Trinity Tidbits
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TRINITY TIDBITS January 13, 2017
Coach Fritsche will lead chapel next week. Grades 3-4 and Mrs. Saldivar’s Pk3 class will sing. Grades 7/8 will recite scripture. Hymn of the month for the school is “What a friend we have in Jesus”. ECC hymn of the month is “Happy All the Time”. Chapel offerings will go to Lutherans for Life.
No school on Monday, January 16th for K-8. ECC will be open.
Basketball- there is a game next week on Tues, Jan. 17 @ 5pm. Come out and support our crusaders.
Student Council- will met on Friday, Jan. 20th from 3:30-4:15. All officers are expected to attend in order to discuss the upcoming Valentine Dance.
Candle Sale- The PTL is sponsoring a John Mark Candle Sale from January 17th-31st. Order blanks are being sent home today. Candles will arrive the week of Feb. 6th, so they will make a great Valentine’s Day gift.
Mini Cheer- 2nd and 3rd grade girls interested in participating in a pep rally in February. Must attend one of two meetings after school next week. Tuesday, Jan 17th, or Wednesday Jan. 18th. Meetings will be in the gym @ 3:30.
PTL Meeting: is on Monday, 1/23 beginning at 5:30 with a meal. The meeting will start at 6pm. Parents are encouraged to visit the Art Projects displayed throughout the school.
Geography Bee will be held for grades 4-8 at 9am on Tuesday, January 24th in the school gym. Parents and guests are all invited and encouraged to attend.
REMEMBER: Teachers (School & ECC) will be participating in a professional development work shop on Jan. 26th – Jan. 27th. School will close at 12pm and ECC will close at 1pm on Thursday, 1/26 and both will be closed on Friday, 1/27.
Skate fund night- our skate fund night is Thursday Jan 26th from 6-9pm at Angelo Skate-n-Fun Center. Come out and enjoy a family friendly evening of fun. Our PTL gets $1.00 back for every child that attends.
The 100 th day of school will be celebrated on Friday, February 3rd. More information will be sent home soon.
Read to Succeed- information and reading record sheets were sent home with your K-6th grade student before Christmas break. Forms are due back by February 15th. Please call the school office with questions.
Spelling Bee - This year we will have both of our spelling bees on Thursday, February 16th (one for grades K-5 at 6:00 p.m. and one for grades 6-8 at 7 p.m.). Parents and guests are invited and encouraged to attend.
2016 Child Care Expense Form for income tax purposes for 2016 can be accessed and printed off your TADS account. Log into your Tads account and click the tab labeled BILLING, on the right side of the screen above your accounts. Click the blue hyperlink labeled HOUSEHOLD PAID TUITION FOR TAXES REPORT It will ask you for the year. Type 2016 and click the green submit button. Your form should then open up allowing you to print. For any questions or help you can call the school office, 325-947-1275.
Science Fair information is being sent home next week. Teachers will review the guidelines in class with their students, but If you have any questions, fell free to contact the school office or your child’s teacher. Note: the date for the PTL Meeting and Science Fair has been changed from February 27th to March 27th. Thanks!
Rodeo- It is Rodeo time again in San Angelo and many events are coming up. Rodeo parade is on Sat. Feb 4 at 10am. Trinity has entered a float we have a truck, trailer, and driver. We need people to decorate and float riders. Call the office if you can help or want your child to ride. Mutton Bustin- The Trinity Mutton Bustin representative this year, chosen by random drawing of those who expressed an interest, is Gretchen Volk. We will let you know at a later date when he/she will be competing. Mutton Bustin School Schedule- To give everyone a chance at this activity there will be an area set up near the carnival entrance for anyone 50lbs and under at $10/ride. On Friday, Feb. 17th, from 4pm-7pm students from Trinity can ride for $5. Field Trips- Our K-8 teachers are planning to take their classes on an educational tour through the stock show. Teachers will keep you informed through their weekly notes of dates and times.