Review For The C & E Semester Exam

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Review For The C & E Semester Exam

REVIEW FOR THE C & E SEMESTER EXAM Answer the following review questions on separate sheets of paper. Copy the questions.

1. What are the functions of government? (4 –p. 22) 2. What are the main differences between a democracy and a dictatorship. (25) 3. Name the 3 branches of government, their responsibilities. Give examples of each from all three levels of government. (Gov’t Matrix Chart) 4. How can citizens influence the government? (3 ways) 5. How are citizens informed about laws? 6. List 5 duties required of Americans. List 5 responsibilities. 7. Age to vote? To serve on a jury? to sign up for Selective Service? 8. List 3 reasons why the Mayflower Compact was such an important document. (36) 9. Describe our English heritage. (5- notes) 10. What is the difference between the different types of colonies: Royal, proprietary, charter?(39) 11. Why did the colonists want their independence? (p. 49-52 -notes-) 12. Explain 3 basic ideas of democracy found in the Declaration of Independence. (55) 13. Why did the Articles of Confederation create a national government that was weak? List 8 weaknesses. (chart 69) 14. What were the accomplishments of government under the Articles? (68) 15. Explain the significance of Shay’s Rebellion. (70) 16. How does the Constitution fix the problems of the Articles? (81) 17. What are the Federalist Papers and who wrote them? 18. Draw a Venn Diagram to illustrate the Great Compromise. (74-75) Explain why it is considered such an important compromise. 19. Describe the difference between a Federalist and an Anti Federalist.(77-78) 20. What are the six goals of the Preamble? (80) 21. How do the three branches of government provide checks and balances to each other? (chart p. 88) 22. List and describe the 5 underlying principles of the Constitution. (pp. 85-90) 23. Chart p. 89: How powers are divided between the national and state governments. List 2 expressed powers, 2 reserved powers, 2 concurrent powers. 24. Explain how the Constitution is amended. (chart p. 82-83) 25. Define: initiative, referendum. Why are these important to a democracy? 26. Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? 27. Bill of Rights: What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution? 28. Why is the first amendment essential to a democratic society? 29. Other Amendments to define: 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 30. What are the possible party systems in the world? (Chapter 9) 31. Explain 2 significant issues of the 2 main political parties in the U.S. 32. List 5 functions of political parties. (know vocabulary p. 278) 33. How do third parties play a role in American politics? 34. What are the 4 qualifications for voting? 35. List 4 barriers to voting and describe the remedy to the barrier. (notes/amendments) 36. Explain the purposes of each election: primary, caucus, runoff, recall, general, Electoral College. 37. What is a PAC and what do they do? (p. 308) 38. Explain the 6 functions of interest groups. (337) Why don’t people like interest groups? 39. Explain the job of a lobbyist. Why is this profession criticized? (335) 40. List and define the 7 propaganda techniques. (336) 41. Powers of Congress: where in the Constitution are the expressed powers of Congress found? 42. List 4 limits on the powers of Congress. 43. What are the qualifications of members of Congress? 44. What offices are the leadership in Congress? 45. How does a bill become law? Explain the steps in the process. 46. Describe 4 unique responsibilities for the Senate and the House. 47. What are the roles of the President? (216-218) qualifications? (209) 48. What are the Duties of the President? (215) 49. How does the Electoral College elect the President? (210) 50. Bureaucracy: define executive agency, independent agency, cabinet, government corporation. (starts on 225)

SUPREME COURT CASES Marbury v. Madison 1803 McCulloch v. Maryland 1819

Gideon v. Wainwright 1963 Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 Texas v. Johnson, 1989 Tinker v. Des Moines School District, 1969

51. Define: regressive tax, progressive tax. ( 741-742) 52. How can state constitutions be amended? Explain 3 ways p. 687. 53. Describe the 9 types of county officials and their responsibilities. 54. Define the types of city government: weak mayor, strong mayor, council manager, commission. (727-728) 55. How do cities and counties finance the services they provide for citizens? (741)

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