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Yonkers Parking Authority s1

Yonkers Parking Authority 8 Buena Vista Avenue Yonkers, New York 10701

Regular Board Meeting Minutes January 29, 2015

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board initially called for Tuesday, January 27, 2015, was rescheduled due to inclement weather and convened on Thursday, January 29, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of the Yonkers Parking Authority, at 8 Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers, New York.


Board members: Hon. William T. Regan, Chairman Mrs. Patricia Kischak, Vice Chairwoman Hon. Steven J. Levy, Secretary Mr. Dennis R. Gallego, Member

YPA Staff: Mrs. Lisa Mrijaj, Executive Director Mr. Jay McLynn, Assistant to the Executive Director Ms Susan M. Maros Victoria, Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary Mr. Canute McLaughlin, Accountant

Visitors: Mr. Jack de Angeli, Esq., Corporation Counsel, City of Yonkers, NY Ms Melvina Carter, City of Yonkers Finance Department

Absent: Mr. James Cavanaugh, Member


Call to Order

Chairman Regan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Affirmation of Minutes of December 16, 2014 Regular Board Meeting

The board reviewed the minutes of the regular board meeting convened on December 16, 2014. Mrs. Kischak motioned to affirm the minutes of the regular board meeting of December 16, 2014 and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. The regular board minutes of December 16, 2014 were affirmed four to zero (4–0, Mr. Cavanaugh absent).

Page 1 of 23 Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes January 29, 2015

New Business:

Resolution No. 2015–01: Award Short Term Revocable License Agreement to Groundwork Hudson Valley – Yonkers for use of Chicken Island / Getty Square Parking Facility

Mrs. Kischak motioned to approve Resolution 2015–01 and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. The board passed Resolution 2015–01, four to zero (4–0, Mr. Cavanaugh absent).


 Multi–Space Meter Pay Stations & Smart Parking Meter Pilot Program

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board concerning the multi–space meter pay station and smart meter pilot program noting that the reconciliation of revenues would be done after closing the January 2015 financials. Mrs. Mrijaj added that lessons learned from the pilot program revealed that establishing reporting and banking merchant IDs in combination with an electronic back office before going live would have provided the Authority with more than two months of full revenue reporting.

Vice Chairwoman Kischak asked about the reaction of parking customers towards the pay stations and the smart meters because “that has to be factored in as well”. Mrs. Mrijaj responded that while all liked the credit card feature, in general, people were not happy with the pay stations due to the need to walk back and forth to place the ticket on the vehicle’s dashboard. Mr. McLynn added that everyone seemed to like the single space smart meters.

Mr. McLynn reported that both he and Mrs. Mrijaj had met with a parking official from New Rochelle regarding the single space smart meter and learned that New Rochelle’s revenue had dropped forty (40%) per cent because of back office fees.

The issue of the free ten (10) minute program was discussed with a board member noting that it was a difficult decision because costs have increased and revenues also needed to increase as well. Chairman Regan stated that he did not agree with ending the free ten (10) minute program. Mr. McLynn added that the main complaint that businesses had was about the loss of the free ten (10) minute feature on the meters citing that they would lose business as a result.

Government Center Garage (GCG) Pay Stations

2 Mrs. Mrijaj apprised the board concerning the impact of the pay stations at the Government Center Garage (GCG) and that an increase in revenues had been noted. Mr. McLynn said that there were problems with the pay stations almost on a daily basis: pay stations going down, communications going down, a non–functioning validator, tickets that jammed and had to be Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes January 29, 2015

Government Center Garage (GCG) Pay Stations continued removed with tweezers. Mr. McLynn mentioned that a meeting with Ammano had been held to address the problems with the pay stations. Mr. McLynn suggested that the pay station on the first level could be relocated to a better spot but would cost approximately two thousand ($2000) dollars to move it.

YPA Parking Ticket Revenue Distribution / PVB Payments through November 2014/ Discussion of $15 PVB Reimbursement

No discussion.

 Lockwood Lot: DEC Remediation

Mrs. Mrijaj briefed the board that the matter was still in a holding pattern.

 Flea Market

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board that the flea market had shut down for the winter but would reopen in the spring.

