1 (Sun.) Holy Communion

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1 (Sun.) Holy Communion

November Duties Ushers 1 (Sun.) Holy Communion Nov. 1 Deane & Joan Galloway 9:30 am -Full Service Nov. 8 Deane & Joan Galloway Nov. 15 Mark & Marjean Schuelke 11:00 – 12:00 – Adult Study Class Nov. 22 Dick & Sheri Smith 3 (Tues.) 10:30 am – The Healing Circle Nov. 29 Dick & Sheri Smith 4 (Wed.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study* 10:30 am – Our Home K Care Service Liturgist: 3:45 pm – Elementary Youth Groups November – Rose King 5 (Thurs.) 9:30 am – Guild- Bible Study Communion: Janie Williams 1:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir Lay Leader: 8 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service Nov. 1 Deane Galloway after church – Deacons Meeting Nov. 8 Margo Perkins 11 (Wed.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study* Nov. 15 Dale Ekdahl 3:45 pm – Elementary Youth Nov. 22 Mariel Henske Groups Nov. 29 Dale Ekdahl 12 (Thurs.) 1:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir Counters 15 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service Nov. 1 Dave Foster and Joan Dioszegi 11:00 – 12:00 – Adult Study Class Nov. 8 Dave Lukas and Bob Schmidt Nov. 15 Bob Bridges and Sharon Lukas 17 (Tues.) 10:30 am – The Healing Circle Nov. 22 Carol Bohlin and Vince Hoehn 18 (Wed.) 8:00 am – Men’s Bible Study* Nov. 29 Joan Dioszegi and Sharon Bridges 9:00 am – Session Meeting Chit Chat Articles Due 3:45 pm – Elementary Youth Group 19 (Thurs.) 9:30 am - Guild – work session Too often we underestimate the power of a 1:00 pm – Hand Bell Choir touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of 22 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service 25 (Wed.) NO – Elementary Youth Gr. caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. 26 (Thurs.) Happy Leo Buscaglia Thanksgiving NO – Hand Bell Choir SESSION MEMBERS 2015 Clerk Carol Bohlin-715-356-4060 29 (Sun.) 9:30 am – Full Service Janie Williams – 218-969-7118, Joan Ouimette- 715-476- 3887 Mary Koster- 715-686-7300, Tom Erickson-715-543-8046 *- meets at Little Bohemia David Foster-715-385-2217, Deane Galloway-715-543- 8010 Ron King-715-583-9979, Dave Lukas-715-686-7697 Mark Schuelke-715-686-7223, Helyn Woolf-715-686-7173 DuWayne Schumacher-715-686-2074

Session meets the third Wednesday of the month DEACONS Susan Schroeter, Sharon Lukas, Hope Dougherty, Jan Schumacher, Manny Markham

Feel free to contact a Session or The Mission Committee met Wednesday, Deacon member with any concerns or questions. October 21st at 1 p.m. We discussed the possible mission projects for the 3rd quarter of 2015 as well as preparing to estimate our giving for 2016.

