
Chapter 20-Becoming a World Power Textbook Support/Class Notes Instructions: Use the Powerpoint presentation and American Nation textbook, Pages 614-639 and your class notes to answer these questions.

1. What overseas territories came under the United States control? (Slide 2) ______

2. What is imperialism? (Slide 2) ______

3. What is isolationism? (Slide 3)


4. What is expansionism? (Slide 4)

1 Name______Date______


5. Who did President Millard Fillmore send to Japan? (Slide 4) ______

6. What did the Treaty of Kanagawa accept? (Slide 4) ______

7. What did William Seward want in the 1860’s? (Slide 5) ______

8. What did the Czar offer to sell William Seward? (Slide 5) ______

9. What was Seward’s purchase called? (Slide 5) ______

10. Give one reason for the growth of imperialism (Slide 6)

2 Name______Date______


11. What did expansionists argue? (Slide 7) ______

12. Who was the captain of the United States Navy? (Slide 8) ______

13. What did Captain Mahan argue? (Slide 8) ______

14. What was the Great White Fleet? (Slide 8) ______

15. What was the name of the island the United States took? (Slide 9)

3 Name______Date______


16. What did Liliuokalani write? (Slide 9) ______

17. What are the names of the two islands the United States acquired? (Slide 10) ______

18. What is a sphere of influence? (Slide 10)


19. Who did the Cubans revolt against? (Slide 11) ______

4 Name______Date______

20. Define the term, yellow journalism. (Slide 11) ______22. What happened on the battleship called the Maine? (Slide 12) ______

23. Who declared war on Spain in 1898? (Slide 13)


24. Who thought that the Americans should attack the Spanish as soon as possible? (Slide 13)


25. Who was commander of the Pacific fleet? (Slide 13)


5 Name______Date______

26. What did Roosevelt organize? (Slide 14) ______

27. Roosevelt led the Rough Riders in what famous battle? (Slide 14) ______

28. What is an armistice? (Slide 15) ______

29. What did the Platt Amendment say? (Slide 15) ______

30. What is a proctorate? (Slide 15) ______

31. What is an open Door Policy? (Slide 16)

6 Name______Date______


32. What was the Boxer Rebellion? (Slide 16) ______

33. Where was Theodore determined to build a canal? (Slide 18) ______

34. What was the Roosevelt Corollary? (Slide 18) ______

35. What did William Howard Taft favor? (Slide 19)


7 Name______Date______

36. What was Woodrow Wilson’s goal? (Slide 19)


37. Who led the resistance in the Mexican Civil War? (Slide 20) ______

38. Who did the President Wilson send to battle in the Mexican Civil War? (Slide 20) ______