Chapter 2; (1500-1733) The Planting of English America

I. England’s Imperial Stirrings

P.27 Initially, Catholic England allied Catholic Spain, but after the Protestant Revolution and Queen Elizabeth I’s ascendancy a fierce rivalry began.

-Disease killed most Native Americans by 17~ Century -3 European Powers in North America

1) French in Quebec 1608 (Catholic) 2) Spanish in Santa Fe 1610 (Catholic) 3) English in Jamestown 1607 (Protestant)

II. Elizabeth Energizes England

P. 28— English privateers (pirates) seized Spanish ships for 2 goals: 1) Spread Protestantism 2) Plunder ($) –Sir Francis Drake

Spanish Armada defeated in 1588. Spain declines as a world power. England, therefore, dominates the seas & result is increased colonization.

1st attempt at a colony Roanoke failed (vanished) in 1585.

III. England on the Eve of Empire — Creations ripe for colonization

P. 30 Population; Economy Needed Outlet

Creation of the Joint Stock Company which financially permitted colonization of North America.

1 IV. England Plants Jamestown (lst English colony in N. America)

P. 30 * Joint Stock Company of Virginia colonizes Jamestown * Charter gave colonists same Rights as Englishmen * 1st year 40 out of 60 die (Disease, starvation, etc.) * Captain John Smith saves the colony * By 1609 — 340 out of 400 die. By 1625 6,800 out of 8,000 die.

(See Class reading)

V. Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake

P.32 1) Dominant Natives Indians in Virginia Powhatans

2) 1610 Lord De La War arrived began the 1st Powhatan War which employed Irish Tactics which included burning homes, destruction of food supply, etc.

3) In 1644 2nd Powhatan War resulted in lost of almost all Native ancestry land in the Chesapeake.

— Mid 1600s War w/ the Indians (Powhatan) — By 1669 90% of Indians in VA were dead: (3 Ds) 1) Disease 2) Disorganization 3) Disposability

VI. The Indians’ New World

P.33 Additional Effect of Europeans on Native Americans;

1) Great Plains Introduction of Horses to Lakota/Sioux.

2) Disease killed off large #s of natives.

3) Firearms gave tribes advantages over their enemies, but simultaneously made them dependent on European allies.

2 VII. Virginia: Child of Tobacco

* John Rolfe, Father of Tobacco * Tobacco saved Jamestown -- Increased European Demand 1619; Dutch sold ~ slaves to VA (to farm tobacco) * Virginia establishes the House of Burgesses (Representative Democracy) * 1624 James I revokes Charter & makes VA a “Royal Colony”

VIII. Maryland: Catholic Haven

P.32 * 1634 Founded by Lord Baltimore (Catholic) * Plantation Colony; Catholic Haven * Tobacco farmed by white indentured servants * 1649 Act of Toleration (Religious freedom for Christians) Did not apply to Jews; or to atheists who were executed.

IX. West Indies: Way Station to Mainland America

P.33 * 1655 English colonized Caribbean (Jamaica) * Principal Product: Sugar * By 1700 Imported 250K slaves * Slaves outnumbered whites 4:1 * Wealthy controlled all the land; Most of poor left for S.C. * Barbados Slave Code 1661 1) legalized harsh punishment of slaves; whippings, beatings, & even death were permissible punishment for disobedient slaves. 2) Carolina later adopts BSC as their own 3) Jamaica sets model for African American slavery in the New World

X. Colonizing the Carolinas

P.35 * 1640-60 English Civil War (Charles I beheaded 1649) * Charles II restored monarchy & 1670 Carolina formally created & named after him. * Many settlers from Barbados & increase slave trade (Native

3 Americans). * Indian Wars w/ settlers & by 1710 coastal Indians annihilated * Principal Crop: Rice * Increased slave trade from Africa primarily b/c most African immune to malaria.

XI. Emergence of North Carolina

P. 36 * N.C. known as “VA discontents” between Aristocratic Plantation Virginians and “S.C. Squatters” * N.C. most independent and least aristocratic * 1721 North & South Carolina split creating separate colonies

XII. Late-Coming Georgia

P. 37 — “Buffer State” against Spanish & Indians to the South. —Founded in 1733; last colony of original 13 —Founder James Oglethorpe, philanthropist, for debtors -- provided for religious freedom for Protestants

XIII. Plantation Colonies

P.40 - MD, VA, NC, SC, GA -- Exported Commercial Agricultural products —Profitable Staple Products: Tobacco, Rice, —Aristocratic; Large Plantations —Plantations along the rivers —Some religious freedom, but tax-supported Church of England —Land Hungry, expansionists who depended on tobacco which ravaged the land & therefore brought them into conflict w/ Indians

4 The Iroquois

P.42 Iroquois Confederacy: “League of Confederacy”

1) Mohawk 2) Oneidas 3) Onondagas

4) Cayuga 5) Senecas 1722 Tuscaroras join.

* Iroquois attempted to dominate neighboring tribes and play off one European power against the other but ultimately decreased in power due to disease, alcohol & guns.

* Lived in Long Houses

* Matriarchal Society