Waddington Parish Council

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Waddington Parish Council

Parish Council 16 January 2012



Present: Councillors: Mrs Barnshaw, Firth, Garner, Gibson, Mrs Hopkins(Chairman), Ms Jones, Mrs Mason, Orford, Pridgen, Sharpe, Sievewright, Ms Thompson,

Clerk: Mrs Smith


1. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting) Apologies were received from Cllr’s Cooke, Gallagher and Hills.

2. Declarations of interest for any agenda item. None

3. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 12th December 2011. It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Ms Thompson that the minutes of 12th December 2011 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed. All agreed. Carried.

4. Matters arising from the last meeting. Only for discussion. None

5. To receive and discuss a letter received from EON regarding Street Light Opposite 10 St Michaels Close, Waddington. Proposing to replace concrete column at a cost of £760 plus VAT. It was proposed by Cllr Sharpe and seconded by Cllr Orford that the light be replaced. All agreed. Carried.

6. To receive and discuss a letter received from North Kesteven District Council regarding the support to the Cluster groups. The Council agreed that not one Clerk should be responsible for the admin for the group, it should be shared equally among the parishes. It was also suggested that it doesn’t necessarily have to be the Clerk it could be a Councillor. The Clerk will attend the Cluster Meeting on Thursday 19th January and give the views of the Parish Council.

7. To discuss Mr Wray’s field, corner of Station Road and Brant Road, and the lack of gate. Requested by Cllr Hills. Although Cllr Hills had sent his apologies the Clerk was aware of what he had wanting to discuss.

1 Parish Council 16 January 2012

Cllr Hills was concerned that Mr Wray was not securing his field and that the travellers would return again, he thought it would be a good idea for the residence peace of mind if the Council paid and fitted a gate on Mr Wray’s field. It was discussed that we should not be spending rate payer’s money to put a gate on private land, to do so would set a precedent and everyone would want us to put a gate on their land to stop travellers. Therefore, it was agreed that the Council would not be buying a gate for Mr Wray’s land.

8. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence. A letter has been received from North Kesteven District Council regarding the Parish Litter Picking Scheme, Waddington Parish Council has been awarded £2,631.20.

A letter has been received North Kesteven District Council regarding the Parish Dog Warden Scheme, Waddington Parish Council has been awarded £1,315.60.

An email has been received from Luke Taylor from North Kesteven District Council updating us on the Empty Homes Project.

A letter has been received North Kesteven District Council regarding the Dog Waste Bins, the charge for financial year 2011/2012 is £90.00 per bin. We pay for one bin for the year as the handymen empty all the bins on a weekly basis and place them at the Village Hall for collections, we have approximately 18 bins. Therefore, the handymen have made the Council a saving of around £1,500.

9. Finance. a) Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report. It was proposed by Cllr Ms Thompson and seconded by Cllr Pridgen that the finance report be accepted. All agreed. Carried.

b) Signing of cheques. To resolve to sign cheques listed by the RFO. And certify invoices. It was proposed by Cllr Ms Thompson and seconded by Cllr Pridgen that the cheques and invoices be signed. All agreed. Carried.

10. Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances. None.

11. ‘In Camera’ item. Resolution: There was no ‘In Camera’ items to be discussed.

12. Date of the next meeting. Monday 13th February 2012 in the Village Hall.

2 Parish Council 16 January 2012

Open Forum

There was no public present.

Police PC Hanson confirmed that during the period 12 Dec 2011 to 16 January 2012, there have been 2 crimes recorded, which were both theft of metal.

He also informed that today they had moved onto RAF Waddington, therefore they can only be contacted by their mobile numbers. Enquiries can still be made at the Bracebridge Heath Station for about another month as they are starting at the back of the building, then they will be located at the Parish Office and North Hykeham.

RAF Sqn Ldr Hayton informed that tomorrow Tuesday 17th January there will be a role demo, which will include some low flying tornados for approximately ½ hour in the afternoon.

County Councillor Councillor Mrs Talbot had sent her apologies.

District Councillors District Councillor Pennell had sent his apologies.

District Councillor Burley had sent his apologies.

District Councillor Crawley had sent her apologies.

District Councillor Gallagher had sent his apologies.

3 Parish Council 16 January 2012

Finance Report for December 2011

Current Account

Balance as at 30 November 2011

Add Customer Payments NKDC Interest Received Petty Cash Hire of Village Hall Hire of Redwood Drive Deposits

Less Expenditure NKDC Wages for December 11 PAYE for November 11 Pay for Mrs Romaine Childcare vouchers AMG Roofing EON Anglian Water Expenses Supplier Payments

Balance as at 31 December 2011

Deposit Account

Balance as at 30 November 2011 Interest received Balance as at 31 December 2011

4 Parish Council 16 January 2012


Accounts for Payment Description Amount

Post Office PAYE Dec 2011 Staples Netgear adapter, envelopes and tape Mrs Garfoot returned deposit ESPO Dog bin liners Konica Minolta quarterly photocopier rental EON quarterly street lighting electricity NKDC annual fee for emptying dog waste bins Signs of the Times Notice Board


Accounts Paid Since Last Meeting

Anglian Water Water bill for Redwood Drive Staples New Router / Modem, Shredder Mr Richardson Window Cleaning, VH, RDCC, Bus shelter Maureen Romaine Pay for Nov & Dec 2011 Titan Telecom Monthly Bill Edenred Childcare Vouchers ESPO salt spreader EON quarterly street light maintenance NKDC 1 year premises licence



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