Testing Writing Skills: a Selected Bibliography

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Testing Writing Skills: a Selected Bibliography

The International Research Foundation for English Language Education


Ali, K. A., & Mostafa, N. A. (2013). Errors in using past tense form in writing essays among Kurdish university learners. The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 1, 176-189.

Ali, S. (2005). How effective is self-assessment in writing? In P. Davidson, C. Coombe, & W. Jones (Eds.), Assessment in the Arab world (pp. 307-322). Dubai: TESOL Arabia.

Allai, S. K., & Connor, U. (1991). Using performative assessment instruments with ESL student writers. In L. Hamp-Lyons (Ed.), Assessing second language writing in academic contexts. (pp. 227-240). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Allison, D., & Cheung, E. (1991). ‘Good’ and ‘poor’ writing and writers: Studying individual performance as a part of placement test validation. Hong Kong Papers in Linguistics and Language Teaching, 14, 1-14.

Amena, M. (2005). Identifying the processes of assessing writing using an analytic marking criteria. In P. Davidson, C. Coombe, & W. Jones (Eds.), Assessing second language writing in academic contexts (pp. 225-249). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Arthur, B. (1989). Short term changes in EFL composition skills. In C. A. Yorio, K. Perkins, & J. Schachter (Eds.), On TESOL ‘79: The learner in focus (pp. 330-342). Washington, DC: TESOL.

Attali, Y., & Burstein, J. (2006). Automated Essay Scoring with e-rater V.2. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (JTLA), 4(3).

Bae, J., & Bachman, L. F. (2010). An investigation of four writing traits and two tasks across two languages. Language Testing, 27, 213-234.

Baker, B. (2015). An updated visual representation for writing assessment research. TESL Canada, 32(9), 124-136.

Banerjee, J., Franceschina, F., Smith, A. M. (2007). Documenting features of written language production typical at different IELTS band score levels. In P. McGovern & S. Walsh (Eds.), IELTS Research Reports (Vol. 7) (pp. 241-309). Canberra, Australia: IELTS Australia.

Barkaoui, K. (2007). Rating scale impact on EFL essay marking: A mixed-method study. Assessing Writing, 12, 86-107.

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Barkaoui, K. (2011). Effects of marking method and rater experience on ESL essay scores. As- sessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 18(3), 277-291.

Barkaoui, K. (2011). Think-aloud protocols in research on essay rating: An empirical study of their veridicality and reactivity. Language Testing, 28(1), 51-75.

Beck, S. W., Llosa, L., Black, K., & Trzeszkowski-Giese, A. (2015). Beyond the rubric: Think- alouds as a diagnostic assessment tool for high school writing teachers. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(8), 668-679.

Bernhardt, E., Molitoris, J., Romeo, K., Lin, N., & Valderrama, P. (2015) Designing and sustaining a foreign language writing proficiency assessment program at the postsecondary level. Foreign Language Annals, 48(3), 329-349.

Boldt, H. Valsecchi, M. I., & Cushing, S. C. (2001). Evaluation of student writing on text- responsible and non-text responsible writing tasks. MEXTESOL Journal, 24, 13-33.

Brodkey, D., & Young, R. (1981). Compositions correctness scores. TESOL Quarterly, 15(2), 159-168. Brown, J. D. (1991). Do English and ESL faculties rate writing samples differently? TESOL Quarterly, 25(4), 587-603.

Brown, J. D., & Bailey, K. M. (1984). A categorical instrument for scoring second language writing skills. Language Learning, 34(4), 21-42.

Brown, J. D., Hilgers, T., & Marsella, J. (1991). Essay prompts and topics: Minimizing the effect of mean differences. Written Communicaton, 8, 533-556.

Burstein, J. (2003). The e-rater scoring engine: Automated essay scoring with natural language processing. In M. D. Shermis & J. C. Burstein (Eds.), Automated essay scoring: A cross disciplinary approach (pp. 113-121). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Calfee, R., & Perfumo, P. (Eds.). (1996). Writing portfolios in the classroom: Policy and practice, promise and peril. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Camp, R. (1993). Changing the model for direct assessment of writing. In M. Williamson & B. Huot (Eds.), Holistic scoring: Theoretical foundations and validation research (pp. 56- 69). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Carlise, R., & McKenna, E. (1991). Placement of ESL/EFL undergraduate writers in college- level writing programs. In L. Hamp-Lyons (Ed.), Assessing second language writing in academic contexts (pp. 197-211). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

2 177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940 USA Web: www.tirfonline.org / Email: [email protected] The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

Chambers, L. (2011). Composition and revision in computer-based written assessment. Cambridge ESOL Research Notes, 43, 25-32.

