At the Scottish Poetry Library

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At the Scottish Poetry Library



This list collects the Scottish poetry titles that have come to the SPL Librarian’s attention over the last year.

A full bibliography is also available on request. We hope you will find this list useful, either for requesting books and pamphlets to borrow from the SPL or in buying them. If you find any titles difficult to track down, or have any other questions, please consult us.

Advice of forthcoming titles is welcomed, and should be sent to the Librarian, Julie Johnstone, at the SPL.

Single Collections

Jim Aitken, The last calendar of events (Scottish Federation of Socialist Teachers)

J.B. Brown, The blood of kings (FireStep)

Tom Bryan, Until the roof falls in (Indigo Dreams)

Eunice Buchanan, As far as I can see (Kettillonia)

David Burnett, Snowfalls (Black Cygnet)

Ron Butlin, The magicians of Edinburgh : recent poetry (Polygon)

Mairi Campbell-Jack, This is a poem b/w A violation of expectation (Burning Eye)

Carol Ann Duffy, Wenceslas : a Christmas poem (Picador)

Alec Finlay, Be my reader (Shearsman)

Ian Hamilton Finlay, Ian Hamilton Finlay: selections, edited and introduced by Alec Finlay (University of California)

Bashabi Fraser, Ragas & reels (Luath)

John Edward Hudson, Earth (Luath)

Simon Jackson, Fragile Cargo (BeWrite)

Kathleen Jamie, The overhaul (Picador)

William Letford, Bevel (Carcanet)

New Scottish Titles Acquired for the Scottish Poetry Library collection in 2012 Pippa Little, Overwintering (Carcanet)

Roddy Lumsden, The Bells of Hope (Penned in the Margins)

Gerry McGrath, Rooster (Mariscat)

Robert Mackay, Poems of the Caithness Violinist, compiled by Sandy Gunn (Sandy Gunn)

Rob A. MacKenzie, Fleck and the bark (Salt)

Uilleam Aonghas MacMhathain, Duilleag Beatha (Foillsichte le Clo Fuigheagan)

MacNeacail, Aonghas, dèanamh gàire ris a’ chloc: dàin ùra agus thaghte / laughing at the clock: new and selected poems (Polygon)

Joseph Macleod, A Drinan trilogy : The cove / The men of the rocks / Script from Norway (Waterloo)

Hugh McMillan, Thin slice of moon: new and selected poems (Roncadora)

Alastair Mackie, Collected poems 1954-1994, edited by Christopher Rush (Two Ravens)

John Manson, Stabs and fences, and later poems (Kennedy & Boyd)

Gordon Meade, The Familiar (Arrowhead)

Don Paterson, Selected Poems (Faber)

Gordon Peters, By leaves entwined : poems (Jaggnath)

Jacob Polley, The havocs (Picador)

Tom Pow, In Another World: among Europe’s dying villages (Polygon)

Richard Price, Small world (Carcanet)

Tessa Ransford, Don’t mention this to anyone: poems from India & Pakistan (Luath)

Tessa Ransford & Iyad Hayatleh, Rug of a thousand colours: poems inspired by the Five Pillars of Islam (Luath)

Arne Rautenberg, Snapdragon, translated from the German by Ken Cockburn (Caseroom)

Angus Reid, The book of days (Caseroom)

Robert Rendall, Collected poems (Steve Savage)

Chrys Salt, Greedy for mulberries : selected poems 1989-2007 (Markings)

Chrys Salt, Grass (Indigo Dreams)

Tawona Sithole, Ganyamatope in living spirit : poems (Seeds of Thought)

Mary Smith, Thousands pass by here every day (Indigo Dreams)

New Scottish Titles Acquired for the Scottish Poetry Library collection in 2012 Kenneth Steven, A song among the stones (Polygon)

Jacquie Swift, Stepping on stones : conversations (An Machair)

Margaret Tait, Poems, stories and writings (Carcanet)

Colin Will, The propriety of weeding (Red Squirrel)

Hamish Whyte, The unswung axe (Shoestring)

George Wyllie, Some serious, some not, some not even that: collected poems and illustrations 1979- 2010 (Media Matters)

Mem Zepper, 13 poems and one song (Saxa Arts)

Single Collections – pamphlets

Jean Atkin, The dark farms (Roncadora)

Kate Ashton, The concourse of virgins (Lapwing)

David Skea Allan, Waking reveries : (extracts) (s.n.)

Carlos Arredondo, ‘De dóde hemos venido los refugiados = ‘From where we, the refugees, have come’ [translations by John Gillies] (s.n).

