Default Hop Sequence for 4E/4G

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Default Hop Sequence for 4E/4G

七月, 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0561-00-004e IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

Title Default hopping sequence for 4e/4g

Date 12 July 2010 Submitted

Source Jonathan Simon Voice: 510-400-2936 Dust Networks Fax: 30695 Huntwood Ave E-mail: [email protected] Hayward, CA 94544 [email protected]

Wun-Cheol Jeong ETRI Re: [LB53 comments resolution.]

Abstract [Describes channel hopping sequence use in DSME and TSCH, and how a default hopping sequence can be used to satisfy their requirements in the face of PHY’s with up to 65536 channels]

Purpose [To propose an approach to be included in the next draft

Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.

Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

Submission Page 1 Jonathan Simon, 七月, 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0561-00-004e Resolves comments:

CID 5 (and duplicates) - The hoppingSequence should be an array with maximum length of at least 255 channels and the size of each element in the array should support a 2 byte channel number.

CID 10 (and duplicates) - Harmonize the range/definition of "Channel Hopping Sequence " in DSME with the range/definition of "Hopping Sequence" in TSCH.

CID 1048 - Define a default hopping sequence for DSME mode. The hopping sequence must be a pseudorandomly ordered list of frequency channels. Background:

In the LB53 draft, DSME supports arbitrary hopping sequences, which are ordered lists of channels. The current sequence for a device is defined by the macChannelHoppingSequence PIB (abbreviated as CHSeq in the draft) that is configured by a higher layer. Devices may request a hopping sequence or use a default. These sequences can be up to 255 entries long. A device determines which channel to use from the hopping sequence CHSeq on the ith GTS slot as

CH = CHSeq[ (i + channel offset + BSN) % sequence length] where BSN is the Beacon Sequence Number. A channel offset is added to allow multiple devices to communicate at the same time on different channels. A higher layer configures the offset.

TSCH also uses a hopping sequence as a basis for channels selection. In LB53, the logical channel is selected based on the absolute slot number (ASN), an offset, and the number of channels in use as:

CH = (ASN + channel offset) % Number of channels

Again the channel offset is used to allow multiple devices to communicate at the same time on different channels. The offset is a property of the link used, and a higher layer does link assignment. TSCH currently assumes there is a mapping between logical channel and physical channel for a hopping sequence. It maps physical to logical channel 1:1 for Hop Sequence ID = 0, but does not specify how this mapping is done in general. Hopping sequences are stored in a macHoppingSequence (Table 86.f) PIB consisting of an ID, a length (up to 255 channels), and an ordered list of channels. The TSCH advertisement allows entering devices to determine the hop sequence by carrying the hop sequence ID (and optionally the sequence itself if it fits) and the current hop in the sequence. TSCH supports channel whitelists (only using subset of the supported channels) through a bitmap of used channels in advertisements.

4g needs support for PHY’s with large numbers of channels (> 255) and pseudorandom channel hopping. Additional optional MAC modes to support SUN frequency hopping (when macSunFrequencyHopping is TRUE) are being proposed by 4g. The define a hop sequence macFH_HopSequence with ID macFH_HopSequenceID and length macFH_HopSequenceLength Proposal:

A general mechanism can be used to support both arbitrary channel lists and long pseudorandom channel lists. This will allow for channel hopping (one hop per frame) with optional MAC modes such as DSME, TSCH, and SUN using any supported PHY.

Submission Page 2 Jonathan Simon, 七月, 2010 IEEE P802.15-10-0561-00-004e

1. All hopping sequences are referred to by ID, with ID = 0 referring to the default sequence, which is common to all 4e optional modes. The hopping sequence used is stored in the MAC PIB macChannelHoppingSequence, a macCHDescriptor containing an ID macHoppingSequenceID, the number of elements in the sequence macHoppingSequenceLength, and an ordered list of channels macHoppingSequence. ID’s > 0 may be defined by the respective optional mode, either algorithmically or by predefined lists.

2. Hopping sequences are extended up to 511 entries, and each entry can support channel numbers from 0-511. ID = 0 is the pseudo-randomly sorted list of the channels in the PHY (i.e. it has phyMaxSUNChannelsSupported elements for SUN-PHY or the number of channels available in phyChannelsSupported for IEEE802.15.4-2006). Other sequences (ID > 0) may be longer or shorter and ordered as required. For devices to communicate, their PHYs must support the same number of channels.

3. The list of channels is sorted using a pseudo-random sequence defined by using a 9 bit LFSR with the polynomial x9 + x5 + 1 and a starting seed of 255 to generate an array of numbers sort[i]. There are currently two proposals for using sort[i] to generate the macHoppingSequence – this will be resolved this week.

4. DSME uses the macHoppingSequence exactly as before

CH = macHoppingSequence [(i + channel offset + BSN) % sequence length]

This cycles through the channels in pseudorandom order as BSN monotonically increases.

5. TSCH modifies the method of channel selection to

CH = macHoppingSequence [(ASN + channel offset) % sequence length]

This cycles through the channels in pseudorandom order as ASN monotonically increases. TSCH will carry additional whitelisting information in the advertisement to support whitelists for macHoppingSequence other than the default.

6. In general, any optional MAC mode can calculate the channel as

CH = macHoppingSequence [counter % sequence length]

where the counter is some appropriate counter for a pair of devices communicating using that mode.

Submission Page 3 Jonathan Simon,

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