The Norwegian High Throughput Sequencing Centre

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The Norwegian High Throughput Sequencing Centre

The Norwegian High Throughput Sequencing Centre

Sample submission form ILLUMINA SEQUENCING


Fill out ALL boxed sections (light grey, sections 1 - 7), then save with a filename of your choice (recommended to include name and date) and return to us, as a .doc or .docx file (NOT .pdf), by email to [email protected]

Tip: In some versions of Microsoft word, it is necessary to click to the left of the box “Click here to enter text” to enter information.

PLEASE READ the accompanying guideline file, available here:

This contains essential information on sample quality and amounts required, in addition to advice on completing the following sections. Submissions not fulfilling the criteria cannot be sequenced.


Evidence of sample size & quality (gel image or bioanalyzer results) is mandatory unless agreed in advance. We regret we can not perform these analyses on your behalf. We may verify sample quality upon receipt, and will contact you if they do not meet our requirements.

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1. General Sample Information (ALL fields mandatory)

Method used to purify DNA / RNA Click here to enter text. (e.g. Phenol / Chloroform & EtOH precip.) Method used to determine concentration Click here to enter text. (e.g. Nanodrop / Qubit etc.) Buffer in which samples dissolved (see Click here to enter text. guidelines for restrictions). Please also provide a sample. Are samples hazardous (if yes, give details)? Yes No

Click here to enter text.

Are the samples ready to sequence? Yes, they are Illumina-compatible libraries I prepared myself.

If yes, please state which kit / method you used here: Click here to enter text.

No, these are DNA / RNA samples. I would like the NSC to perform sample prep.

2. Sample prep requests (mandatory if NSC is to perform sample prep – otherwise leave blank)

For DNA samples: TruSeqTM Nano adapter ligation (pick one) TruSeqTM PCR-free prep

Tagmentation (Nextera XTTM) sample prep

ThruPLEX® low-input sample prep

I´m unsure, please advise

For RNA samples: Strand-specific TruSeqTM RNA-seq library prep (pick one) small RNA library preparation

I´m unsure, please advise

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3. Sample Information table (Fields in red are mandatory)

Please complete the table, one line per sample. Add extra rows as required by right mouse click -> Insert -> Insert rows above/below.

If you have more than 16 samples, please use our excel template file, available here:

Sample Type* Conc. A260/280 Volume provided (µl) Index Approx no. Primers, Linkers Comment Name (ng/µl) (barcoding) Reads, Gb or or RE sites s (MAX 12  used or lanes present? † characters, requested § requested only letters, numbers and hyphen allowed). No spaces. Indexed Example- (pool of 2) 1 index 10 nM (i.e. NOT together EcoRI digest. All library Example_ with sample reads start ready to 1) gDNA 21.0 1.79 95 2 1 Lane AATTC sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Please also include a sample (~10 µl) of the elution buffer in which your sample is dissolved

* / § / † See guidelines for accepted definitions

 Restrictions apply - consult accompanying guidelines

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4. Sequencing Requested (ALL fields mandatory):

Species: Click here to enter text. Reference genome & release version: Click here to enter text. Sequencing type: Single Read Paired End Desired insert size DNA sample and paired Click here to enter text. end reads: (default 350 bp) Sequencing Instrument requested: HiSeq 2500, high output mode (leave blank if unsure) HiSeq 2500, rapid mode HiSeq 3/4000 HiSeq X NextSeq 500 (mid output reagents) NextSeq 500 (high output reagents) MiSeq Read Length: 40 bp (N – high output paired end only) (Reagents stocked as standard in bold – others must 50 bp (M, H2, H2-rapid, H3/4) be ordered, and in the case of HiSeq can only be ordered as full flowcells). Note that HiSeq X can only 75 bp (N – high output single read only) be selected for whole-genome sequencing projects. 75 bp (N, H3/4 – paired end only) 100 bp (H2, H3/4, H2-rapid) H2 = HiSeq 2500 H3/4 = HiSeq 4000 125 bp (H2, high output) HX = HiSeq X 150 bp (H3/4, HX) M = MiSeq 150 bp (M, N) N = NextSeq 250 bp (M, H2-rapid) 300 bp (M) Total number lanes (HiSeq) or runs (MiSeq / Click here to enter text. NextSeq) requested: Project Goal (brief description): Click here to enter text.

REK approval number if sequencing human Click here to enter text. samples:

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5. Select Data delivery format (Select one - mandatory): Data will be stored at our local storage facility for a period of 2 months from the date of the delivery mail after which it will be permanently deleted. A reminder notice will be sent to the contact email address two weeks prior to deletion.

1. Upload to https site hosted by UNINETT Sigma2 (option only available for non- sensitive samples). We will send you the necessary information to download the data in the delivery mail.

2. Upload to project storage hosted by NeLS (option only available for non- sensitive samples). We will send you the necessary information to create a project in NeLS. Alternatively, if you have an existing project name please enter it here: Click here to enter text.

3. Portable hard drive (exFAT format) to be picked-up by user (primarily for human samples).

a. You wish to deliver your own portable hard drive to the NSC

b. You wish to purchase a portable hard drive from the NSC (approx. 1000 NOK)

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6. Contact & Billing details (All fields mandatory): Forms submitted without a valid purchase order number (or internal Kontostreng for OUS projects) will be returned to you for completion. Please contact us if you require a price estimate in order to obtain this number from your institute. We will not initiate your project until this has been completed.

Submission Contact Information Contact Name*: Click here to enter text. Institution: Click here to enter text. Address: Click here to enter text. (including postcode)

Email: Click here to enter text. Telephone: Click here to enter text.

* This person will be our contact should we have any questions regarding sample preparation. They should also be prepared to act as the single point of contact for their research group for this project with respect to delivery of data and billing.

Billing Details Institution: Click here to enter text. Billing contact person: Click here to enter text. Email: Click here to enter text. Telephone: Click here to enter text. Billing Address: Click here to enter text.

Postcode: Click here to enter text.. Purchase Order Number (if Click here to enter text.. institute does not use, enter “not applicable”)

Project is fully or partly funded by The Research Council of Norway Yes (Norsk Forskningsrådet)? No (required for statistics and reporting purposes only)

Internal orders (Oslo Universitetssykehus) only: Kontostreng: (Art-Koststed- Click here to enter text. Prosjektnummer-Kilde)

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Note that we will not send multiple bills for a submission. Users must provide a single source of payment.

7. Sample Delivery Information

Delivery in person Delivery by carrier Carrier: Click here to enter text. Tracking number: Click here to enter text.

The NSC is based at two locations (UiO and OUS), and delivery must be made to the correct location. MiSeq, NextSeq and HiSeq X submissions can only be made to OUS. HiSeq 3/4000 sequencing can be performed at either node, so you should ask for instructions (using the common email address [email protected]) which node to deliver to if you have not already received instructions.

Deliver / ship samples to:


Gregor Gilfillan / Robert Lyle M. Skage/ S. Kollias/ A. Tooming-Klunderud Medisinsk Genetikk, Rom U-157 Lab. bygget 2. etasje (Nord) Kristine Bonnevies hus Oslo Universitetssykehus (Ullevål) University of Oslo Kirkeveien 166 Blindernveien 31 0450 Oslo 0371 Oslo Norway Norway

Tel. +47 2211 9724 / 2211 9860 Tel. +47 2284 4446 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

User Checklist:

Samples DNA: Send with -20 oC Sample buffer sample (~ 10µl) cooling blocks. RNA: Send on dry ice.

Completed Submission form

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Sample table (Excel file if >24 samples) Return by email Gel image / Bioanalyzer trace

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