MISSIONS Thus far, through September, 2015 we have made Christmas for Kids donations to the following: Clearwater Camp, Making a difference in a few families Discovery Center, Food for Kidz, Foundation lives….We are drawing near the time to Fighting Blindness, Fredrick Place, Fund for distribute the shopping bags for Christmas for Lamjung.org (Nepal), Give Me Water Lord, Kids and appreciate all the interest and donations Guatemala Missions, Heifer International, Girls made so far to this program. Green envelopes are Pad Project, North Lakeland Schools, Lakeland still in the pews for your donations and we Post Prom, Presbyterian Disaster Fund, appreciate each and every gift made to this Presbyterian Women of Northern Waters, and 2 program. The more you give the more families Educational Scholarships. we can help at Christmas! Considerations for the last three months of this The shopping bags will be distributed on Sunday, year are: Camp Jorn, Local Food Pantries, Area November 8th after the church service. This year hospice facilities, I Back Jack, Heifer we are NOT asking you to sign up ahead of time International, Ronald McDonald House, to be a shopper but instead just to meet us in the Salvation Army, Samaritan’s Purse, Seeing for fellowship hall after the service to pick up your Leland, SERRV, Tri County Domestic Abuse shopping bag(s). If you cannot be there on Center and Winnebago Mental Health. November 8th to pick up a shopping bag please We also discussed the new forms that have been contact Mary Koster (715-686-7300) or Nancy developed to help the committee keep track of Russell ( 715-892-9551) and we will reserve a various monetary requests for a specific charity bag for you. or individual. This easy form is available in the Shopping should be completed by December 6th church office for anyone who knows of a specific and returned to the church on that Sunday so we need that the Mission Committee might be able to may distribute the gifts to the agencies and help with. Once the form is completed and given schools involved so that they have time to get to the Committee, the request will be considered them to their selected families. based on funds available, if it is budgeted for the present year or will be considered as a budgeted We have worked with the selecting agencies to item for the next year. ensure that the families meet specific criteria of need. Various members of the church have made donations of the materials that we used for this program so that 100% of your donation goes to the purchase of the gifts for the kids involved in this program. Thanks again for all you have given! his shop and they performed repair work and updated stained glass windows for churches, supplying them with glass for protection and winterization. Warren had one daughter, Mindy, Sincere Heartfelt who Mary became more than a step-mom to. They still enjoy a mother/daughter relationship. Sympathy Unfortunately, Warren passed away 2 years ago. goes to the families of: He and Mary had purchased a home on Carlin Lake 17 years ago. They were married for 33 years and loved their north woods retreat. Mary made a bold move and has joined all of us "Up Nort"! Her roots in Peoria still run very deep. While living there, she and Warren were on the Eula Bender Peoria Ballet Board, Symphony Board and Take & Pride in Peoria Commission. She is still involved in the Educational Philanthropy Organization in Paula Peoria. She is also still involved with the Friends of Friedrickshofen, their sister city in Germany. They also have an Irish sister city. She travels with her Peoria friends to Friedrickshofen, Chamberlin Germany every 5 years. It is obviously a very enriching experience.

Two wonderful, beautiful people who will be sorely missed by many! To enhance her love of books, Mary is involved in the Carlin Lake Book Club and the Manitowish Waters Book Club. She is planning Membership to enhance her dramatic interest through Denim I hope everyone has enjoyed our glorious fall; & Dessert and she would love to get into Yoga. I weather and color! We have 2 new members think we will see her involved at church, also. who were installed in September and I would like Just give her time to get her feet on the ground! to share them with you, We are also pleased to bring Adele Duranso Mary Watkins comes to us from Carlin Lake into our fold. You see her every Sunday bringing in Presque Isle where she has made herself a our new organ to life. We are very blessed to warm home surrounded with many new friends. have her as our organist and still be able to enjoy our organ when she is gone. When you see the Mary was born in Madison, WI and grew up in bench empty, she will be enjoying some warmer Peoria, IL. She attended the University of weather, but never fear, she will return! Colorado. Including going to school, she lived in the Boulder, CO area for 10 years. She worked Adele spent most of her childhood years in for a restaurant, and at one time or another, was Wakefield, Michigan. Her family moved to responsible for just about every aspect of the Winchester in 1969. Her parents purchased the business. She moved to Chicago where she Turtle Lodge where they lived and operated for 4 worked for a travel agency for 5 plus years. Her - 5 years. She met her husband, Dan, in high mother called to tell her "I have just met the school and he is still by her side as the love of her perfect man for you." He was the son of a friend life. They were married in 1971 and became a of hers. Mary met Warren and, indeed, he was family when they welcomed their adorable baby the perfect man. Mary moved back to Peoria and boy, Jason, into the world. In a few years, they married Warren. He owned his business, Illinois were delighted to have their little daughter, Valley Glass & Mirror which is still run by his Jodie. If your children or grandchildren attend nephew to this day. Warren had a great interest North Lakeland Elementary School, Jodie is the and talent for stained glass. He taught classes at first, smiling face that you will see. She has taken that position after her mother gave 26 years Adele loves to be outside and active with biking, in the school system. She worked for 2 years as a walking, kayak and canoeing and cross country kindergarten aid for Annette Tellefson and 24 skiing. She also loves to sew, knit crochet, read years in the office. Son, Jason and his wife, and work cross words puzzles. She does not like Jessica, have 4 children and live in Manitowish to be idle. Dan loves anything that involves a Waters. Their oldest daughter, Jacie, is a motor and speed! Both she and Dan enjoy sophomore at the University of Michigan, downhill skiing and scouring thrift shops. They Marquette. As we all know, time flies. The other have had great times lovingly accessorizing their 3 children are in High School and Grammar California cabin, near the desert of 29 Palms. School. Adele's daughter, Jodie and husband This started out to be a rustic, small, old cabin as Matt, live in Manitowish Waters with their 2 an escape. Of course, Dan decided that it should children, both at North Lakeland. Matt works for be a little bigger and updated, so that became a the Vilas County Sheriff's Dept. Maybe you have beloved project. He has also restored a large met him on the road, tsk, tsk!! motor home that they will soon christen with a road trip. Adele retired from North Lakeland in 2011. Has she been enjoying a life of leisure ever since?! Obviously, these are very adventurous people NO!! She went back to school to get her nursing who will stay young simply because they don't degree at Gogebic College and now works at stop moving. Give Adele a hug after church Howard Young Hospital in Physical Therapy. some day and let her know how much you We are very thankful that she has added her appreciate her dedication. organist duties to this schedule. Actually, she has resurrected a much loved talent and interest.

