Lesson Planning Page Template

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Lesson Planning Page Template

Reading: Informational Text:  Infers the specific purpose of short informational Craft & Structure passages (announcements/advertisements)  Infers the author's purpose (term not used) in DesCartes Statements: writing an informational passage (advertisement)  Infers the author's intended purpose for an informational passage (to inform)  Infers the author's specific/main purpose for an informational passage (to inform)  Interprets the mood created by the author in informational text Students: RIT 221-230:  Identifies and uses structure of bibliographies in  Gives examples of cause and effect in informational text informational text  Describes how an index is organized  Identifies the topics being compared in  Understands text features of textbooks (author informational text biography)  Compares content/concepts described in Students: RIT 201-210: informational passages (2 or more complex passages)  Locates and interprets information in a schedule, index, or label  Analyzes informational text to make comparisons in informational text  Locates information in a table of contents that uses Roman numerals  Evaluates passages to determine the bias found in informational text  Explains how the author makes a given comparison in informational text  Infers author's viewpoint/attitude in informational text  Gives examples of sentences in informational text that are opinions  Infers the author's specific purpose for an informational passage (gather support)  Distinguishes between fact and opinion in informational text  Infers the author's specific purpose for an informational passage (persuasive)  Identifies sequence of events in informational text (first)  Identifies characteristics of reference materials  Explains how one's experiences and values  Critiques the usefulness of diagrams, graphs, and affect the interpretation of facts in informational charts text Students: RIT 211-220:  Analyzes persuasive/loaded language used in  Locates and interprets information in a schedule, informational text index, or label  Evaluates validity of information in informational  Locates information in an index containing text multiple entries for a single topic  Infers the author's viewpoint (term not used) in  Locates information in a table of contents that passages (containing one or more complex uses Roman numerals sentences) of informational text  Recognizes that compare and contrast is a useful  Evaluates the author's viewpoint or attitude in strategy for informational texts informational text using complex sentences and  Explains how the author makes a given difficult vocabulary comparison in informational text  Analyzes when the author's purpose is to inform  Identifies sequential or chronological order in in informational text informational text  Infers the author's specific/main purpose for an  Identifies the organizational pattern of main idea informational passage (to inform) plus supporting details in informational text  Identifies and uses structure of bibliographies in  Analyzes persuasive/loaded language used in informational text informational text  Describes how an index is organized  Evaluates validity of information in informational  Identifies and uses structures of glossaries in text informational text  Infers author's viewpoint/attitude in Students: RIT 191-200: informational text  Locates information in a simple index  Classifies the purpose of a short informational  Locates information found in a simple chart in passage (3-8 sentences) as "to inform" informational text  Infers the author's specific purpose for an  Explains how the author makes a given informational passage (persuasive) comparison in informational text Reading Lesson Planning Page www.fortheteachers.org | Page 1 of 4 Students: RIT 171-180:  Gives examples of informational sentences that are facts  Locates information in a table of contents or title page in informational text  Gives examples of sentences in informational text that are opinions  Classifies statements as fact or opinion in informational text  Distinguishes between fact and opinion in informational text  Locates bias in informational texts  Identifies sequence of events in informational  Infers the author's viewpoint (term not used) in text (first) short paragraphs of informational text  Infers an author's bias from short paragraphs of  Determines the author's purpose (term not informational text (1-4 sentences) used) in creating an informational sign or diagram  Analyzes persuasive language used in informational text  Determines an author's purpose in writing an informational passage (1-5 sentences, list or sign)  Classifies the purpose of a short informational passage (1 to 3 sentences) as "to inform"  Infers the author's specific purpose (term not used) for an informational passage (persuasive)  Infers the author's purpose (term not used) in Students: writing an informational passage (persuasive) RIT 221-230:  Infers the author's specific purpose (term not  Gives examples of cause and effect in used) for an informational passage (to inform) informational text  Identifies the characteristics of nonfiction  Identifies the topics being compared in informational text  Identifies the characteristics of informational magazines  Compares content/concepts described in informational passages (2 or more complex  Locates information using a table of contents in passages) literary text  Analyzes informational text to make  Recognizes the characteristics of glossaries in comparisons in informational text informational text  Evaluates passages to determine the bias found  Identifies and uses structures of glossaries in in informational text informational text Infers author's viewpoint/attitude in Students: RIT 181-190:  informational text  Locates information using an index in Infers the author's specific purpose for an informational text  informational passage (gather support)  Locates information in a table of contents or title Infers the author's specific purpose for an page in informational text  informational passage (persuasive)  Gives examples of informational sentences that Identifies characteristics of reference materials are facts   Classifies statements as fact or opinion in  Critiques the usefulness of diagrams, graphs, and informational text charts Students: RIT 211-220:  Makes inferences to determine an author's bias or viewpoint (terms not used) from short  Locates and interprets information in a schedule, paragraphs of informational text (1-4 sentences) index, or label  Infers the author's viewpoint (term not used) in  Locates information in an index containing short paragraphs of informational text multiple entries for a single topic  Evaluates the author's viewpoint or attitude in  Locates information in a table of contents that informational text uses Roman numerals  Infers the author's specific purpose for writing a  Recognizes that compare and contrast is a useful complex informational text strategy for informational texts  Infers the author's specific purpose (term not  Explains how the author makes a given used) for an informational passage (to inform) comparison in informational text  Identifies the characteristics of informational  Identifies sequential or chronological order in magazines informational text  Identifies the characteristics of dictionaries  Identifies the organizational pattern of main idea plus supporting details in informational text  Describes the functions of a table of contents in informational texts  Analyzes persuasive/loaded language used in informational text  Locates information using a table of contents in literary text  Evaluates validity of information in informational text  Uses as bibliography to locate information in informational text  Infers author's viewpoint/attitude in informational text Reading Lesson Planning Page www.fortheteachers.org | Page 2 of 4  Classifies the purpose of a short informational passage (3-8 sentences) as "to inform"  Infers the author's specific purpose for an informational passage (persuasive)  Infers the specific purpose of short informational passages (announcements/advertisements)  Infers the author's purpose (term not used) in writing an informational passage (advertisement)  Infers the author's intended purpose for an informational passage (to inform)  Infers the author's specific/main purpose for an informational passage (to inform)  Interprets the mood created by the author in informational text  Identifies and uses structure of bibliographies in informational text  Describes how an index is organized  Understands text features of textbooks (author biography) Students: RIT 201-210:  Locates and interprets information in a schedule, index, or label  Locates information in a table of contents that uses Roman numerals  Explains how the author makes a given comparison in informational text  Gives examples of sentences in informational text that are opinions  Distinguishes between fact and opinion in informational text  Identifies sequence of events in informational text (first)  Explains how one's experiences and values affect the interpretation of facts in informational text  Analyzes persuasive/loaded language used in informational text  Evaluates validity of information in informational text  Infers the author's viewpoint (term not used) in passages (containing one or more complex sentences) of informational text  Evaluates the author's viewpoint or attitude in informational text using complex sentences and difficult vocabulary  Analyzes when the author's purpose is to inform in informational text  Infers the author's specific/main purpose for an informational passage (to inform)  Identifies and uses structure of bibliographies in informational text  Describes how an index is organized  Identifies and uses structures of glossaries in informational text

Reading Lesson Planning Page www.fortheteachers.org | Page 3 of 4 Lesson Title: Mid-Level Activity:


Standard/Concept for All:


Higher-Level Activity: Means of Assessment: Lesson/Activity:

Lower-Level Activity:



Means of Assessment: Resources:

Means of Assessment:

Closure/Summary for All: 1

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