Title of Unit s3

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Title of Unit s3

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ASSESSMENT 1 A1 Wondering at the gifts that A1 Wondering at the gifts that A1 Wondering at the gifts that A1 Wondering at the gifts that A2 Wondering at the creator of **PORTFOLIO** help us learn. help us learn. help us learn. help us learn. learning gifts. A1.1 Names what they have A1.1 Names what they have A1.2 Identify the gifts that help A1.2 Identify the gifts that help A2.1 Expresses wonder questions learned as they have grown. learned as they have grown. them learn. them learn. about God who created their (The students create a simple (Create a class book. ‘Grow and (Talk about the gift of memory, (In groups the children create a learning gifts. timeline {baby, toddler, pre- Learn.’ Each student contributes by curiosity and thinking and how they circle chart for memory, curiosity (Share ‘Wonder about learning’ on school, now}, illustrating writing and drawing about what help you to learn. Complete activity and thinking. They sort out the page 70 with the children. what they have learned at they consider to be the most sheet A1 ‘True or untrue’ on page actions on page 69 ‘Which learning Invite the children to add lines different stages of their important thing they have learned.) 59. In pairs talk about how you gift?’ and share to the whole group that reflect their own lives. could find out if these things were why they have put the actions wonderings and experiences of true or untrue.) where they have put them.) God who created their learning gifts.) 2 A3 Attribute: God knows A3 Attribute: God knows B1 The promise of Christian B1 The promise of Christian B2 Jesus showed the Bible everything. everything. salvation. salvation. teaches God’s truths. A3.1 Celebrates that God A3.1 Celebrates that God knows B1.1 Names things which Jesus B1.1 Names things which Jesus B2.1 Identifies truths God has knows everything. everything. learned as he grew. learned as he grew. taught through Jesus in the (Display the headings Past, (Children bring in a baby photo of (Tell the story of ‘Finding Jesus in (Fold an A4 piece of paper in half. Gospels. Present and Future on posters. The themselves. In the centre of the the Temple’ [Luke 2:41-50]. Students write and draw about (Complete activity sheet 3a and 3b. students list events which fall into display put a current class photo. The students complete two things that Jesus learned in his ‘One of God’s truths’, on page 61 each category. Talk about how God The children draw a picture of activity sheet 2 page 60. ’12 life.) and 62.) knows and understands everything themselves in the future. The title Year old amazes teachers’.) that exists.) could be: ‘God Knows everything, past, present and future’.) 3 C1 Christians celebrate the C2 Christians celebrate the C2 Christians celebrate the C2 Christians celebrate the The Bible says what is true. Bible as the word of Gospels. Gospels. Gospels. C3.1 States one of Jesus’ important God. C2.1 Illustrates Gospel stories C2.2 Explores Advent stories. C2.3 Explores key elements of a teachings about love. C1.1 Explores ways Christians that help people learn that Jesus (Tell the 4 Advent/Christmas stories ‘Nativity Scene’ and creates their (The students create bookmarks using celebrate the Bible. is the Son of God. on page 18. Students illustrate one own nativity scene. the words of John 15:12. These will be (Divide class into 3 groups. Group (Perform the echo pantomimes from of these stories using only shades of (Create a plasticine or clay nativity laminated.) 1: Decorates a cloth for the Holy pages 73-76. ‘Jesus Calms A Storm’ purple as this is the colour of scene. Must include the elements Table. Group 2: Creates book and ‘He is Risen’. Talk about how Advent. They can use crayon and discussed on page 47.) covers for their Religion books or each of the scripture stories help edicol dye.) the bible. Group 3: Plans a people learn that Jesus is the Son of procession of the bible to music or God.) words.)

4 C3 The Bible says what is true. C3 The Bible says what is true. C3 The Bible says what is true. C4 Continuing to wonder at C4 Continuing to wonder at how ** Anonymous self C3.2 Identifies that one way C3.2 Identifies that one way C3.3 Lists ways people can how Christians learn Christians learn truths from assessment** people can love others as people can love others as tell/not tell the truth. truths from the Bible. the Bible. Jesus did is by telling the Jesus did is by telling the (Students make up endings for the C4.1 Reviews and expresses the C4.1 Reviews and expresses the truth. truth. stories from Resource sheet 8 on main ideas of the unit. main ideas of the unit. (The children role play some of the (Share the story ‘Franklin Fibs’ or page 77. They write how the stories (Complete anonymous self (Students reflect upon what they have situations on page 77 from ‘We another suitable story about would end if the characters had not assessment, ‘Loving Others’, on learned throughout the unit and make can speak the truth.’.) ‘fibbing’. Discuss * What happened told the truth rather than told the page 64.) a poster.) because he didn’t tell the truth? * truth..) Why do you think he fibbed? * How would things have been different if he had have shown love for his friends by telling the truth? Write in books: * When have I shown love for others? * When have I told the truth?)

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