8Th Grade YMS Lesson Plan Teacher: Demitra Ait-Bouja Date: 10/5/15-10/9/15

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8Th Grade YMS Lesson Plan Teacher: Demitra Ait-Bouja Date: 10/5/15-10/9/15

8th Grade YMS Lesson Plan Teacher: Demitra Ait-Bouja Date: 10/5/15-10/9/15 Plan for the concept or topic --- NOT DAY Topic: 1.Plot structure 2. Inferences in fictional texts 3. Text evidence

Standard(s): ELACC8RL7: Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful Learning Goals for this to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors (DOK 2) ELACC8RL1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences Lesson drawn from the text. (DOK 3)

Students will know: Students will be able to: Plot (rising action, falling action, flashback, Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a foreshadowing, climax/turning point and resolution story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script (DOK 2) Text evidence Lesson Essential Question: 1. To what extend does the film version of The Hitch-hiker stays faithful or departs from the text? 2. How does citing text evidence help solve a mystery?

Activating Strategy for Unit or Topic: Motivational videos, brain teasers, word of the day, partner study buddy, acrostics, analyze visuals, analyze quotes Key Vocabulary to preview and vocabulary strategy for Unit or Topic: 1. Plot, rising action, falling action, flashback, foreshadowing, climax/turning point and resolution and vocabulary in context of the story (lark, junction, sinister, assurance and monotony) 2. Inductive and deductive reasoning, fact/opinion, primary and secondary sources in fictional text, logical fallacies Lesson Instruction

Learning Activity 1 (DOK Level: 2) Graphic Organizers and other support items for 1. To what extend does the film version of The Hitch-hiker stays faithful or unit or topic: departs from the text? Computer, promethean The students are learning about how particular lines of dialogue in a drama, provokes the character(s) board. decision and contributes to the plot in a story. They will be listening to the radio play The Hitchhiker and following along in their textbooks. T-Chart Activities 1. Matching game for vocabulary words in context lark, junction, sinister, assurance and monotony 2. Begin reading the play 3. Answer foreshadowing questions using a T-Chart (these are also the students notes for study guide 4. Create Element of plot graphic organizer (rising action, falling action, climax and resolution) 5. Quiz (multiple choice and short answer responses 6. Movie- The Hitchhiker- Similarities and Differences of drama and video version 7. Discussion questions throughout the story Elements of plot chart 8. Frayer Model vocabulary on standards based words Summarizers 1. Analyze photo on page 89- Think Pair Share- What mood or feeling is established by this photograph? 2. Music in drama (mood) – TOTD 3. Teachers Questions (pg 90)

Assessment Prompts- Teachers Questions along the way Similarities and Differences Sub Plans for Thurs Oct 8th- Character development of the course of the story- Students will read the play The Spider Curse and analyze the development of the characters. A multiple choice quiz and constructed Frayer Model Graphic response will be given at the end of the play.

This story is planned for 4-5 days HW: Read 20 mins. Next AR test or creative project us due Oct 28th

Both teachers are the facilitators asking probing questions to each group Learning Activity 2 (DOK Level: 3) along the way.

1. How does citing text evidence help solve a mystery? The students will be learning how to use critical thinking skills in solving the Haunted House Mystery. They will experience problem solving by sifting through clues, identifying important details and drawing connections to solve the mystery. 1. Play DVD- the students will be directly involved in following the main two characters 2. Mugshots of the suspects- introduces students to the fundamentals of logic and common logical fallacies (2-class periods) 3. Chronicle clues and Mummy Motives- introduces steps to problem solving as they begin to think critically about the suspects and possible motives in the mystery. 4. Curses! The Mummy!- guides students towards a deeper understanding of the mystery as they draw conclusions between the past and the present of the story and re-evaluate their earlier predictions in the light of new information 5. Unwrapping the Mummy Mystery- encourages students to formulate a hypothesis about who’s haunting the house and why.

Assessment prompt- teachers questions along the way

Summarizer- Teachers questions along the way , TOTD, letter to absent student

These activities are planned for 10-12 days.

