This Guide Explains How to Access and Run the Standard Reports Contained in NHS Jobs

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This Guide Explains How to Access and Run the Standard Reports Contained in NHS Jobs

Standard Reports

Objective This guide explains how to access and run the standard reports contained in NHS Jobs.

Introduction NHS Jobs comes with 21 standard reports which organisations can use to obtain information about various aspects of their NHS Jobs usage.


Where to start Select ‘Reports’ in the navigation on the left. Access to the standard reports requires a permission that is assigned by your organisation’s System Administrators. If you require access to the reports and do not see the ‘Reports’ option in the navigation to the left, please contact your local System Administrators.

Overview Selecting ‘Standard Reports’ under the Reports option on the left hand navigation will bring up the complete list of standard reports:

The full list of standard reports is shown below:

September 2016 1 © NHS Jobs 2016 Report Name Description

Vacancy Bulletin Provides a printable list of vacancy details for all open vacancies

Provides snapshot report of numbers of applications in each application Application Status stage

Provides the number of applications where there are pre-employment Pre-employment Checks checks outstanding, by recruiting officer

Provides the number of applications broken down into each of the Equal Opportunities monitoring categories

Provides the number of applications and percentages of applications, plus Equal Opportunities Progress those shortlisted or appointed, broken down into each of the monitoring categories

Provides the number of applications for a specified vacancy, broken down Equal Opportunities per Vacancy into each of the monitoring categories

Vacancy Numbers Provides the number of vacancies advertised in each month

Vacancy Summary Provides summarised list of vacancies advertised

Vacancy Details Provides key details from vacancies added in the period

Provides the average number of days vacancies have been in each of the Recruitment Timeline statuses in the recruitment process

Provides the average number of days vacancies have taken from vacancy Recruitment Timeline - by Month creation to vacancy filled (applicant start date)

Provides the average number of days vacancies from organisations across Recruitment Timeline - Region the region have been in each of the statuses in the recruitment process

Restricted Vacancies Provides summary of restricted vacancies by restriction type

Provides list of vacancies with dates for each publication stage and Restricted Vacancy Progress indication of the stage the vacancy was filled

Provides summary information on number of vacancies at each Internal and Restricted Vacancies / publication stage. Provides summary information on number of restricted Accounts accounts set up

Restricted Account Status Provides list of all restricted vacancy accounts

Provides the number applicants in the talent pool, number applicants Talent Pool added, number applicants left/removed and number applicants that have accepted a job in this organisation

September 2016 2 © NHS Jobs 2016 Report Name Description

Provides the number candidates in the pool, number joined, number left, Newly Qualified Pools number searchable and number that have applied for a job

Provides statistics for where applicants state they saw the vacancy they Where Advert Seen applied for advertised

Search Terms Provides the most common search terms in last calendar month

Provides the number of vacancies which include a link to a Realistic Job Realistic Job Preview Test Preview Test, with the number of tests started and completed

Access to an individual report is achieved by clicking the ‘View this Report’ link beside the corresponding description. Once selected these reports will open in a new browser window or tab (depending on the type and version of browser being used).

September 2016 3 © NHS Jobs 2016 The first report on the list is the Vacancy Bulletin report and is different to the other reports, as this report presents information from the vacancy data for all published adverts for your organisation at the time of running the report. This report is used to provide a printable list of currently open vacancies for the organisation and can either be printed physically or printed to PDF for circulation or publication electronically (see below for an example).

All other reports present information from a dedicated reporting database that is updated from the main system overnight each day.

Accessing any of the other reports will take you to a screen with configurable selection options. The options available will depend on the type of report selected.

In the example above, this report can be configured to specific Staff Groups and/or time periods. The report output can be displayed in the browser (Report), or produce a spreadsheet (CSV), PDF or Word document.

September 2016 4 © NHS Jobs 2016 An example of the Vacancy Summary report for a test organisation is shown below:

By clicking ‘Change selection’ at the top of the report the initial parameters entered can be changed to revise the scope of the report.