Charney, D. (1984). The validity of using holistic scoring to evaluate writing. Research in the teaching of English, 18, 65-81.

Cho, D. (1999). A study on ESL writing assessment: Intra–rater reliability of ESL compositions. Melbourne Papers in Language Testing, 8(1), 1–24.

Cizek, G. J., & Page, B. A. (2003). The concept of reliability in the context of automated essay scoring. In M. D. Shermis & J. Burstein (Eds.), Automated essay scoring: A cross- disciplinary perspective (pp. 125–145). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Connor, U., & Carrell, P. (1983). The interpretation of tasks by writers and readers in holistically rated direct assessment of writing. In J. G. Carson & I. Leki (Eds.), Reading in the composition classroom (pp. 159-175). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Connor, U., & Mbaye, A. (2002). Discourse approaches to writing assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 22, 263-278.

Connor-Linton, J. (1995a). Crosscultural comparison of writing standards: American ESL and Japanese EFL. World Englishes, 14, 99-115.

Connor-Linton, J. (1995b). Looking behind the curtain: What do L2 composition ratings really mean? TESOL Quarterly, 29, 762-765.

Cooper, C. R., & Odell, L. (Eds.). (1999). Evaluating writing: The role of teacher’s knowledge about text, learning, and culture. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Cooper, T. C. (1976). Measuring written syntactic patterns of second language learners of German. Journal of Educational Research, 69, 176-183.

Cumming, A. (1989). Writing expertise and second language proficiency. Language Learning, 39, 81-141.

Cumming, A. (1990). Expertise in evaluation second language composition. Language Testing, 7(1), 31-51.

Cumming, A. (1990). The thinking, interactions, and participation to foster in adult ESL literacy instruction. TESL Talk, 20, 34-51.

Cumming, A. (1997). The testing of second-language writing. In C. Clapham (Ed.), The encyclopedia of language and education: Volume 7. Language assessment (pp. 51-63). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.

3 177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940 USA Web: www.tirfonline.org / Email: [email protected] The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

Cumming, A. (1998). Theoretical perspectives on writing. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 18, 61-78.

Cumming, A. (2001). ESL/EFL instructors’ practices for writing assessment: Specific purposes or general purposes? Language Testing, 18(2), 207-224.

Cumming, A. (2001). Learning to write in a second language: Two decades of research. International Journal of English Studies, 1(2), 1-23.

Cumming, A., Kantor, R., Baba, K., Erdosy, U., Eouanzoui, K., & James, M. (2005). Differences in written discourse in independent and integrated prototype tasks for next generation TOEFL. Assessing Writing, 10, 5-43.

Cumming, A., Kantor, R., & Powers, D. E. (2002). Decision making while rating ESL/EFL writing tasks: A descriptive framework. Modern Language Journal, 86, 67-96.

Cumming, A., Kantor, R., Powers, D., Santos, T., & Taylor, C. (2000). TOEFL 2000 writing framework: A working paper. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Daly, J. A., & Dickson-Markman, F. (1982). Contrast effects in evaluating essays. Journal of Educational Measurement, 19, 309–316.

David, V. (2016). A comparison of two approaches for assessing L2 writing: Process-based and impromptu timed writing exams. Applied Language Learning, 26(1), 65-82.

Delaruelle, S. (1997). Text type and rater decision-making in the writing module. In G. Brindley & G. Wigglesworth (Eds.), Access: Issues in language test design and delivery (pp. 215–242). Sydney, Australia: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research, Macquarie University.

DeRemer, M. (1998). Writing assessment: Raters’ elaboration of the rating task. Assessing Writing, 5, 7-29.

