Four Choices Book Project

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Four Choices Book Project

HISTORICAL FICTION BOOK PROJECT- BOOK IN A BAG Grade Six Honors English DUE: ______Carefully read the directions below. Your project must follow the rules on this page and must be neat. Drawings should be hand-drawn, computer-drawn, or images with the web source listed. Writing should be typed or neatly written in pen or marker. Please be proud of the project you turn in!

BOOK IN A BAG  Choose and/or create 5-7 items to go in a bag (a paper lunch bag works well) that represent parts of the story. o Examples: a watch to represent one part of the conflict in Cinderella; A Map of Ancient China to symbolize the setting of Mulan  Complete the Item Explanation Chart- Write a short description (at least three sentences) of what each item is, why it is included, why it is important to the book, and how it symbolizes the identified narrative element (setting, character, plot, conflict, resolution, theme).  At least two of the items need to be created by you.  At least one item needs to be included to demonstrate each of the following aspects of the book: setting (time period and place), character, conflict, and resolution.  Write the title and author of your book on the outside of your bag, as well as your heading.  Decorate the sides and front of the bag to show something more about the book. Include printed images and/ or illustrations that represent different parts of the story. Do NOT just copy the cover of the book! Possible Extra Points: Include more items, describe each in more detail, take extra time to create meaningful items

Name______Period______**********This AT-HOME PROJECT is DUE ______***** Parent Signature BEFORE you start the project______Parent Signature AFTER the project is graded______(OVER TO SEE GRADING RUBRIC) HISTORICAL FICTION BOOK PROJECT RUBRIC Read this rubric carefully and keep it in mind when you are creating your project!

0= Not completed at all (Fail) S= Satisfactory (Meets the standard) U= Unsatisfactory E= Excellent (Exceeds the standard) (Does NOT meet the standard)

0 U S E :

S At least 5 items that represent different parts of the story are

M included and explained 0 1 2 3 E T

I At least two items are neatly and creatively hand-made by student. 0 1 2 3

Setting, Character, Conflict, and Resolution are represented by at least one item EACH. 0 1 2 3 :

S All items are clearly identified and explained NEATLY on the

M Item Explanation Chart 0 1 2 3

E (at least 3 sentences each) T I

Explanations clearly and effectively describe what the items are,

F why the items were selected, and how each one represents the 0 1 2 3 O identified narrative element(s) N Explanations clearly demonstrate that the student has READ, O I understood, and analyzed the book. 0 1 2 3 T A

N Writing is in final draft form, written in complete sentences, and A has no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, or grammar. 0 1 2 3 L P X E

X Student heading and number, title of book, and author are clearly

O and neatly printed or typed on the FRONT of the bag or box. 0 1 2 3 B


G The bag or box is NEATLY and CREATIVELY decorated on the A sides and front to show more about the story. 0 1 2 3 B


PLAN YOUR TIME! Check when Step of Project DATE “due” Complete Brainstorm items to include by: Select and locate items to include by: Create one item (or more) by: Write rough draft of Item Explanation Chart and PASS IN by: Rewrite/type final of Item Explanation Chart by: Complete final designs on bag or box by: TURN IN COMPLETED PROJECT ON TIME! HISTORICAL FICTION BOOK PROJECT ITEM EXPLANATION CHART Create a rough draft first. Download this chart from my website to type your answers.

NARRATIVE ITEM EXPLAIN: 1. What the item IS ELEMENT 2. Why this item is included and 3. How this item represents this narrative element (At least 3 sentences total for each item) (Example: 1. This is a watch set to 12:00 midnight. (Example: (Examp 2. I included this item because in the story, Cinderella’s fairy godmother warned her to be home by midnight. Cinderella didn’t PLOT and le: Watch) pay attention to the time while she was at the ball and she had to CONFLICT) run away from the prince before he knew her name! 3. The watch is a good item to represent the plot because this was an important part of the story. When the clock struck midnight and Cinderella ran off, she left her glass slipper behind. The clock striking midnight started a conflict within the story because the prince had to figure out who (and where) Cinderella was!) 1

Setting (Time period and/ or place)




Character (OVER) HISTORICAL FICTION BOOK PROJECT ITEM EXPLANATION CHART Create a rough draft first. Download this chart from my website to type your answers.

NARRATIVE ITEM EXPLAIN: 1. What the item IS ELEMENT 2. Why this item is included and 3. How this item represents this narrative element (At least 3 sentences total for each item) 4




6 (optional) ______

7 (optional) ______

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