams shall be submitted after completion of work as per instruction provided in the above-mentioned paragraphs.

Page 26 of 27 3. All quantities provided in the BoQ are based on estimation. Payments shall be made on As per Actual (APA) basis after verification of works completed and dully checked by NUST and contractor/successful bidder.

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