Now, down to business. Membership Continued… The Hangin' O' The Greens will commence on Sunday, November 29 I have learned that she began playing the piano immediately following the worship service. As at age 9. Her parents made a very worthwhile in previous years, busy, little elves are we, as the investment of 75 cents for a 1/2 hour lesson, and tree is trimmed, the sanctuary decorated and the teacher came to their house! By the time she fellowship hall is decked out. Then, we will was 14, she had a job playing for Sunday enjoy a warm lunch and friendly chatter Worship at the Bessemer Presbyterian Church. together. Wear your comfy decorating clothes Later, she played at Trinity Lutheran Church in and please bring a plate of cookies to share. Boulder Junction for 16 years. After a long Fa la la la la, la la la la!!! hiatus, she has brought her talent, passion and love of the organ and piano to MWCPC. After Respectfully Submitted, visiting with our beloved, 90 year old, Carolyn Helyn Woolf, Membership Chairlady Udell, she has decided that she should keep on playing that organ so she can look, feel and live like Carolyn when she is 90! Very early in her marriage her husband Dan was Snow Shovelers a carpenter for Tri-State Homes in Mercer. He began his own contractor business in 1986 with Wayne Kwiatkowski (remember him/Rod 'N Needed Reel)? After Wayne tragically passed, he created Like it or not, our winter season is just around a partnership with his nephew, Bob Duranso to the corner. And with it comes the ever present create Duranso Builders. Dan is now retired and snow. The church hires an individual to plow he and Adele live in Manitowish Waters. I say the parking lot and entry driveway, however, "retired" loosely because Dan must always have a we need some help cleaning up the front project. Now, hopefully, it is fun and rewarding entrance and side exits. projects for him and Adele to enjoy. Last winter, the Building and Grounds how to do that today?) November 1958 meeting committee established a schedule where was changed because it interfered with the individuals volunteered for a week at a time to opening of deer hunting. (Things never change, insure the front entrance and side exits get do they?) January, 1959 Ethel Cain wrote what shoveled (and salted if needed) after every became the official song called “Madams and snowfall. This seemed to work very well and Sirs Are We” to the tune of Anchors Aweigh. (A we will be doing it again this winter. The week rambunctious version was sung at our last will run from Friday through the next meeting) In the early years, no meetings were Thursday. The schedule will begin November held in the summer because many of the people 20 and run through April 15. The sign-up were resort owners. sheet will be posted on the bulletin board next to the coffee hour sign-up.

