Ba_Hons_Business_And_Management (Sept 2015)

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Ba_Hons_Business_And_Management (Sept 2015)


Programme Specification

This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17

1. Awarding Institution / Body University of Central Lancashire

2. Teaching Institution and Location of Delivery University of Central Lancashire

3. University School/Centre Lancashire Business School

4. External Accreditation

5. Title of Final Award BA (Hons) Business and Management

6. Modes of Attendance offered 3 years full-time and 4 years full-time with either work placement or international study 7. UCAS Code N202 8. Relevant Subject Benchmarking Group(s) Business and Management (BM)

9. Other external influences

10. Date of production/revision of this form May 2011/May 2015 11. Aims of the Programme

 To provide an awareness of the relevant context within which business operates  To develop an understanding of different domains of knowledge, and the various perspectives brought to bear on issues related to the study and practice of business and management;

 To enhance critical and conceptual thinking and reasoning skills in the evaluation of the body of knowledge and research relating to business and management;  To provide a learning experience which will enable students to enhance their individual effectiveness, career potential and performance in employment;  To enhance the student’s intellectual and transferable skills, particularly with reference to business organisations and management;  To develop the student’s ability to design, manage and implement a process of personal learning which leads to the development of key personal, professional, social and transferable skills;  To encourage engagement in research in a business and management context. Work Placement:  To offer an opportunity to undertake a placement and introduction to business practice by means of a practical/development period.  To encourage students to integrate their academic studies with their practical experience of business International Study:  To offer students an opportunity to study abroad, demonstrate initiative, independence, motivation and depending on where they study, a working knowledge of another language.

12. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

A. Knowledge and Understanding An ability to: A1. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of the external environment on the strategy, behaviour and management of organisations A2. Demonstrate an understanding of internal aspects, functions and processes of organisations A3. Demonstrate an ability to use theories, models and frameworks to critically evaluate the meaning, process and practice of business and management A4. Demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts of self-awareness, personal reflection and continuing development. A5. Demonstrate an understanding of the application of theories to a placement situation.

Teaching and Learning Methods Acquisition of core knowledge and understanding (A1-A5) is mainly through lectures and seminar work. Group activities are used to encourage independent learning and interaction. Particular emphasis is placed on active learning with students undertaking a one year full-time placement and participating in live project work. Assessment methods For outcomes A1-A5 a variety of assessments are used including essays, written reports, case study analysis, problem solving exercises, functional plans, group based assessments, examinations and presentations. B. Subject-specific skills An ability to B1. Critically evaluate the role and nature of management B2. Critically analyse a range of management and business problems and situations both real and simulated B3. Demonstrate an ability to apply a range of business and management theories, models and perspectives to analyse management situations B4. Perform effectively within a team environment including; building, developing and managing teams, business planning and consultancy projects B5. Ability to conduct research into business and management issues, either individually or as part of a team for projects, dissertations and presentations

Teaching and Learning Methods For the teaching of business, management, HRM, marketing, finance and other subject- specific theories, methodologies and models will be explained in lectures and applied during seminars and other related activities. Students will learn subject specific skills through a series of workshops, group work and projects in which student ideas are formulated, developed, tested and appraised. Students will also participate in a real company project and produce independent research. Students keep a reflective learning log throughout the placement year and with support from visiting tutors, evaluate the content of this log during the placement period. Students will learn through the formal placement, observations, advice, research and practice. Guest lectures may be used. Assessment methods For outcomes B1 – B5 a variety of assessments are used including case study analysis, production of functional plans, individual and group presentations, critical essays, company reports and projects, reflective analyses, examinations and, for some students, dissertations C. Thinking Skills An ability to: C1. Select, collate, analyse and synthesise information from a range of sources C2. Interpret and critically review theoretical, research and experiential data C3.Critically relate relevant concepts to evidence from practical applications and development C4. Evaluate problem-solving tools and techniques specific to the process of management C5.Plan and conduct individual research projects and effectively communicate the outcomes. Teaching and Learning Methods For learning outcomes C1 – C5, critical perspectives and case study examples will be used in lectures. This will be supported by seminars in which students have the opportunity to apply perspectives to case material, simulations and role plays. The placement allows the students to actively engage in solving problems and applying theoretical principles and data to their own research projects. Assessment methods Critical essays, dissertation and management research projects provide students with a means to apply thinking skills C1- C5 both on a theoretical and consultancy style basis. Students may choose between the dissertation’s application of research tools to a theoretical hypothesis or the Management Report’s application of those tools to a live client problem. D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development An ability to: D1. Use verbal and non-verbal communication skills effectively D2. Collate, evaluate and transfer information D3. Work independently and as a member of a team D4. Manage own personal development and growth D5. Manage self in terms of time, planning, motivation and individual initiative Teaching and Learning Methods Experiential learning and learner-centred activities such as encouraging self-awareness through individual and collective reflection and evaluation, role plays, presentations and simulations will enable continuous personal and professional development. In addition, undertaking the one-year placement and additional involvement in live projects will enable students to evaluate their developmental progress. Students will engage in presentations on a regular basis Assessment methods This may take the form of skills audits, reflective portfolios, case studies and learning contracts. Group based problem solving activities are assessed from both a process and output perspective. Presentations and group reflective reports and individual learning journals, in addition to developing functional plans will assist in the assessment of transferable skills.

