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Curriculum Vitae
Name : Wong, Brian Stephen
Present Appointment : Senior Research Fellow
School : School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Division : Aerospace Engineering
Date of 1st Appointment : 4 Oct 1987
Academic Qualifications:
BSc(Hons), Physics - University of Manchester - 1971 MSc, Physics - University of Manchester - 1973 PhD, Materials Science - University of Manchester - 1975
Professional Qualifications/Memberships:
CPhys MInstP 1977 MINDT 1978 Level 2 Rolls Royce, Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Inspection
Summary of Working Experience(with dates):
1975 - 1976 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manchester 1976 - 1978 Non-Destructive Testing Research and Development Engineer, International Combustion Ltd 1978 - 1987 Non-Destructive Testing Research and Development Engineer, Rolls Royce Ltd Oct 1987 - Mar 1991 Senior Lecturer, MPE, NTI Mar 1991 - Mar 1993 Senior Lecturer, SAS, NTI Apr 1993 - Dec 1998 Senior Lecturer, NTU Jan 1999 – June 2011 Associate Professor, NTU Aug 2011 – Dec 2011 Consultant Simtech Jan 2012 to present - Senior Research Fellow, NTU
Date of Birth : 24 September, 1949
Place of Birth : United Kingdom
Nationality : British, Singapore PR since 1993
Home Address : 11 Thong Soon Green, Singapore 787317
Email Address : [email protected]
Mobile Phone no.: 96626571
(1)Average teaching feedback (lectures and tutorials) over last 3 years was about 4.6. Average teaching feedback over the previous 22 years was about 4.3.
(2) Lectures presented at NTU
I have presented the following lectures at NTU:
1) Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), i) Ultrasonics, X-ray, Eddy Current, Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant 2) Aerospace Engineering i) Aircraft Structures ii) Aircraft Failures iii)Fracture Mechanics 3) Materials Engineering i) Metals, Composites, Microelectronics and other materials ii) Advanced Materials Characterization Techniques, SEM, TEM, EDAX etc iii)Corrosion 4) Mechanical Engineering i) Engineering Measurements 5) Physics
I have worked for eleven years in the UK NDT industry engaged in R and D work and writing and overseeing NDT procedures for manufacturing companies. I experienced working in the heavy fabrication industry (2 years with International Combustion Ltd) and the aerospace industry (9 years with Rolls Royce Ltd). I have worked in NDT collaboration projects with RSAF (Republic of Singapore Air Force) for the past 17 years. I consider this industrial background unique for a university lecturer and this enables me to teach NDT at university level. This knowledge and experience is difficult to derive from text books. My students reach near level 3 capability in ultrasonics, xray, eddy current, magnetic particle and liquid penetrant testing. Level 3 is the highest qualification level required to work in the NDT industry. I have received good feedbacks from students.
(3) Short courses
1. “Non-Destructive Testing of Materials”, CCE, NTU, 2007 2. “Non-Destructive Testing of Materials”, CCE, NTU, 2006 3. “Materials Characterization”, CCE, NTU, 2001 4. “Basic and Advanced Non-Destructive Testing”, CPG Laboratories, 2002 5. “Non-Destructive Testing of Critical Strength Bearing Components” CPG Laboratories, 2003
(1) Citations
97 citations (Scopus) Hirsch index 5 (Scopus)
(2) Achievements with local significance (Research activities)
2 I was a collaborator for an A-Star funded project (S$1,600,000) to develop the world’s first automated aircraft wing inspection system. I supplied all the non- destructive testing knowledge required for the system and designed the ultrasonic testing head required. The system had been used for the automated inspection of the RSAF’s (Republic of Singapore Air Force) F5 fighter aircraft. The system remains the world’s first and only automated dripless immersion ultrasonic system capable of following any surface contour by automatically the specimen surface contour using a vision camera and laser range finders carried with a single arm robot. The system is patented.
