Addendum: Articles Included in the Study

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Addendum: Articles Included in the Study

Addendum: Articles Included in the Study:

Adams, K. (2005). Voices in my dream: Children's interpretation of auditory messages in divine dreams.

Dreaming 15(3):195-204.

Adams, K., and B. Hyde (2008). Children's grief dreams and the theory of spiritual intelligence. Dreaming 18(1):


Armitage, R., A. Rochlen, T. Fitch, M. Trivedi, and A. J. Rush (1995). Dream recall and major depression: A

preliminary report. Dreaming 5(3): 189-198.

Avila-White, D., A. Schneider, and G. W. Domhoff (1999). The most recent dreams of 12-13 year-old boys and

girls: A methodological contribution to the study of dream content in teenagers. Dreaming 9(2/3): 163-


Barcaro, U., R. Calabrese, C. Cavallero, R. Diciotti, and C.Navona (2002). Significance of automatically detected

word recurrences in dream associations. Dreaming 12(2): 93-108

Barrett, D. (1991). Flying dreams and lucidity: An empirical study of their relationship. Dreaming 1(2): 129-134.

Barrett, D. (1992). Just how lucid are lucid dreams? Dreaming 2(4): 221-228.

Barrett, D. (1993). The "committee of sleep": A study of dream incubation for problem solving. Dreaming

3(2): 115-122.

Baumann, E., and C. E. Hill (2008). The attainment of insight in the insight stage of the Hill dream model:

The influence of client reactance and therapist interventions. Dreaming 18(2): 127-137.

Bears, M., R, Cartwright, and P. Mercer (2000). Masochistic dreams: A gender-related diathesis for depression

revisited. Dreaming 10(4): 211-220.

Beaulieu-Prévost, D., C. C. Simard, and A. Zadra (2009). Making sense of dream experiences: A multidimensional

approach to beliefs about dreams. Dreaming 19(3): 119-134.

Bernstein, D. M., and B. Roberts (1995). Assessing dreams through self-report questionnaires: Relations with past

research and personality. Dreaming 5(1): 13-28

Bilsborrow, G., J. Davidson, and J. Scott (2009). Exploratory factor analysis of Hartmann’s scale for central

imagery and its relationship to dreamer emotion. Dreaming 19(3): 187-205. Blagrove, M., and L. Akehurst (2000). Personality and dream recall frequency: Further negative findings.

Dreaming 10(3): 139-148.

Blagrove, M., and S. Fisher (2009). Trait–state interactions in the etiology of nightmares. Dreaming 19(2):


Blagrove, M., E. Bell, and A. Wilkinson (2010). Association of lucid dreaming frequency with Stroop task.

Dreaming 20(4): 280-287.

Blagrove, M., and A. Wilkinson (2010). Lucid dreaming frequency and change blindness performance.

Dreaming 20(2): 130-135.

Boerger, E. A. (2009). Associations among boundary structure, gender, and beliefs about control of dreams.

Dreaming 19(3): 172-186.

Bonato, R. A., A. R. Moffitt, R. F. Hoffmann, M. A. Cuddy, and F. L Wimmer (1991). Bizarreness in dreams and

nightmares. Dreaming 1(1): 53-62.

Bradley, L., M. Hollifield, and D. Foulkes (1992). Reflection during REM dreaming. Dreaming 2(3): 161-166.

Bryson, W. J., D. F. Mastin, K. L. Pilgreen, and T. L. Bryson (2008). Dream lab: An experiential pedagogic

approach to dream theories and characteristics. Dreaming 18(2): 122-126.

Bucci, W., M. L. Creelman, and. S. K Severino (1991). The effects of menstrual cycle hormones on dreams.

Dreaming 1(4): 263-276.

Bulkeley, K. (2002). Dream content and political ideology. Dreaming 12(2): 61-78.

Bulkeley, K. (2006a). Revision of the good fortune scale: A new tool for the study of "big dreams."

Dreaming 16(1): 11-21.

Bulkeley, K. (2006b). Sleep and dream patterns of political liberals and conservatives. Dreaming 16(3): 223-


Bulkeley, K. (2009). Mystical dreaming: Patterns in form, content, and meaning. Dreaming 19(1): 30-41.

