Anatomy of Persian & Oriental

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Anatomy of Persian & Oriental dÌ¿z»ZÀ¼ÁdÌ¿¹Â¸ »Öf{Ä],§d§Z]ÁxËZe0 ½ZÌ¿YËYįdY¾ËYº¸»|« |ÁĬÀ»¹Y|¯Y§d§Z]į «YÁ{ |¿YÃ{¯Á/Y§d§Z]į|Àf/ÅÖ»Y«Y¾Ì·ÁYĸ¼mY YÌ]{ÁZf/{Ö§Z]§»Y{,Á»Y½ZÌ¿YËY{§Ä]vÀ»/v^e dYÄÀÌ»¾ËY{Ä]neÁÔeµZ Nasir al-Mulk Nasir al-Mulk is a famous historic mosque in the center of Shiraz, located near the Shah Cheragh shrine. It was constructed in the Qajar Dynasty in 1876 by Lord Mirza Hasan Ali Nasir al Mulk. The mosque is known for its extensive use in colored glass in its façade. The construction of the mosque uses other traditional structural elements as well such as “panj kasehi” (five concaves). These days, the mosque is more of a tourist attraction than a place for prayer. Like all mosques in Iran, you must remove your shoes before entering and the floor is lined with Persian rugs from wall to wall. We found out that underneath the rugs is actually a beautiful marble floor as well. ½YËY¥Z^f{§½Z³|ÀÀ¯{ZÁ½Z³|ÀÀ¯|Ì·ÂeÄË{ZveYÄ»Z¿¶§ ¿Yc¸y{ ¹ÔY¾Ì^»¾Ë{½YÁY§ÄmÂeÄ]¶^«Ä·Z¬»{ÁÄË¿Y¾ÌÌaÃZ¼{ ºË{¯ÃZYZÆ¿Z¿YÖËZÌ¿{¶ËZ»Ä] ½M«cZËMYÖy]ÄÀËY¾¼ dY]Y]ºË¯½M«{cyMÁZÌ¿{cZ¼¸¯Y°e{Y| eį|Äf¨³ Á ºË{ÁMµZj»|ÅZ½YÂÀÄ]dYÄf§³Y«|̯Pe{»cyMÄ]ÄmÂeZÀ¯{ZÌ¿{Ä]ÄmÂeZÆ¿M{įYºË¯ įd¨³ºÌÅYÂy\¸»Ä»Y{Y{®ÀËY Ã|Á|À¿Z» dYÃ{Y{½ZÅZÀ³ÁÖZ »YÕZÌ]]cyMºÅZÌ¿{ºÅÕÁyYÁÕÂÌ¿{[Y~Ã|ÁºË¯½M«{|¿ÁY|y |ÀÀ¯Ö»\ËzeY|mZ»Ä¯Ö¿Z¯Á{ÂÖ»|mZ»{¹{»ÂuY¿Z»Ä¯Ö¯]cyMÁZÌ¿{{[Y~ ì]ÃÂÄËM 3 4 3 3 Ê5§º7 Æ4 3·Á3 É1 7 yZ5 Ì3 7¿|·YÊG 5§º7 Æ4 3·¾Ì3 ¨5 5WZy3 ÓF 5SZÅÂ3 ¸4 y4 |7 3˽7 Oº7 Æ4 3·½Z3 ¯Z3 »3 ®3 X5 3·ÁOZÆ3 5]Y3 yÊ3 5§Ö 3 3 Á3 Ä4 ¼4 YZ7 ÆÌ3 5§3 ¯3 ~7 4˽7 O5×YF |3 mZ5 3 »3 3 À3 »3 ¾7 ¼F »5 º4 3¸7 O¾7 »3 Á3 ºÌ1 5 3 [Y1 ~3 3 Ç5 3 y5 ÍY7 |ËZ¼¿\ËzeY|mZ»Ze|À¯Ö»ÔeÁ.{ÂÖÆ·Yc{Z^ZÆ¿M{į|À¯Ö»À»|¿ÁY|y|mZ»YįdÁYYeZ°¼fÖ¯ÄqÖÀ Ë ¾ÌÀ»Â»Ä¯Ö¿Z¯ÕY]ZËÁºÌÖ]Y~cyM{dZÆ¿MÕY]ÁÖ³ZrÌ]ZÌ¿{{{Z]ZÆ¿M] ¥Âyd·Zu{´»|¿Â¶yY{|mZ»{|ËZ^¿ZÆ¿M dYÃ|Ã{Y{ÕÁyYÁÕÂÌ¿{[Y~Ã|Á|À¯Ö»Y ÄËMì]à3 4 Ç5 3 y5 ÍY7 ÁZ3 Ì3 7¿|·YÊG 5§º7 Æ4 4·Z¼3 7 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