 Temporary Help

The board was briefed that temporary help was needed to support the day to day operations, for a period of sixty to ninety days, to fill the void of two to three key employees that are on sick leave. The board was unanimous in approving the hiring of a temporary employee with the proviso that the salary expense funds would not come from the monies allocated for the summer Clean Up Aides program.

Financial Report: December 2014

Highlights of the December 2014 Financial report were not discussed but are noted in the minutes.

Page 3 of 23  The Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA) has recorded a total of $372,415 in revenues under the YPA account and $52,885 under the Buena Vista Garage (BVG) account during the month of December 2014.

 Operating expenditures for December 2014 totalled $384,950 for the YPA and $92,281 for the Buena Vista Garage (BVG).

Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes January 29, 2015

Financial Report: December 2014 continued

 YPA revenues realized a twenty–two (22%) per cent increase during December 2014 in comparison to December 2013; while BVG revenues reflected a four (4%) per cent increase from the previous year.

Other Business:

The board was briefed that the Authority had been approached by Bob Walters, of Groundwork Hudson Valley – Yonkers to temporarily store an exhibition trailer at the Chicken Island / Getty Square parking facility.

Next Meeting

The date for the regular meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, at Authority offices.


With no further business to be discussed, Mr. Levy moved that the regular meeting be adjourned and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. The motioned carried and was passed, four to zero, (4–0, Mr. Cavanaugh absent). The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Maros Victoria Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary

4 Yonkers Parking Authority 8 Buena Vista Avenue Yonkers, New York 10701

Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 24, 2015

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board was convened on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of the Yonkers Parking Authority, at 8 Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers, New York.


Board members: Hon. William T. Regan, Chairman Hon. Steven J. Levy, Secretary Mr. James Cavanaugh, Member Mr. Dennis R. Gallego, Member

YPA Staff: Mrs. Lisa Mrijaj, Executive Director Mr. Jay McLynn, Assistant to the Executive Director Ms Susan M. Maros Victoria, Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary Mr. Canute McLaughlin, Accountant

Visitors: Ms Melvina Carter, City of Yonkers Finance Department Mr. Jack de Angeli, Esq., Corporation Counsel, City of Yonkers, NY

Absent: Mrs. Patricia Kischak, Vice Chairwoman


Call to Order

Chairman Regan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Page 5 of 23 Affirmation of Minutes of January 29, 2015 Regular Board Meeting

The board reviewed the minutes of the regular board meeting convened on January 29, 2015. Mr. Levy motioned to affirm the minutes of the regular board meeting of January 29, 2015 and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. The regular board minutes of January 29, 2015 were affirmed three to zero (3–0, Mrs. Kischak absent, Mr. Cavanaugh abstained due to his absence at the January meeting). Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 24, 2015

New Business:

NYPA LED Garage Lighting Design Proposal

Discussion of the NYPA LED Garage lighting design proposal ensued with questions being asked concerning the financial aspect of the project. Mr. Levy asked Mr. Tito to clarify the point regarding payment of the seventy–nine thousand ($79,000) dollar design cost. Mr. Tito explained that if the project went forward the cost of seventy–nine thousand ($79,000) dollars for the design phase would be folded into the overall expenses of five hundred sixty–two thousand seven hundred and forty–two ($562,742) dollars for the design, construction, implementation, audit, and hazmat portions. However, if the Authority should opt not to proceed then the seventy–nine thousand ($79,000) dollars would have to be paid for the design phase. Mr. Tito cautioned that the proposal contained a preliminary estimate and that the final cost would be realized after the quotes came in. Mr. Cavanaugh asked about the net savings on a month to month basis. Mr. Tito responded that the savings projection was about three per cent. Chairman Regan asked Mr. Tito how he arrived at a three (3%) per cent projection. Mr. Tito replied that while he had not taken a calculation of the Authority’s three garages he had taken an average of ten municipal buildings to arrive at the projected savings cost.

Mr. Cavanaugh mentioned that in reading the agreement there could be a portion of the work that the Authority could contract itself. Mr. Cavanaugh asked Mr. Tito that if the Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA) liked the design and paid the seventy–nine thousand ($79,000) dollars could the Authority self–implement. Mr. Regan asked Mr. de Angeli to look at the possibility of self–implementation. Mr. Levy observed that the real savings was in switching from incandescent bulbs to LED (Light Emitting Diodes). Mr. Regan asked what would be the Authority’s role during the NYPA project. Mr. Tito responded that there would be meetings once or twice a week to act as a representative of the Authority to coordinate access. Mr. Regan asked if NYPA would oversee the project.

