arXiv:2011.00522v2 [math.CO] 17 May 2021 ubro orpsb h,Pahn n Banerjee and Pradhan, Jha, by cographs of number Keywords: n lehr.Cgah a ecaatrzdi eea differen several g in in characterized graphs of be class can this Cographs of role elsewhere. g intrinsic Dacey and the hereditary indicating con D*-graphs, clearly different (including graphs), many names in different many introduced der independently been preliminaries have Cographs and Introduction 1 (2020) Class. Subj. AMS complexity computational orcigteagrtmfrtescr domination secure the for algorithm the Correcting c ∗ † aut fNtrlSine n ahmtc,Uiest fMaribo of University Mathematics, and Sciences Natural of Faculty Email: Email: a lt.A codnl oie em spoe n ti demon linear. is remains algorithm it and modified proved the is of alg complexity lemma the the the modified of that accordingly complexity shown An computational is the plete. it for Here crucial cograph. is a which of number domination cure b aut fMteaisadPyis nvriyo jbjn,Slove Ljubljana, of University Physics, and Mathematics of Faculty nttt fMteais hsc n ehnc,Lulaa Slov Ljubljana, Mechanics, and Physics Mathematics, of Institute h,Pahn n aejedvsdalna loih ocom to algorithm linear a devised Banerjee and Pradhan, Jha, [email protected] [email protected] oiainnme;scr oiainnme;cgah algorithm cograph; number; domination secure number; domination naKiˇsekAnja 55,0C9 57,05C85 05C76, 05C69, 05C57, : a a 8 2021 18, May ∗ Abstract 1 ad KlavˇzarSandi a,b,c rtm sincom- is orithm, † rLma2, Lemma ir tae that strated uetese- the pute as e [10]. see ways, t ah,2-parity raphs, et n un- and texts ,Slovenia r, ahtheory raph enia nia ; Moreover, their research is still very active, the list [1, 5, 11, 12, 13, 17] presents just a sample of recent studies and applications of cographs. Numerous problems, including the independence number, the number, and the existence of a Hamiltonian cycle, that are difficult in general, are polynomial (in most cases linear) on cographs. In this direction of research, two linear algorithms have been independently designed that compute the secure domination number of a cograph [3, 14]. The secure domination problem was introduced in [8], see also [9], motivated with a problem of assigning guards at various locations corresponding to a dominating set. Computing the secure domination number is NP-complete in general, and remains NP complete when restricted to bipartite and graphs [4], star convex bipartite graphs and doubly chordal graphs [18], and chordal bipartite graphs [16]. On the positive side, the problem is linear on trees [7] (cf. also [15]) and more generally on block graphs [16], as well as on proper interval graphs [2]. We also point to [6], where the secure domination problem is approached via a binary programming formulation of the problem. We proceed as follows. In the rest of this section definitions needed are listed. In Section 2 we present the necessary set up for the algorithm from [14], and construct an infinite family of cographs which demonstrate that [14, Lemma 2] does not hold in general. The latter lemma is a key ingredient for the linearity of the designed algorithm. In Section 3 we then propose a modified lemma, prove it, and argue that the algorithm remains linear also when the new lemma is applied. We now proceed with definitions, for other basic concepts not defined here we follow [19]. Let G = (V (G), E(G)) be a graph. A clique of G in a complete sugraph of G. By abuse of language we will also say that the set of vertices which induces a is a clique. The open neighbourhood of v in G is the set NG(v)= {u : uv ∈ E(G)}, the closed neighbourhood of v is NG[v]= NG(v)∪{v}. The complement G of G has V (G) = V (G) and E(G) = {(u, v): (u, v) ∈/ E(G)}. If G1 and G2 are disjoint graphs, then their union is the graph with the vertex set V (G1) ∪ V (G2) and the edge set E(G1) ∪ E(G2). The join G1 + G2 of G1 and G2 has V (G1 + G2)= V (G1) ∪ V (G2) and E(G1 + G2)= E(G1) ∪ E(G2) ∪{(u, v): u ∈

V (G1), v ∈ V (G2)}. Note that G1 + G2 = G1 ∪ G2. D ⊆ V (G) is a dominating set of a graph G if each vertex x ∈ V (G) \ D is adjacent to a vertex from D. The domination number γ(G) of G is the cardinality of a smallest dominating set of G. A dominating set S ⊆ V (G) is a secure dominating set of G if for each vertex x ∈ V (G) \ S there exists its neighbour y ∈ S such that (S ∪{x}) \{y} is a dominating set. The secure domination number γs(G) of G is the minimum cardinality of a secure dominating set of G. Cographs are defined resursively as follows: (i) K1 is cograph, (ii) if G is a

