Phoenix Learning Map TERM 4 2016-2017
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PHOENIX LEARNING MAP TERM 4 2016-2017 MRS KING/MRS TRENGOVE As mathematicians we shall begin the term with As historians/Geographers we shall learn position, reflecting and translating shapes in both about the physical features of the USA and the x and y axis. Children will use coordinates to name the states and major capital cities. In plot the new and translated shape. We will then particular we shall focus on the Grand Canyon. move onto multiplying and dividing larger numbers The children shall learn about the city of New using a compact method. Number and place value will York, looking at the iconic buildings of this then be revisited together with fractions. These city. We will also be learning about another aspects of maths will be taught through problem major city of Los Angeles. We will end the solving and developing children’s reasoning skills. term by studying some famous Americans. As writers we will be focusing descriptive writing based on a flight over the Grand Canyon. Children shall have the As computer users we shall use Purple Mash opportunity to write an information text, followed by to focus on aspects of the USA looking at the traditional Native American stories and then a biography states and produce an Information leaflet. of Walt Disney. As readers we will increase our understanding of texts During RE, we will be learning about Jesus as through a variety of genres. During our daily Guided King, looking at his life and teachings and the Reading sessions we will develop our reading and USA meaning these have for us today. As the term comprehensions skills through questions and discussions. moves towards Easter, will focus on the events Each day we will have a story read to us. leading up to this time. As speakers and listeners we will share our ideas about various topics, with our talking buddy, to a small group or the whole class. As scientists this term we will continue to As French speakers we shall be looking at words for As artists and designers we shall be studying investigate the properties of and changes to directions, phrases for where things are, and movement. some famous American artist, such as Andy materials. We will be practising our scientific skills We will look at the main cities and regions of France. Warhol, Edward Hopper and Mark Rothko. of investigation and fair testing as we carry out lots As musicians we will learn where the notes are on a As sports people we will be focusing on of practical experiments. We will be separating recorder. We will be able to play simple tunes both Hockey as our invasion games and Outdoor mixtures and looking at the irreversible chemical individually and playing together as a whole class. Adventurous activities. changes which result from reactants mixing Please could you ensure that your child has a together. Our experiments will also involve the named PE kit in school every day and that ear children making paper boats to see which will stay rings are removed or taped. afloat the longest and finding different ways to preserve food.