A Vigil for Africa Live from Nairobi

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A Vigil for Africa Live from Nairobi

A Vigil for Africa – Live from Nairobi

May 31, 2013

Order of Service

The First Hour: The Service of Evening Prayer

The Service of Light and Evening Psalmody LSB #243-47 00:00

Collect of Evening Prayers 00:08

15 Seconds of Silence

Let the incense of our repentant prayer ascend before you, O Lord, who through Jesus Christ has begun a Kingdom for the salvation of all that dwell upon the earth. Hear us, answer our prayer. Send messengers into all nations in order to bring the light of your Word to those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death. Make the Church in every place a willing sender, ready to support and see through this work by both prayer and generous giving.

15 Seconds of Silence

We commend to you this night those pastors who labor in distant lands. Equip them with your Holy Spirit, so that they may bear bold and faithful witness to your Son’s death and resurrection. Give your Word to find open doors and receptive hearts in every place. Particularly we commend to you Pastor James May as he labors in Africa. Strengthen him by your mighty hand to fearlessly make known the Word of truth, as he ought to do, and to never be ashamed of your Gospel, since it is the power of God for salvation to all who believe.

15 Seconds of Silence

O Lord, befriend the younger church bodies throughout the world, who are the result of the missionary endeavors of the last century. Keep steadfast in your Word their congregations, pastors, teachers, and leaders. Make them to grow in the knowledge of the truth, in the fear of you and in love toward one another, that, being set apart in your holiness, they might glorify you all the more amongst their countrymen who remain enslaved to paganism and false teaching. Help them to stand founded in faith, even amidst persecution and hostility, never failing to remember in whom they have believed, and how you are powerful to make your salvation appear at every moment. We pray thus for all young church bodies on the continent of Africa, and especially those who are hungry for aid in learning the catechism and rightly distinguishing your Law and Gospel.

15 Seconds of Silence

Heavenly Father, hasten the day when you shall send your Son to roll up this age like a scroll, and gather from all the nations your single flock under his pure and undefiled rule as Shepherd of Israel. Make this Kingdom to come, and never let us forget that you have made us heirs and watchers who look for its appearing, for you live and reign as one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Silence as Needed

Office Hymn “Listen, God is Calling” LSB #833 00:13

The Psalms Selected Psalms 00:18 Spoken responsively whole verse by whole verse (4 minutes) Psalm 2 Psalm 46 Silence as Needed

2 The First Reading and Time of Silence Scripture Reading 00:22 (4 minutes) Romans 10:4-17

Silence as Needed

Hymn of Response “The Church’s One Foundation” LSB #644 00:26

The Second Reading and Time of Silence Scripture Reading 00:31 (4 minutes) Colossians 1:3-23 Silence as Needed The Canticle LSB #248-49 00:35

The Time of Silent Prayer List of Prayer Requests 00:40

See insert for prayer requests.

The Prayers LSB #250-251 00:45

Additional Collects 00:52

15 Seconds of Silence

Almighty God, who by your son Jesus Christ did give the apostolic mission to preach the Gospel and baptize all nations, grant to us, your Church, a ready will to receive this Word, and fill us with a heartfelt desire to see it accomplished. Look with compassion on the multitudes scattered as sheep without a shepherd. As Lord of the Harvest, hear our prayers and send laborers into the harvest field. Remember, support and bless all those whom you have already sent. Make them fit and prepared by means of your sound Words. Hold them in your Spirit so that they are equipped with both wisdom and charity. Build their conviction so that they endure every hardness and attack of the enemy. Prosper their work, their life and their doctrine, that they might always be instruments by which you reveal your glory through the salvation of all men; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 15 seconds of Silence

3 O Lord, without whom the builders labor in vanity and without whom the watchmen wait in vain, be present in all the endeavors of your Church, here in this congregation, in the congregations of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and in every place where your Word and Sacraments are trusted and cherished. Make us to understand and pursue your will. Let our good intentions be brought forth into truly good works. Grant us patience to press on with what is right, even when what is wrong would seem expedient. And, be in yourself, the sufficiency of all that we say or do, for you are the one God, who lives and reigns in three persons, now and forever. Amen. Silence as Needed Benedicamus and Benediction LSB #252 00:55

The Second Hour: Bible Study with Pastor James May

The congregation is then encouraged to gather for the hour of Bible Study led by Pastor James May of Lutherans in Africa. After the hour of Bible Study, the congregation is encouraged to gather in the Sanctuary for the Third Hour.

