Gard 2 Lesson Plan
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Transitional Kindergarten Lesson Plan Theme: All About Art Letter: All Class: TK Week: June 19 – 23, 2017
Day of the Calendar Literacy Phonics Handwriting Math & Character Learning Week Circle Time Science Education Centers Monday Morning Message: RA1: Draw Me A Continue beginning Read the story Have the children Talk about the virtue Creativity Station: 8:00 am Begin The “The color reminds me Star by Eric Carle letter blends “Camille and the make a pattern with of honesty. make “perfect Day of _____?” Sunflower” to their weaving mats. squares”. Song: “I love Red” RA2: theme related introduce Vincent Community: Have the reading Van Gogh. Talk about Construction: Have children make a list of his different types of the children use items that are red. brush strokes. Have Playdoh to make the children paint a shapes. still life sunflower. Tuesday Morning Message: RA1: The Art Lesson Review site words Have the children Rainbow colors. Have PATHS: Year end Creativity station: 8:00 am Begin The “We love blue” by Tomie dePaola make a pattern on a the children make an review. Talk about all Easel painting. Day snake. Talk about the abstract rainbow. the feelings we have Song: “Blueberry Community: RA2: theme related different types of learned this year. Teach the rhyme “If reading lines used. Pancakes” you’re wearing something blue”. Talk about the blue items in the rhyme Wednesday Morning Message: RA1: The Art Box by Review short vowels Pointillism: use q-tips Learn about primary Review honesty. Read Creativity Station: 8:00 am Begin The “Yellow and blue Gail Gibbons and silent "Ee". to make a painting of colors. Have the “The Emperor’s New Have the children Day make green” a butterfly using the children make a Clothes”. create a picture with Calendar RA2: theme related Pointillism technique. powder paint spray art cotton rounds and Community: Talk reading picture. water paint. Song: “Green, about how you mix Green, Green” primary colors together to make other colors Thursday Morning Message: “I RA1: Mouse Paint by Color match center Cut pictures out of a Have the children PATHS: Have a Pretend and Learn: 8:00 am Begin The like yellow” Ellen Stoll Walsh magazine to make a practice patterning PATHS party to end Have the children Day collage. using pattern cores the year. dress up and pretend Song: “Three Community: Play “I RA2: theme related and manipulatives. to be artists. Spy” to look for reading Yellow Ducks” yellow items
Friday Morning Message: RA1: Harold and the Paper plate phonics Have the children Children will go Have the children Creativity Station: 8:00 am Begin The “Pumpkins are Purple Crayon by write the name of outside and use their review the 5 uses of Shaving cream Day orange” Crockett Johnson famous painters we environment as the napkin. painting Song: “We Love have learned about inspiration to draw a Community: Talk RA2: theme related this week. picture of the world. Orange” about where reading pumpkins grow