HW: Read 20 mins. Next AR test or creative project us due Oct 28th

Learning Activity 3 (DOK Level: ) Culminating Assignment for Unit or Topic Learning Activity 4 (DOK Level: Learning Activity 5 (DOK Level)

7th Grade YMS Lesson Plan Teacher: Demitra AitBouja Date: 10/5/15-10/9/15 Plan for the concept or topic --- NOT DAY Topic: 1. Story elements, 2. text structure 3. Text features Standard(s): ELACC7RL7: Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, Learning Goals for this staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium Lesson (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film. (DOK 2) ELACC7RI5: Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas. (DOK 3) Students will know: Students will be able to: Compare Versions of text (e.g., written, audio, Compare and contrast author’s choices in written text to filmed, staged, multimedia,print, digital) the audio, video or live version of the text (DOK 2) Text structure Identify text structure (DOK1) Lesson Essential Question: 1. How would you compare the similarities and differences from the novel and the movie The Giver? 2. How would you describe several of the elements used to organize the text in the story? 3. What text features were used to help the readers understand the story? Activating Strategy for Unit or Topic: Motivational videos, brain teasers, word of the day, partner study buddy, acrostics, analyze visuals, analyze quotes Key Vocabulary to preview and vocabulary strategy for Unit or Topic: Exploring the Titanic - adjoining, accommodations, moderate, novelty, prophecy, feverishly, ghastly, indefinitely The Evil Swirling Darkness- debris, decimated, imminent, pulverized, roiling, staggering, unravel “How Candy Conquered America” and “This cupcake is Trying to Hurt You” Lesson Instruction

Learning Activity 1 (DOK Level: 3) Graphic Organizers and other support items for How would you compare the similarities and differences from the novel and the movie The unit or topic: Giver? DVD, promethean board The students just completed the novel The Giver. They took AR tests and completed a creative project based on a selection of 8 different activities. Now the students will notate the similarities and differences from T-chart of similarities and the text and media version. There are many differences in both versions that students should be able to differences grouped into immediately identify as soon as the movie begins (age differences, community jobs, character traits and rules categories (age, jobs, of the community). The students will create a T-chart of similarities and differences. After the movie, they will character traits of Jonas, write a one-paragraph response of their preferred version and the reason(s) why. Fiona and Aster)

Assessment Prompt- based on students charts

Summarizer- Think Pair Share

This activity is for 3-4 days HW: Read 20 mins. Next AR test or creative project us due Oct 28th

Sub Plans Thurs 10/8 in case The Giver movie is done and Sub Plans - Character development of the course of the story- Students will read the play The Spider Curse and analyze the development of the characters. A multiple choice quiz and constructed response will be given at the end of the play. Learning Activity 2 (DOK Level: 1)

How would you describe several of the elements used to organize the text in the story?

The students will read the narrative non-fiction Exploring the Titanic and learn now to identify the organizational pattern of writing (chronological order). 1. Learn key vocabulary terms from the context of the story (pg 99) 2. Listen to story and follow along in the textbook 3. Create a chronological order timeline as story being read 4. Analyze visuals (pgs 101, 103, 104/105, 107, 5. Discussion prompts throughout the story 6. Frayer Model Vocabulary on standards based words 7. Quiz (multiple choice and short responses) 8. Watch a documentary on searching for the Titanic and compare the facts from the movie to the timeline the students created.

Assessment prompt- teachers questions using clickers, hold up cards or through discussions

Summarizer Think Pair Share Teachers Questions Think Pair Write Letter to Absent Student

This activity will last 6-7 days. HW: Read 20 mins. Next AR test or creative project us due Oct 28th

Learning Activity 3 (DOK Level: 1) Culminating Assignment for Unit or Topic

AS- What text features were used to help the readers understand the story?

The students are reading a narrative nonfiction about tornados in the United States The Evil Swirling Darkness. They will learn about how textual features helps readers understand the story/information better. 1. Preview vocabulary 2. Watch short video that is linked with the story 3. Read/listen to the story aloud 4. Closed Reading/Discussion Questions (group work, each group has own questions to answer and share with the class). 5. Reading of the poem that goes with story 6. Closed Reading/Discussion Questions from the poem with an activity sheet. 7. Quiz- 2 levels that will be based on Lexile levels

Assessment prompt- Closed reading and discussion questions. Possible use of clickers, hold up cards and movement to various areas in classroom

Summarizer- TOTD

This activity will last 2-3 days

HW: Read 20 mins. Next AR test or creative project us due Oct 28th

Learning Activity 4 (DOK Level: 1)

How would you describe several of the elements used to organize the text in the story?

The students will be reading paired texts from Scholastic Scope “How Candy Conquered America” and “This cupcake is Trying to Hurt You” as they learn the compare/contrast text structure 1. Preview vocabulary terms for both articles 2. Ask for volunteers to read aloud 3. Discussion on How Candy Conquered America with Closed Reading Questions 4. Read Cupcake article 5. Closed Discussion questions (with a partner?) 6. Video and Video discussion questions 7. Quiz on text features

Assessment prompt Discussion questions and quiz

This activity will take 2-3 days

Summarizer TOTD, Think Pair Share, Discussion with elbow partner

HW: Learning Activity 5 (DOK Level: 1-4 )

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