Bulkeley, K., B. Broughton, A. Sanchez, and J. Stiller (2005). Earliest remembered dreams. Dreaming 15(3): 205-


Bulkeley, K., and G. W. Domhoff (2010). Detecting meaning in dream reports: An extension of a word search

approach. Dreaming 20(2): 77-95. Busink, R., and D. Kuiken (1996). Identifying types of impactful dreams: A replication. Dreaming 6(2): 97 –


Butler, S., and Pivik, R.T. (1991). Dreaming in reading disabled children: Formal features. Dreaming 1(3): 193-


Cariola, L. A. (2008). A structural and functional analysis of dream narratives. Dreaming 18(1): 16-26.

Cartwright, R. D. (1991). Dreams that work: The relation of dream incorporation to adaptation to stressful events.

Dreaming 1(1): 3-10.

Casagrande, M., C. Violani, and M. Bertini (1996). A psycholinguistic method for analyzing two modalities of

thought in dream reports. Dreaming 6(1): 43-56.

Cheyne, J. A. (2003). Sleep paralysis and the structure of waking-nightmare hallucinations. Dreaming 13(3):


Cogar, M. C., and C. E. Hill (1992). Examining the effects of brief individual dream interpretation.

Dreaming 2(4): 239-248.

Conduit, R., and G. Coleman (1998). Conditioned salivation and associated dreams from REM sleep.

Dreaming 8(4): 243 –262.

Côté, L., M. Lortie-Lussier, M. Roy, and J. De Konnick (1996). Continuity and change: The dreams of women

throughout adulthood. Dreaming 6(3): 187-200.

Cowen, D., and R. Levin (1995). The use of the Hartmann boundary questionnaire with an adolescent

population. Dreaming 5(2): 105-114.

Crugnola, C. R., A. Maggiolini, C. Caprin, C. De Martini, and F. Giudici (2008). Dream content of 10- to 11-year-

old preadolescent boys and girls. Dreaming 18(3): 201-216.

Cuddy, M. A., and K. Belicki (1992). Nightmare frequency and related sleep disturbance as indicators of a history

of sexual abuse. Dreaming 2(1): 15-22.

Cukrowicz, K. C., A. Otamendi, J. V. Pinto, R. A. Bernert, B. Krakow, and T. E. Joiner, Jr. (2006). The impact of

insomnia and sleep disturbances on depression and suicidality. Dreaming 16(1): 1-10.

Darling, M., R. Hoffmann, A. Moffitt, and S. Purcell (1993). The pattern of self-reflectiveness in dream reports.

Dreaming 3(1): 9-20.

David, D., and T. A. Mellman (1997). Dreams following Hurricane Andrew. Dreaming 7(3): 209 –214. Davidson, J., S. Archer, and G. Sanders (2005). Dream imagery and emotion. Dreaming 15(1): 33-47.

Davis, J. L., P. Byrd, J. L. Rhudy, and D. C. Wright (2007). Characteristics of chronic nightmares in a trauma-

exposed treatment-seeking sample. Dreaming 17(4): 187-198.

DeCicco, T. L. (2007a). Dreams of female university students: Content analysis and the relationship to

discovery via the Ullman method. Dreaming 17(2): 98-112.

DeCicco, T. L. (2007b). What is the story telling? Examining discovery with the storytelling method (TSM)

and testing with a control group. Dreaming 17(4): 227-238.

DeDonato, A., K. Belicki, and M. Cuddy (1996). Raters’ abilities to identify individuals reporting sexual abuse

from nightmare content. Dreaming 6(1): 33-42.

Delorme, M., M. Lortie-Lussier, and J. De Koninck (2002). Stress and coping in the waking and dreaming states

during an examination period. Dreaming 12(4): 171 –184.

Deslauriers, D., and J. Cordts (1995). Dreams and current concerns: A narrative co-constitutive approach.

Dreaming 5(4): 247-266.

Domhoff, G. W., N. Nishikawa, and L. Brubaker (2004). A research note on the male/female percentage in the

dreams of Japanese women: A failed attempt at replication. Dreaming 14(1): 50-53.

