SEAHO Diversity Website

In February, the Educational Programs Committee awarded a grant for the development of a compact disc focusing on diversity exercises that would be made available to members. During a meeting at the conference, Adam Foley, a Virginia Tech graduate staff member suggested creating a Diversity Website. Thus, we have begun the collection and compilation of ideas for our profession.

Recently, the following request was distributed through the ACUHO-I email correspondence:

DIVERSITY IDEAS WANTED: Professionals interested in contributing any diversity activity, exercise or training program for a regional/international web site available to all housing professionals. Contributions reflecting all facets of diversity and including both interactive and passive ideas are desired.

I believe this is a great time, with ideas fresh in our minds, to consider submitting something you’ve found useful in your training or planning for staff programs. Our goal is to develop a great resource of helpful ideas for each of us to use. If you have found an exercise useful in working with students or student staff to enhance awareness or understanding of issues of race, gender, sexuality, size, age, ability, non-traditional students, Greeks, athletes, or international students, please consider forwarding it for inclusion.

Submissions may be in any format, electronic or paper. Links to other diversity sites are also welcomed. Submissions will be credited to individuals or to the originator if known. Please forward your suggestions to Gary Kimble, University of Southern Mississippi, Ph: 601-266-4791, Fx: 610-266-4891, E-mail: [email protected]

In addition, several other individuals are supporting the project by collecting ideas related to diversity topics. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize their work and encourage you to submit any materials to any member of this group. The individuals include:

Chandra Myrick, Co-Chair, Educational Programs Committee - [email protected] Dr. Thomas W. Hardy, Co-Chair, Educational Programs Committee - [email protected] Eliott Chamberlin-Long, Co-Chair, Human Relations Committee - [email protected] Kevin Nunley, Co-Chair, Human Relations Committee - [email protected] Jenny Slear, Educational Programs Committee – [email protected] Adam Foley, Virginia Tech – [email protected] Christy Melton, Virginia Tech – [email protected] Lindsey Barronton, University of Mississippi - [email protected]

Thank you in advance for your support of our region’s efforts. Submitted by, Gary Kimble, The University of Southern Mississippi