Report for 3 Castle Road, Dollar
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Report to Regulatory Committee of 29th November 2007
Subject: 1. Erection Of Triple Garage With Ancillary Domestic Accommodation Above And Alterations To House, 3 Castle Road, Dollar (Ref: 07/00394/FULL) and 2. Change Of Use Of: Pumping Station To Extended Garden; And Garden To Form Replacement Pumping Station And Associated Works, 3 Castle Road, Dollar (07/00395/FULL)
Applicant: Mr M Mulraney, 3 Castle Road, Dollar
Agent: Machin Associates, 30 Ludgate, Alloa
Prepared by: Grant Baxter, Principal Planner
Ward: Clackmannanshire East
1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 The report considers two separate planning applications for the same site, 3 Castle Road Dollar. One application ( 07/00394/FULL) proposes a domestic garage block with ancillary accommodation above; the other (07/00395/FULL) proposes the change of use of land, relocation of a water pumping station and increased garden ground with other associated works. Both have been assessed in the context of Development Plan policies and other material considerations, including comments from Dollar Civic Trust, Community Council and neighbouring proprietors and are considered to be acceptable both in principle and detail. Both applications are therefore recommended for approval, subject to appropriate conditions.
2.0 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that application ref 07/00394/FULL is APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. The proposed garage and ancillary domestic accommodation shall be ancillary to the main house (3 Castle Road), and not used as a separate residential unit.
2. All external finishing materials shall exactly match those of the existing house (3 Castle Road). This shall include the use of vertically, rather than horizontally lined garage doors. 3. Before any works commence on site, a plan showing existing and proposed ground and finished floor levels set against a fixed datum
0ec26ad8910150588c3a1d856b06eabc.doc Page 1 of 8 point shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council. Thereafter, the development shall be constructed in accordance with such levels, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Council.
1. In order to retain proper control over the development and to avoid the creation of an additional permanent dwelling.
2. In the interests of visual amenity.
3. In order to retain proper control over the levels and height of the proposed building on this sloping site.
2.2 It is recommended that application ref 07/00395/FULL is APPROVED subject to the following conditions:
1. The external walls of the proposed pumping station building shall be finished to exactly match the existing house (3 Castle Road).
2. The proposed boundary wall shall exactly match the existing boundary wall onto the Castle Road frontage of the existing house (3 Castle Road), in terms of height, type of stone, coursing, pointing and coping.
3. Before any works commence on site, exact details of all external surfacing materials for driveway, parking, ramps and paths shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council. Thereafter, the development shall be constructed in accordance with such approved details, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Council.
4. Before any works commence on site, a detailed schedule of timescales for the phasing and completion of all proposed works shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council. Such details shall cover the following elements:
Construction and bringing into operation, of the proposed pumping house. Decommissioning and demolition of the existing pumping house. Removal of existing metal palisade railings. Construction of proposed boundary wall. Construction of proposed parking space, ramp and path. Thereafter, all works shall be completed in accordance with the approved schedule of timescales, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Council.
0ec26ad8910150588c3a1d856b06eabc.doc Page 2 of 8 5. Before any works commence on site, details of off-street parking proposals to serve the proposed pumping house shall have been submitted to and approved in writing, by the Council. Thereafter, the approved parking arrangements shall be in place before the proposed pumping station is brought into operation. Reasons
1. In the interests of visual amenity.
2. In the interests of visual amenity.
3. In the interests of visual amenity.
4. In the interests of visual amenity.
5. In the interests of road safety.
3.1The site in question is at the foot of Castle Road, Dollar, and includes the house constructed on the site of former water works and the existing water pumping station that adjoins it. 3.2Members will be familiar with the site from its recent planning history, in particular the planning applications and appeal decision in respect of boundary treatment along the Castle Road frontage of the site. All outstanding issues in this regard have now been dealt with to the satisfaction of this Service. 3.3This report considers two separate planning applications, the details of which can be summarised as follows: 07/00394/FULL: Erection Of Triple Garage With Ancillary Domestic Accommodation Above And Alterations To House. This proposals includes the following elements:
Conversion of existing integral garaging to living accommodation and replacement of two single garage doors with glazed doors and screens. Erection of a triple garage with ancillary domestic accommodation above in the southwest corner of the house plot. The building would measure approximately 11m by 6.6m, 3m in height to wall head and 7m to ridge. This building would be pitched roofed, with three single garage doors on the front elevation at ground floor and three single dormers above which would serve a games room and landing area. The building would be designed and finished to match the main house, with a stone frontage, rendered side and rear walls and slate roof.
0ec26ad8910150588c3a1d856b06eabc.doc Page 3 of 8 07/00395/FULL: Change Of Use Of: Pumping Station To Extended Garden; And Garden To Form Replacement Pumping Station And Associated Works This proposal includes the following elements:
Removal of the existing brick pumping station. Change of use of the existing pumping station site to garden ground. Formation of a disabled parking space and ramped access to house. Removal of metal palisade railings and replacement with stone wall to match existing. Erection of a replacement pumping station in the southeast corner of the house plot (enclosed by an existing entrance wall and boundary fence). The pumping station would measure approximately 5m by 3.25m and 2.8m high. The building would have a stone frontage and rendered side/rear walls to match the adjacent house, with black metal doors and a flat roof.