Domhoff, G. W., and A. Schneider (1999). Much ado about very little: The small effect sizes when home and

laboratory collected dreams are compared. Dreaming 9(2/3): 139-152.

Duesbury, E. (2001). Personalized method for interpreting dreams (PMID) — as applied to relationship issues.

Dreaming 11(4): 203-216.

Duke, T., and J. Davidson (2002). Ordinary and recurrent dream recall of active, past and non-recurrent dreamers

during and after academic stress. Dreaming 12(4): 185-198.

Dumont, M., C. M. J. Braun, and A. Guimond (2007). Dreaming and unilateral brain lesions: A multiple lesion case

analysis. Dreaming 17(1): 20-34.

Erlacher, D., and M. Schredl (2008). Cardiovascular responses to dreamed physical exercise during REM lucid

dreaming. Dreaming 18(2): 112-121

Falk, D. R., and C. E. Hill (1995). The effectiveness of dream interpretation groups for women undergoing a

divorce transition. Dreaming 5(1): 29-42. Fedyszyn, I. E., and R.l Conduit (2007). Tone induction of ocular activity and dream imagery from stage 2 sleep.

Dreaming 17(1): 35-47.

Foulkes, D., M. Hollifield, L. Bradley, R. Terry, and B. Sullivan (1991). Waking self-understanding, REM dream

self representation, and cognitive ability variables at ages 5-8. Dreaming 1(1): 41-52.

Fukuda, K., R. D. Ogilvie, L. Chilcott, A. Vendittelli, and T. Takeuchi (1998). The prevalence of sleep paralysis

among Canadian and Japanese college students. Dreaming 8(2): 59-66.

Funkhouser, A. T., O. Würmle, C. M. Cornu, and M. Bahro (2001). Boundary questionnaire results in the mentally

healthy elderly. Dreaming 11(2): 83-88.

Gackenbach, J. (2006). Video game play and lucid dreams: Implications for the development of consciousness.

Dreaming 16(2): 96-110.

Gackenbach, J. (2009). Electronic media and lucid-control dreams: Morning after reports. Dreaming 19(1):


Gackenbach, J., and B. Kuruvilla (2008). The relationship between video game play and threat simulation dreams.

Dreaming 18(4): 236-256.

Gackenbach, J., B. Kuruvilla, and R. Dopko (2009). Video game play and dream bizarreness. Dreaming 19(4):


Gauchat, A., A. Zadra, R. E. Tremblay, P. D. Zelazo, and J. R. Séguin (2009). Recurrent dreams and psychosocial

adjustment in preteenaged children. Dreaming 19(2): 75-84.

Germain, A., B. Krakow, B. Faucher, A. Zadra, T. Nielsen, M. Hollifield, T. D. Warner, and M. Koss (2004).

Increased mastery elements associated with imagery rehearsal treatment for nightmares in sexual assault survivors with PTSD. Dreaming 14(4): 195-206.

Giambra, L. M., R. E. Jung, and A. Grodsky (1996). Age changes in dream recall in adulthood. Dreaming 6(1):


Gilchrist, S., J. Davidson, J. Shakespeare-Finch (2007). Dream emotions, waking emotions, personality

characteristics and well-being: A positive psychology approach. Dreaming 17(3): 172-185.

Gilliland, J., and M. Stone (2007). Color and communication in the dreams of hearing and deaf persons.

Dreaming 17(1): 48-56. Godbout, R., C. Bergeron, E. Stip, and L. Mottron (1998). A laboratory study of sleep and dreaming in a case of

Asperger's syndrome. Dreaming 8(2): 75-88.

Gross, M., and P. Lavie (1994). Dreams in sleep apnea patients. Dreaming 4(3): 195-204.

Gruber, R. E., J. J. Steffen, and S. P. Vonderhaar (1995). Lucid dreaming, waking personality and

cognitive development. Dreaming 5(1): 1-12.

Halliday, G. (1992). Effect of encouragement on dream recall. Dreaming 2(1): 39-44.

Halliday, G. (2004). Dreamwork and nightmares with incarcerated juvenile felons. Dreaming 14(1): 30-42.