I have collaborated with RASF for 17 years on Non-destructive testing projects which have resulted in them developing more effective and efficient non- destructive testing procedures in all the main NDT techniques. The most significant was developing the lock-in thermographic testing technique for RSAF aircraft. Theoretical models were developed to predict results enabling enhanced setup and testing efficiency. As a result of this work RSAF purchased an identical system since they were so confident in its testing capability and their system is currently part of RSAF inspection procedures. Recently RSAF provided me with a fund of $S30,000 to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate and design a automated radiographic system for their use.
I am currently working as a collaborator for a Simtech funded project (S$1.2M) on “Development of a 3D carbon nanotube xray system”
Recently a MOU was signed between A-Star, Boeing, EADS, Rolls Royce and Pratt and Whitney to jointly fund Aircraft MRO projects in Sim-tech. A survey carried out last year amongst all aircraft MRO companies in Singapore found that Aircraft Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) should be a major research area. Of the first four projects selected to receive significant funding from this agreement, two are in NDT, Sonic Techniques and Thermography. These projects which have just started each have a funding of $S1,200,000. I am a collaborator to both projects.
I have also collaborated with numerous other local companies on NDT projects, E.g. Singapore Airlines, ST Aerospace, SMRT and Matsuhita Refrigeration Indusries. Nearly all final year projects which I propose are sponsored by industry. About 15 part time MSc dissertation students have graduated under my supervision conducting projects of relevance to their companies. NDT is a valuable essential technology which need to be developed by all advancing countries like Singapore. It is required in many areas of technology e.g marine, construction, oil and gas, electronics etc. The most important area is in aerospace, the subject of NTU’s new degree course.
I am familiar with essentially all NDT procedures used by companies in Singapore and I can develop and write NDT procedures for their testing problems.
I gained 11 years of Research and development and in manufacturing in NDT when I worked in the UK and I have been able to impart this knowledge to many students and companies in Singapore.
I consider I have benefited the local industry considerably with my knowledge of this valuable subject in both collaborative research projects and teaching.
(3) Achievements earning significant publicities for the University (External research funding)
3 In 2001, General Electric (GE), USA, fully funded a NTU project under my supervision to develop software to generate radiographic techniques. This was as result of them reading one of my papers, “A computer program to generate radiographic and magnetic particle inspection techniques", British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing, UK, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 303-307, 1990 “. The paper highlighted for the first time, the theoretical logical procedure needed to determine specimen and defect through thickness values using radiographic film density or real time sensor grey level measurements. The funding provided was S$140,000. The project resulted in software which GE are utilising internally.
(4) Service as editor for international journals
1. Journal of Measurement Science and Technology – Institute of Physics, UK
2. The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing
(5) Invited presentations at scientific meetings/workshops
I was invited by CPG Laboratories (a government owned company) to present the following external courses:
1. “Basic and Advanced Non-Destructive Testing”, CPG Laboratories, 2002 2. “Non-Destructive Testing of Critical Strength Bearing Components” CPG Laboratories, 2003
(6) Service as a reviewer
I have reviewed papers in the Smart Materials and Non-Destructive Testing theme of ICEM 2004, a Singapore based international conference (organized by the SPIE local chapter) on Experimental Mechanics (230 papers accepted).
(7) Session chairman / (special) session organizer in conferences
I was a member of the organizing committee of ICEM 2004 and the chairman of the Smart Materials and Non-Destructive Testing theme of this conference. (50 papers accepted).
