2015 Reynolds Junior High Track and Field Coach Santom, Coach Addleman, Coach Williams

Junior High Practices  Practices are held from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. See schedule for exceptions and cancelations.  Practices will be held outside weather permitting; we may practice in cold and precipitation. Only lightning guarantees an indoor practice. Dress appropriately.

Junior High Meets:  See schedule for meet times, days and locations.  Home meets will conclude anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30 pm.  For away meets, expect students to return to RHS between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. Students will be permitted to call home for a ride.  For students’ safety, any parents wishing to transport their child home from an away track and field meet MUST sign out their son/daughter, in person, with one of the three coaches.  The last track and field meet is the MCAC Junior High Invitational. It will be held at Greenville High School on Friday, May 8, 2015. The meet begins at 2:00 pm and the students will be returning to RHS between 6:00 and 7:00 pm.

Home Varsity Meets On days when a home varsity meet is scheduled, we will not have junior high practice. However, the junior high athletes and coaches play a vital role in staffing the varsity events. While failing to attend a varsity home meet is not counted as an absence, junior high athletes are expected to attend.

Athletes must be picked up from practices and meets on time. All practices will end at 4:30, unless otherwise stated. If problems with an athlete’s ride exist, the athlete may be removed from the team. 2015

Team Rules Failure to follow rules stated here may result in removal from the team.

1. Any type of misbehavior including the use of profanity at practices and/or meets may result in the athlete being removed from the team.

2. Regarding workouts: put forth your best effort, never skip steps/repetitions, always use time efficiently, and do not complain.

3. Put all equipment back where it belongs.

4. Absolutely no audio-players or cell phones are permitted at practices. They must be kept in the locker room.

5. All athletes must come to practices and meets in the proper dress. If a student does not come dressed to run, and appropriately for the weather it will be counted as an unexcused absence.

Proper dress for practices: running shoes, sweat pants, sweat shirt, t- shirt, shorts, gloves and a hat. Be prepared for any kind of weather; keep extra layers in your locker or bag for unpredictable conditions.

Proper dress for meets: Reynolds Raiders royal blue track and field t-shirt paired with blue, black or gray shorts, running shoes, sweats if needed. Be prepared for any kind of weather.

*Jewelry is not permitted at practice or at meets.

6. Three unexcused absences from practices or meets will result in the athlete being removed from the team.

7. If you are going to miss practice or a meet for whatever reason, notify a coach as soon as possible.

8. Everyone must have a physical exam before the first day of practice.

9. Report all injuries to a coach (ex. sprains, strains bruises, cuts).

10. In all you do, represent RHS well.