Mr. Tito mentioned that audit reports (feasibility studies) that had been released earlier in the week which contained twenty (20) audits of government facilities that had been done which included the Buena Vista Garage. Mr. Tito noted that the audit had been done at no cost to the Authority.

6 Mr. Cavanaugh raised the issue that St. John’s Riverside Hospital pays the utilities for the Ashburton Parkadrome garage and that the Yonkers Parking Authority would need them to share some of the cost. Mr. Tito indicated that there could be a fixed surcharge amount over the span of ten (10) years. Mr. Tito further noted that it was a great green initiative for the hospital.

Chairman Regan asked for the board’s feedback. Mr. Levy asked what were the benefits to utilizing NYPA rather than self–implementing, Mr. Tito responded that every fixture, conduit, Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 24, 2015

NYPA LED Garage Lighting Design Proposal continued and contact panel would have to be replaced. The consensus was that several scenarios should be created to determine which would cost less to do.

Resolution 2015–02: Approve NYPA LED Garage Lighting Design Proposal

Mr. Cavanaugh motioned to move forward with the NYPA LED Garage Lighting Design proposal and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. Resolution 2015–02 was passed four to zero (4–0, Mrs. Kischak absent).


 Multi–Space Meter Pay Stations & Smart Parking Meter Pilot Program

Mrs. Mrijaj briefed the board on the Multi–Space Meter pay stations and Smart Parking Meter pilot program drawing their attention to the feedback report containing reactions from merchants as well as feedback from Authority personnel who were tasked to maintain and repair the pay stations and smart meters. Mr. McLynn noted that most parkers liked the single space smart meters with the credit card feature. Mr. Cavanaugh observed that thirty (30%) per cent of the transactions were credit cards along McLean Avenue but no feedback was noted.

Mrs. Mrijaj reported that the McLean Avenue pay stations had an increase of 9.5% over last year at the same time. The single space meters, overall, had an increase of 18.6% for December 2014 and 24.8% for January 2015 compared to the same periods the previous year. Mrs. Mrijaj believed that the increase for the single space meters was due to location near a commuter hub such as the Yonkers Metro North station.

Mrs. Mrijaj referenced the twenty–five cent transaction report for the McLean Avenue multi–space meter pay stations from September 16, 2014 to January 27, 2015. There

Page 7 of 23 were a total of 12,705 coin transactions posted of which 4,693 transactions were for twenty–five cents comprising thirty-seven (37%) of transactions for the period in question. Mr. Cavanaugh suggested doing a cost benefit analysis of pay station credit card transactions processed as if for a single space meter.

Mrs. Mrijaj remarked that there were processor fees representing charges for the use of credit cards, merchant fees as well as hidden fees that ate away at the profit. Mrs. Mrijaj suggested that at some point the board may want to bring in the two top contenders to determine which one would be better for the Authority. Mr. Levy said that the vendors should be asked for their best final offer. Mr. McLynn added that with the pay stations and the smart meters two (2) employees were now needed to count money instead of one and a half (1½) employees. Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 24, 2015

 Lockwood Lot: DEC Remediation

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board that the matter was still in a holding pattern.

Technical Issues

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board regarding technical software issues that were affecting the ability of parking permit holders to renew online. The Authority’s credit card processing company had updated their software and informed the Authority accordingly but had failed to inform NetTech, the Authority’s interface vendor. Mrs. Mrijaj indicated that the impact of the software issues on revenues was unknown until the close of the February financials.

Financial Report: January 2015

Mrs. Mrijaj presented the financial report for January 2015 to the board.

 The Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA) has recorded a total of $490,544 in revenues under the YPA account and $133,098 under the Buena Vista Garage (BVG) account during the month of January 2015.

 Operating expenditures for January 2015 totalled $367,073 for the YPA and $79,295 for the Buena Vista Garage (BVG).

 YPA revenues realized a two (2%) per cent increase during January 2015 in comparison to January 2014; while BVG revenues reflected a one (1%) per cent increase from the previous year.

