ARA 4303 Modern Arabic Fiction and Dramatic Arts
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ARA 4303 Modern Arabic Fiction and Dramatic Arts Pensum Høst 2007 “Satire in Modern Arabic Fiction”
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1 Table of Contents / Bibliography
2 Source Texts Arabic texts to be read in class will be chosen from among the following (according also to students’ preferences) (all available as mastercopies): [exc.] = only excerpts will be read
1. Ṣunʿallāh Ibrāhīm: exc. from Dhāt (1992) [an Egyptian’s experience with bureaucracy] (mastercopy) 2. Zakariyyā Tāmir: Iʿdām al-mawt (1994) [playing with 1001 Nights] (mastercopy) 3. Literary satire on Zakariyyā Tāmir’s style by M. K. al-Khaṭīb et al., in: as-Sākhirūn: namādhij min al-qiṣṣa al-sākhira fī Sūriyya, ed. Khaṭīb Badla, 1990. (mastercopy) 4. Yūsuf Idrīs, A-kāna lā budd yā Līlī an tuḍīʾī al-nūr? (1970) [a pious imam falling in love with a prostitute] (mastercopy) 5. Yūsuf al-Shārūnī, al-Ziḥām (1963) [living in overcrowded Cairo] (mastercopy) 6. Yūsuf Idrīs, Jumhūriyyat Faraḥāt (1954) [reality vs. socialist utopia] (mastercopy) Going back to earlier days: the development of satire since the 19th century 7. (Aḥmad) Fāris al-Shidyāq: maqāma no. 1 (= ch. 13 of ) al-Sāq ‘alā ’l-sāq fīmā huwa al- Fāryāq (1855) [on the ignorance of religious authorities, the maqāma style etc.] (master- copy to follow) 8. Muḥammad al-Muwayliḥī: Ḥadīth ʿĪsā b. Hishām (1898ff./1907) [exc., e.g. on police sta- tion, mixed courts, old learned elite etc.] (mastercopy to follow) 9. Muḥammad Taymūr: Rabbi, li-man khalaqta hādhā al-naʽīm (1917) [a moralist priest; story adapted from Maupassant] (mastercopy) 10. Maḥmūd Ṭāhir Lāshīn: al-Shaykh Muḥammad al-Yāmānī (1930 in YA) [social criticism: the tricks of beggars] (mastercopy) [possibly recommended reading for Kai’s presentation] Ṣunʿallāh Ibrāhīm, al-Lajnah (1981) [exc.: political satire on Sadat’s open-door politics]
3 Secondary literature / reference works numbered = compulsory reading = recommended aditional reading / for presentations and/or semesteroppgave EAL = Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature
Satire in general, theory of satire: 1. “Satire”, in: Wikipedia
4 Extensive bibliography on satire and satirical literature Connery, Brian A.: Theorizing Satire. A Bibliography. lish/showcase/satbib.htm (continually updated)
5 Satirical writing in Arabic literature (through the ages): 5. “hazl” (U. Marzolph), in: EAL. (mastercopy) 6. “hijāʾ” (G.J.H. van Gelder), in: EAL. (mastercopy) 7. “maqâma” (R. Drory), in: EAL. (mastercopy) 8. “satire, medieval” (G.J.H. van Gelder), in: EAL. (mastercopy) Bürgel, J. C. (1970): “Von der kultur- und sozialgeschichtlichen Bedeutung der arabischen Satire”. Bustan 11/ii-iii, pp. 36-46. (mastercopy can be provided) “al-Djidd wa’l-hazl” (Ch. Pellat), in: Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd ed., vol. ii (1956). 6 Modern times 9. Stagh, Marina (1993): “The three taboos”, in: id., The Limits of Freedom of Speech: Prose Literature and Prose Writers in Egypt under Nasser and Sadat, Almqvist & Wiksell Int., Stockholm, pp. 127-32. (mastercopy) 10. Jacquemond, Richard (2003): “Aux marges du champ légitime: l’écriture satirique, entre fiction et non-fiction”, in: id., Entre scribes et écrivain. Le champ littéraire dans l’Égypte contemporaine, Arles: Sindbad/Actes Sud, pp. 187-90. (mastercopy to follow)