September 2016 5 © NHS Jobs 2016 Application Status This report provides the number of applications in each of the stages of processing applications. This is a snapshot with numbers reflecting the postion before the start of each day.

Select the report to show staff group, div/dept for reporting or recruitment team members in each row of the report by using the required ‘Report by’ selection.

Selection options: Select a Staff Group to simply report on the applications to vacancies in that staff group. Select a Recruitment Team Member to simply report on the applications to vacancies where that recruitment officer is identified in the vacancy team. Select a Div/Dept for Reporting option to simply report on applications to vacancies within a division or department set up by your organisation.

Example report:

September 2016 6 © NHS Jobs 2016 Pre-employment Checks This report provides the number of pre-employment checks that are ‘in progress’ and have not been completed. This is a snapshot with numbers reflecting the postion before the start of each day.

Selection options: Select a Staff Group to simply report on the applications to vacancies in that staff group. Select a Recruitment Team Member to simply report on the applications to vacancies where that recruitment officer is identified in the vacancy team. Select a Div/Dept for Reporting option to simply report on applications to vacancies within a division or department set up by your organisation.

Example report: The report identifies numbers for each recruitment team member.

September 2016 7 © NHS Jobs 2016 Equal Opportunities This report provides the number of applications with each of the answers in the monitoring information categories, identified per month. An application is included in the month that the vacancy was published in, so that all applications to a vacancy are included in the same month.

Selection options: Select to run the report at an organisational, regional or national level, by using the ‘Select Area Group’ and ‘Select Area Detail’ selections (see Appendix for more information on these selections).

Select a Staff Group to simply report on the applications to vacancies in that staff group. Select a Div/Dept for Reporting option to simply report on applications to vacancies within a division or department set up by your organisation. Select a Pay Scheme and/or a Pay Band to report on applications to vacancies within a specific pay scheme or pay band.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Select to include all vacancies including those still open or just those where the advert has been closed, using the ‘All’ or ‘Closed’ options.

Select to run the report for all applications received, or applications that have been shortlisted or applications where an offer has been made or applicant recruited, using the ‘Stage’ options. Applications are included in the ‘Shortlisted’ report if they are or have been in the ‘Shortlisted’ status at some stage (even if they are now at ‘Rejected’ or ‘Offer Accepted’, etc). Applications are included in the ‘Appointed’ report if they are or have been in the ‘Offer Accepted’ or ‘Recruited’ status.

September 2016 8 © NHS Jobs 2016 Example report:

September 2016 9 © NHS Jobs 2016 Equal Opportunities Progress This report provides the number of applications and the percentage of applications with each of the answers in the monitoring information categories, identified per month. The report provides these numbers and percentages for applications, shortlisted applications and appointed applications to show the numbers as the recruitment progresses. An application is included in the month that the vacancy was published in, so that all applications to a vacancy are included in the same month.

Selection options: Select to run the report at an organisational, regional or national level, by using the ‘Select Area Group’ and ‘Select Area Detail’ selections (see Appendix for more information on these selections).

Select a Staff Group to simply report on the applications to vacancies in that staff group. Select a Div/Dept for Reporting option to simply report on applications to vacancies within a division or department set up by your organisation. Select a Pay Scheme and/or a Pay Band to report on applications to vacancies within a specific pay scheme or pay band.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Select to include all vacancies including those still open or just those where the advert has been closed, using the ‘All’ or ‘Closed’ options.

The default mode for the report is ‘Simple’, where the percentage calculations are relative to the stage in the process showing the percentage of the applications in any one category compared with the number of applications that get to that stage in the process. Choose the ‘Expanded’ option for the report to include percentage calculations relative to the number of applications received, showing the percentage of applications at shortlisted or appointed stages compared with the number of applications in each category.

September 2016 10 © NHS Jobs 2016 Example report:

Applications are included in the ‘Shortlisted’ columns if they are or have been in the ‘Shortlisted’ status at some stage (even if they are now at ‘Rejected’ or ‘Offer Accepted’, etc). Applications are included in the ‘Appointed’ columns if they are or have been in the ‘Offer Accepted’ or ‘Recruited’ status.

