Cyngor Cymuned Aberporth Community Council
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Cyngor Cymuned Aberporth Community Council
Page 1 (1) The October meeting of the above named community council was held at Aberporth Village Hall on Tuesday 16th October 2012 at 6:15pm . The Chair, Cllr Anne McCreary, presided. Present: Cllr Gethin James, Cllr Mike Harwood, Cllr Dai Ogilvie, Cllr Helen Green, Cllr Gethin Davies, Cllr June Allen, Cllr Arthur Richards, Vanessa Owens (Clerk), and Mrs Sue Lewis (Tivyside).
(2) Annita Thomas from Hanes Aberporth attended the meeting to provide an update on the maritime project with Menter Teifi. The available money from Anne Stokoe will cover the cost of producing a history trail leaflet and an information panel. Linking this project with the Balchder Pentrefi grant to be able to include the footpath information and a possible location for the information panel was discussed. Anita then briefed the Council on the project to develop a landscaped area with seating and a wall made from local stones which would be carved and polished with Ships names; there is an opportunity for local sponsorship. No costings for the project were available. Cllr Gethin James informed the meeting that he had looked into ownership of the bank and had established it was county council owned and is considered to be a sea defence and highways retention structure. The county council have indicated initial concerns regarding pedestrian safety and potential impact on the structure below. He noted that planning permission would have to be obtained for any development in this area. He suggested that an alternative location would be on village hall land on the Safe Route to School.
(3) Cllr Anne McCreary is going to contact Rev Wood about being Council Chaplain after approval from the councillors present.
1. Apologies/Personal matters Ymddiheuriadau/Materion Personol (4) Apologies were received from Cllr Deanne Jones, Cllr Jann Tucker, Cllr Hywel Evans, Cllr Colin Evans.
2. To disclose personal and pecuniary interests in items of business listed below Datgelu diddordeb personol ac ariannol dan eitemau busnes sydd wedi eu rhestru isod
3. Confirmation and signing of previous minutes Cadarnhau a llofnodi cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf (5) Cllr Helen Green proposed that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as correct, this was seconded by Cllr Arthur Richards and passed unanimously. The minutes were signed accordingly.
4. Financial business Busnes Ariannol (6) Items agreed for payment: £960.00D E Owen & Son £37.92 Swallow Office Supplies £15.30 Cllr Helen Green £60.00 E A Owens £174.60 Food co-op signs
5. Notified Business Busnes a rag-hysbyswyd (7) It was agreed to have the Christmas lunch on the 5th December. Clerk to arrange.
(8) It was agreed to order the Christmas trees and purchase new lights.
(9) A recent article in the Tivyside indicated that there was a high possibility that local beaches would lose their lBue Flag status, Aberporth included. Cllr Gethin James reported that he had spoken with the Environment Agency who explained that there are weather related issues but they are looking into the readings and where appropriate applying for waivers. He noted that there are going to be new standards introduced which are far more stringent and that it is going to be more difficult to retain the flag in the future.
(10) Cllr Anne McCreary informed the meeting that she had attended the 10 year celebrations at West Wales Airport and had received a very interesting tour and update on the work that is being undertaken at the airport.
Signed______Date______Minutes Ref:19 Page 2 6. Reports Addroddiadau Clerks Report/Adroddiad y Clerc (11) The To Do list was reviewed: sand on the mini pitch to be levelled; the suggestion to locate the gentlemans meeting in the social club, Parcllyn has been received positively; agreed to contact D E Owen about gluing the playground tiles in Parcllyn; need to send copy of the playground agreement to MOD; Cllr Arthur Richards reported more instances of rubbish being left at Brynseion car park, Cllr Dai Ogilvie is going to report back to the village hall; no update available on the Blaenporth school building.
(12) Invitation from Western Power to Stakeholder Workshop; local event is in Cardiff on 14th November. (13) Email from Menter re free digitisation training at Guildhall Cardigan on 7th Nov ; Peoples Collection Wales. (14) Election of Police & Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys Police Area Notice of Election (15) Request received from Ceredigion County Council to inform local contractors/farmers of calls for providers of supplementary snow clearing services and related emergency services. (16) Community Grant Scheme Information received from Ceredigion County Council (17) RAFA/RNA annual carol service at St Cynwyls is being held on the 17th December (18) One Voice Wales meeting at Penmorfa on 24th October 2012
Beaches/ Traethau
Planning/Cynllunio (19) The planning committee had considered applications: A120678 Erection of conservatory to rear elevation Ty Canol, Heol yr Ogof, Aberporth A120675 Erection of a replacement dwelling 2 Park Place, Aberporth A120665 Conversion & extension to form living accommodation Manancourt, Aberporth A120663CL Retention of straw bale building for domestic storage Glaneirw, Tanygroes APPROVED _ A120589 Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission A041076 Plot 1 Hilltop Way
(20) The Clerk and Cllr Gethin James had both received communication regarding the application at 2 Park Place requesting to meet with the community council to provide additional information. It was agreed to arrange to meet with the architects; clerk to arrange.
