Mary, the Mother of Jesus
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-Introduction -There are many fascinating features regarding the record of the patriarch Job. -At the end of the book, I am left saying, “Wow, what a man!” -Yet, the point of the book is “Wow, what a God!” -Job 1:6-12 -Satan made an accusation against God. God utilized Job to prove the accusation false. -vs 8 - Job - What a man! -We have another similar situation when we come to the accounts of the Gospel in the N.T. -Among all the women on the earth, Mary was chosen by God to be the earthly mother of Jesus. -That speaks volumes regarding the character and life of Mary! -That doesn’t mean Mary was a perfect person. Just as Job was not without mistakes, neither was Mary - Rom 3:23. -Yet, the scriptures clearly indicate that she was a fine, fine person.
-Mary - Blessed Among Women -Luke 1:26-31 -“O favored one”- vs 28 -This is translated from a single Greek word. It comes from the Greek word for grace. Hence, it indicates the idea of being “graced” by God. -“blessed art thou among women” (KJV) – textual criticism -This phrase is found in verse 42. -The role of a mother is honorable. Mary received the highest honor among women in receiving the privilege of being the mother of Jesus. -“found favor with God” - vs 30 -We are not provided with the details of how Mary gained favor with God. However, we know that to gain favor with God, she had to live faithfully to Him. -Yet, we are given some glimpses into the mind/character of Mary that help us to see why she gained favor with God.
-A Mind That Contemplated Spiritual Matters -Luke 1:29 - “tried to discern” -This phrase carries with it the idea of a thorough reckoning, contemplating, deliberating. -NASB - “kept pondering”; NIV - “wondered” -Luke 2:16-19 - Mary pondered these things in her heart. -side note: Matt 2:11 - The wise men worshipped Jesus - not Mary. -Luke 2:51 – “treasured up all these things in her heart”
-Scriptural Knowledge -Luke 1:46-55 -To be chosen by God to bear Jesus, obviously Mary was a person who sought after God. -Her contemplation of spiritual matters is further evidence of this. -However, the words of Mary in Luke 1:46-55 may provide the best insight to the fact that she sought after God. -Her own words demonstrate her knowledge of God’s word. Recently, I read in an article that there are references to 23 O.T. passages in these words of Mary. -I did some digging into these verses and feel that there might very well be more than 23. -Mary’s words demonstrate an overall knowledge of God’s word and the Hebrew history. -vs 47 - Isa 45:21 -vs 48 - Ps 136:23, 138:6 (We also see the humility of Mary in these words.) -vs 49 - Isa 1:24, 6:3, 57:15 -vs 50 - Ps 85:9-10, 103:11, 17-18 -vs 51 - Deut 4:33-35, Ps 89:10-13, Neh 1:8 (Jer 13:15, Deut 4:27) -vs 52 - Isa 14:13-17 -vs 53 - Ps 34:9-11, 107:8-9 -vs 54 - Isa 63:7, 41:8-10 -vs 55 - Gen 12, 17, 22, 26; Ps 105:6-10 -Mary was obviously a student of the scriptures!
-A Good Parent -Luke 2:51-52 -The fact that Jesus could subject himself to Joseph and Mary reveals that they were wonderful parents. In their house, under their supervision, Jesus grew in “wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
-Summary and Invitation -Mothers – and all the rest of us - can see a good example in Mary. We, too, should seek after God, truly contemplate spiritual matters and grow in the knowledge of God’s word. We need parents who will provide the proper atmosphere in the home where children can grow in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man -As Mary stated, God is powerful and merciful. He has brought down kingdoms of the proud and exalted the humble. He feeds the spiritually hungry and helps His people. He has fulfilled His promises to Abraham - all of these things ultimately accomplished through Jesus & His cleansing blood.
-Invitation May 13, 2012 – Joplin – p.m.