4.0 CONSULTATIONS 4.1 Roads and Transportation – If no off road parking facility is available for the proposed station, maintenance vehicles will require to park on the public road. Any use of the land to the south of the site for parking will require to retain the footpath link through to the Mill Green. Comment: Scottish Water have advised that they currently have no formal agreement to park vehicles on private land around the existing facility, although the adjoining driveway of 3 Castle Road is occasionally used. The site requires inspection on average once a week, by an engineer using a light van. A pedestrian gate would lead from the Council land to the south of the site into the proposed pumping station site, and such a vehicle could park on this land without blocking the path to the Mill Green. Off-street parking also exists on Hillfoots Road and further up Castle Road. A condition is proposed to agree the off road parking arrangements. 4.2 Environmental Health – No objections. Hours of construction should be restricted. The facility may emit excessive noise levels. More information is required on noise levels and hours of operation. Comment: The existing facility has not generated any noise related complaints. Scottish Water have advised that the new facility merely replaces the existing facility, which is entirely piped and uses two small pumps, providing peak-time boosting of water supply. The proposed new building will be insulated to mitigate any potential noise risk. 4.3 Dollar Community Council – No objections, however the wall should be finished in natural stone; conditions should be used to ensure the 1st floor accommodation cannot be used as a separate house; and to ensure completion of works. The Community Council support the comments of Mr & Mrs Ryde, referred to in Section 5.0 below. Comment: Appropriate planning conditions can be used to address the points made by the Community Council.
0ec26ad8910150588c3a1d856b06eabc.doc Page 4 of 8 5.0 REPRESENTATIONS 5.1 A total of 5 neighbouring parties were notified of the planning applications. Three letters of representations were received from the following parties:
a) Dollar Civic Trust b) Mr & Mrs Ryde, Glenwood House, Castle Road, Dollar c) Mr & Mrs Brinham, 4 Castle Road, Dollar
The key issues raised can be summarised as follows:
a) Dollar Civic Trust have no objection to the applications on the basis that they are generally ‘in keeping’ with the approval for the house, but have raised points of detail set out below.
b) Should the property at 1 Castle Road, Dollar have been notified of the applications. Comment : This property is separated from the site by third party land and is more than 4 metres from the site boundary. On this basis the property is not notifiable.
c) Can safeguards be put in place to prevent the garage block from becoming a separate residential unit? . Comment: Any grant of planning permission can be conditioned to ensure this (see recommendation). This does not however prevent a future planning application being made to change the building into a separate unit.
d) Can planting be used to soften the visual impact of the developments, when viewed from Castle Road? Comment: The planting is proposed or considered necessary. The collective proposals will have a positive impact on the Castle Road environment.
e) The Council should consider conditions to control the installation of external lighting on the proposed garage, in order to prevent glare to nearby properties and road users. Comment: Whilst the drawings do not show any proposed external lighting, this does not need planning permission.
f) Additional details of surfacing, walls and gates should be requested, to ensure they are compatible with the site’s location on the edge of the Conservation Area. Comment: Appropriate conditions can be used in this regard.
g) Would adequate vehicle turning space be available in the site? Comment: There are no objections from Roads and Transportation on these grounds, and adequate turning facilities will be available.
0ec26ad8910150588c3a1d856b06eabc.doc Page 5 of 8 6.0 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 The planning applications must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 6.2 In this case, the key development plan policies contained the Clackmannanshire Local Plan are as follows:
Policy EN11 Enhancing Environmental Quality Policy RES12 Householder Developments and Established Amenity
These policies are also supported by Supplementary Advice Note (SAN) 8 “House Extensions”, which gives specific advice on garages. 6.3 07/00394/FULL The location, orientation, design and finish of the proposed garage block appear to comply with the above noted polices and advice. The proposed building is set well back from the street frontage, and is designed in a manner that is in keeping with, but subsidiary to the main house. It is of a suitable design that takes account of the sensitive nature of the site, on the edge of the Mill Green and Dollar Conservation Area. If approved, however, a planning condition should be used to require vertically rather than horizontally lined garage doors. 6.4 The proposed alterations to the existing house, in the form of glazed doors and screens in lieu of the existing garage doors, would have no detrimental impact on the character of the building. 6.5 The amenity of neighbouring properties would not be affected by the erection of the building. Its massing and form of materials are compatible with the existing house, and adequate private garden ground, parking and turning facilities would be retained. 6.6 If approved the planning permission should also be subject to conditions restricting the use of the building to that which is ancillary to the main house. 6.7 07/00395/FULL The principle of the proposed development is acceptable. The incorporation of the site of the existing pumping station into the garden of the adjoining house is a logical alternative use of the land. 6.8 The removal of the unsightly brick building and metal palisade railings, replaced by a new wall, will enhance the Conservation Area. Final details of surfacing of paths, ramps and the parking area can be dealt with by condition. 6.9 The proposed pumping station building is of modest size and simple rectangular design. Finishing materials are compatible with the existing house. The building would be set back from the frontage of the road unlike the existing structure which abuts the road. This positioning, design and finish of building is acceptable and will enhance the existing situation. 6.10 In summary, the collective proposals are considered to be acceptable both in principle and detail. They rationalise land use, enhance visual amenity and maintain standards of public/road safety, in accordance with development
0ec26ad8910150588c3a1d856b06eabc.doc Page 6 of 8 plan policy guidance Both applications can therefore be recommended for approval, subject to appropriate conditions.
7.1. The proposals are likely to have a positive visual impact on the edge of Dollar Conservation Area.
8.1. None
8.2. Declarations
(1) The recommendations contained within this report support or implement Corporate Priorities, Council Policies and/or the Community Plan:
Corporate Priorities (Key Themes) (Please tick )
Achieving Potential Maximising Quality of Life Securing Prosperity Enhancing the Environment Maintaining an Effective Organisation
Council Policies (Please detail)
Community Plan (Themes) (Please tick )
Community Safety Economic Development Environment and Sustainability Health Improvement
(2) In adopting the recommendations contained in this report, the Council is acting within its legal powers. (Please tick )
(3) The full financial implications of the recommendations contained in this report are set out in the report. This includes a reference to full life cycle costs where appropriate. (Please tick )
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