13. Programme Structures* 14. Awards and Credits*

Level Module Module Title Credit Code rating Level 6 BU3016 Contemporary Issues in 20 Bachelor Honours Degree Business BA (Hons) Business and MD3415 Business Strategy 20 Management or Requires 360 credits including BU3413 Business Strategy and 20 a minimum of 220 at Level 5 or Decision-Making above with a minimum of 100 at Level 6 BC3010 Dissertation 20 Work placement route requires or successful completion of BC3011 Management Report 20 BC3000 which has a notional or credit rating of 120 credits. HR3013 Leadership and Change 20 International study route Management requires successful completion or of BC3008 which has a HR3030 Human Resource 20 notional credit rating of 120 Management in Multi- credits National Organisations Bachelor Degree BA Business and Management MD3441 Management Analysis 20 Requires 320 credits including Project a minimum of 180 at Level 5 or or above with a minimum of 60 at BC3001 Continuing Professional 20 Level 6 Development Work placement route requires successful completion of BC3000 Work Placement (for 120 BC3000 which has a notional students taking this route) credit rating of 120 credits. International study route BC3008 International Study (for 120 requires successful completion students taking this route) of BC3008 which has a notional credit rating of 120 Options Plus 40 Credits from the credits following options:

HR3024 Evaluating HRM 20 HR3026 Learning and Development 20 HR3406 Coaching and Mentoring 20 HR3034 Management Consultancy 20 Skills MD3055 Managing Your Business 20 BU3207 International Management 20 MK3016 Contemporary Retail 20 Marketing MK3013 Marketing of Services 20 MK3031 Marketing and Society 20 MK3034 E.Marketing 20 CD3114 Enterprise in Practice 20 AC3650 Risk and Capital Markets 20 AC3908 International Financial 20 Environment AC3409 Finance for Managers 10 BC3005 Internship 2 20

Plus up to 2 options available within the School that the Course Leader deems appropriate for the programme of study. Further such options need to be agreed upon by the External Examiner

Level 5 HR2009 Transition to Work 20 Diploma in Higher Education Or in Business and CD2001 Planning your career 20 Management Or Requires 240 credits including HR2054 Career Planning for 20 a minimum of 100 at Level 5 International Students HR2015 Work and Organisational 20 Change BC2001 Research Methods 20 EC2102 Global Environment of 20 Business MG2008 Project and Operations 20 Management

Options Plus 20 credits from the following options:

HR2050 Managing Personnel and 20 Human Resources HR2039 Employment Law 20 HR2030 Behaviour in Organisations: 20 International Perspectives

MK2003 Principles of Marketing 20 EC2401 Business Economics 20 AC2407 Financial Analysis 10 BC2005 Internship 1 20

Plus up to 1 option available within the School that the Course Leader deems appropriate for the programme of study. Further such options must be agreed upon by the External Examiner

Level 4 HR1010 Management in Context 20 Certificate in Higher HR1014 Management and 20 Education in Business and Organisations Management HR1009 Introduction to Personal 20 Requires 120 credits at Level 4 and Professional Practice BT1005 Managing Information 20 BU1005 Business Relationships 20 EC1401 Introduction to Business 20 Finance

15. Personal Development Planning Personal Development Planning exists as a formal strand of the programme. During this process the student will develop the ability to reflect upon their academic, personal and professional skills base and plan for future personal development. This strand will draw together all elements of PDP existing within modules and call upon student experiences within the workplace and other extra- curricular scenarios. PDP is delivered and assessed at Year 1 in BC1000 Introduction to Personal and Professional Practice, at Year 2 in BC2000 Transition to Work and at Year 4 in BC3001 Continuing Professional Development. At each level there is a strong focus on developing individual employability and lifelong learning skills. PDP is particularly enhanced throughout the placement year where students draw on their learning from years 1 and 2 to inform their development within a business organisation. During Year 4 PDP is designed to allow students to reflect on their experiences from placement and devise a career management strategy.