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity and, hopefully, lending a hand in keeping our entrance and exits snow and ice free. In October 1961 discussion was held to Respectfully submitted determine if this was just a social group or should Mark Schuelke - B&G be a recognized organization of the MWCPC. The minister said it is a part of this church and thus should develop a set of by-laws. A Madams & Sirs committee was formed to write them and in November, they were approved thus fulfilling Last Meeting Minutes their goal to be an official part of this church. On October 7, 2015 the last meeting of Madams In March 1962 a motion was made to turn all and Sirs was held. It was a sad evening but one funds in excess of $50.00 over to the church. in which memories and laughter were shared. March 1966 brought a big discussion concerning We would like to share with you over the next whether the minister and his wife should pay couple of Chit Chats the history and impact this $1.25 each for the dinner since all others did. A organization had on this church and the secret ballot was passed out and the ‘ayes’ were community. 22 and ‘nays’ were 8. (I guess no one wanted the minister to know how they voted) Madams and Sirs began in 1955 and we will quote from the actual minutes as recorded by Mid Sharpe reported on the years from 1971 to the secretaries from that time until the present. 1990 which showed much growth and We are sure many of you who were involved in responsibilities taken on by M&S. Their M&S will bring extra stories of what it meant to activities were far reaching. They took on the you. If you have a memory of an event, please task of serving at Coffee Hour, (many donated contact Lois at the church so we can include it in the coffee and supplies). The minutes from those these articles. Editorial comments by this writer years indicate most of the funds they raised were will be in parenthesis. given to the church. At one point they voted to keep $10.00 in their checking account. They The first meeting was held on November 19, donated money to remodel the church, had the 1955 and the secretary wrote ‘all agreed that the piano and organ tuned, purchased a mower, evening was most enjoyable and very ladder, water heater, put up a light in the parking worthwhile.’ Joe Ilg was elected the first lot, and the list goes on and on. president. The balance in February of the next year was $17.50. In January 1980, 45 people were present and the secretary said the temperature was 20 below Program planning for 1956 included renting zero. In November 1981 the secretary wrote that ‘stones’ from the state prison in Marquette and the new pastor, David Hall, was presented with a learning how to curl. (How many of us know ‘treasure chest’ of new and used fishing tackle. In October 1983 the Rockwell prints of Freedom, (recipe follows). Speech, Worship, Want and Fear purchased We extend our invitation to all ladies of during WWII were given in memory of Ernie the church to please join us on the first (Bible Michaels. study) and third (work) Thursday of each month. This is the first installment concerning the We meet in the fellowship hall at 9:30 AM, and it history of Madams and Sirs. Watch for the next is a wonderful time of learning and fellowship. part in future Chit Chats.

WESTMINSTER Pumpkin Cobbler GUILD 3 eggs, beaten 1 t. ground ginger By Kay Suffron 15-oz. can pumpkin 1 T. vanilla The Westminster Guild met on Thursday, extract October 1, for our second Bible Study lesson of 12-oz. can evaporated milk 1 c. sugar 18-1/4 oz. pkg. yellow cake mix 1/8 t. salt the year. Our study this year is entitled "Come to 1-1/4 c. margarine, melted 1 c. chopped nuts the Waters," and it is extremely interesting and 1-1/2 t. cinnamon thought-provoking. In September the lesson concerned "Birthing Waters -- Creation," and this Mix the first 8 ingredients together; pour into an month we focused on "Life-Giving Waters -- ungreased 9 x 13 baking pan. Sprinkle cake mix over Baptism," considering the meaning of baptismal the top; drizzle with margarine. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes; top with nuts. Bake for an additional waters for Jesus, the early church, and for our 15 minutes. Makes 15 to 18 servings. lives today. Our second meeting of the month, on the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15th, which we call our work meeting, was an The Winnebago Mental Health Institute opportunity for some of us to continue our specializes in serving children, male and female and adults with complex psychiatric conditions often mission projects, specifically the hygiene kits for combined with challenging behaviors. Their motto: young African girls. Others were very busy “Health Care for Today, Hope for Tomorrow.” setting up for the funeral of Paula Chamberlain WMHI provides quality mental health services in a on October 17, while a few of us also worked on safe and caring, professional environment for the the many items for sale -- Celtic CD's (the benefit of patients, their families and the community. proceeds of which go to Living Waters), Rada Winnebago provides a secure setting to meet the cutlery, wonderful brooms and dish cloths, winter legal, behavioral, treatment and recovery needs of hats, hand-painted note cards, little snowmen, etc. mental health care consumers. Be sure to take a look at all of these things each The patients at this facility are not often Sunday, along with all the lovely SERRV and thought of. They are a forgotten population when it equal-exchange items. comes to Christmas presents. This is a project all of us can participate in with purchasing gifts on the list We, of course, shared wonderful treats at or donating money for special events. each meeting -- the first a delicious lemon dessert WMHI has a K-12 school, Waterwood provided by hostess Mid Sharpe and the second a School. pumpkin cobbler -- a most delightful seasonal dessert provided by our hostess Helyn Woolf This Mission project is sponsored by Westminster Guild.  COIN PURSES

 “Forever” Postage Stamps

 Journals (NO Wire)

 Adult single tooth brushes and paste

 Toothbrush Holders

 Adult Male and Female winter gloves

 Men and Women’s winter hats

 Puzzles – 300, 500 and 1000 piece

 Checks should be made out to MWCPC with WMHI

on memo line.