David Betteridge, Cross-sections (Rhizome)

David Betteridge & Tom Malone, A Squair book (Rhizome)

Sheena Blackhall, Cleaning the apostle spoons : poems in Scots & English (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Sheena Blackhall, Impossible gifties : poems in Scots and English (Severin)

Sheena Blackhall, A nest of tongues : poems & stories in Scots & English (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Sheena Blackhall, Peach blossom petals : folk tales & poems from Vietnam (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Sheena Blackhall, Steens : poems & tales in Scots & English (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Sheena Blackhall, Thorgunna’s curse : poems and tales in Scots and English (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Sheena Blackhall, Matzevot: a walk on the face of gravestones (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Sheena Blackhall, Three cats flying: poems and tales in Scots and English (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Sheena Blackhall and Tom Hubbard, The merry dancers : poems, ballads and tales from the North Sea and Baltic, in Scots and English (Malfranteaux Concepts)

Eunice M. Buchanan & Sandra McQueen, Fae land and time divided : selected poems (Caa’inawa)

Larry Butler & Ratnadevi, How ripples happen (Playspace)

New Scottish Titles Acquired for the Scottish Poetry Library collection in 2012 Niall Campbell, After the creel fleet (Happenstance) (moved down from collections)

Jim Carruth, Rider at the Crossing (HappenStance)

Stewart Conn, Estuary : poems (Mariscat)

Douglas Davie, Spelling Galloway (Grey Granite)

Alec Finlay, Question your teaspoons (Calder Wood)

Barry Fowler, A gentle rain like diamonds (All States)

Linda France, Heartwork (Playspace)

Graham Fulton, Upside down heart (Controlled Explosion)

Graham Fulton, Speed of light (Controlled Explosion)

Mandy Haggith, A-B-tree (s.n.)

Lesley Harrison, Auchmithie calendar (s.n.)

Paul Heinowski, Japonika : 32 micro-poems (Q.Q. Press)

Tom Hubbard, The nyaff : Scottish poems in English and Scots (Windfall)

Gordon Jarvie, Withering into the truth : poems from the Rag-and-Bone shop (Harpercroft)

Gordon Jarvie, Out and about poetry : mainly from the East Neuk, Fife (Harpercroft)

Dorothy Lawrenson, The year (Perjink)

Aileen Lobaan, the spaces inbetween (Branwell)

Aileen Lobban, The present tense (Branwell)

Richie McCaffery, Spinning Plates (Happenstance)

Gill McConnell, Under the knife (Kendalmere)

Anna MacDonald, Selected Poems (s.n.)

Mark McHugh-Pratt and Jock Stein, Two wings to fly (Handsel)

Donald MacKay, On time : poems (Mariscat)

Aonghas MacNeacail, Ayont the Dyke (Ketillonia)

Angela McSeveney, Still Bristling (Mariscat)

Theresa Munoz, Close (Happenstance) (moved down from collections)

Jean Mackie, A little piece of earth (Happenstance)

New Scottish Titles Acquired for the Scottish Poetry Library collection in 2012 Angus D. H. Ogilvy, Lights in the constellation of the crab (Hermit Crab)

Tom Pow & Hugh Bryden, Nest (Roncadora)

Maggie Rabatski, Holding (New Voices)

Mary Robinson, Uist aulking song (Westward)

Matthew Stewart, Tasting notes (Happenstance)

Jacquie Swift, Tiptoes (Final Score)

Mary Thomson, Comings and goings (author)

Marion Tracy, Giant in the doorway (Happenstance)

Dai Vaughan, After life (Art-Works)

Maggie Wallis, Shades of Blue (Henhouse)

George T. Watt, Abune the toun (Perjink)

Jim C. Wilson, Will I ever get to Minsk (Happenstance)

Frank Wood, Racing the stable clock (Happenstance)

Alan Young, A discovery (Elizabeth Simon)

Alan Young, A partial view (Elizabeth Simon)


26 treasures : 4 national museums, 104 objects, 62 words each, edited by John Simmons (Unbound)

Cat’s whiskers : poems : 30 years of Mariscat Press (Mariscat)

A little touch of Cliff in the evening : new writing Scotland 30, edited by Carl MacDougall & Zoe Strachan (Association for Scottish Literary Studies)

Horse tales & Saddle Songs: an anthology, ed. by Judy Steel (Bordersprint)

Jubilee Lines: 60 Poets for 60 years, edited by Carol Ann Duffy (Faber)

My favourite place : a tribute to Scotland’s best-loved places (Scottish Book Trust)

North light: the anthology of Clydebuilt 3 (Dreadful Night)

She feeds the sea : writing from the Dighty Burn (Salty)

Split screen: poems inspired by film & TV, ed. Andy Jackson (Red Squirrel)

Tip tap flat : a view of Glasgow, edited by Louise Welsh and others (Freight)

New Scottish Titles Acquired for the Scottish Poetry Library collection in 2012 Where rockets burn through: contemporary science fiction poems from the UK, edited by Russell Jones (Penned in the Margins)

New Scottish Titles Acquired for the Scottish Poetry Library collection in 2012

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