16. Admissions criteria Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information. Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.

The University’s minimum standard entry requirements for degree level study is a 12 unit profile, made up from one of the following:

At least two A2 level subjects including One A2 level subject plus one single award Advanced VCE One double or two single award(s) Advanced VCE

Other acceptable qualifications include: Scottish Certificate of Education Higher Grade Irish Leaving Certificate Higher Grade International Baccalaureate BTEC National Certificate/Diploma Kite marked Access Course Applications from individuals with non-standard qualifications, relevant work or life experience and who can demonstrate the ability to cope with and benefit from degree-level studies are welcome and these applicants will be interviewed. If applicants have not studied recently they may need to undertake an Access programme first. 17. Key sources of information about the programme

 Fact sheet  University Admissions Department: email [email protected] Direct from Programme Leader [email protected] Information about the UCLan http:/// Information about the City of Preston Information about Student Life at UCLan and 18. Curriculum Skills Map Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed Programme Learning Outcomes

Core (C), Compulsory (COMP) or Knowledge and Level Module Title Option (O) understanding Subject-specific Skills

B5 A1 A2 A4 B1 B3 B4 C2 LE Con VE tem X X L 6 por ary Issu es in Bus BU3016 inesCOMP s X X

MD3415 Bus COMP X X X X X ines s BU3413 Stra X X X tegyCOMP X X X

or Bus ines s Stra tegy and Dec isio n- Mak ing Con tinui ng Prof essi X X X onal Dev elop me X nt Or Ma nag em ent BC3001 Ana COMP X X lysi s MD3441 Proj ect COMP X X Dis sert atio X n Or X Ma nag X em ent Rep X ort Or Lea der ship and Cha nge Ma nag em BC3010 ent X X X X Or X X BC3011 Inte rnat HR3013 iona X X X X l HR HR3030 M COMP X X X X X BC3000 WorCOMP X X X X X k Pla cem ent Inte rnat iona l Stu BC3008 dy O X Eva luati ng HR HR3024 M O X X X X Lea rnin g and Dev elop HR3026 me O nt X X X X X Coa chin g and Me ntor HR3406 ing O X X X Ma nag X em ent Con sult anc y HR3034 Skill s O X X X X Ma nagi ng You r Bus ines MD3055 s O X X X X BU3207 Inte O X X X rnat iona l Ma nag em ent Con tem por ary Ret ail Mar MK3016 keti ng O X X Mar keti ng of Ser vice MK3013 s O X X Mar keti ng and Soc MK3031 iety O X E.M ark etin MK3034 g O X X Ent erpr ise in Pra ctic CD3114 e O X X X X Ris k and Cap ital Mar AC3650 ketsO X X Inte rnat iona l Fin anci al Env iron AC3908 me nt O X X X AC3409 Fin O X X anc e for Ma nag ers Inte rns hip BC3005 2 O X X X Proj ect X X and Ope rati ons Ma nag em MG2008 ent COMP X X Wor k X and Org anis atio nal HR2015 Cha nge COMP X X X X

Tra nsiti on to Wor k Or Pla nnin g you r Car eer

Car eer Pla nnin g for Inte X X HR2009 rnat COMP Or iona CD2001 l COMP Stu X X Or den COMP X X HR2054 ts BC2001 Res COMP X X X ear ch Met hod s Glo bal X Env iron me nt of Bus EC2102 ines s COMP X X Ma nagi ng Per son nel and Hu ma n Res HR2050 our ces O X X

Em ploy me nt HR2039 LawO Beh avio ur in Org anis atio ns: Inte rnat iona l HR2030 Per spe X X ctiv es O Prin cipl es of Mar keti MK2003 ng O X X EC2401 Bus O X X X ines s Eco no mic s Fin anci al Ana lysi AC2407 s O X X X X Inte rns hip BC2005 1 O X X X LE Intr VE odu X L 4 ctio n to Per son al and Prof essi onal Pra HR1009 ctic e COMP X Ma nag em ent in Con HR1010 text COMP X X X Ma nag X em ent and Org anis atio HR1014 ns COMP X X X Bus X X ines s Rel atio nshi BU1005 ps COMP X X EC1401 Intr COMP X odu X ctio n to Bus ines s Fin anc e Ma nagi ng Info rma BT1005 tion COMP X

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