Detailed Syllabus

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Detailed Syllabus

FacultateaFacultatea de Științe de Economice Științe Economice și Gestiunea și Gestiunea Afacerilor Str. Teodor Mihali nr. 58-60 Cluj-Napoca,Afacerilor RO-400951 Tel.: 0264-41.86.52-5 Fax: 0264-41.25.70 Str. [email protected] Mihali nr. 58-60 DETAILED SYLLABUS Cluj-Napoca, RO-400951

Business Law Tel.: 0264-41.86.52-5 1. Information about the program 1.1 Higher education institution University “Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca Fax: 0264-41.25.70 1.2 Faculty Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 1.3 Department Economics [email protected] Accounting, Economics and International Business, Finance, 1.4 Field of study Management 1.5 Study cycle Bachelor 1.6 Specialization/Program of study CIGE, EAIE, FBE, MGE

2. Information about the discipline 2.1 Discipline title BUSINESS LAW Discipline code ELE0012 2.2 The holder of the course Lecturer Angela Miff, PhD activities 2.3 The holder of the seminar Lecturer Angela Miff, PhD activities 2.7 2.6 Type of 2.4 Year of study 2.5 Semester 2 sumativ Discipline Compulsory 1 assessment e regime

3. Total time estimated (hours per semester of teaching) From which: 3.2 3.1 Number of hours per week 3.3 seminar/laboratory 3 course 2 1 From which: 3.5 3.4 Total hours of curriculum 3.6 seminar/laboratory 42 course 28 14 Hou Time distribution rs Study after textbook, course support, bibliography and notes 20 Additional documentation in library, on specialized electronic platforms and on the field. 11 Preparing seminars/laboratories, essays, portfolios and reports. 20 Tutoring 3 Examinations 4 Others activities...... 3.7 Total hours for individual study 58 10 3.8 Total hours per semester 0 3.9 Number of credits 4

4. Preconditions (if necessary) 4.1 Of curriculum - 4.2 Of skills -

5. Conditions (if necessary) 5.1. For conducting the videoproiector course 5.2. For conducting seminar/laboratory

6. Specific skills acquired Profess • Knowing and understanding the legal conceptual framework concerning the specific ional regulations for the activities of production, trade and services, mostly in what concerns the law skills sources, the entrepreneurs participating in the business field; • Using and applying the information in the legal field and the regulations in the specific business field; • Explaining the key concepts and using the methods and principles applicable also for interpreting the specific phenomenons in the business field; • Adecquate using of the law principles in cases of negotiations and specific transactions made by the entrepreneurs in the business field; • Developing the ability of proper ussing of the specific legal instruments in the business field. Transv • Interdisciplinary approach of the economic operations/activities from the perspective of the ersal connected application of both economic knowledge and legal knowledge. skills

7. Course objectives (arising from grid of specific skills acquired) 7.1 General objective of the - developing the abilities for using the concepts, notions and legal discipline language with which operates the law theory and practice in general and in the specific business field; 7.2 Specific objectives - introduction in the legal frame within the activities of production, trade and services take place; - acquiring the ability to use the legal language for understanding the concepts, notions from a theoretical and practical perspective within the legal regulations concerning the activities of production, trade and services performed by the professionals entrepreneurs in the business field, as well individuals and entrepreneurs legal persons, mostly the trading companies, the general and specific aspects related to the juridical acts through which these activities take place, the modalities/ ways of solving the disputes; the insolvency procedure; - developing the abilities of analyzing and interpreting the legal regulations applicable in the business field; - developing the abilities of argumentation from a legal point of view.

