Notes of the Statutory Agency Meeting Held 3rd April 2014 10am at the Parish Office, Sixpenny Handley.

Item 01

01 Attendance & Apologies

Cllr David Lockyer – Chairman of Sixpenny Handley with Pentridge Parish Council Cllr Steve Butler – Dorset County Council Cranborne Chase Ward Rev Mel Durrant – Vicar Sixpenny Handley with Pentridge Benefice Mrs Claire Hewitt – Head Teacher Sixpenny Handley First School Mr Bill Carter – Practice Manager Sixpenny Handley & Chalke Valley Practice PC Lucy Syme – Safer Neighbourhood Team PCSO Andy Flanagan – Safer Neighbourhood Team Mrs Lisa Goodwin - Clerk to the Parish Council

Apologies received from: Cllr Simon Tong – East Dorset District Council Handley Vale Ward Cllr Richard Ferguson – Vice Chairman Parish Council

02 Welcome & Introduction

Cllr David Lockyer welcomed those present.

03 Minutes of last meeting on 6th March 2013


News, Development & the Future

04 Local Government

Community Transport – all bus services have been under scrutiny but after strong representation by the Parish Council, members of public and Cllr Steve Butler the 184 service will continue to run Mon-Saturday. This will be an on-going problem however to retain and a voluntary run community service may have to be considered in the future.

Sowing Seeds – local action group able to offer grant funding who have also identified rural transport as a key issue.

EDDC Core Strategy – Sixpenny Handley has been identified as a Rural Service Centre to maintain and develop community services.

Affordable Housing – following strong response to housing survey a need for 10-15 homes in Sixpenny Handley has been identified. The Parish Council has agreed to investigate the possibility of establishing a Community Land Trust to move this forward. A CLT will also bring other benefits to help protect community assets.

Parish Office – new premises established and now being regularly used by other groups.

Winter Groundwater – long period of approx 7 weeks of high groundwater causing flooding and damage to roads. EDDC offered excellent support to those affected and the roads have been repaired swiftly. The closure of B3081 proved how important the route is to the area. Meetings with MP Robert Walter and Oliver Letwin have been held to take preventative action before next winter. Government policy needs to change to prioritise land drainage (in conjunction with the Environment Agency and Wessex Water). Signage should also be improved to warn drivers to drive carefully through floods and be aware of damaged road surfaces.


D:\Docs\2017-12-29\0237b55a502765514588d0674d522b2f.doc 05 Health

The Surgery has made a positive move to be part of the Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group. Funding continues to be an issue and the challenge of providing care whilst dealing with Government legislation.

Ambulance’s are taking longer to respond to emergency calls and the appointment of First Responders in other areas is proving beneficial.

06 Education

Claire Hewitt reported on the implications of Academy Status for the First School. Numbers increasing toward 100. Free hot school dinners to be provided up to Year 2, this will mean two sittings and additional staff required.

07 Church

New sound and vision system has been installed in the Church and is available for use by other groups.

The Blandford Deanery has funding for a Pramacare Community Support Worker who will be able to offer local help and advice. A shop is also opening in Blandford.

08 Police & Crime

The Safer Neighbourhood Team is currently under review which is expected to benefit the rural area’s, PC Lucy Syme has already joined the team. The Ringmaster system is to be improved with more community input, more information soon. Parking outside the First School continues to be a problem. PCSO’s hope to be given additional powers to prosecute. PCSO Louise Hamilton is now ready to train Speedwatch Volunteers following completion of checks and will be contacting John Curtis, Co-ordinator. Concern currently with the turning point at West Chase Farm possibly being closed.

09 Annual Parish Assembly – Sixpenny Handley Village Hall 7pm Thursday 10th April 2014

This meeting will be an opportunity for reports from local agencies and the Parish Council will be discussing the results of the Housing Needs Survey and the possibility of establishing a Community Land Trust.

Parish Council Elections will be held May 2015 and it is expected that 50% of current members are not likely to stand. The Chairman asked those present to consider potential candidates.

10 Future Meeting Date

April 2015

Meeting Closed 11:25am