Hartmann, E. (2000). We do not dream of the 3 R’s: Implications for the nature of dreaming mentation.

Dreaming 10(2): 103-110.

Hartmann, E.(2008). The central image makes "big" dreams big: The central image as the emotional heart of the

dream. Dreaming 18(1): 44-57.

Hartmann, E., and R. Basile (2003). Dream imagery becomes more intense after 9/11/01. Dreaming 13(2):


Hartmann, E., R. Elkin, and M. Garg (1991). Personality and dreaming: The dreams of people with very thick or

very thin boundaries. Dreaming 1(4): 311-321.

Hartmann, E., R. Kunzendorf, R. Rosen, and N. G. Grace (2001). Contextualizing images in dreams and

daydreams. Dreaming 11(2): 97-114.

Hartmann, E., R. Rosen, and W. Rand (1998). Personality and dreaming: Boundary structure and dream content.

Dreaming 8(1): 31-40.

Hartmann, E., M. Zborowski, R. Rosen, and N. Grace (2001). Contextualizing images in dreams: More intense

after abuse and trauma. Dreaming 11(3): 115-126.

Hicks, R. A., J. Bautista, and G. J. Hicks (1999). Handedness and the vividness of dreams. Dreaming

9(4): 265-270.

Hicks, R. A., E. Fortin, and G. S. Brassington (2002). Arousability and dreaming. Dreaming 12(3): 135-140.

Hill, C. E., F. A. Kelley, T. L. Davis, R. E. Crook, L. E. Maldonado, M. A. Turkson, T. L. Wonnell, V. Suthakaran,

J. S. Zack, A. B. Rochlen, M. R. Kolchakian, and J. N. Codrington (2001). Predictors of outcome of

dream interpretation sessions: Volunteer client characteristics, dream characteristics, and type of

interpretation. Dreaming 11(2): 53-72. Hill, C. E., R. E Crook Lyon, S. A Hess, M. Goates-Jones, M. Roffman, J. Stahl, W. Sim, and M. Johnson (2006).

Prediction of session process and outcome in the Hill dream model: Contributions of client characteristics and the process of the three stages. Dreaming 16(3): 159-185.

Hill, C. E., E. Y. Nakayama, and T. L. Wonnell (1998). The effects of description, association, or combined

description/association in exploring dream images. Dreaming 8(1): 1-14.

Hill, C. E., P. Spangler, W. Sim, and E. Baumann (2007). Interpersonal content of dreams in relation to the process

and outcome of single sessions using the Hill dream model. Dreaming 17(1): 1- 19.

Hill, C. E., H. S.Tien, H. Sheu, W. Sim, Y. Ma, K.Choi, and T. Tashiro (2007). Predictors of outcome of dream

work for East Asian volunteer clients: Dream factors, attachment anxiety, Asian values, and therapist input.

Dreaming 17(4): 208-226.

Holzinger, B., S. LaBerge, and L. Levitan (2006). Psychophysiological correlates of lucid dreaming. Dreaming

16(2): 88-95.

Huermann, R., R. E. Crook Lyon, M. A. Heath, L. Fischer, and K. Potkar (2009). Dream work with children:

Perceptions and practices of school mental health professionals. Dreaming 19(2): 85-96.

Hurovitz, C. S., S. Dunn, G. W. Domhoff, and H. Fiss (1999). The dreams of blind men and women: A replication

and extension of previous findings. Dreaming 9(2/3): 183-194.

Kahan, T. L. (1994). Measuring dream self-reflectiveness: A comparison of two approaches. Dreaming 4(3): 177-


Kahan, T. L., and S. LaBerge (1996). Cognition and metacognition in dreaming and waking: Comparisons of first

and third-person ratings. Dreaming 6(4): 235-250.

Kahn, D., and A. J. Hobson (2002). Stereotypical gender-based emotions are not detectable in dream reports.

Dreaming 12(4): 209-222.

Kahn, D., and A. J. Hobson (2005). Theory of mind in dreaming: Awareness of feelings and thoughts of

others in dreams. Dreaming 15(1): 48-57

Kern, C., and S. Roll (2001). Object representations in dreams of Chicanos and Anglos. Dreaming 11(3): 149-166.

