Diet Coke and Mentos Project Lab

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Diet Coke and Mentos Project Lab

Diet Coke and Mentos Project Lab

Team Members (no more then 3):

______, ______, ______

Date Assigned: ______Date of Lab: ______

Date Lab Report Due (1 per team): ______

Diet Coke and Mentos is a classic example of how a chemical reaction can occur. The difference is that everything that you need to make this reaction go, you can find outside of the Chemistry classroom. During this lab, we will be investigating how to get the highest “Diet Coke fountain” possible. In your teams of no more then 3, you must decide a variable to test. This means that you can only change 1 thing about the classic reaction! Remember that the classic Diet Coke and Mentos lab experiment had 1 2L bottle and an unknown amount of Mentos. They were placed into the Diet Coke at the same time, and the reaction occurred. The variable can be any change to the reaction listed above. For example, you could change the delivery system, amount of Mentos, etc. The possibilities are endless!! You must have at least 1 control group (the classic example) and then your change group. You may work with your group outside of class to determine the best combination of each group that gets the highest fountain. The group that gets the highest fountain will get an extra 10 points added to their lab report.

Due dates: Monday April 25, 2011: All materials due to Ms. Layman (this ensures we have everything on lab day). Remember that Ms. Layman will not supply ANYTHING! So if you want to change the delivery system, you need to bring all needed materials to do so. Monday April 25, 2011: All background research (this can be typed or hand written) and MUST show that you have done research to support your hypothesis, which is describing what and why you are going to test something. If this is not turned in on time, the most you can score on this section is “At Standard” regardless the amount of information you provide.

Tuesday: April 26, 2011: Lab Day!!!

Monday May 2, 2011: Lab Report Due (I strongly suggest typing it). I will place a sample lab report on the wiki under Experiments in the Honors Chemistry Section. Rubric for lab report (Diet Coke and Mentos): Names: ______, ______, ______Hypothesis Testing: ______Task Below Standard At Standard Above Standard *This requires continual reference to outside and additional materials* Background One source listed. Not a 3 sources listed. Decent At least 5 sources listed. Chemical Research lot of information in amount of information equation given, talks in detail about regards to “how” or including chemical equation “how” and “why” it happens. This “why” it happens. but does not talk in detail should also include a reaction scheme about “how” or “why” it or equation. happens. Materials Lists the basic materials Lists the materials in some Lists all materials in detail including but no extra detail. pictures of setup information. Ex: 2L bottle of diet coke Ex: 2L bottle of diet coke at room Ex: soda temperature. Procedure Lists the steps that were Paraphrases the steps done but Describes steps done in detail. Adds done. does not go into great detail. illustrations and pictures of setup. No illustrations or pictures are provided. Results Brief statements of what Statements and differences Differences between the control happened are included. from the control group and group and the experimental group No research is used. No experimental group are are well discussed. Use of research pictures are included. included. No research is used to prove/disprove the hypothesis. to prove/disprove the Pictures from the experiment are hypothesis. Pictures from the included. experiment are included. Conclusion Hypothesis is stated. No Hypothesis is stated. Brief Hypothesis is stated. Detailed review review of whether or review of whether or not the of whether or not the hypothesis was not the hypothesis was hypothesis was proved or proved or disproved. Discussion on proved or disproved. disproved. Some discussion on what you have learned from this lab Very little discussion on what you have learned from (concept wise from class). what you have learned the lab (concept wise from from the lab (concept class). wise from class). Extension Either does not answer Answers the question “If you Answers the question in detail “If you the question or does not did the experiment again, what did the experiment again, what provide adequate would you do differently” and would you do differently” and cites at research to answer, “If cites at least 2 sources least 3 sources supporting your you did the experiment supporting your answer. answer. again, what would you do differently” Total Amount of Points Possible:

Total Amount of Points Earned:

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