Other Business:

8 Next Meeting

The date for the regular meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, at Authority offices.

Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 24, 2015


With no further business to be discussed, Mr. Gallego moved that the regular meeting be adjourned and was seconded by Mr. Levy. The motioned carried and was passed, four to zero, (4–0, Mrs. Kischak absent). The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Maros Victoria Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary

Page 9 of 23 Yonkers Parking Authority 8 Buena Vista Avenue Yonkers, New York 10701

Regular Board Meeting Minutes March 31, 2015

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board was convened on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of the Yonkers Parking Authority, at 8 Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers, New York.


10 Board members: Hon. William T. Regan, Chairman Mrs. Patricia Kischak, Vice Chairwoman Hon. Steven J. Levy, Secretary Mr. James Cavanaugh, Member Mr. Dennis R. Gallego, Member

YPA Staff: Mrs. Lisa Mrijaj, Executive Director Mr. Jay McLynn, Assistant to the Executive Director Ms Susan M. Maros Victoria, Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary Mr. Canute McLaughlin, Accountant

Visitors: Ms Melvina Carter, City of Yonkers Finance Department Mr. Jack de Angeli, Esq., Corporation Counsel, City of Yonkers, NY Mr. Arthur G. Melendez, Jr., YPA employee


Call to Order

Chairman Regan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

Affirmation of Minutes of February 24, 2015 Regular Board Meeting

The board reviewed the minutes of the regular board meeting convened on February 24, 2015. Mr. Cavanaugh motioned to affirm the minutes of the regular board meeting of February 24, 2015 and was seconded by Mr. Levy. The regular board minutes of February 24, 2015 were affirmed three to zero with one abstention (3–0–1, Mr. Gallego not present during affirmation of the minutes, Mrs. Kischak abstained due to her absence at the February meeting).

Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes March 31, 2015

New Business:

Resolution No. 2015–03: License Agreement between the Yonkers Parking Authority and FPJ Amusement & Entertainment Services, Inc. (April 09, 2015 – April 19, 2015)

Page 11 of 23 Mr. Levy moved to approve Resolution 2015–03 and was seconded by Mr. Cavanaugh. The board passed Resolution 2015–03, five to zero (5–0).

Resolution No. 2015–04: Approve Purchase of Replacement Operations Support Vehicles for the Rolling Stock

A brief discussion ensued regarding the fuel efficiency of the proposed vehicles to be purchased. Mr. Cavanaugh asked about the feasibility of utilizing electric vehicles. Chairman Regan asked how the electric cars would be charged and paid for. Mr. McLynn responded that electric charging stations would be acquired through a New York Power Authority (NYPA) grant.

Mrs. Kischak moved to approve Resolution 2015–04 and was seconded by Mr. Cavanaugh. The board passed Resolution 2015–04, five to zero (5–0).

Resolution No. 2015–05: Award Amano McGann, Inc. Contract for Automation of Cacace Justice Center Parking Facility

The board reviewed Resolution No. 2015–05 to award Amano McGann, Inc. the contract for automation of the Cacace Justice Center parking facility. Mrs. Mrijaj informed the board that the original bid had been for eighty–five thousand ($85,000) dollars but that the current proposed contract was for eighty–nine thousand four hundred thirty–five ($89,435) dollars, as the unit is a new version.

Mr. Cavanaugh asked if validators and extra gate arms would be purchased, Mr. McLynn confirmed that both validators and extra gate arms would be purchased. Ms Carter (City Finance Department) asked where the funds were being sourced from; Mr. McLynn responded that the funds were from Capital. Mr. McLynn added that the Authority would also install surveillance cameras at the Cacace Justice Center parking facility.

Mr. Cavanaugh moved to approve Resolution 2015–05 and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. The board passed Resolution 2015–05, five to zero (5–0).

Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes March 31, 2015


 NYPA LED Garage Lighting Design Proposal

12 The board was briefed that the NYPA LED Garage lighting project was proceeding smoothly.

 Multi–Space Meter Pay Stations & Smart Parking Meter Pilot Program

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board that an analysis of the Multi Space Meter pay stations and smart meters would be conducted over the next few months and that the board would be briefed as they were completed.