This money is used for Christmas and birthday items and also for Special Activities that we sponsor for the patients throughout the year.

(Guild Continued)

WMHI 2015 Christmas Project Living Waters for the World If possible, please have the gifts here by Sunday, Westminster Guild is again selling Celtic November 22, 2015 Christmas CDs. There are 2 to choose from. The proceeds go to the Living Waters for the World You can help us by Purchasing Gifts for project. Check it out. LWW trains and equips individuals Below, is a list of frequently mission teams to share the gift of sustainable clean requested items. water with communities in need. They have Gifts should NOT be wrapped & No Glass! installed clean water systems in hundreds of  Socks (Men’s & Women’s) communities on four continents. Along with the  Battery alarm clocks CDs, there is a brochure and more information on the back ounter of the Fellowship Room. The  Phone cards 60 or 120 min. work best. FROM A suggested donation is $15.00. Rose king or any LAND LINE! Guild member will accept your check or cash.  Stationary (buy no wire please) Checks can be made out to MWCPC with LWW on the memo line.  Chocolates! New!! Need for Large bars too!

 Men’s deodorant / Women’s deodorant and body spray STEWARDSHIP 2016  Squeeze lotion (no pumps) ”We are God’s workmanship, created  Shampoo to do good works”  Conditioner Completing Our 2016 Pledge  Men and Women’s body wash Campaign

 Gift Cards for Wal-Mart, Target, Shopko, etc. With the approach of the holiday season, we look NO McDONALD OR OTHER FAST FOOD forward to the family closeness and gift-giving that CARDS NEEDED Christmas brings. But it often seems as though  Men and Women’s wallets time speeds up, so that we run in fast-forward trying to get everything done! essential for the health and well being for If you have not yet made a pledge for 2016, please MWCPC. There is a page on the website where consider doing so. It will help the church in you can indicate your wish to be involved - planning its work for next year. There is no better (mwcpc.org). way to respond to the gifts God has given us than — through our giving—to offer our gifts in return. Committees: Making an annual pledge to support the church’s Administration needs is a major step for each of us as stewards. It shows our determination to keep our church strong Personnel as a faith community and a source of mission Finance giving for the world. Stewardship Also, if you have not yet paid the church’s per capita amount of $29 per person, now is a good Buildings & Grounds time to do so. This is the per-member amount our Christian Education church pays to support the work of our Presbytery, Membership Synod, and PCUSA National Assembly. Mission Respectfully submitted, Worship David Foster, Stewardship AND… Fleazaar The Session Fleazaar Committee is responsible for organizing and overseeing the annual Fleazaar fundraiser of the MWCPC. It consists of specified members and At-Large members. In addition there are many opportunities to volunteer for the year round Fleazaar activities including pick-ups of donated items, receiving and sorting items on Saturday mornings from mid-April until Fleazaar week, setting up and taking down tents, and helping during Fleazaar week.


On Sunday, November 1st, 2015 a request for your involvement in church committees will be in the bulletin including a description of the committees. A new session will begin in January 2016, and Christian Education we want to include all members interested in serving on committees for the church at that time. You will want to be in church on November If you are unable to be in church on November th st 8 . That is YOUTH SUNDAY. Some of 1 , please review the list of committees below the kids will be singing, and others will be and contact Lois to indicate your interest. Your serving in other ways. involvement in these church committees is 14th Aggie Ripley, Michael Orlowski, 15th Roy Ahonen, Harland Klagos, Jalina th We will not meet on November 25th because of Wilson/Manuwal, 16 Charlotte Glashagel, th nd th Thanksgiving Break. I pray that you will all 18 Zachary Wilson, 22 Carol Brewer, 24 have many things to be thankful for. Walter Semenok, Chris McFarland, 25th Steve th th th Willson, 27 Debby Patterson, 28 Barbara Put December 13 on your calendar also, Kramer, Judy Ruch, Cassie Lee, Jason because that will be our Kingstad, 29th Stephen Russell, Marianne Christmas Program. th Bogumill, 30 Joan Dioszegi, Justin Haas The youth will be working hard on that. In His service and yours, Joan Dioszegi Anniversaries: 1st Tom & Barbara Kramer 2nd Jim & Peggy Caldwell, 3rd Bob & Dian Paneitz George & Bernadette Nelson 4th Jack & Marion Jacobs (65th) 18th Tom & Winnie Carlson (65th)

Sad to see them go… ------but we understand… Bob and Sherlene Schmidt have sold their house and will be moving to Oregon. These two have been a big part in the life of our Some people are church by serving on committees, volunteering, and just being good, kind Church Family kind, polite, and sweet- Members. spirited UNTIL you try to sit We will miss you, but wish you in their pews. Best of Times in your new adventure!

