A Species with Seed Size Smaller Than Mesh Size;
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1TABLE S1. Life forms, fruit type, dispersal mode, phenophase(s) analyzed, and species code of the 48 studied species in the Fushan
2subtropical rain forest.
Species Family Life form Fruit type Dispersal mode Phenophase(s) analyzed Species code
Aeschynanthus acuminatusa Gesneriaceae Climber Capsule Anemochory Flowering AESCAC
Ampelopsis cantoniensis Vitaceae Climber Berry Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting AMPECA
Ardisia quinquegona Myrsinaceae Shrub Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting ARDIQU
Blastus cochinchinensisa Melastomataceae Shrub Capsule Anemochory Flowering BLASCO
Castanopsis spp. Fagaceae Tree Nut Zoochory Flowering CASTAN
Cinnamomum micranthum Lauraceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering CINNMI
Cinnamomum subavenium Lauraceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering CINNSU
Clematis crassifolia Ranunculaceae Climber Achene Anemochory Flowering & Fruiting CLEMCR
Cleyera japonica Theaceae Tree Berry Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting CLEYJA
Cryptocarya chinensis Lauraceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering CRYPCH
Cyclobalanopsis gilva Fagaceae Tree Nut Zoochory Flowering CYCLGI
Cyclobalanopsis longinux Fagaceae Tree Nut Zoochory Flowering CYCLLO
Diospyros morrisiana Ebenaceae Tree Berry Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting DIOSMO
Dischidia formosanaa Apocynaceae Climber Follicle Anemochory Flowering DISCFO
Elaeocarpus japonicus Elaeocarpaceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting ELAEJA
Elatostema lineolatum var. majusa Urticaceae Herb Achene Zoochory Flowering ELATLI
1 1 Engelhardtia roxburghiana Juglandaceae Tree Nut Anemochory Flowering & Fruiting ENGERO
Eurya loquaianaa Theaceae Shrub Berry Zoochory Flowering EURYLO
Glochidion acuminatum Euphorbiaceae Tree Capsule Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting GLOCAC
Helicia formosana Proteaceae Tree Nut Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting HELIFO
Hoya carnosa Apocynaceae Climber Follicle Anemochory Flowering & Fruiting HOYACA
Lagerstroemia subcostata Lythraceae Tree Capsule Anemochory Flowering & Fruiting LAGESU
Lasianthus spp. Rubiaceae Shrub Berry Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting LASIAN
Litsea acuminata Lauraceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting LITSAC
Machilus thunbergii Lauraceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting MACHTH
Machilus zuihoensis Lauraceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting MACHZU
Maesa japonicaa Myrsinaceae Shrub Berry Zoochory Flowering MAESJA
Maesa perlaria var. formosanaa Myrsinaceae Shrub Berry Zoochory Flowering MAESPE
Melastoma candiduma Melastomataceae Shrub Capsule Zoochory Flowering MELACA
Meliosma squamulata Sabiaceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting MELISQ
Michelia compressa Magnoliaceae Tree Follicle Zoochory Flowering MICHCO
Miscanthus floridulusb Gramineae Herb Caryopsis Anemochory Fruiting MISCFL
Mussaenda pubescensa Rubiaceae Shrub Berry Zoochory Flowering MUSSPU
Myrsine seguinii Myrsinaceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting MYRSSE
Pachycentria formosanaa Melastomataceae Shrub Berry Zoochory Flowering PACHFO
Pericampylus formosanusb Menispermaceae Shrub Drupe Zoochory Fruiting PERIFO
1 2 Pothos chinensis Araceae Climber Berry Zoochory Flowering POTHCH
Prunus phaeosticta Rosaceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting PRUNPH
Psychotria serpens Rubiaceae Climber Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting PSYCSE
Pyrenaria shinkoensis Theaceae Tree Capsule Anemochory Flowering & Fruiting PYRESH
Randia cochinchinensisa Rubiaceae Tree Berry Zoochory Flowering RANDCO
Rhus succedanea Anacardiaceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering RHUSSU
Rubus pyrifolius Rosaceae Climber Berry Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting RUBUPY
Schefflera octophylla Araliaceae Tree Berry Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting SCHEOC
Smilax spp. Smilacaceae Climber Berry Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting SMILAX
Symplocos theophrastifolia Symplocaceae Tree Drupe Zoochory Flowering & Fruiting SYMPTH
Tricalysia dubia Rubiaceae Tree Berry Zoochory Flowering TRICDU
Vaccinium emarginatuma Ericaceae Shrub Berry Zoochory Flowering VACCEM 1 2a Species with seed size smaller than mesh size;
3b Species with flower size smaller than mesh size.
1 3 1TABLE S2. Significant phylogenetic eigenvectors and their relative importance in phylogenetic
2eigenvector regression models for flowering and fruiting. Phylogenetic eigenvectors were
3extracted from phylogeny of the studies species. A total of 45 and 23 eigenvectors were extracted
4for flowering and fruiting, respectively. These eigenvectors describe phylogenetic structures of
5different evolutionary depths.
Axis no. R2 Cumulative Cumulative P-value R2 R2 adjusted Flowering phenology
6 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.033 13 0.10 0.20 0.16 0.012 10 0.08 0.28 0.23 0.025 31 0.08 0.37 0.30 0.018
Fruiting phenology
1 0.39 0.39 0.36 0.003 13 0.16 0.55 0.51 0.040 12 0.12 0.68 0.63 0.011 6 0.09 0.77 0.72 0.016 11 0.06 0.83 0.78 0.045 10 0.05 0.87 0.83 0.029 4 0.05 0.92 0.88 0.008 6
1 4 1
2FIGURE S1. Phylogeny of the 46 species with sufficient flower records for data analysis, and the 45 phylogenetic eigenvectors
3extracted from the phylogenetic distance matrix.
1 5 1
2FIGURE S2. Phylogeny of the 24 species with sufficient seed numbers for data analysis, and the 23 phylogenetic eigenvectors
3extracted from the phylogenetic distance matrix.
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