2 cograph, then G is a cograph, and (iii) if G1,...,Gk, k ≥ 2, are cographs, then G1 ∪···∪ Gk is a cograph. A cograph G can be represented as a rooted tree TG called a cotree of G [10]. In this representation, leaves of TG are vertices of the original cograph G. Inner vertices of TG are labeled by ∪ or by +, depending, respectively, whether the cotree rooted in the inner vertex corresponds to a cograph, obtained by the union or the join of the cographs associated with its children. (See Fig. 2 for the cotree of the cograph from Fig. 1.) Finally, if v ∈ TG, then we denote by TG(v) the subgraph of G induced by the leaves of the subtree of TG rooted at the vertex v.

2 Original lemma and counterexamples

Let TG be the cotree of a cograph G and let c be an inner vertex of TG. If c has label ∪, then each children of c is either a leaf or a vertex with label +, and the cograph TG(c) is disconnected. If c has label +, then each children of c is either a leaf or a vertex with label ∪. Following [14], we assign a label R to a vertex u of TG if (i) u has label ∪, (ii) u has exactly two children in TG, say x and y, (iii) γ(TG(x)) = 1, and (iv) γs(TG(y)) = 1. The following lemma gives a simple characterization of the vertices of TG to which label R is assigned.

Lemma 2.1 [14, Lemma 1] Let TG be the cotree of a cograph G. Then u ∈ V (TG) has label R if and only if TG(u) is disconnected and there exists a vertex w ∈

V (TG(u)) such that V (TG(u)) \ NTG(u)[w] is a clique.

We next recall when a cograph has property P which is a key for a fast com- putation of the secure domination number of a cograph. Let G be a cograph that is the join of cographs G1,...,Gℓ, ℓ ≥ 2. Then we say that G satisfies property P if there exist two distinct vertices x, y ∈ V (G) such that {x, y} is a dominating set of G and each of V (G) \ NG[x] and V (G) \ NG[y] is either empty or a clique. The following characterization of the cographs with property P was claimed.

Lemma 2.2 [14, Lemma 2] Let TG be the cotree of a cograph G and let c be a vertex of TG with label +. Then the cograph TG(c) satisfies property P if and only if there exist at least two children of c in TG such that each of them is either a leaf or a vertex with label R.

We now provide an infinite family of cographs which demonstrate that Lemma 2.2 is not true as stated. Let k ∈ N, and let Kk be a complete graph with V (Kk) =

3 c

b d ai


Figure 1: Graphs Gk. The dotted area represents the complete graph Kk, thicker edges indicate the join between Kk and the independent set {c,d,e}.


∪ ∪

c d e + b

a1 ... ak

Figure 2: The cotree TGk . The gray vertex is labeled by R.

{a1,...,ak}. Define Gk to be the cograph with the vertex set V (Gk) = V (Kk) ∪ {b,c,d,e} and the edge set

E(Gk)= E(Kk) ∪{bc, bd, be}∪{cai, dai, eai : i ∈ [k]} . N The graphs Gk, k ∈ , are schematically shown in Fig. 1, while their cotrees TGk are drawn in Fig. 2.

Let x be the root of TGk , its label is thus +. We first claim that TGk (x) = Gk satisfies property P. To see it observe that {a1, b} is a dominating set, and that V (G) \ NG[a1] = {b} and V (G) \ NG[b] = V (Kk) are both cliques. We next claim that Gk does not fulfill the condition of Lemma 2.2. The vertex x has in TGk two children labelled with ∪. It is easy to check that the right child (the gray vertex in Fig. 2) is labelled with R, but the left child (the one that is a parent of the leaves c, d and e) is obviously not labelled with R due to the number of its children. Hence the left children of x is neither a leaf nor a vertex with label R, and therefore the condition of Lemma 2.2 is not fulfilled.

4 3 Corrected lemma

In order to correct Lemma 2.2, we give the following characterization of cographs which fulfill property P.

Lemma 3.1 Let TG be the cotree of a cograph G and let c be a vertex of TG with label +. Then the cograph TG(c) satisfies property P if and only if there exist at least two children of c in TG such that

(i) each of them is either a leaf or a vertex with label R, or

(ii) one of them is a vertex u with label R and TG(u) is a union of two complete graphs.

Proof. (⇒) Assume that TG(c) has property P. Then there exist two distinct vertices x, y ∈ V (TG(c)) such that {x, y} is a dominating set and each of V (TG(c)) \

NTG(c)[x] and V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[y] is either empty or a clique. By definition of P, the cograph TG(c) is the join of at least two cographs, hence at least two children of c are guaranteed.