7 History of modern Arabic literature: General 11. “fiction, modern” (W. Hamarneh), in: EAL. (mastercopy) 12. Allen, Roger (unpubl.): “Introduction” [to a selection of literary-biographical studies on modern Arab authors, about to appear in spring ’08, probably]. 23 pp. (mastercopy) 13. Badawi, M.M. (1992): “The Background”, in: id. (ed.), Modern Arabic Literature, Cam- bridge UP (Cambridge History of Arabic Literature / CHAL), pp. 1-23. (mastercopy) Starkey, Paul (2006): chs. 1, 2, 6-8 in Modern Arabic Literature. Edinburgh UP (The New Edinburgh Islamic Surveys), pp. 1-41, 97-162. (mastercopy)(UiO Lib?) 19th / early 20th century: 14. Cachia, Pierre (1990): “The Assumptions and Aspirations of Egyptian Modernists” = ch. i of Cachia (1990), Overview [see below], pp. 1-28. (mastercopy)
8 Individual authors: Ṣunʿallāh Ibrāhīm 15. Draz, Ceza Kassem (1981): “In Quest of New Narrative Forms: Irony in the Works of four Egyptian Writers. Jamâl al-Ghîtânî, Yahyâ al-Tâhir ʿAbdallah, Majîd Tûbyâ, Sunʿallâh Ibrâhîm (1967-1979)”. Journal of Arabic Literature 12, pp. 137-159. (mastercopy) Jad, Ali B. (1983): “Absurdity and Revolt in Sunʿ Allah Ibrahim,” = ch. Four, ii.A.3, in: id., Form and Technique [see below], pp. 297-304. (mastercopy) Zakariyyā Tāmir Dové, Peter (2001): “Probleme der Intertextualität im Werk Zakarīyā Tāmir”. Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques 55, pp. 961-969. (mastercopy) Hassan, Iyas (2003): “La métafiction: lorsque le monde fictionel de Zakariyyā Tāmir se regarde dans ses miroirs”. Bulletin d’Études Orientales 55, pp. 193-208; 449-450. (master- copy) Rayhanova, Baian (2003): “Mythological and Folkloric Motifs in Syrian Prose: The Short Stories of Zakariyyā Tāmir”. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, no. 5, pp. 1-12. (mas- tercopy) Yūsuf Idrīs Material on the stories we read is scattered over the following, which should be consulted (UiO Lib?): Allen, Roger (ed., 1994): Critical Perspectives on Yusuf Idris. Lynne Rienner, Boulder (Col.). Cohen-Mor, Dalya (1992): Yusuf Idris: changing visions. Sheba Pr., Potomac MD. Kurpershoek, P. Marcel (1981): The Short Stories of Yūsuf Idrīs: a Modern Egyptian Au- thor. E. J. Brill, Leiden. (Studies in Arabic literature; vol. 7). Mikhail, Mona N. (1992): Studies in the Short Fiction of Mahfouz and Idris. NYU Press, New York [etc.] (NYU studies in Near Eastern civilization; no. 16) Ryberg, Birgitta (1992): Yūsuf Idrīs (1927-1991): Identitätskrise und gesellschaftlicher Umbruch. Komm. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart. (Beiruter Texte und Studien; Bd. 41). Yūsuf al-Shārūnī Guth, Stephan (1999): see no. 7 in “The Poetics of Urban Space: Structures of literarising Egyptian metropolis”. Arabica 46, pp. 454-481. (mastercopy) Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq Karam, A. G. (1964): “Fāris al-Shidyāq”. EI2, ii: 800-802. Peled, M. (1985): “Al-Sāq ‘alā al-Sāq – A Generic Definition”. Arabica 32: 31-46. Reprinted in id. (ed.), Aspects of Modern Arabic Literature, Paris: Peeters Louvain, pp. 69-84. (mastercopy) Jubran, Sulaiman (1989): “The Function of Rhyming Prose in Al-Sāq ‘alā al-Sāq”. JAL 20: 148-158. (mastercopy) Peled, M. (1991): “The Enumerative Style in Al-Sāq ‘alā al-Sāq”. JAL 22: 127-145. (mas- tercopy) Roper, G. J. (1992): “National awareness, civic rights and the role of the printing press in the 19th century: the careers and opinions of Faris al-Shidyaq, his colleagues and patrons”. In: Democracy in the Middle East. Proceedings of the annual conference of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies ... 1992, St Andrews: University of St Andrews [for the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies], pp.180-188. (UiO Lib?) Bushnaq, Abier (2002): “Zivilisationskritik in der arabischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhun- derts: Ahmad Faris ash-Shidyaq”. Ibn Rushd Forum for Freedom of Thought / Minbar Ibn Rushd li-l-Fikr al-Hurr, 3rd issue (winter 2002). http://www.ibn- . Yaʿqūb Ṣannūʿ “Abū Naḍḍāra (zarqāʾ)” & Satire in 19th c. theater Moosa, Matti (21997): “Yaqub Sanu and the Rise of the Arab Drama in Egypt”. = ch. 3 of his Origins... [see below], pp. 41-66. (mastercopy) Muḥammad al-Muwayliḥī 16. Allen, Roger (1992): [part one of] A Period of Time: a study and translation of Hadith ‘Isa ibn Hisham by Muhammad al-Muwaylihi] / Ithaca Press, Reading (St. Antony’s Middle East monographs; no. 27), pp. 1-97. (mastercopy) Brugman (1984), Introduction [see below], ch. iii.3., pp. 69-73. Moosa, Matti (21997): “The Revival of the Maqama”, = ch. 6 of his Origins... [see below],, pp. 121-55. (mastercopy) Muḥammad Taymūr de Moor, E. (1990): “Le discours narratif dans les contes de Muḥammad Taymūr”. Arabi- ca, no. 37, pp. 1-46. Revised version contained in id. (1991), Un oiseau en cage: le dis- cours littéraire de Muḥammad Taymūr (1892-1921). Rodopi, Amsterdam [etc.]. Brugman (1984), Introduction [see below], ch. vii.3., pp. 244-6. Ende, W. (1988): “Sollen Fellachen lesen lernen? Muhammad Taymūrs Kurzgeschichte Fī ’l-qiṭār”. Die Welt des Islams, no. 28, pp. 112-125. (mastercopy) Maḥmūd Ṭāhir Lāshīn Brugman (1984), Introduction [see below], ch. viii.2., pp. 252-4. 17. Hafez, Sabry (1984): “The maturation of a new literary genre”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, no. 16, pp. 367-389. (mastercopy) Maḥmūd Taymūr Brugman (1984), Introduction [see below], ch. viii.3., pp. 254-63. Hafez (1993), Genesis [see below], chs. 5, pp. 199-214. Wielandt, Rotraud (1983): Das erzählerische Frühwerk Maḥmūd Taymūrs: ein Beitrag zu einem Archiv der modernen arabischen Literatur. Orient-Institut, Beirut / Steiner, Wies- baden. (Beiruter Texte und Studien; 26).
9 Further recommended background reading & reference works Satirical writing in classical Arabic literature Bürgel, J. C. B. (1991): “Gesellschaftskritik im Schelmengewand”. Asiat. Studien 45/1, pp. 228 ff. (mastercopy) Malti-Douglas, Fedwa (1985): Structures of Avarice: the “Bukhalāʾ” in Medieval Arabic Literature. Brill, Leiden. (Studies in Arabic literature; vol. 11).