Equal Opportunities per Vacancy This report provides the number of applications with each of the answers in the monitoring information categories for a specific vacancy. This report is similar to the Equal Opportunties Progress report, without the percentages.

September 2016 11 © NHS Jobs 2016 Selection options: Enter a vacancy/job reference number to run the report for that vacancy.

September 2016 12 © NHS Jobs 2016 Vacancy Numbers This report provides the number of vacancies in the respective categories advertised each month. A vacancy is included in the month that it was published in.

Select the report to show staff group, pay scheme or recruitment team members in each row of the report by using the required ‘Report by’ selection.

Selection options: Select to run the report at an organisational, regional or national level, by using the ‘Select Area Group’ and ‘Select Area Detail’ selections (see Appendix for more information on these selections).

Select a Staff Group to simply report on the vacancies in that staff group. Select a Div/Dept for Reporting option to simply report on vacancies within a division or department set up by your organisation. Select a Pay Scheme and/or a Pay Band to report on vacancies within a specific pay scheme or pay band.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Select to run the report counting job adverts or adding up the Whole Time Equivalent values on the vacancies, using the ‘WTE’ or ‘Advert’ options.

September 2016 13 © NHS Jobs 2016 Example report:

September 2016 14 © NHS Jobs 2016 Vacancy Summary This report provides a summary of vacancies within an organisation in the selected time period. The report lists one vacancy per row and provides key information for each, including the number of applications received and numbr of times the advert was viewed (‘Hits’). A vacancy is included in the month that it was published in.

Selection options: Select a Staff Group to simply report on the vacancies in that staff group.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Example report:

September 2016 15 © NHS Jobs 2016 Vacancy Details This report provides a list of vacancies within an organisation in the selected time period. The report lists one vacancy per row and provides more information than the Vacancy Summary report. A vacancy is included in the month that it was published in.

Selection options: Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Example report:

September 2016 16 © NHS Jobs 2016 Recruitment Timeline This report provides the average time in each of the recruitment stages that vacancies in the respective categories have taken, in the time period selected. A vacancy is included in the month that the recruitment was closed in. Information is only included in the report if the recruitment for the vacancy has been closed.

Select the report to show staff group, div/dept for reporting or pay scheme/band in each row of the report by using the ‘Report by’ selection.

Selection options: Select a Staff Group to simply report on the applications and vacancies in that staff group. Select a Div/Dept for Reporting option to simply report on applications and vacancies within a division or department set up by your organisation. Select a Recruitment Team Member to simply report on the applications and vacancies where that recruitment officer is identified in the vacancy team.

Select the ‘Type of Applications’ to ‘Medical’ or ‘Non Medical’ to focus on either of these areas. The default is both medical and non-medical. Tick the checkbox for ‘Include volunteer vacancies’ to include volunteer vacancies in the report.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Select to run the report to count all days of the week or only Mondays to Fridays, using the ‘7Day Week’ or ‘5 Day Week’ options.

September 2016 17 © NHS Jobs 2016 Example report:

The recruitment stages for each vacancy are worked out as follows:

Draft – From when the vacancy was created to when it went to Pending Approval, Pending ESR, Pending Advertisement, Advert Open or Withdrawn

Approval – From when the vacancy first went to Pending Approval to when it went to Pending ESR or Pending Advertisement

Pend Advert – From when the vacancy went to Pending Approval or Pending ESR to when it went to Advert Open

Advert Open – From when the advert was published to when it was closed

Longlisting – From when the advert was closed to when all applications have been moved on from ‘New’

Shortlisting – From when the first application was moved to ‘In review’ after the advert has closed, or the advert closing date if later, to when all applications are no longer ‘In Review’

Interviewing – From when all applications are no longer ‘In Review’ to when the first application went to ‘Offer (Conditional)’ or ‘Offer Accepted’

Pre-emp – From when the first application went to ‘Offer (Conditional)’ or ‘Offer Accepted’ to when the vacancy was moved to ‘Recruitment Closed’ or the ‘Applicant Start Date’ from the pre- employment checks data, whichever is the earlier

September 2016 18 © NHS Jobs 2016 Note that the start date and end date for a vacancy in a stage are included in the calculation (for example, sending a vacancy for approval on Tuesday and approval completed on Wednesday will produce a period of 2 days).