(8) (Research activities)
Type of Grant/Involvement
1. Industrial grant from Defence Science and Technology Agency Development of Aircraft Defect Recognition (ADR) Algorithm Principal Investigator, S$199,465 2007 to present
2. Industrial grant from the Republic of Singapore Air Force, Feasibility Study and Design of an Automated Real Time X-ray System for RSAF use. Principal Investigator, S$30,000, 2004 to 2007
3. Industrial grant from General Electric, USA Development of Software to Produce radiographic techniques, Principal Investigator, S$140,000, 2001 to 2005
4 4. AStar, Simtech collaboration Sonic (Resonance, Pitch/Catch, Impedance) Techniques for One-Sided, In-Service Composite Aircraft Structure Inspection Collaborator, S$1,200,000, 2007 to present
5. AStar, Simtech collaboration Thermal(IR) Hartmann wavefront sensing technology for structural health monitoring and defect detection of composite structures Collaborator S$1,200,000, 2007 to present
6. AStar, Simtech collaboration Development of a 3D xray system, Collaborator, S$1,200,000, 2004 to 2007
7. MPE SDS grant, Automation of Ultrasonic Testing Procedures Principal Investigator, S$16,392. 2001 to 2004
8. MPE SDS grant, Human Body Surface and Sub-surface Temperature Measurements Using Contact And Non-contact Techniques, Principal Investigator, S$3,000. 2003 to present
Approved completed ACRF projects
1. Development of Expert Systems for Non-Destructive Testing Principal Investigator, S$60,000. 1988 to 1992
2. Ultrasonic Evaluation of Composite Materials Principal Investigator, S$120,000. 1992 to 1996
3. Thermographic Evaluation of Materials Principal Investigator, S$60,000. 1996 to 2001
(1) Services to the University
Administrative Work
1. 2006 Laboratory Director, Aerospace NDT, 2. 2006 Laboratory Director, Aerospace Surface Engineering 3. 2006 Laboratory Director, Aerospace Profilometry and Imaging 4. 2002 Deputy director – Sensors and Actuators SRP 5. 2008 Aerospace FYP coordinator 6. 2008 Aerospace 4th year coordinator 5 7. 2008 Aerospace Teaching Assignment coordinator (2) Service to professional bodies
1. I am President of Non Destructive Testing Society of Singapore which I started in 1997. The society currently has 300 members and 15 company members. This society is essential in Singapore to serve its thriving NDT industry. The Society is internationally recognized. The society has technical talks, a website and newsletters.
2. Overseas advisor (Singapore region) to the British Institute of Non- Destructive Testing. 1987 to present.
(3) Service to society/local industry
1. Singapore Laboratories (SINGLAS) Accredition Technical Assessor in Non- Destructive Testing. - Audit NDT laboratories for this government initiated body.
D. PUBLICATIONS Number of books: 2 Number of journal papers: 46 Number of conference papers: 48 Number of book chapters: 4 Number of patents: 1
(a) Books 1. Wong, B. S., “Non-Destructive Testing”, Publishers: Lambert Academic Publishing, Published Dec 2014. 2. Wong, B. S. Aswin, H, Cheah, W. C., “Ultrasonic and Thermographic Testing of Heat Damaged Composite Materials”, Publishers: Lambert Academic Publishing, May 2015.
(b) Journal Papers
(i) Overseas
1. Wong, B. S. "Vibrational frequencies of freely falling charged water drops", J. Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, UK, Vol. 36, pp. 707-711, 1974. 2. Wong, B. S. "A comparative study of the fatigue failure of Nylon 6.6, PET Polyester and Polypropylene fibres", J. Textile Institute (Impact Factor: 0.770, Journal Ranking: 11), UK, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 89-94, 1977. 3. Wong, B. S. "The effects of air, water, Hydrochloric acid and other environments on the fatique of Nylon 6.6 fibres", J. Textile Institute (Impact Factor: 0.770, Journal Ranking: 11), UK, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 127-132, 1977. 4. Wong, B. S. "Statistics of fatigue failure", J. Textile Institute (Impact Factor: 0.770, Journal Ranking: 11), UK, 1977. 5. Wong B. S. "A fibre fatigue tester, based on rotation over a wire, for use in different environments", J. Physics E, UK, Vol. 10, pp. 448-450, 1977. 6. Wong, B. S. "Flexural fatigue and surface abrasion of Kevlar-29 and other high-modulus fibres", J. Materials Science (Impact Factor: 2.305, Journal Ranking: 58), UK, Vol. 12, pp. 2447-2455, 1977. 7. Wong, B. S. "Thick section radiography using a microfocus X-ray unit", British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 263-264, 1982. 8. Wong, B. S. "A computer program to generate radiographic techniques", British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 302-303, 1986.