History of modern Arabic literature (also for reference in general) Allen, Roger (comp. & ed., 1987): Modern Arabic Literature. Ungar Publ. Co., New York. Badawi, M. M. (ed., 1992): Modern Arabic literature. CUP, Cambridge. (Cambridge His- tory of Arabic Literature [CHAL] series). Badawi, M. M. (1993): A Short History of Modern Arabic Literature. Clarendon Press, Oxford [etc.]. Brugman, Jan (1984): An Introduction to the History of Modern Arabic Literature in Egypt. Brill, Leiden. (Studies in Arabic Literature; vol. x). Cachia, Pierre (1990): An Overview of Modern Arabic Literature. Edinburgh Univ. Press. Camera d’Afflitto, Isabella (1998): Letteratura araba contemporanea: dalla nahḍah a oggi. Carocci editore, Roma. Guth, Stephan (2003): Brückenschläge. Eine integrierte ‘turkoarabische’ Romangeschichte (Mitte 19. bis Mitte 20. Jhdt.). Reichert, Wiesbaden. (Literaturen im Kontext; 14). Hafez, Sabry (1992): “The modern Arabic short story”. In: M. M. Badawi (ed., 1992), Modern Arabic Literature [CHALMAL], 270-328, esp. till 290. Hafez, Sabry (1993): The Genesis of Arabic Narrative Discourse: a Study in the Sociology of Modern Arabic Literature. Saqi Books, London. Jad, Ali B. (1983): Form and Technique in the Egyptian Novel, 1912-1971. Ithaca Press, London, for St Ant- ony’s College, Oxford. (St Antony’s Middle East Monographs; no. 13) Moosa, Matti (1997): The Origins of Modern Arabic Fiction. Lynne Rienner, Boulder [etc.]. 18. Naef, Silvia (2004): “Literature and Social Criticism in the Iraqi Press of the First Half of the 20th Century – Ja‘far al-Khalīlī and the Periodical Al-Hātif”. In: The Middle Eastern Press as a Forum for Literature, ed. H. Unbehaun, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/Main (etc.) (Heidelberger Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des modernen Vorderen Orients; vol. 30), pp. 143-50. Ostle, Robin (ed., 1991): Modern Literature in the Near and Middle East, 1850-1970. Routledge, London. [esp. chs. 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13 = on Arabic literature and its contexts] Starkey, Paul (2006): Modern Arabic Literature. Edinburgh Univ. Press. Tomiche, Nada (1993): La littérature arabe contemporaine: roman, nouvelle, théâtre. Maisonneuve et Larose, Paris.
Satire in other Middle Eastern literatures 19. Javadi, Hasan (1988): “Political Satire in Modern Persian Literature: Satirical Newspa- pers” & “Satire in Modern Persian Fiction”. = chs. 6 & 9 of his Satire in Persian literat- ure [see above], pp. 136-71, 226-54. (mastercopy to follow) 20. Strauss, Johann (2001): “Notes on the First Satirical Journals in the Ottoman Empire”. In: Amtsblatt, vilayet gazetesi und unabhängiges Journal: die Anfänge der Presse im Nahen Osten, ed. Anja Pistor-Hatam, Lang, Frankfurt a.M. (etc.) (Heidelberger Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Modernen Vorderen Orients; 27), pp. 121-138. (mastercopy to follow) 21. Heinzelmann, Tobias (2004): “The Hedgehog as Historian – Linguistic Archaism as a Means of Satire in the Early Work of Refik Halid Karay”, pp. 195-211, or Procházka-Eisl, Gisela (2004): “Literature and the Satirical Press in Early Republican Turkey: The Case of the Frog [i.e. the poet Aḥmed Hāşim]”, both in: Unbehaun (2004, ed.), [cf. above no. 19 (Naef)], pp. 213-230. (mastercopies to follow) 22. Siegel, Evan: “The Use of Classical Iranian Literature in Azerbaijani Satire: The Case of Molla Näsr od-Din”, in: Unbehaun (2004, ed.), [cf. above no. 19 (Naef)], pp. 231-248. (mastercopy to follow)
Additional reading for oral presentations and semesteroppgave are given individually.