Note that if some vacancies do not progress through a stage and some do, that the average figure calculated will be skewed.

September 2016 19 © NHS Jobs 2016 Recruitment Timeline – by Month This report provides the average time that vacancies in the respective categories have taken from creation to applicant start date, in the time period selected. A vacancy is included in the month that the recruitment was closed in. Information is only included in the report if the recruitment for the vacancy has been closed.

Select the report to show staff group, div/dept for reporting or pay scheme/band in each row of the report by using the ‘Report by’ selection.

Selection options: Select a Staff Group to simply report on the applications and vacancies in that staff group. Select a Div/Dept for Reporting option to simply report on applications and vacancies within a division or department set up by your organisation. Select a Recruitment Team Member to simply report on the applications and vacancies where that recruitment officer is identified in the vacancy team.

Select the ‘Type of Applications’ to ‘Medical’ or ‘Non Medical’ to focus on either of these areas. The default is both medical and non-medical. Tick the checkbox for ‘Include volunteer vacancies’ to include volunteer vacancies in the report.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Select to run the report to count all days of the week or only Mondays to Fridays, using the ‘7Day Week’ or ‘5 Day Week’ options.

September 2016 20 © NHS Jobs 2016 Example report:

September 2016 21 © NHS Jobs 2016 Recruitment Timeline - Region This report provides the average time in each of the recruitment stages that vacancies in the respective categories have taken, in the time period selected, at a regional or national level. A vacancy is included in the month that the recruitment was closed in. Information is only included in the report if the recruitment for the vacancy has been closed.

Select the report to show staff group or pay scheme/band in each row of the report by using the ‘Report by’ selection.

Selection options: Select to run the report at a regional or national level, by using the ‘Select Area Group’ and ‘Select Area Detail’ selections (see Appendix for more information on these selections).

Select a Staff Group to simply report on the applications and vacancies in that staff group.

Select the ‘Type of Applications’ to ‘Medical’ or ‘Non Medical’ to focus on either of these areas. The default is both medical and non-medical. Tick the checkbox for ‘Include volunteer vacancies’ to include volunteer vacancies in the report.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Select to run the report to count all days of the week or only Mondays to Fridays, using the ‘7Day Week’ or ‘5 Day Week’ options.

September 2016 22 © NHS Jobs 2016 Example report:

The recruitment stages for each vacancy are worked out as follows:

Draft – From when the vacancy was created to when it went to Pending Approval, Pending ESR, Pending Advertisement, Advert Open or Withdrawn

Approval – From when the vacancy first went to Pending Approval to when it went to Pending ESR or Pending Advertisement

Pend Advert – From when the vacancy went to Pending Approval or Pending ESR to when it went to Advert Open

Advert Open – From when the advert was published to when it was closed

Longlisting – From when the advert was closed to when all applications have been moved on from ‘New’

Shortlisting – From when the first application was moved to ‘In review’ after the advert has closed, or the advert closing date if later, to when all applications are no longer ‘In Review’

Interviewing – From when all applications are no longer ‘In Review’ to when the first application went to ‘Offer (Conditional)’ or ‘Offer Accepted’

Pre-emp – From when the first application went to ‘Offer (Conditional)’ or ‘Offer Accepted’ to when the vacancy was moved to ‘Recruitment Closed’ or the ‘Applicant Start Date’ from the pre- employment checks data, whichever is the earlier

September 2016 23 © NHS Jobs 2016 Note that the start date and end date for a vacancy in a stage are included in the calculation (for example, sending a vacancy for approval on Tuesday and approval completed on Wednesday will produce a period of 2 days). Note that if some vacancies do not progress through a stage and some do, that the average figure calculated will be skewed.