 Financial Consultant

Mrs. Mrijaj briefed the board that the Authority had interviewed Mr. Hvisc, a financial consultant, to provide financial related services. Mrs. Mrijaj added that with Mr. Hvisc’s financial background he would be able to conduct the analysis required for the proposed Multi Space Meter pay stations and smart meter program as well as other financial related matters for the Authority. A service contract would be prepared and forwarded to Law for review. The board approved the hiring of Mr. Hvisc.

 Clean Up Aides

Mr. Cavanaugh initiated discussion regarding the pay rate of the Clean up Aides that were recently hired by the Authority. The outcome was that the senior Clean up Aides would earn fourteen ($14) dollars per hour and the junior Clean up Aides would earn twelve ($12) dollars per hour.

 Lockwood Lot: DEC Remediation

Mrs. Mrijaj briefed the board that the Authority’s consultants, Henningson, Durham & Richardson Architecture and Engineering, P.C. (HDR). are hoping to have the MDR completed by mid-April.

 Auditors Report

Mrs. Mrijaj informed the board that the Authority’s external auditors had audited the financial records in the middle of March and that they would render their report at the next board meeting.

Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes March 31, 2015

Page 13 of 23  Flea Market

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board that with the warmer spring weather the Nepperhan corridor flea market was due to open in two weeks’ time.

 Parking Meter Break–Ins

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board that the Yonkers Police Department were devoting quite a bit of time investigating the meter break ins.

 Ravine Lot

Mrs. Mrijaj addressed the board that the lease on the Ravine lot had been extended for an additional four (4) months until the end of July 2015. The board discussed the state of the lot which has undulating depressions in certain parts of the lot. The staff was directed to check if vehicles could be relocated to the back end of the lot, if the Authority goes long term with the lease, so that the section currently being used could be repaved.

Technical Issues

Mr. Levy inquired regarding the status of the technical software issues that had been affecting the ability of parking permit holders to renew online. The Authority’s credit card processing company had updated their software and informed the Authority accordingly but had failed to inform NetTech, the Authority’s interface vendor. Mrs. Mrijaj indicated that everyone had been accounted for but that there were still issues that needed to be ironed out.

Financial Report: February 2015

Mrs. Mrijaj presented the financial report for February 2015 to the board.

 The Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA) has recorded a total of $296,049 in revenues under the YPA account and $54,504 under the Buena Vista Garage (BVG) account during the month of February 2015.

 Operating expenditures for February 2015 totalled $373,890 for the YPA and $78,210 for the Buena Vista Garage (BVG).

 YPA revenues realized a twelve (12%) per cent increase during February 2015 in comparison to February 2014; while BVG revenues reflected a four (4%) per cent decrease from the previous year.

Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes March 31, 2015

14 Other Business:


Next Meeting

The date for the regular meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2015, at Authority offices.


With no further business to be discussed, Mr. Cavanaugh moved that the regular meeting be adjourned and was seconded by Mr. Levy. The motioned carried and was passed, five to zero, (5–0). The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Maros Victoria Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary

City of Yonkers Parking Authority

Page 15 of 23 8 Buena Vista Avenue Yonkers, New York 10701

Audit Committee Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015

A scheduled meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board Audit Committee took place on Thursday, April 28, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at YPA offices, at 8 Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers, New York.


Board members: Hon. William T. Regan, Chairman Hon. Steven J. Levy, Secretary Mr. Dennis R. Gallego, Member Mr. Jeremiah J. Jerome, Member (New Board member replacing Mrs. Patricia Kischak)

YPA Staff: Mrs. Lisa Mrijaj, Executive Director Mr. Jay McLynn, Assistant to the Executive Director Susan M. Maros Victoria, Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary Mr. Canute McLaughlin, Accountant

Visitors: Mr. H. Chris Kopf, CPA, O’Connor Davies, LLP Ms J. Helen Aggrey, Esq., Corporation Counsel, City of Yonkers, NY Ms Melvina Carter, City of Yonkers Finance Department Mr. Blake A. Perez, YPA employee

Absent: Mr. James Cavanaugh, Member

Audit FY2014 – FY2013

The board reviewed the Audit prepared by O’Connor Davies, LLP for the year ending December 31, 2014. Mr. Kopf of O’Connor Davies, LLP noted that during 2014 assets were in a strong position and that liabilities had dropped. Mr. Kopf stated that overall the Authority had, had a good year.