November Birthdays: 1st Glen Gaulke, 2nd Pat Patterson, Jim Carlson, Dee Cayo, Ellie Friedley, 3rd E J May, Warren Johnson, Robert Rider, 4th Bud Denton, Mariel Henske, Michelle Kramer, 5th BJ Bauers, 6th Katherine Paulsen, 7th Jay th Woolf, John Dougherty, 9 Jo Reichling, Manitowish Waters Community Linda Arndt, 10th Michael Bartling, 11th Elsie Presbyterian Church Feit, 12th Ann Jacobucci, Deane Galloway, PO Box 69 Manitowish Waters, WI 54545

November 2015

Bible Trivia …check your Bible knowledge Who Said That? Happy 1. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church. 2. I am a Hebrew, and I fear the Lord, the Thanksgivin God of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land. 3. There cometh one mightier than I after g me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. 4. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on al tree. 5. My soul doth magnify the Lord. Office Hours: 6. As the Lord liveth, the man that hath Monday through Friday = 9:00 am till noon done this thing shall surely die. 715-543-2998 7. Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is Rev. Chips 715-776-2998 at hand. [email protected] www.mwcpc.org

1. Jesus (Matthew 16:18), 2. Jonah (1:9), 3.John the Baptist (Mark 1:7), 4. Peter (Acts 5:30), 5. Mary (Luke 1:46), 6. David (2 Samuel 12:5), 7. John the Baptist (Matthew 3:2). Chit Chat Pastor Message November 2015

Last month on the 25th we baptised Brooklyn Ann Patterson, the daughter of James and Melissa Patterson. The Baptism was beautifully “active.” Brooklyn was doing her best to audition for the choir for part of the service, and then was gently still in the aftermath of the three-fold sprinkling. As I held Brooklyn, I was acutely aware of the preciousness of the bundle of life I held, and in which the Spirit of Christ inhabited. With her in mind, I just ran across the following prayer by Ina J. Hughes of Charleston, South Carolina:

We pray for children We pray for children Who put chocolate fingers everywhere, Who spend their allowance before Tuesday, Who like to be tickled, Who throw tantrums in the grocery store Who stomp in puddles and pick at food, and ruin their new pants, Who like ghost stories, Who sneak popsickles before supper, Who shove dirty clothes under the bed, Who erase holes in math workbooks, and never rinse out the tub, Who can never find their shoes. Who get visits from the tooth fairy, And we pray for those Who doesn’t like to be kissed Who stare at photographers in front of the carpool, from behind barbed wire, Who squirm in church Who can’t bound down streets in a new and who scream in the phone, pair of sneakers, Whose tears we sometimes laugh at Who never “counted potatoes,” And whose smiles can make us cry. Who are born in places And we pray for those we wouldn’t be caught dead, Whose nightmares come in the daytime Who never go to the circus, Who will eat anything Who live in an X-rated world. Who have never seen a dentist, We pray for children Who aren’t spoiled by anybody, Who bring us sticky kisses Who go to bed hungry and fistfuls of dandelions, and cry themselves to sleep, Who sleep with the dog and bury goldfish, Who live and move, but have no being. Who hug us in a hurry We pray for children and forget lunch money, Who want to be carried Who cover themselves in Band-aids and for those who must, and sing off-key, For those we never give up on, Who squeeze toothpaste all over the sink, And for those who Who slurp their soup. don’t get a second chance. And we pray for those For those we smother, Who never get dessert, And for those Who have no safe blanket who will grab the hand to drag behind them, of anybody kind enough to offer it. Who watch their parents watch them die, Who can’t find any bread to steal, Who don’t have any rooms to clean up, Have a blessed Whose pictures aren’t on anybody’s dresser, Thanksgiving, Chips Whose monsters are real.

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