September 2016 24 © NHS Jobs 2016 Restricted Vacancies This report provides a summary of vacancies that have been advertised to restricted accounts in the selected time period. A vacancy is included in the month that it was published in.

Selection options: Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Example report:

September 2016 25 © NHS Jobs 2016 Restricted Vacancies Progress This report lists vacancies that have been advertised to restricted accounts in the selected time period, with dates for each publication stage and indication of which stage the vacancy was filled at (if at all). A vacancy is included in the month that it was published in.

Selection options: Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Example report:

September 2016 26 © NHS Jobs 2016 Internal & Restricted Vacancies/Accounts This report identifies the number of vacancies that have been advertised as internal only or to restricted accounts and the number of restricted accounts set up, with information on their progress.

Selection options: Select to run the report at the local level, for your organisation, or at regional or national levels.

Example report:

September 2016 27 © NHS Jobs 2016 September 2016 28 © NHS Jobs 2016 Restricted Account Status This report identifies information about the restricted accounts set up, without identifying the individuals, including the date set up with a restricted account and any status changes since.

Selection options: There are no selection options to run this report. Only restricted accounts set up within your organisation are included in the report.

Example report:

September 2016 29 © NHS Jobs 2016 Talent Pool This report provides the number of applicants that have been added to your talent pool.

Select the report to show staff group or pay scheme/band in each row of the report by using the required ‘Report by’ selection.

Selection options: Select a Staff Group to simply report on the vacancies in that staff group. Select a Pay Scheme and/or a Pay Band to report on vacancies within a specific pay scheme or pay band.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

September 2016 30 © NHS Jobs 2016 Newly Qualified Pool This report provides the number of job-seekers that have added themselves to the respective pools

Selection options: Select the pool to report on from the ‘Pool type’ options.

Example report:

September 2016 31 © NHS Jobs 2016 Where Advert Seen This report provides the list of options for where a job advert could be seen and the number of applications where the applicant has identified the respective channel, within the time period selected.

Selection options: Select a Staff Group to simply report on the vacancies in that staff group. Alternatively, the report can be run for applications to a specific vacancy, by entering the vacancy reference number in the ‘Vacancy Ref’ box.

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Example report:

September 2016 32 © NHS Jobs 2016 Search Terms This report provides a list of the most commonly used terms in job searches on NHS Jobs.

Selection options: There are no selection options to run this report.

Example report:

September 2016 33 © NHS Jobs 2016 Realistic Job Preview Test This report provides the number of vacancies advertised each month with a realistic job preview test attached, along with the number of tests started and tests completed for those vacancies. A vacancy is included in the month that it was published in.

Selection options: Select to run the report at an organisational, regional or national level, by using the ‘Select Area Group’ and ‘Select Area Detail’ selections (see Appendix for more information on these selections).

Select a time period for the report, either by using the pre-defined periods in the drop-down (last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months) or entering the Start and End months. Time periods can be one or more whole calendar months.

Example report:

September 2016 34 © NHS Jobs 2016 Appendix Certain reports provide the option to be run at a regional or national, or for a specific organisation.

The default selection for the ‘area’ and organisation that the report will run for is the current organisation that the user is logged in to. In this case, the user is logged into the “NHS Training Employer”:

If the organisation the user is logged into has secondary organisations set up, then this organisational selection defaults to “Primary and Secondaries” to provide a report covering the primary organisation and all the secondary organisations under it.

The ‘Select Area Detail’ drop-down enables the report to be run for just the primary organisation or for one of the secondary organisations.

Select “Region” or “Country” in the ‘Select Area Group’ selector to change the scope of the report.

When “Region” is selected the options in ‘’Select Area Detail’ change to the list of regions, enabling the report to be run for the selected region. The default is “All Regions”.

September 2016 35 © NHS Jobs 2016 When “Country” is selected the options in ‘’Select Area Detail’ change to the list of England or Wales, enabling the report to be run for the selected country. The default is “All Countries”.

September 2016 36 © NHS Jobs 2016

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