6 9. Wong, B. S. "A computer program to generate radiographic and magnetic particle inspection techniques", British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 303-307, 1990. 10. Wong, B. S. "Mechanical impedance inspection of composite structures", British Journal of Non-Destructive Testing (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp 3-9, 1993. 11. Wong, B. S., Tan, K. S. and Tui, C. G., “Ultrasonic testing of solid fiber- reinforced composite plates”, Journal of Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 0.062, Journal Ranking: 245), USA, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 36-40, 1994. 12. Tan, K. S., Guo, N., Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Experimental evaluation of delaminations in composite plates by the use of Lamb waves”, Composite Science and Technology (Impact Factor: 3.633, Journal Ranking: 1), USA, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 77-84, 1995. 13. Wong, B. S. and Tan, K. S. “Software developed to analyse the signals from the eddy current inspection of heat exchanger tubes” Insight (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 87-92, 1995. 14. Tan, K. S., Chan, K. C., Guan, L.W. and Wong, B. S. “Ultrasonic evaluation of voids in tiled walls”, Asean Journal on Science and Technology Development, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 87-100, 1995. 15. Tan, K. S., Guo, N., Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Comparison of Lamb waves and pulse echo in detection of near-surface defects in laminate plates”, NDT&E International(Impact Factor: 1.717, Journal Ranking: 3), UK, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 215-223, 1995. 16. Tan, K. S., Chan, K. C., Wong, B. S. and Guan, L.W. “Ultrasonic evaluation of cement adhesion in wall tiles”, Cement and Concrete Composites (Impact Factor: 2.760, Journal Ranking: 4), UK, Vol. 18, pp. 119-124, 1995. 17. Wong, B. S., Guo, N., Tui, C. G. and Teng K. H. “Mechanical impedance inspection of aluminium honeycomb structures”, Materials Evaluation (Impact Factor: 0.212, Journal Ranking: 31), USA, Vol. 54, No. 12, pp. 1390-1396, 1996. 18. Wong, B. S., Tui, C. G., Tan, K. S. and Kwan, K. W. “Evaluation of small defects in carbon fibre-reinforced composites using ultrasonic pulse echo amplitude”, Insight (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 257-263. 1997. 19. “Lim, S. Y., Koh, L. M., Wong, B. S. and Lim, C. W. “An automated aircraft wing inspection system”, Insight (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 160-163, 1998. 20. Wong, B. S., Tui, C. G., Low, B. S. and Bai, W. “Thermographic and Ultrasonic Evaluation of Composite Materials”, Insight (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 504-509, 1999. 21. Bai, W. and Wong, B. S. "Evaluation of defects in composite plates under convective environments using lock-in thermography", Measurement Science and Technology (Impact Factor: 1.352, Journal Ranking: 25), UK, Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 142-150, 2001. 22. Bai, W. and Wong, B. S. "Photothermal models for lock-in thermographic evaluation of plates with finite thickness under convection conditions", Journal of Applied Physics (Impact Factor: 2.185, Journal Ranking: 39), USA, Vol. 89, No. 6, pp. 3275-3282, 2001. 23. Ng, Chee Keong; Murukeshan, Vadakke M.; Ong, Seng L.; Wong, Brian S.; Asundi, Anand K., Tele-shearography for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of aircraft/composite panels: an analysis, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4596, p. 143-149 (2001). 24. Bai, W. and Wong, B. S. "Thermal wave scattering from subsurface defects in plates with finite thickness under convective environments", Measurement Science and Technology (Impact Factor: 1.352, Journal Ranking: 25), UK, Vol. 13, pp. 700-705, 2002.