Diederich, P. B., French, J. W., & Carlton, S. T. (1961). Factors in judgements of writing ability. Research Bulletin, RB-61-15. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service (ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED 002172). di Gennaro, K. (2008). Assessment of Generation 1.5 learners for placement into college writing courses. Journal of Basic Writing, 27(1), 61-79. di Gennaro, K. (2009). Investigating differences in the writing performance of international and generation 1.5 students. Language Testing, 26, 533-559.

4 177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940 USA Web: www.tirfonline.org / Email: [email protected] The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

Dobson, B. (2007). Designing effective writing assessments for classroom contexts. In C. Irvine- Niakaris & A. Nebel (Eds.), 2nd Language Testing & Evaluation Forum, Teaching and testing: Opportunities for learning (pp. 7-19). Athens, Greece: Hellenic American Union.

Douglas, D. (2000). Specific purpose tests of reading and writing. Assessing languages for specific purposes (pp.189-245). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

East, M., & Young, D. (2007). Scoring L2 writing samples: Exploring the relative effectiveness of two different diagnostic methods. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 1-21.

Eckes, T. (2005). Examining rater effects in TestDaF writing and speaking performance assessments: A many-facet Rasch analysis. Language Assessment Quarterly, 2, 197–221.

Eckes, T. (2008). Rater types in writing performance assessments: A classification approach to rater variability. Language Testing, 25, 155–185.

Educational Testing Service. (1992). TOEFL Test of Written English guide. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Elbow, P. (1993). Ranking, evaluating and liking: Sorting out three forms of judgment. College English, 55(2), 187-206.

Elder, C., Barkhuizen, G., Knoch, U., & von Randow, J. (2007). Evaluating rater responses to an online training program for L2 writing assessment. Language Testing, 24, 37–64.

Elder, C., Knoch, U., & Zhang, R. (2009). Diagnosing the support needs of second language writers: Does the time allowance matter? TESOL Quarterly, 43(2), 351-360.

Englehard, G. (1994). Examining rater errors in the assessment of written composition with a many-faceted Rasch model. Journal of Educational Measurement, 31, 93–112.

Enright, M. K., Bridgeman, B., Eignor, D., Lee, Y. W., & Powers, D. E. (2008). Prototyping measures of listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In C. A. Chapelle, M. K. Enright, & J. M. Jamieson (Eds.), Building a validity argument for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (pp. 145–186). New York, NY: Routledge.

Erdosy, M. U. (2004). Exploring variability in judging writing ability in a second language: A study of four experienced raters of ESL compositions (TOEFL Research Report No. 70, RR-03-17). Princeton, NJ: ETS. Retrieved from: http://www.ets.org/Media/Research/pdf/RR-03-17.pdf

Esmaeili, H. (2002). Integrated reading and writing tasks and ESL students’ reading and writing

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performance in an English language test. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne Des Langues Vivantes, 58(4), 599-622.

Evola, J., Mamer, E., & Lentz, B. (1980). Discrete point versus global scoring for cohesive devices. In J. W. Oller & K. Perkins (Eds.), Research in language testing (pp. 177-181). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Fahim, M., & Bijani, H. (2011). The effects of rater training on raters’ severity and bias in second language writing assessment. Iranian Journal of Language Testing, 1, 1–16.

Faigley, L., Cherry, R. D., Jolliffe, D. A., & Skinner, A. M. (1985). Assessing writers’ knowledge and processes of composing. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Fawcett, S., Sandberg, A., & Pittman, M. S. (1987). Test package. Grassroots: The writer’s workbook. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Feak, C., & Dobson, B. (1996). Building on the impromptu: A source-based academic writing assessment. College ESL, 6(1), 73-84.

Flahive, D. E., & Snow, B. G. (1980). Measures of syntactic complexity in evaluating ESL compositions. In J. W. Oller & K. Perkins (Eds.), Research in language testing (pp. 171- 176). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Freedman, W. S. (1993). Linking large-scale testing and classroom portfolio assessments of student writing. Educational Assessment, 1(1), 27-52.

Freedman, S. W., & Calfee, R. C. (1983). Holistic assessment of writing: Experimental design and cognitive theory. In P. Mosenthal, L. Tamor, & S. A. Walmsley (Eds.), Research on writing: Principles and methods (pp. 75–98). New York, NY: Longman.

