MINUTES of Loxwood Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 9th May 2013 in The Mursell Room, North Hall, Loxwood

Present: Dr C Thornton-Wood (Chairman); Mr S Bates; Ms Annette Gardner; Mr Serge Ireland; Mrs B Weddell (Clerk)

Mr C Agar of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and two parishioners were in attendance.

Apologies: Apologies had been received from Cllr Philippa Hardwick, District Councillor ACTION

266 Meeting opening The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. The winning ticket in the North Hall Draw was held by Mr Len Milsom.

267 Election of Chairman for the ensuing year Dr Clare Thornton-Wood was proposed as Chairman by Ms Gardner and seconded by Mr Bates. All were in favour. Dr Thornton-Wood signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair.

268 Election of Vice Chairman for the ensuing year Mr Simon Bates was proposed Vice Chairman by Dr Thornton-Wood and seconded by Ms Garner. All were in favour. Mr Bates signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

269 Declaration of Interests There were no declarations of interest pertaining to agenda items.

270 Minutes Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th March 2013 was deferred to the next meeting as the councillors who Clerk attended that meeting were not present at this meeting. The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 3rd April 2013 were approved as a correct record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

271 Report from Councillor Cllr Philippa Hardwick was unable to attend but had sent her report, which is appended to these minutes.

ACTION 272 Chairman’s Report The Chairman said that now the risk of snow and ice should be over for the summer, the half empty grit bags left by Chichester District Council (CDC) should be removed somewhere for storage until next winter. Mr Agar said he would ask Peter forger if he’s able to move them to the North Hall for Mr C Agar storage.

A member of the public had contacted the previous clerk to report that a tree on the bridleway at the back of the Post Office had been severely pruned. CDC had advised him the owner had been given permission but the member of the public was still concerned. The Clerk will investigate. Clerk

The Chairman reported that the company that looks after the PAD site Chairman would be advising a date they could come to give a demonstration of CPR and use of the defibrillator.

273 Clerk’s Report The Clerk advised that the NP Steering Group are using a free trial of Parish Online Mapping Software and proposed the parish council proceeds to obtain a full licence, which was agreed. The cost for the first year would be Clerk £40 + VAT and £20 per year thereafter.

The Clerk advised that she had submitted the Parish Council’s response to the CDC Draft Core Strategy consultation, as circulated.

The Clerk had been liaising with Bridget Glynne-Jones, who would co- ordinate the Clean-Up day on 1st June. CDC would provide bags and equipment. The Clerk had produced posters and flyers.

274 Planning – Consideration of new planning applications After full consideration of the following planning applications, the parish council decided to comment as follows:

a) LX/13/01196/FUL Variation of conditions 3 and 17 on application no. LX/09/02376/FUL. To allow the use of the roof as habitable floor area, including the addition of dormers and rooflights. Wood House, Drungewick Lane, Loxwood NO OBJECTION

b) LX/13/01203/FUL Variation of conditions 3 and 17 on application no. LX/09/02376/FUL. To allow the use of the roof volume above the garage as habitable floor area, including the addition of dormers. Wood House, Drungewick Lane, Loxwood. Loxwood NO OBJECTION provided the use is ancilliary to the main dwelling house.

c) LX/2013/00630/FUL Extension of agricultural building for housing cattle. Burchetts Farm, Roundstreet Common, . NO OBJECTION

ACTION 276 Planning. Summary of the status of recent Planning Applications for

information only.

a) LX/13/00838/PLD: Meadowside, 7 Farm Close, Loxwood. Side extension to form kitchen and utility room. REFUSED

b) LX/13/00274/DOM: Farm Cottage, Station Road, Loxwood. Rear and side extension. FULL PERMISSION

c) LX/13/01208/NMA: Non material amendment to planning permission LX/09/02376/FUL. Erection of replacement dwelling and swimming pool building. Wood House, Drungewick Lane, Loxwood. FULL PERMISSION

277 Annual Return for the Year Ending 31.3.13.

The Clerk advised that the Annual Return for the year ending 31.3.13 would Clerk be presented for approval at the June meeting.

278 Loxwood Sports Association Car Park

Ms Gardner advised that she had obtained the files relating to the Sports

Association Car Park but had not so far been able to read through them.

She would read through the files and also discuss with Fiona Gibbon to Ms A Gardner ascertain whether the parish council has responsibility for resurfacing the

car park. In the meantime, the Clerk will see to obtain three quotes. Clerk

279 Playground Maintenance and Repairs

A document containing an overview of the current condition of the

playground had been circulated by Mr Bates prior to the meeting. Mr Bates

had arranged for E J Services to quote various options for resurfacing,

including rubber, grass, astro turf and carpet. Mr S Bates

Mr Bates and Mr Winney would contact Nigel Budd to borrow some safety Mr S Bates fencing to put around the roundabout until it can be repaired. The Clerk had ordered replacement bearings from the manufacturer but it was taking some time to source these from Germany; she would ask Nigel Budd Clerk whether he could source the bearings and the likely lead time.

A site meeting was agreed for 10am 18th May to discuss fencing and other remedial measures required. Mr Bates would ask the Mother and Toddler Mr S Bates/ Mr S Group for feedback regarding the playground. Ireland/ Clerk

280 Drainage/Flooding Mr Ireland and the Clerk were investigating the availability of funding from Mr S Ireland/ CDC and would report at the next meeting. Clerk

281 Accounts for payment Mazars LLP External Audit 2012 £504.00 ACTION Sussex ALC New Clerk’s Training £87.50 Sussex ALC Recruitment Assistance £240.00 North Hall Hall Hire 14.5.13 £35.00 CC February salaries £655.62 B Weddell Expenses £81.96

282 Updates a) Community Led Plan/Neighbourhood Plan. Mr Agar reported that new funding is available for Neighbourhood Planning and that the NP Steering Group would apply for this on behalf of the parish council and liaise with the Clerk. The Traffic Survey was in hand and being carried out on the basis of speed and volume of traffic.