7 25. Guo, N., Abdul, J., Du, H. and Wong, B.S. "Ultrasonic characterization of the interface between a die attach adhesive and a copper leadframe in IC packaging", Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology (Impact Factor: 1.153, Journal Ranking: 73), Vol.16(9), pp. 1261-1279, 2002. 26. Bai, W., Wong, B. S., Murukeshan V. M., and Tui, C. G., “Thermographic and laser shearographic evaluation of composite materials”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, ISSN:1435-4934, Vol. 8, No. 2, February, 2003. 27. Zhou, J., Wong, B. S. and Seet, G. L., "An ACFM automated crack detection system deployed by an underwater roving vehicle (URV)", The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, ISSN:1435-4934, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 2003. 28. Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Experimental investigation of eddy current inspection of aircraft materials”, Journal of Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 0.062, Journal Ranking: 245), Vol. 36, No.4, pp. 3-10,, USA, October, 2004. 29. Wang, X. and Wong, B. S. “Computer aided interpretation of radiographic images using a wavelet transform procedure”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, ISSN:1435-4934, Vol. 9, No. 6, June 2004. 30. J. Abdul, N. Guo, H. Du, B.S. Wong, and K.C. Chan, "Nondestructive evaluation of the silicon and copper interfaces in IC packaging", Experimental Mechanics (Impact Factor: 1.567, Journal Ranking: 4), USA, vol.44(2), pp. 113- 120, 2004. 31. Wong, B. S. and Low, C. K. “Defect evaluation using the alternating current field measurement technique”, Insight (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), UK, October, 2004. 32. Wang, X. and Wong, B. S., “Image Enhancement for Radiography Inspection”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, ISSN:1435-4934, Vol. 10, No. 4, Apr, 2005. 33. Prabhakaran, K. G. and Wong, B. S., “Time of Flight Diffraction - An Alternate Non-Destructive Testing Procedure to Replace Traditional Methods Image Enhancement for Radiography Inspection”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, ISSN:1435-4934, Vol. 10, No. 5, May 2005. 34. Jiao, S. and Wong, B. S., “Development of an automated ultrasonic testing system”, The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing, ISSN:1435-4934, Vol. 10, No. 4, Apr 2005. 35. Wang, X. and Wong, B.S., “Segmentation of a Radiographic Image Using a Fuzzy C-means Algorithm” Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring (The Journal of The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing), (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), Vol. 47 No. 10, October 2005.
36. Wang,X. and Wong, B.S., "Radiographic Image Segmentation for Weld Inspection Using a Robust Algorithm”, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation (Impact Factor: 1.259, Journal Ranking: 7), Volume 16, Issue 3, 2006.
37. Wang, X., Wong, B.S., Tui, C.G., “Spotting defects more clearly: radiographic image enhancement” Industrial Heating, vol. 73, no. 1, Jan. 2006, p 48-51.
38. Wiryani, M., Ng, E.Y.K. and Wong, B.S., “Measurement of Human Skin and Sub- surface Temperature with IR Techniques”, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, May, 2006.
