Dramatic Arts 12/13
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(Production) (July 2012)
Unit Statement: Production is to offstage what direction is to onstage. All the elements that go into putting on a play beyond the stage will happen through this unit. You may have a single producer or a small production team working on the objectives together. Marketing, advertisement, organization of the box-office and tickets are all important objectives of this unit.
Essential Outcomes: (assessed for mastery)
1. The Student Will design or assist in the design of a graphic to best represent the production.
2. TSW apply the graphic and necessary production information to support materials (i.e. posters, tickets and possibly t-shirts).
3. TSW create a program for the production; adding edited actor biographies.
4. TSW arrange the promotion of the production (e.g. advertising in school and/or community newspapers).
5. TSW prepare the “front-of-house” responsibilities such as box-office and pre- ticket sales.
Suggested Materials:
1. Wilson, Edwin, and Alvin Goldfarb. Theatre: The Lively Art. 7th. New York: McGraw- Hill, 2010. 137-141. Print.
auditorium advertise box-office front-of-house house producer promotion venue
Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:
1. Student may secure rights to the script or text. 2. Student may raise money to assist in the production, and assist with the budget. 3. Student may help select the venue. 4. Student will manage the box-office and ticketing. 5. Student will advertise in local English papers or embassy newsletters. 6. Student may design a YouTube commercial with proper permission. 7. Student may organize a “sneak preview” for students or parents.
19 QSI DRAMATIC ARTS 12/13 (ELEM) S03 Copyright © 1988-2012 DRAMATIC ARTS 12/13 Suggested Rubric (S03):
Student name ______Class ______Date______
A grade = at least two A level and no P level (2 of 5 in lieu of the unit’s demands). B grade = at least all B level and no P level.
TSW ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘P’ “Exceptional” “Great” “Not Yet.” TSW 1 Student designs a highly Student designs or assists in Student simply applied a a original graphic to best the design of a graphic to stock graphic with no represent the production. best represent the revision. production. TSW 2 Student applies the graphic Student applies the graphic Student’s creates limited and necessary production and necessary production support material for the play. information to support information to support materials (i.e. posters, tickets materials (i.e. posters, and possibly t-shirts); tickets and possibly t- student organizes the shirts). creation of materials with little assistance form the director. TSW 3 Student creates a highly Student creates a program Student does not create, or aesthetically pleasing for the production; adding creates a very ineffective program for the production; edited actor biographies play program. adding edited actor (from selective unit two). biographies (from selective unit two). TSW 4 Student arranges the Student arranges the Student arranges no, or promotion of the production promotion of the production minimal promotion material. (e.g. advertising in school (e.g. advertising in school Promotional material is only and/or community and/or community located in the school. newspapers) with minimal newspapers). assistance by the director (independent endeavor). TSW 5 Student arranges the Student prepares the “front Student requires inordinate promotion of the production of house” responsibilities assistance from the director (e.g. advertising in school such as box-office and pre- to manage the box-office. and/or community ticket sales. newspapers) with minimal assistance by the director (independent endeavor). Rubrics are suggested; please consider modifying it to the needs of your class.
20 QSI DRAMATIC ARTS 12/13 (ELEM) S03 Copyright © 1988-2012