City of Yonkers Parking Authority

16 Audit Committee Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015

Mr. Jerome inquired about internal controls and how they could be tightened up. Mr. Kopf responded that during the audit a sample of policies established by the board was done to determine if policies are being followed. Mr. Kopf indicated that policies were being adhered to. Mr. Jerome indicated that the minutes be duly noted.

Mr. Kopf further noted that the list of current fixed assets had been reviewed and that the Authority has a very detailed list indicating that a suggestion made by the auditors was being followed.

Mr. Kopf departed at 5:53 p.m. The regular board meeting was resumed at 5:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Maros Victoria Human Resources Director/ Board Recording Secretary

Yonkers Parking Authority

Page 17 of 23 8 Buena Vista Avenue Yonkers, New York 10701

Regular Board Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board was convened on Tuesday, April 28, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at the offices of the Yonkers Parking Authority, at 8 Buena Vista Avenue, Yonkers, New York.


Board members: Hon. William T. Regan, Chairman Hon. Steven J. Levy, Secretary Mr. Dennis R. Gallego, Member Mr. Jeremiah J. Jerome, Member (New Board member replacing Mrs. Patricia Kischak)

YPA Staff: Mrs. Lisa Mrijaj, Executive Director Mr. Jay McLynn, Assistant to the Executive Director Susan M. Maros Victoria, Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary Mr. Canute McLaughlin, Accountant

Visitors: Mr. H. Chris Kopf, CPA, O’Connor Davies, LLP Ms J. Helen Aggrey, Esq., Corporation Counsel, City of Yonkers, NY Ms Melvina Carter, City of Yonkers Finance Department Mr. Blake A. Perez, YPA employee

Absent: Mr. James Cavanaugh, Member


Call to Order

Chairman Regan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

New Board Member, Mr. Jeremiah J. Jerome

Mr. Jeremiah J. Jerome was welcomed as the new board member to the Yonkers Parking Authority board. Mr. Jerome replaces Mrs. Patricia Kischak, outgoing Vice– Chairwoman, on the board. Yonkers Parking Authority

18 Regular Board Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015

Affirmation of Minutes of March 31, 2015 Regular Board Meeting

The board reviewed the minutes of the regular board meeting convened on March 31, 2015. Mr. Levy motioned to affirm the minutes of the regular board meeting of March 31, 2015 and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. The regular board minutes of March 31, 2015 were affirmed three to zero with one absence and one abstention (3–0–1, Mr. Cavanaugh absent, Mr. Jerome abstained).

Audit Committee Meeting convened

The board reviewed the Audit prepared by O’Connor Davies, LLP for the years ending December 31, 2014 and 2013.

N.B. Mr. Kopf left at 5:53 p.m.

New Business:

Resolution No. 2015–06: Approve Upgrade of Existing Security Camera Systems at the Government Center Garage (GCG) and Buena Vista Garage Parking Facilities

The board reviewed Resolution 2015–06 with Mr. Jerome inquiring if there was a service agreement. Mr. McLynn responded that one was being worked on. Mr. Jerome also asked if there was a warranty, for the new security cameras, good for one (1) year to which Mr. McLynn responded in the affirmative.

Mr. Gallego moved to approve Resolution 2015–06 and was seconded by Mr. Levy. The board passed Resolution 2015–06, four to zero (4–0, Mr. Cavanaugh absent).

Resolution No. 2015–07: Supplement to Amano McGann, Inc. Contract for Automation of Cacace Justice Center Parking Facility

Mrs. Mrijaj briefed the board that we realized that a second full service pay station at the Cacace Justice Center parking facility was necessary. Mr. McLynn further explained that while the exit arm accepted credit cards for payment it did not accept cash, hence therefore the need for the second full service pay station. Mrs. Mrijaj added that during the walk through with the City Engineer, Mr. Paul Summerfield to discuss the layout and traffic flow patterns, it was determined that the City’s MIS department would install the conduit from the Justice Cacace Center to the pay stations at the Cacace Justice Center parking facility.