King, D. B., and T. L. DeCicco (2007). The relationships between dream content and physical health, mood, and

self-construal. Dreaming 17(3): 127-139. King, D. B., and T. L. DeCicco (2009). Dream relevance and the continuity hypothesis: Believe it or not?

Dreaming 19(4): 207-217.

Kirschner, N. T. (1999). Medication and dreams: Changes in dream content after drug treatment. Dreaming


Köthe, M., and R. Pietrowsky (2001). Behavioral effects of nightmares and their correlations to personality

patterns. Dreaming 11(1): 43-52.

Kolchakian, M. R., and C. E. Hill (2002). Dream interpretation with heterosexual dating couples. Dreaming

12(1): 1-16.

Kozmová, M., and R. N.Wolman (2006). Self-awareness in dreaming.. Dreaming 16(3): 196-214.

Krakow, B., D. Tandberg, M. Barey, and L. Scriggins (1995). Nightmares and sleep disturbance in sexually

assaulted women. Dreaming 5(3): 199-206.

Krippner, S., P. Devereux, and A. Fish (2003). The use of the Strauch scale to study dream reports from sacred sites

in England and Wales. Dreaming 13(2): 95-106.

Krippner, S., and L. Faith (2001). Exotic dreams: A cross-cultural study. Dreaming 11(2): 73-82.

Krippner, S., C. Jaeger, and L. Faith (2001). Identifying and utilizing spiritual content in dream reports. Dreaming

11(3): 127-148.

Krippner, S., and J. Weinhold (2001). Gender differences in the content analysis of 240 dream reports from

Brazilian participants in dream seminars. Dreaming 11(1): 35-42.

Kron, T., and A.Brosh (2003). Can dreams during pregnancy predict postpartum depression? Dreaming 13(2): 67-

82 .

Kuiken, D., M. Chudleigh, and D. Rachar (2010). Bilateral eye movements, attentional flexibility and

metaphor comprehension: The substrate of REM dreaming? Dreaming 20(4): 227-247.

Kuiken, D., S. Dunn, and T. LoVerso (2008). Expressive writing about dreams that follow trauma and loss.

Dreaming 18(2): 77-93.

Kuiken, D.; M. Lee, T. Eng, and T. Singh (2006). The influence of impactful dreams on self-perceptual depth and

spiritual transformation. Dreaming 16(4): 258-279.

Kuiken, D., and T. Nielsen (1996). Individual differences in orienting activity mediate feeling realization in

dreams, I: Evidence from retrospective reports of movement inhibition. Dreaming 6(3): 201-220. Kuiken, D., R. Busink, T. L. Dukewich, and E. T. Gendlin (1996). Individual differences in orienting activity

mediate feeling realization in dreams, II: Evidence from concurrent reports of movement inhibition.

Dreaming 6(4): 251-264.

Kuiken, D., and L. Smith (1991). Impactful dreams and metaphor generation. Dreaming 1(2):135-146.

Kunzendorf, R. G., E. Hartmann, R. Cohen, and J. Cutler (1997). Bizarreness of the dreams and daydreams

reported by individuals with thin and thick boundaries. Dreaming 7(4): 265-272.

LaBerge, S., and L. Levitan (1995). Validity established of DreamLight cues for eliciting lucid dreaming

. Dreaming 5(3): 159-168.

Lavie, P., and H. Kamine (1991). Dreams that poison sleep: Dreaming in Holocaust survivors. Dreaming 1(1): 11-


Leslie, K., and R. Ogilvie (1996). Vestibular dreams: The effect of rocking on dream mentation. Dreaming 6(1):


Levin, R., and G. Fireman (2002). Phenomenal qualities of nightmare experience in a prospective study of college

students. Dreaming 12(2): 109-120.

Levin, R., Gary F., and C. Rackley (2003). Personality and dream recall frequency: Still further negative findings.

Dreaming 13(3): 155-162.

Levin, R., J. Galin, and W. Zywiak (1991). Nightmares, boundaries, and creativity. Dreaming 1(1): 63-74.

Lewis, J. E. (2008). Dream reports of animal rights activists. Dreaming 18(3): 181-200.