Frodeson, J., & Starna, N. (1999). Distinguishing incipient and functional bilingual writers: Assessment and instructional insights gained through second-language writer profiles. In L. Harklau, K. Losely, & M. Siegal (Eds.), Generation 1.5 meets college composition: Issues in the teaching of writing to U.S.-educated learners of ESL (pp. 61-80). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Furneaux, C., & Rignall, M. (2007). The effect of standardization–training on rater judgements for the IELTS writing module. In L. Taylor & P. Falvey (Eds.), IELTS Collected Papers: Research in speaking and writing assessment (pp. 422–445). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Gaies, S. J. (1980). T-unit analysis in second language research: Applications, problems and limitations. TESOL Quarterly, 14, 53-60.

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Gebril, A. (2009). Score generalizability of academic writing tasks: Does one test method fit it all? Language Testing, 26(4), 507-531.

Guo, L., Crossley, S. A., & McNamara, D. S. (2013). Predicting human judgments of essay quality in both integrated and independent second language: A comparison study. Assessing Writing, 18, 218-238.

Hamp-Lyons, L. (1987). Performance profiles for academic writing. In K. M. Bailey, T. L. Dale, & R.T. Clifford (Eds.), Language testing research: Selected papers from the 1986 Colloquium, (pp. 78-92). Monterey, CA: Defense Language Institute.

Hamp-Lyons, L. (1989). Raters respond to rhetoric in writing. In H. W. Dechert & M. Raupauch (Eds.), Interlingual processes (pp. 229-244). Tübingen, Germany: Gunter Narr.

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Hamp-Lyons, L. (1991). Scoring procedures for ESL contexts. In L. Hamp-Lyons (Ed.), Assessing second language writing in academic contexts (pp. 241-276). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Hamp-Lyons, L. (1994). Interweaving assessment and instruction in college ESL writing classes. College ESL, 4(1), 43-55.

Hamp-Lyons, L. (1995). Rating non-native writing: The trouble with holistic scoring. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 759-762.

Hamp-Lyons, L., & Kroll, B. (1996). Issues in ESL writing assessment: An overview. College ESL Writing, 6(1), 57-72.

Hamp-Lyons, L. (1996). The challenges of second-language writing assessment. In E. M. White, W. D. Lutz, & S. Kamusikiri (Eds.), Assessment of writing: Politics, policies, practices (pp. 226-240). New York, NY: Modern Language Association.

Hamp-Lyons, L. (2001). Fourth generation writing assessment. In T. Silva & P. K. Matsuda (Eds.), On second language writing (pp. 117–125). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hamp-Lyons, L., & Condon, W. (1993). Questioning assumptions about portfolio-based assessment. College Composition and Communication, 44, 176-190.

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Hamp-Lyons, L., & Condon, W. (2000). Assessing the portfolio: Principles for practice, theory, and research. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Hamp-Lyons, L., & Henning, G. (1991). Communicative writing profiles: An investigation of the transferability of a multiple-trait scoring instrument across ESL writing assessment contexts. Language Learning, 41, 337-373.

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Hamp-Lyons, L., & Mathias, S. P. (1994). Examining expert judgments of task difficulty on essay tests. Journal of Second Language Writing, 3, 49-68.

Hanania, E., & Shikhani, M. (1986). Interrelationships among three tests of language proficiency: Standardized ESL, cloze, and writing. TESOL Quarterly, 20(1), 97-109.

Haswell, R. H. (1998). Searching for Kiyoko: Bettering mandatory ESL writing placement. Journal of Second Language Writing, 7(2), 133-174.

Hayes, J. R., Hatch, J. A., & Silk, C. M. (2000). Does holistic assessment predict writing performance? Estimating the consistency of student performance on holistically scored writing assignments. Written Communication, 17(1), 3-26.

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Herzog, M. (1988). Issues in writing proficiency assessment. Section 1: The Government Scale. In P. Lowe & C. W. Stansfield (Eds.), Second language proficiency assessment: Current issues (pp. 149-177). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

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Klobucar, A., Elliot, N., Deess, P., Rudniy, O., & Joshi, K. (2013). Automated scoring in con- text: Rapid assessment for placed students. Assessing Writing, 18(1), 62-84.

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