The Third Hour: The Service of Compline

The Opening Verses LSB #253 00:00

The First Psalm and Time of Silence 00:01 Selected Psalm (4 min) Psalm 145

Silence as Needed

Confession of Sin and Absolution LSB #254 00:05

Hymn of Response “O God, O Lord of Heaven” LSB #834 00:08

Extended Readings from Scripture and Times of Silence 00:13 3 Readings

4 Ephesians 1:3-2:10 45 Seconds of Silence

Romans 5:1-6:14

45 Seconds of Silence

Revelation 4:1-11, 5:1-14, 7:9-17

Silence as Needed Responsory LSB #255 00:28

Hymn of Response “Jesus Shall Reign” LSB #832 00:29

The Introduction to Prayer LSB #256 00:33

The Prayers and Times of Silence 00:34 10 Collects

Almighty God, merciful Father, we thank you that in Jesus you are making living stones out of our hardened hearts, and so building your holy Church as your temple in this world. By the preaching of the Gospel, keep this Church upon the one foundation which is laid, the cornerstone which is the atoning death of Jesus Christ your Son. Pour out your Holy Spirit so that all believers learn to use your gracious gifts of Word and Sacrament, so that we do not become those who have the name of being alive because of their works, but are rather dead for lack of faith. Make sleepers everywhere to be awakened, make the erring to be repentant, make the unbelieving to be converted, and make the fainthearted to be quickened by your gift of confidence. Cause your holy Gospel to conquer hearts and minds wherever it is believed, preached and confessed, so that there will be a unity of the Spirit in the mind of Christ, to whom be praise forever and ever. Amen.

30 Seconds of Silence

Lord Jesus, abide with us, for it is late evening and the day is now spent. You are God, and so your works are past knowing, and the goodness you lavish upon creation is beyond telling. Yet you have graciously given us your own Words with

5 which to tell all people of your grace and truth, of your love and mercy. You have sustained us through every trial and calamity. You have protected all people and creatures for your own glory. And now, you have given through your Church the very bread of life, which endures to eternity. All who believe in you are made wellsprings of life and foundation. The sweetness of your Word surpassed the taste of honey. The value of your truth is far beyond much fine gold. Therefore, we implore you, to let your Word be our light now and even until eternity, that all people might walk according to it, never stumbling nor falling from your grace. Amen. 15 Seconds of Silence

Lord Jesus, you are the deliverer and comforter. In this life, you continue to give good health and human joys to all people. We are not worthy of this mercy, yet you shower this love upon us also. As this night descends upon us, continue as our protector, that our weary limbs may rest in peace. Guard and embrace those we love in your sheltering arms. Wake us in the morning full of the desire to cast off the deeds of darkness and walk in your light. Make your Word which we have believed to spring forth from us as fruit of your holy seed. Protect us against the fiery darts of the evil one and teach us to know the meaning of the Scriptures, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Therefore, as we go forth from this vigil of worship, we ask you to protect us and all who pray with us from fires, floods and every misfortune. Then our mouths will be filled with your praises, and every day we will tell of your goodness, which you show to us in both body and soul. Amen.

15 Seconds of Silence

Lord Jesus, we have not heard your Word with the zeal which we ought. Forgive us. We have not prayed to you with the trust which you deserve. Have mercy upon us. We have not been committed to the mission of your Church with the stewardship which a perfect faith demands. Do not on this account withdraw your grace from us. Rather, cause us to be renewed. Do not let your Word return from us void. Give us a new love for you, and a new eagerness to dwell under your every Word. Teach us to avoid and flee from sins which harm both body and soul. Teach us to run with feet ready to see the Gospel preached purely in every place. Teach us to walk toward even our own graves with open eyes, fearless in the knowledge that on the last Day you shall raise us up to life that never ends. May

6 we risk and abandon all in this life for the sake of that future Kingdom. Until then, keep us safe in your holy wounds, O Jesus. Amen.

30 Seconds of Silence

Almighty God, you desire all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Therefore magnify the preaching of the Gospel in our world, so that through your Church the good news of salvation takes root and spreads. Protect, encourage, and bless all missionaries who proclaim the cross of Jesus, and especially bless, protect, strengthen and sustain Rev. James May, and all who serve and learn with him through the work of Lutherans in Africa. As Jesus is lifted up, so draw all men to yourself, for you live and reign as one God, Father , Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

15 Seconds of Silence

Grant, O Lord, that the ears which have heard the voice of your Word shall be closed to the voice of clamor and dispute; that the eyes which have seen your great love shall also behold the coming of your promised hope; that the tongues which have united in your praise shall confidently speak your truth; that the feet which have walked in your courts may stand righteously in their many vocations, and that the bodies which have been united to the living body of your Son Jesus Christ may be renewed in the new life of faith and trust in you. Glory be to you for your unspeakable gifts. Amen.

15 Seconds of Silence

O Christ, who art the light of day, Thou drivest night and gloom away; O Light of Light, whose Word doth show the light of heav'n to us below.

All-holy Lord, in humble prayer we ask tonight thy watchful care. O grant us calm repose in Thee, a quiet night, from perils free.

Our sleep be pure from sinful stain; let not the tempter vantage gain Or our unguarded flesh surprise and make us guilty in Thine eyes.

Asleep though wearied eyes may be, still keep the heart awake to Thee;

7 Let Thy right hand outstretched above guard those who serve the Lord they love.

O Lord, remember us who bear the burden of the flesh we wear; Thou who dost e'er our souls defend, be with us even to the end. (LSB #882 1-4, 6)

Silence as Needed

Hymn of Response “God of the Prophets” LSB #682 00:44

Time of Silent Prayer List of Prayer Requests 00:49

See insert for prayer requests.

The Lord’s Prayer LSB #257 00:54

The Nunc Dimittis and Benediction LSB #258 00:55

The Closing Hymn “Hark, The Voice of Jesus Crying LSB #826 00:56

The congregation is invited to depart in silent reflection.


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