39. Lim, M. Ting, Ng, H. W. and Wong, B. S., “Inspection of Aircraft Landing Gear Components by Barkhausen Noise Measurement”, - The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing - ISSN: 1435-4934, Issue Vol. 11 No.6, June 2006. 40. Tran, D. V., Lam, Y.C., Wong, B. S., Zheng, H. Y. and Hardt, D. E., “Quantification of thermal energy deposited in silicon by multiple
8 femtosecond laser pulses”, Optics Express (Impact Factor: 3.525, Journal Ranking: 6), Vol. 14 No. 20, October 2006. 41. Tran, D. V., Lam, Y.C., Wong, B. S., Zheng, H. Y. and Hardt, D. E., “Direct observation of the temperature field during ablation of materials by multiple femtosecond laser pulses”, Applied Surface Science (Impact Factor: 2.538, Journal Ranking: 2), Vol. 253 No. 17 pages: 7290-7294, Jun 2007. 42. N.Q. Guo, S. Subramanian, Y.Z. Yong, B.S. Wong, 2008, "Simulation of Lamb waves in composite laminates using 3D model”, World Materials Journal, 2009. 43. Sim, L.M., Tan, T.C., Mon, A.A., Wong, B.S., “X-ray absorption-based technique to measure the thickness of multi-layered structures”, NDT&E International(Impact Factor: 1.717, Journal Ranking: 3), Vol. 42, no. 4, p 291-6, June 2009. 44. Weimin Bai, Bueno, C., Wong, B.S., Xin Wang, “Generation of radiographic techniques for digital radiography applications”, Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring (Impact Factor: 0.545, Journal Ranking: 21), Vol. 51, no. 6, p 327-31, June 2009. 45. Xin Wang, Wong, B.S., Ching Seong Tan, Chen Guan Tui, “Automated crack detection for digital radiography aircraft wing inspection”, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation (Impact Factor: 1.259, Journal Ranking: 7) , Vol. 22, no. 2, p 105-27, 2011. 46. Saravanan, S. Natarajan, K.R., Yang, J.L., Wong, B.S., Guo, N.Q., “Damage detection using in-situ piezo transducers on a composite laminate using Lamb wave”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 83, p 267-273, 2011. (c) Conference Papers
1. Wong, B. S. "A computer software package to generate non-destructive testing techniques", 1987 Asia Pacific Conference on Welding and Non-Destructive Testing, Singapore. 2. Wong, B. S. "Fatigue of synthetic fibres during manufacture and use", Manutech 88, Nanyang Technological Institute conference, Singapore. 3. Wong, B. S. "Software developed for non-destructive testing", Weldcon '89, Sydney, Australia. 4. Wong, B. S. "Non-destructive testing methodologies of advanced composite materials", New Challenges in Aircraft Maintenance & Engineering Conference, Singapore, 1990. 5. Wong, B. S. "Mechanical impedance inspection of composite structures", Aerospace Technology Seminar 1992, MINDEF, Singapore, May 1992. 6. Wong, B. S. "Non-destructive inspection for steel bar and wire rod material", Conference on Manufacture and Application of High Quality Bars and Rods and their Relevance to South East Asian Mini Mills, Singapore, May 1992. 7. Wong, B. S. "Mechanical impedance inspection of composite structures", Spring Conference of the American Society of Non-Destructive Testing, USA, April 1993. 8. Wong, B. S., Tan, K. S. and Tui, C. G., “Pulse echo testing of thin solid fiber-reinforced composite materials”, Proceedings of the Aerospace Technology Seminar, Singapore, 1994. 9. Wong, B. S., Tan, K. S., Guo, N. and Tui, C. G. “A comparison of ultrasonic and Lamb wave evaluation of delaminations in carbon-fibre composites” Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Acoustics Society, Singapore, 1995. 10. Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Evaluation of delaminations in aluminium honeycomb structures using the mechanical impedance technique” Proceedings of the Aerospace Technology Seminar, Singapore, 1995.