Finance/Cyllido (21) Monthly Budget sheet was provided.
Highways/Priffyrdd (22) Cllr Arthur Richards side provided an update on progress with the National Assembly for Wales Petitions Commit- tee; they recognised the valid concerns and are going to write to Transport Agency regarding the limits and to Ceredigion County Council regarding the moratorium. Cllr Arthur Richards is going to request speeding statistics. A vote of thanks was given to Cllr Richards for his work.
(23) Cllr Gethin James had met with Ceredigion County Council officers to discuss changes to the existing traffic orders and they accepted the community council proposals in the main; where a request has been made to open up park- ing on one side of the road it is the intention to put in double yellow lines on the opposite side to protect flow of traffic; double yellow lines from Penygraig up through the village on left hand side; double yellow lines opposite Headlands and Anghorfa to protect the side road junctions; single yellow times to be changed to 10 till 5. All the proposed changes will be included for consultation. Cllr James explained that under the new consolidation order the County Council will be able to review parking restrictions annually.
(24) It was agreed to contact Ceredigion County Council regarding the overgrown hedges by Llaindelyn, Parcllyn.
Streetlighting/Golau stryd (25) Cllr Anne McCreary had met with SWALEC re quotations for the lamps; Llaindelyn £3362.50 and youth club £2207.50
Signed______Date______Minutes Ref: 20 Page 3 Footpaths & Maintenance/Llwybrau Troed a Chynnal a Chadw (26) Committee met to discuss footpath and grass cutting tenders which have been updated. Cllr Hywel Evans to contact Village Hall regarding the grass cutting and the contracts can then go out for tender.
Emergency Plan Committee/Pwyllgor Cynllun Argyfwng (27) Committee were unable to meet as arranged. Cllr Arthur Richards has drafted an alternative plan and the two plans are to be cross referenced.
Procedures Review Committee/Pwyllgor Adoygu Trefn - Community Welcome Audit/Archwiliad Croeso Cymuned (28) Cllr Anne McCreary proposed that the Complaints and Disciplinary procedure be adopted; this was seconded y Cllr Helen Green and passed by a majority.
Tidy Towns/Trefi Taclus
Food Co-operative Report/Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Bwyd Cydweithrol (29) Cllr Anne McCreary reported that the quality of fruit and veg has been very good but there was a need to promote the co-operative in an aim to get more customers. The fish order is now being done fortnightly.
Chairmans Report/Adroddiad y Cadeirydd (30) Cllr McCreary reported that she had been to Blaenporth on the 19th regarding the speed campaign; she had looked at the condition of the playground in Parcllyn; on the 21st she had attended the Aberporth Bilingual Playgroup for Mark Williams MP visit and an evening meeting with the youth club and village hall; on the 28 th she had visited the Childrens Integrated Centre to look at the provision there and on the 5th she had attended Rev Woods’ induction service.
Committee Representative Reports/Adroddiadau Cynrychioliadol y Pwyllgor (31) Cllr Helen Green reported that she had attended the school AGM and that she was now supporting the school management. She suggested providing the school council members with special polo shirts.
(32) Cllr June Allen noted the Blaenporth harvest festival.
(33) Cllr June Allen asked Cllr Gethin James about a flooded property in Bowls Road after the heavy rains; Cllr James to arrange a visit to the property.
Correspondence/Gohebiaeth (34) Thank you letter from Y Gambo Clerks & Councils Direct Email: Grant request from Cardigan Boxing Club Appointment of Chair & Members to Advisory Panel on Substance Misuse
7. Review Diary Adolygu Dyddiadur
8. Emergency Any Other Business Unrhyw Faterion Brys Arall
9. Date of next meeting Dyddiad y Cyfarfod Nesaf (35) Date of next meeting is Tuesday 20th November 2012 at 6:15pm (36) There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8:10pm
Signed______Date______Minutes Ref: 21