Livingston, G., and R. Levin (1991). The effects of dream length on the relationship between primary process in

dreams and creativity. Dreaming 1(4): 301-310.

Lloyd, S. R., and R. D. Cartwright (1995). The collection of home and laboratory dreams by means of an

instrumental response technique. Dreaming 5(2): 63-74.

Lortie-Lussier, M., L. Côté, and J. Vachon (2000). The consistency and continuity hypotheses revisited through the

dreams of women at two periods of their lives. Dreaming 10(2): 67-76.

Lyon, R. E. Crook, and C. E. Hill (2004). Client reactions to working with dreams in psychotherapy.

Dreaming 14(4): 207-219. MacFarlane, J. G., and T. L.Wilson (2006). A relationship between nightmare content and somatic stimuli in a

sleep-disordered population: A preliminary study. Dreaming 16(1): 53-59.

Maggiolini, A., P. Azzone, K. Provantini, D. Viganò, and S. Freni (2003). The words of adolescents’ dreams: A

quantitative analysis. Dreaming 13(2): 107-118.

Maggiolini, A., C. Cagnin, F. Crippa, A. Persica, and P. Rizzi (2010). Content analysis of dreams and waking

narratives. Dreaming 20 (1): 60-76.

Maggiolini, A.; A. Persico, and F. Crippa (2007). Gravity content in dreams. Dreaming 17(2): 87-97.

Malcolm-Smith, S., and M. Solms (2004). Incidence of threat in dreams: A response to Revonsuo’s threat

simulation theory. Dreaming 14(4): 220-229.

Marquardt, C. J.G., R. A. Bonato, and R. F. Hoffmann (1996). An empirical investigation into the day-residue and

dream-lag effects. Dreaming 6(1): 57-65.

McNamara, P., J. Andresen, J. Arrowood, and G. Messer (2002). Counterfactual cognitive operations in dreams.

Dreaming 12(3): 121-134.

McNamara, P., J. Clark, and E. Hartmann (1998). Handedness and dream content. Dreaming 8(1):15-22.

McNamara, P., D. McLaren, and K. Durso (2007). Representation of the self in REM and NREM dreams.

Dreaming 17(2): 113-126.

Meyer, S., and C. Shore (2001). Children's understanding of dreams as mental states. Dreaming 11(4): 179-194.

Miró, E., and M. P. Martinez (2005). Affective and personality characteristics in function of nightmare prevalence,

nightmare distress, and interference due to nightmares. Dreaming 15(2): 89-105.

Montangero. J., P. Pasche, and P. Willequet (1996). Remembering and communicating the dream experience: What

does a complementary morning report add to the night report? Dreaming 6(2): 131-146.

Najam, N. and I. Malik (2003). Psychological problems and dream content of nightmare sufferers in

Pakistan. Dreaming 13(3): 135-144.

Najam, N.; A. Mansoor, R. H. Kanwal, and S. Naz (2004). Dream content: Reflections of the emotional and

psychological states of earthquake survivors. Dreaming 16(4): 237-245.

Nielsen, T. A. (1993). Changes in the kinesthetic content of dreams following somatosensory stimulation of

leg muscles during REM Sleep. Dreaming 3(2): 99-114. Nielsen, T. A., D. Deslauriers, and G. W. Baylor (1991). Emotions in dream and waking event reports.

Dreaming 1(4): 287-300.

Nielsen, T. A., P. Stenstrom, and R. Levin (2006). Nightmare frequency as a function of age, gender, and

September 11, 2001: Findings from an internet questionnaire. Dreaming 16(3): 145-158.

Nielsen, T. A., A. L. Zadra, V. Simard, S. Saucier, P. Stenstrom, C. Smith, and D. Kuiken (2003). The typical

dreams of Canadian university students. Dreaming 13(4): 211-236.

Oberst, U., C. Charles, and A. Chamarro (2005). Influence of gender and age in aggressive dream content of

Spanish children and adolescents. Dreaming 15(3): 170-177.

Okada, H., K. Matsuoka, and T. Hatakeyama (2005). Individual differences in the range of sensory

modalities experienced in dreams. Dreaming 15(2): 106-115.