9 11. Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Mechanical impedance inspection of honeycomb structures” Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanics of Solids and Materials Engineering, Singapore, 1995. 12. Wong, B. S., Tan, K. S., Guo, N. and Tui, C. G. “Ultrasonic evaluation of delaminations in carbon fibre composites” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Composites Engineering, New Orleans, U.S.A., 1995. 13. Wong, B. S., Tan, K. S., Chan, K. C. and Guan, L. W. “Ultrasonic evaluation of the cement layer between tiles and the concrete substrate” Proceedings of Non-Destructive Testing ‘95, UK, 1995. 14. Wong, B. S., Tan, K. S., Tui, C. G. and Kwan., K. W. “Evaluation of small defects in carbon fibre reinforced composites using ultrasonic pulse echo amplitude”, Proceedings of Non-Destructive Testing ‘96, UK, 1996. 15. Lim, S. Y., Koh, L. M., Wong, B. S. and Lim, C. W. “An automated aircraft wing inspection system”, Proceedings of Non-Destructive Testing ‘97, UK, 1997. 16. Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Mechanical impedance inspection of honeycomb structures”, Proceedings of ASME ASIA ’97, Singapore, 1997. 17. Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Evaluation of small defects in composite materials using ultrasonic pulse echo amplitude”, Proceedings of DMMS‘97, UK, Singapore, 1997. 18. Wong, B. S. “Automation in Non-Destructive Testing”, ASME technical talk presentation, Singapore, February, 1998. 19. Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G. “Thermographic Evaluation of Aerospace Materials”, Proceedings of the Aerospace Technology Seminar, Singapore, 1998. 20. Wong, B. S., Tui, C. G., Low Bah Soon, Tan Peck Hui and Tan Kha Sheng “Thermographic and Ultrasonic Evaluation of Composite Materials”, Proceedings of Non-Destructive Testing ‘98, UK, 1998. 21. Lim, C. W., Lim, S. Y., Wong, B. S. and Koh, L. M., “An automated aircraft wing inspection system”, Proceedings of QNDE ‘98, USA, 1998. 22. Wong, B. S., Chua, F. M., Ow, W. Y. and Tui C. G., "Non-destructive testing of fibre reinforced composites and honeycomb structures", Proceedings of Defence Materials and Mechanics Seminar '99, Singapore, 1999. 23. Bai, W., Wong, B. S., Tui, C. G. and Low, B. S., "Thermographic evaluation of materials", Proceedings of the Aerospace Technology Seminar, MINDEF, Singapore, 1999. 24. Bai, W. and Wong, B. S., "NDE of aircraft structures using lock-in thermography", Proceedings of the Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aging Infrastructure Conference, The International Society for Optical Engineering, USA, 2000. 25. Wong, B. S., "Software developed for the prediction of radiographic parameters and film densities", The Non-Destructive Testing Society (Singapore) Technical Talk, Singapore, 2000. 26. Wang, S., Wong, B. S. and Tui, C. G., "Software developed for the interpretation of Thermographs", Proceedings of the Aerospace Technology Seminar, MINDEF, Singapore, 2000. 27. Zhou, J., Wong, B. S. and Seet, G. L., "An ACFM automated crack detection system deployed by an underwater roving vehicle (URV)", Proceedings of the second Asian Symposium on Industrial Automation and Robotics, Thailand, 2001. 28. Wong, B. S., Bai, W. and Tui, C. G., “Thermographic and laser shearographic evaluation of materials”, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Non- Destructive Testing, Spain, 2002. 29. Wong, B. S., “Introduction to non-destructive testing”, Seminar, Non- Destructive of Materials, CPG Laboratories Corporation Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2003.
10 31. Wong, B. S., “Overview of advanced non-destructive testing techniques”, Seminar, Non-Destructive of Materials, CPG Laboratories Corporation Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2003. 32. Wiryani M., Ng E.Y-K, Wong B.S., Bai W.M., and Jiang L., “Human Body Surface and Sub-Surface Temperature Measurements using Contact and Non-contact Techniques”, 31st Annual Meeting for American Academy of Thermology, International Thermography Standards in Human and Animal Research & Medicine, 15-18 April 2004 at Auburn University, USA. 33. Wong, B. S., “Recent advances in non-destructive testing”, Engineering Congress, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, August, 2004. 