Mr. McLynn added that Mr. Isaac Tabib, the City of Yonkers’ security consultant was

Page 19 of 23 spearheading the project. Mr. Levy asked about swing space. Mr. McLynn responded that initially there was not enough swing space to safely turn a vehicle around but that it would be. Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015

Resolution No. 2015–07: Supplement to Amano McGann, Inc. Contract for Automation of Cacace Justice Center Parking Facility Continued resolved by eliminating a parking space or two to provide sufficient swing space. Mr. Jerome asked if there were spaces for handicapped parkers. Mrs. Mrijaj answered, yes.

Mr. Gallego moved to approve Resolution 2015–07 and was seconded by Mr. Levy. The board passed Resolution 2015–07, four to zero (4–0, Mr. Cavanaugh absent).

PANGO: (Pay by Phone Technology) Mobile Parking Program

Mrs. Mrijaj informed the board regarding PANGO, a mobile parking program, for which the Authority would not outlay any funding. The PANGO program permits the parker to extend his parking time by paying via his smart phone. The parking enforcement officers (PEO) would be able to determine if the parker paid by scanning the vehicle’s registration with his handheld device. Mr. McLynn added that other features PANGO provides could be used for parking permit payments reducing manual sales at the Authority’s cashier window.

Mrs. Mrijaj further added that the other plus was that the vendor will pay for any marketing and signage for the program. Mrs. Mrijaj noted that the only downside was that the Authority’s current handhelds were not currently compatible with the technology but that Mrs. Morck of the Parking Violations Bureau had indicated that the new updated units would be. Mr. Levy noted that it could be done by zones. Mrs. McLynn indicated that it was the same process as the credit card feature. Ms Melvina Carter (COY Finance Department) asked if the parking enforcement officer (PEO) would get a message that the meter was expired so that the PEO could issue a ticket accordingly. Mr. McLynn responded that the PEOs would be able to do so with the new handhelds. The board asked that a presentation be scheduled.

Proposal to Commemorate Lewis Giorgi as a co–founder of the Yonkers Parking Authority

Mrs. Mrijaj apprised the board that the son of Mr. Lewis Giorgi, a co–founder of the Yonkers Parking Authority, had petitioned the Mayor’s office to name a parking facility in his father’s memory. Mr. Levy wanted to know how the determination for a proposed parking facility would be made and was informed that Mr. Cavanaugh would find out what area of Yonkers Mr. Giorgi was from and choose a parking facility close to Mr.

20 Giorgi’s former residence.


 Cacace Upgrade

Discussed earlier Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015

Updates Continued:

 NYPA LED Garage Lighting Design Proposal

Mrs. Mrijaj updated the board that NYPA is working on the design phase for the replacement of the existing light fixtures to light-emitting diode (LED) lights at the Ashburton Park–Drome Garage, the Buena Vista Garage and the Government Center Garage (GCG). Mr. Levy asked if they had a timeline and Mr. McLynn responded that they were on schedule.

 Lockwood Lot: DEC Remediation

A brief discussion ensued concerning the ongoing search for the signed easement documents to the parking facility.

Other Business:


Mr. Jerome inquired about obtaining planters for the parking facilities because it made the parking facilities look nice. Mr. Regan asked Mr. McLynn to review the matter.

Financial Report: March 2015

Mrs. Mrijaj presented the financial report for March 2015 to the board.

 The Yonkers Parking Authority (YPA) has recorded a total of $414,896 in revenues under the YPA account and $77,415 under the Buena Vista Garage (BVG) account during the month of March 2015.

 Operating expenditures for March 2015 totalled $388,319 for the YPA and $76,472 for the Buena Vista Garage (BVG).

Page 21 of 23  YPA revenues realized a two (2%) per cent increase during March 2015 in comparison to March 2014; while BVG revenues did not change from the previous year.

Next Meeting

The date for the regular meeting of the Yonkers Parking Authority Board has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26, 2015, at Authority offices.

Yonkers Parking Authority Regular Board Meeting Minutes April 28, 2015


With no further business to be discussed, Mr. Levy moved that the regular meeting be adjourned and was seconded by Mr. Gallego. The motioned carried and was passed, four to zero, (4–0, Mr. Cavanaugh absent). The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Maros Victoria Human Resources Director/ Recording Secretary

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