8. Contents Teaching 8.1 Course Observations methods exposing the issue; Business law -definition of the business law concept, historical perspective. demonstartion Normative and interpretative sources, internal and international sources. and legal argumentation; lecture; exposing the issue; The enterprise and the entrepreneurs. The economic enterprise and the demonstartion classification of the small and medium-sized enterprises. The trade fund and the and legal patrimony. argumentation; lecture; exposing the issue; The professionals entrepreneur in the economic activity. Legal conditions for the demonstartion performance of the economic activities. The professional obligations (duties) of and legal the economic operators. argumentation; lecture; exposing the issue; The professionals individual entrepreneurs. The setting up and the legal regime demonstartion of the authorized physical person, the individual enterprise and the family and legal enterprise. argumentation; lecture; exposing the issue; The professionals legal person entrepreneurs. Rules and legal conditions demonstartion concerning the setting up and functioning of the companies. The Economic and legal Interest Groups. argumentation; lecture; Bibliography:  Angela Miff, Business Law. The Seminar Notebook, second edition, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj- Napoca and Hamangiu Publishing House Bucharest, 2012;  Angela Miff, Business law. Volume 1Introduction to business law, second edition, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2009;  Angela Miff, Business law. Volume 1Introduction to business law, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj- Napoca, 2007;  Angela Miff, Business Law. The Seminar Notebook, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2010;  David Kelly, Ann Holmes, Ruth Hayward, Business Law, fifth edition, Cavendish Publishing House, 2005;  Henry R. Cheeseman, Business Law, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2007;  Constance E. Bagley, Craig E. Dauchy, The entrepreneur’s guide to business law, Saint Paul, West Educational Publishing Company, 1998;  Keith Abbott, Norman Pendlebury, Business Law, 6th edition, DP Publications Ltd, Aldine Place, London, 1993;  Robert Lane, EC Competition Law, Pearson Education Limited, 2000;  Angela Miff, Considerations regarding cooperative enterprises, in the volume “The impact of European integration on the National Economy”, Economics, UBB, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, p.107-116;  ***Longman Business English Dictionary, Pearson Education Limited, 2000;  ***Oxford A Dictionary of Law, 6th edition, edited by Elisabeth A. Martin, Jonathan Law, Oxford University Press, 2007;  Vladimir Hanga, Rodica Calciu, Dicţionar juridic englez-român /Legal Dictionary English-Romanian, Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 1994;  The legislation mentioned for each issue / topic;  Reviews: the Private Law Review. Teaching 8. 2 Seminar/laboratory Observations methods The law and the legal norm. The application of the law in time, on the territory exposing the and upon the persons. issue and legal argumentation; The civil juridical act. Classification. Background conditions. The nullity. exposing the issue; legal argumentation; debating; The contract. Formation, the performance and the termination of the contract. exposing the The liability. Causes of non-liability. issue; legal argumentation; debating; Special economic contracts. Leasing, franchise, agency, mortgage contract. exposing the issue; legal argumentation; debating; Notions about the labour law. The formation of the individual work contract. exposing the Special clauses and the termination of the work contract. issue; legal argumentation; debating; The associates in the companies regulated by the Company Law no.31/1990, exposing the rep.2004, amended and completed. The administration of the companies. The issue; companies and the professionals entrepreneur in crisis – the insolvency legal procedure. argumentation; debating; Bibliography: - the selected bibliography indicated for the course classes; - the legislation mentioned for each issue / topic;  Angela Miff, Business Law. The Seminar Notebook, second edition, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca and Hamangiu Publishing House Bucharest, 2012;  Angela Miff, Business law. Volume 1Introduction to business law, second edition, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2009;  Angela Miff, Business law. Volume 1Introduction to business law, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2007;  Angela Miff, Business Law. The Seminar Notebook, Sfera Juridică Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2010;  David Kelly, Ann Holmes, Ruth Hayward, Business Law, fifth edition, Cavendish Publishing House, 2005;  Henry R. Cheeseman, Business Law, 6th edition, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2007;  Constance E. Bagley, Craig E. Dauchy, The entrepreneur’s guide to business law, Saint Paul, West Educational Publishing Company, 1998;  Keith Abbott, Norman Pendlebury, Business Law, 6th edition, DP Publications Ltd, Aldine Place, London, 1993;  Robert Lane, EC Competition Law, Pearson Education Limited, 2000;  Angela Miff, Considerations regarding cooperative enterprises, in the volume “The impact of European integration on the National Economy”, Economics, UBB, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, p.107-116;  ***Longman Business English Dictionary, Pearson Education Limited, 2000;  ***Oxford A Dictionary of Law, 6th edition, edited by Elisabeth A. Martin, Jonathan Law, Oxford University Press, 2007;  Vladimir Hanga, Rodica Calciu, Dicţionar juridic englez-român /Legal Dictionary English-Romanian, Lumina Lex Publishing House, Bucharest, 1994;  The legislation mentioned for each issue / topic; Reviews: the Private Law Review

9. Corroboration / validation of the discipline content according to the expectations of the epistemic community representatives, of the ones of the professional associations and also of the representative employers of the corresponding program.

The discipline of study concerns legislative and theoretical aspects/issues that influence the economic field, the participants in the business field.

10. Evaluation 10.3 Share in Type of activity 10.1 Evaluation criteria 10.2 Methods of assessment final grade 10.4Course - knowing the conceptual system with Exam, in writing, test paper 70% which operates the theory, practice and with multiple choice exercises legislation in the business field; and open questions; - knowing the principles that come from the basic legal regulations in the business field; - having the capacity of understanding and using the information acquired concerning the legislation, the principles and the methods of analyzing and interpreting within the legal domain of study;

10.5 - active participation in the seminars; - evaluation of the essay; 30% Seminar/laborator - seminar test paper with - presentation of an essay on a certain topic y multiple choice exercises; chosen from the seminar topics; - final seminar test paper in the seminar class at the end of the semester;

10.6 Minimum standard of performance - demonstrate the capacity of understanding and applying the legal technique and principles of interpreting the laws, the normative acts; - knowing the basic legal concepts; - demonstrate the capacity of synthetizing the topics of the the course.

Date of completion Signature of the course holder, 06.03.2017 Lecturer Angela Miff, Ph.D.

Signature of seminar holder, Lecturer Angela Miff, Ph.D.

Signature of the Head of the Department, Senior lecturer Elena-Dana BAKO, PhD

Approval date by department 09.03.2017

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