34. Wang, X, and Wong, B. S., “X-Ray Image Segmentation Using Wavelet Method”, The Eighth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV, China, December 2004. 35. Wang, X. and Wong, B. S., “ X-Ray Image Segmentation Based on Genetic Algorithm and Maximum Fuzzy Entropy”, IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Singapore, December, 2004. 36. Wong, B. S., "Thermographic Evaluation of Materials", The Non-Destructive Testing Society (Singapore) Technical Talk, Singapore, Feb, 2005. 37. Wang, X., Wong, B. S., Tui, C.G., Khoo, K.P., Foo, F. “Using Image Processing Methods to Assist the Analysis of ‘The Image Quality Indicator Sensitivity Level’ of Digital Radiographs”, ASNT Digital Imaging VIII, USA, July, 2005. 38. Sim, L.M., Wong, B.S. and Spowage, A.C. “Quantitative materials analysis of micro devices using absorption-based thickness measurements”, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2005 (ICMAT 2005) 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM), 3-8 Singapore, July 2005. 39. Wong, B. S., “New Developments in Non-Destructive Testing”, Marine Research Corporation Seminar, NTU, October, 2006. 40, Wong, B. S., Wang, X., Tui, C. G. and Bai, W., “Thermographic evaluation of aircraft composite materials”, New Challenges in Aerospace Technology & Maintenance Conference, Singapore, 15-16 February 2008. 41, Wang, X., Wong, B. S., Tui, C. G., Khoo K. P. and Foo, F., “Analysis of real-time radiographic non-destructive inspection of aircraft”, New Challenges in Aerospace Technology & Maintenance Conference, Singapore, 15-16 February 2008. 42, Wang, X., Wong, B. S., Tui, C. G., Khoo K. P. and Foo, F., “Real-time radiographic non-destructive inspection for aircraft maintenance”, 17th World Conference in Non-Destructive Testing, August 2008. 43. Wong, B. S., “Automated Defect Recognition (ADR) Software for Radiographic Inspection“, Singapore Aerospace Technology and Engineering Conference 2012, Singapore, 13 February 2012. 44. Wong, B. S., “Non-destructive testing of pipelines”, Pipeline Integrity Management Summit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21-22 February 2012. 45. Fan, D. and Wong, B. S., “Non-destructive testing of 3D printed metallic specimens”, International Conference on Additional Manufacturing, Singapore, May 2014. 46. Study of Ultrasound C-Scan Sensitivity in Analyzing Aswin, H. and WONG, B. S., “ Heat Damages on a CFRP Panel”, 6Th International NDT Conference 12-14 November 2014 Madrid, Spain.
47. Wong, B. S. and Tan, S,, “Non-Destructive Testing of 3D Printed Specimens”, Aerospace Technology Seminar (ATS) 2015, MINDEF/SAF, Singapore, 2 April 2015. 48. Kumar S, Tan M.J., Wong B.S. and Weeks N., “Surface residual stress measurements using X-ray diffraction”, 6th Emerging Technologies in Non-
11 Destructive Testing, 27-29 May 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
(d) Book Chapters
1. Lim, S. Y., Wong, B. S. and Koh, L. M., "A robotic system for aircraft wing skin inspection", Book title - "Miniature robotics and sensing for nondestructive evaluation and testing," edited by Bar Y Cohen - published by the American Society of Non- Destructive Testing, Vol. 4, Chapter 9.1, 2000. 2. Wong, B. S. and Wang, X., “Biaxial rotation fatigue (bending and twisting)”, Chapter 5, Book Title: Fatigue failure of textile fibres, Editor: Dr Mohsen Miraftab, Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd (published 2009). 3. Wong, B. S. and Wang, X., “Torsional fatigue (twisting)”, Chapter 4, Book Title: Fatigue failure of textile fibres, Editor: Dr Mohsen Miraftab Woodhead Publishing Ltd (published 2009). 4. Wong, B. S.,”Developments in Non-Destructive Testing of Fibre Reinforced Composite (FRC) Materials”, Book Title: Non-destructive testing: Evaluation and application within polymer matrix composites, Publisher Woodhead Publishing Ltd (published Dec 2012).
(e) Others
1. Wong, B. S. "Characterisation and sizing of defects using ultrasonic testing", PERSC CT70, U.K. CEGB report. 2. Wong, B. S. "Computer applications and expert systems in welding", Singapore Welding Society Newsletter, May, 1988. 3. Wong, B. S. "Developments in welding software", Singapore Welding Society Newsletter, September, 1988. 4. Wong, B. S. "Microfocus radiography", Singapore Welding Society Newsletter, January, 1989.
(f) Patent
An apparatus for ultrasonic inspection of flawed materials, Lim S Y, Wong B S, Raghavan S no. 200107295-8 23.11.02 (Singapore).