Pagel, J. F., C. Kwiatkowski, and K. E. Broyles (1999). Dream use in film making. Dreaming 9(4): 247-256.

Pagel, J.F., and S. Shocknesse (2007). Dreaming and insomnia: Polysomnographic correlates of reported dream

recall frequency. Dreaming 17(3): 140-151.

Pagel, J.F., and B.H. Vann (1992). The effects of dreaming on awake behavior. Dreaming 2(4): 229-238.

Pagel, J.F., B.H. Vann, and C.A. Altomare (1995). Reported association of stress and dreaming: Community

background levels and changes with disaster (Hurricane Iniki). Dreaming 5(1): 43-50.

Parker, J. D., and S. J. Blackmore (2002). Comparing the content of sleep paralysis and dream reports.

Dreaming 12(1): 45-59.

Patrick, A., and A. Durndell (2004). Lucid dreaming and personality: A replication. Dreaming 14(4): 234-239.

Paulsson, T., and A. Parker (2006). The effects of a two-week reflection-intention training program on lucid dream

recall. Dreaming 16(1): 22-35.

Pietrowsky, R., and M. Köthe (2003). Personal boundaries and nightmare consequences in frequent

nightmare sufferers. Dreaming 13(4): 245-254.

Phillips R. E., III, and K. I. Pargament (2002). The sanctification of dreams: Prevalence and implications.

Dreaming 12(3): 141-154.

Picchioni, D., B. Goeltzenleucher, D. N. Green, M. J. Convento, R. Crittenden, M. Hallgren, and R. A. Hicks

(2002). Nightmares as a coping mechanism for stress. Dreaming 12(3): 155-169. Picchioni, D., and R. A. Hicks (2009). Differences in the relationship between nightmares and coping with stress

for Asians and Caucasians: A brief report. Dreaming 19(2): 108-112.

Piller, R. (2009). Cerebral specialization during lucid dreaming: A right hemisphere hypothesis. Dreaming

19(4): 273-286.

Punamäki, R. (1997). Determinants and mental health effects of dream recall among children living in

traumatic conditions. Dreaming 7(4): 235-264.

Punamäki, R. (1999). The relationship of dream content and changes in daytime mood in traumatized vs. non-

traumatized children. Dreaming 9(4): 213-234.

Punamäki, R., I. Ali, H. Kamaran, and J. Nuutinen (2004). Trauma, dreaming, and psychological distress among

Kurdish children. Dreaming 15(3): 178-194.

Rainville, R. E., and L. L.Rush (2009). A contemporary view of college-aged students' dreams. Dreaming 19(3):


Revonsuo, A., and C. Salmivalli (1995). A content analysis of bizarre elements in dreams. Dreaming 5(3): 169-


Rinfret, N., M. Lortie-Lussier and J. de Koninck (1991). The dreams of professional mothers and female students:

An exploration of social roles and age impact. Dreaming 1(3):179-191.

Ritchie, T. D., and J. J.Skowronski (2008). Perceived change in the affect associated with dreams: The fading affect

bias and its moderators. Dreaming 18(1): 27-43.

Roberts, J., C. J. Lennings, and R. Heard (2009). Nightmares, life stress, and anxiety: An examination of tension

reduction. Dreaming 19(1): 17-29.

Rochlen, A. B., and C. E.Hill (2005). Gender role conflict and the process and outcome of dream work with men.

Dreaming 15(4): 227-239.

Rochlen, A., R. Hoffmann, and R. Armitage (1998). EEG correlates of dream recall in depressed outpatients and

healthy controls. Dreaming 8(2): 109-124.

Roussy, F., M. Brunette, P. Mercier, I. Gonthier, J. Grenier, M. Sirois-Berliss, M. Lortie-Lussier and J. De Koninck

(2000). Daily events and dream content: Unsuccessful matching attempts. Dreaming 10(2): 77-84.

Roussy, F., C. Camirand, D. Foulkes, J. De Koninck, M. Loftis, and N. H. Kerr (1996). Does early-night REM

dream content reliably reflect presleep state of mind? Dreaming 6(2): 121-130. Saline, S. (1999). The most recent dreams of children ages 8-11. Dreaming 9(2/3): 173-182.

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