The Steering Group and Chair of Governors of Loxwood Primary School had met with the CDC, West Sussex CC Cabinet Member for Education and representatives of West Sussex Education Authority to discuss the possibility of funding to move the school to a larger site. The outcome of the meeting was that there is no funding available from County and Loxwood would be unable to raise the £5 million plus that would be required.

Regarding the proposals for housing at Farm Close, the Steering Group had met with Cascade, along with Mr Bates and the Clerk. Cascade had agreed to consider paying their contractors to carry out any traffic calming recommendations that come out of the Traffic Survey currently in hand. As soon as the survey is complete, it will be sent to Cascade for costing. It was suggested that Cascade could also be asked to resurface the Sports Association car park. Cascade planned to gift the North East portion of land to the Parish Council for use as Woodland or an orchard. The South East corner would be retained by the Field family. Cascade were holding a public meeting the following Friday and Saturday and intended to submit plans to CDC by the end of the month.

b) Highways/Roads – There was nothing to report.

c) Speedwatch – A Community Speedwatch would be running in the village from 13th to 26th May.

d) North Hall – the new curtains had been fitted.

283 Next Meeting The next meeting would be held at the North Hall, Loxwood on Monday 17th June at 7.30pm.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 22:15.

Cllr. Philippa Hardwick Chichester District Council

Report to Ward

May 2013

Contacts: [email protected] 01428 661 866


In April the Cabinet agreed a restructure of the Development Management (DM) service. The current area team arrangement has worked well but it was in need of a change in order that the service can be equipped to address the priorities of the National Planning Policy Framework and Localism agenda, the evolving Local Plan and the agency arrangement with the South Downs National Park Authority to deliver planning services. Cabinet on 7 May 2013 is being asked to consider a review of the current DM committee structure and officer delegation arrangements to complement this new officer structure.

Deficit Reduction

Savings in the region of £2.4m are required to balance the budget over the next 5 years. A deficit reduction plan that focuses on achieving efficiencies by modernising services, reducing management levels, sharing with other agencies, and where appropriate working with partners, the third sector and private sector to provide services, will be considered by Cabinet on 7 May 2013. The proposal is to achieve a balanced budget for period 2014-2019 with core services to be maintained wherever possible.

All Parishes Meeting

An all parishes meeting has been arranged for Thursday 23 May 2013 in the Committee Rooms at East Pallant House. A buffet will be provided from 6:00pm onwards with the meeting itself starting at 7:00pm. All Parishes are invited to send up to two representatives to the meeting. Full agenda items have yet to be firmed up, however the New Homes Bonus is on the agenda and parishes will be consulted on the allocation principles for this funding scheme. If there are any other items that this parish particularly wishes to raise please let me or Cllr Thomas know.

Census Information available through Corporate Information Team

The corporate information team works with various data and statistics and is the main source for information in CDC.

The 2011 Census for and Wales took place on 27 March 2011 and on 16 July 2012 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published the first set of results. Since this time, additional sets of data have been released. The Census is undertaken every ten years for England and Wales. It is the only survey to provide a detailed picture of the entire population. This covers everyone at the same time and asks the same core questions everywhere. This makes it easy to compare different parts of the country.

The team have analysed relevant census data and have produced an initial overview report (sent to clerk separately).

The Census is useful (eg for purposes of evidence-based neighbourhood planning; making evidence-based bids for grants/funding etc) because:

• You can compare (where possible) Census 2011 and 2001 showing change over time. • You can compare other geographical areas. • These are the most accurate statistics available. • We can better understand our district, wards and parishes - it provides a valuable portrait of an area. • Census data is available at many levels - these include local authority, ward, parish and lower super output area.

Other statistics on economics, health and deprivation, housing, population projections and the environment are available on CDC’s website. Along with Census data, our district profile, ward profiles and the Census 2011 report. Please use link below for further information: www.chichester.gov.uk/stats Contact Matt Gover 01243 785166

Sport in the Community

Youth Sport Achievement Awards Any nominations for the 2013 Youth Sport Achievement Awards must be received by mid-May. Nominations are sought in the following categories: Team of the Year Award, Volunteer of the Year Award, Coach of the Year Award, the Young Persons Commitment to Sport Award, the Outstanding Contribution to Sport Award, the Outstanding Sports Performance Award, and the Youth Sport Achievement Award. http://www.chichester.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=7439

Natures Way Foods Chichester Triathlon Registration for the 2013 Chichester Junior Aquathon and Triathlon events is open; these fun filled days are suitable for all ages and levels of experience, from the beginner to the more experienced triathlete. Volunteers are also being sought to assist with the event. http://www.chichester.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=19931

Children on the Edge Chichester Half Marathon Registration for the 2013 Children on the Edge Chichester Half Marathon opened in April. Volunteers are also being sought to assist with the event. www.chichester.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=19931

Community Sport and Play Bag Community Sport and Play Bags are being launched in Children and Family Centres across the District. The scheme will operate like a book library and provide opportunities for families to hire, at no cost, sports and play equipment. The first launch event took place in on Wednesday 10th April. Launch events are also planned for East Wittering, Selsey, and in May.