If V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[x]= ∅, then x is adjacent to each vertex of V (TG(c)) \{x}. As c has label +, the vertex x must be a leaf adjacent to c, for otherwise there would exist some vertex of TG(c) not adjacent to x.

If V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[x] is a clique, then with a parallel reasoning we conclude that x is not a child of c. Let wx ∈ V (TG(c)) be a child of c, such that TG(wx) contains x. By the observations from the first paragraph of Section 2 we know that wx is labeled by ∪ and that TG(wx) is disconnected. Since x ∈ V (TG(wx)) and c has label +, the vertex x is adjacent to each vertex of V (TG(c)) \ V (TG(wx)). Moreover, because V (TG(c))\NTG(c)[x] is a clique, also V (TG(wx))\NTG(wx)[x] is a clique. Now we have a disconnected graph TG(wx) containing x, such that V (TG(wx))\NTG(wx)[x] is a clique. By Lemma 2.1, wx has label R.

Similarly, if V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[y] = ∅, then y is a child of c such that y is a leaf. Otherwise there exists a child of c, say wy, such that y ∈ V (TG(wy)) and wy has label R. In case that both of V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[x] and V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[y] are cliques, we have two vertices wx and wy such that they are children of c and have label R. If wx =6 wy, vertex c has at least two children, both labeled with R. In the cases discussed so far, the vertex c has at least two children and each of them is either a leaf or a vertex with label R, hence (i) holds. It can happen, however, that wx = wy = w holds. In this case x, y ∈ TG(w). Since w has label R, the graph TG(w) is disconnected and has two components, H1 and H2. The assumption that {x, y} is a dominating set implies that, without loss of generality,

5 x ∈ H1 and y ∈ H2. Since V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[x]= V (H2), the subgraph H2 must be a clique. Similarly, since V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[y]= V (H1), also H1 is a clique. In this final case we thus see that (ii) holds.

(⇐) Suppose first that there exist at least two children of c in TG such that each of them is either a leaf or a vertex with label R: Let u, v be such children of c. First assume u is a leaf. Since u ∈ TG(c) and u is adjacent to each vertex of

TG(c) \{u}, we infer that V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[u] = ∅. If v is also a leaf, then also

V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[v]= ∅. Hence TG(c) satisfies property P. In case v is not a leaf, it has label R. By Lemma 2.1, TG(v) is disconnected and there exists a vertex w ∈ TG(v) such that V (TG(v)) \ NTG(v)(w) is clique. Since c has label +, the vertex w is adjacent to each vertex in TG(c) \ TG(v). Since

TG(v) \ NTG(v)(w) is a clique, TG(c) \ NTG(v)(w) is also a clique. Since u is a leaf, the set {u, v} is dominating, hence TG(c) satisfies property P. Now assume that both u and v have label R. As discussed above, there exist w1 ∈ V (TG(u)) and w2 ∈ V (TG(v)) such that V (TG(c)) \ NTG(c)[w1] and V (TG(c)) \

NTG(c)[w2] are cliques. To satisfy property P we need to see that {w1,w2} is dom- inating set. This is indeed the case since c has label +, and therefore w1 is adja- cent to each vertex of V (TG(c)) \ V (TG(u)), and w2 is adjacent to each vertex of V (TG(c)) \ V (TG(v)).

Suppose second that there exist at least two children of c in TG, and one of them is a vertex u with label R and TG(u) is a union of two complete graphs. Let x and y be arbitrary vertices from each of the components of TG(u). Since c is labeled by +, x and y are adjacent to each vertex in G \ TG(u). Since both components of TG(u) are cliques, both V (G) \ NTG(c)[x]= NTG(u)[y] and V (G) \ NTG(c)[y]= NTG(u)[x] are cliques. Also notice that NTG(c)[x] ∪ NTG(c)[y]= V (TG(c)), so {x, y} is a dominating set. Hence TG(c) satisfies property P. 

As we have already mentioned, an efficient testing whether a given cograph has property P is crucial for the linearity of the algorithm from [14] which computes the secure domination number of cographs. More precisely, on each iteration of the algorithm, in case the current vertex of the cotree TG is labeled by +, a checking of property P is required. Authors in [14] provided an implementation with an array, tracking labels R for each vertex of the cotree, and showed that it can be updated in

O(|NTG (ci)|) time. The new Lemma 3.1 requires not only the data about the label R of vertices, but also completeness of subgraphs, hence a verification of property P needs to include values of γs for descendants of the current vertex. Since the values γs on each iteration of the algorithm are noted, algorithm remains linear also after changing verification of property P by means of Lemma 3.1.

6 Acknowledgements

We acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P1-0297 and projects J1-9109, J1-1693, N1-0095, N1-0108).


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