Adams, Cheryl A. , Trauma to Transcendence. 10-1-85

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Adams, Cheryl A. , Trauma to Transcendence. 10-1-85


Adams, Cheryl A. , Trauma to Transcendence. 10-1-85 Social adjustment, disability, women's issues Allen, Sandra C., External Credit Document. 1-79 Health education instruction. Anderson, Helen L., A Decision, a Method, and a Procedure: A Learning Experience in Tribal Government. 1974 Native American Fishing rights. Annett, Bill., External Credit Document. 4-78 Alternative eduacation -vs- insitutional study. Ashcraft, Kenneth D., Management by Trust. 9-11-82 Management in data processing field. Asbury, Janet Ward., Exploring Communication. 1987 Public relations, journalism, creative writing. Atalig, Felipe., The Ten Things I Learned Serving in Congress. 1975 Congress of Micronesia. Baalbergen, Donna., External Credit Document. 4-81 Pottery (techniques, teaching, business). Bachmann, Jerry W., Episodes FFrom My Life. 1-1-81 Parks/recreation managemant, recreational resource planning. Barlin, Paul., How I Learned to Teach Modern Dance. 9-80 Dance history, arts administration, anthropology. Barnett, Sarah., Journal of am Activist: 1976-1980. 9-81 Business administration, anthropology, Spanish, community development. Barte, Patricia., Banking-Equine Science-Communications. 1987 Banking, volunteer activities. Bauer, Ingrid Fabbe., How to be an Effective Member of Your Community., 1-80 Community volunteer/action/implementation. Bell, Helen M., An Approach to Improving Self. Undated. Organinzing community groups. Bennett, Ruth E., The Discoveries Unlimited Project. 6-29-79 Women's studies. Bennett-Cummings, Pamela D., Transformation: A Potter's Study of the History, Science, Art and Application of Ceramics. 10-28-87. Ceramics, Pottery. Biscay, Susan., External Credit Document. 6-81 Organizing volunteer programs. Blackburn, Mary G., Managing a Small Dairy Farm . 6-10-77 Dairy farm management. Blakeley, Suzanne., The Planning and Development of a Day Care Community. 4-8-77 Day care development/planning. Bliss, Patricia., Managerial Processes. 10-4-79 State of Washington emmployment. Boardman, Liliane Marie-Therese., Process of Integration: The "Summer Time" of Life's Experience. 10-87 Child development/education, counseling, cross cultural learning. Blodget, Clifford L., Electronic Music Synthesizing Design. 2-17-87 Electronics. Boe, Kristine Ann., A Paraprofessional in Eduacation. 10-13-80 Counseling/psychology children with learning disabilities. Bogue, Carol J., Personnel Management: Managing Human Resources Within the Jurisdiction of the Washington State Personnel Board. 10-1-87 State of Washington personnel. Brenna, David., Counseling Troubled Youth. 6-10-80 Youth Counseling. Brigham, Charles A., Crisis Intervention. 4-14-76 Use of crisis intervention as a police officer. Brinkman, Betty M., Business Administration, Managemment Principles. 8-77 Management and emmployee relations. Bullpitt, Howard., External Credit Document. Undated Computer operations/programming. Burns, Dennis Gene., Teaching Art to Children. 5-83 Practical techniques of teaching elementery school art. Butcher, Darlene., Alcoholism's Deadly Web of Insanity and Denial. 4-10-87 Alcoholism, alcohol therapist/counselor. Byers, Susan Marie., Effective Communication. 4-27-87 Secretarial work for public schools. Campion, Lorna., Environmentalism--Making a Difference. 10-23-86 Environmental activism. Camelio, Jeanne M., Residential Services: Providing for the Developmentally Disabled. 10-87 Working with developmentally disabled people. Carlson, Lucille., Real and Personal Property Tax Assessment. 3-78 Working for Thurston County Assessor's Office. Chambers, Brandon., Document of Sculptural Apprenticeships. 1977 Carving/Sculpture methods, materials and design. Chamberlain, David., Teaching of Writing. 12-16-85 Teaching at an alternative school. Chelemedos, Nancy., On Children. 9-80 Early childcare. Christenson, Colleen., Community Organization and Development. 1974 Community volunteering. Christy, Irene., A Study on Puget Sound's Public Port Districts. 1-13-78 Women's rights, changing state's policy on discrimination. Chukwu, Jude Enyi., Organization of an Information Ministry. 1976 Broadcast, journalism, public realtions for an Information Ministry. Clark, Philip., External Credit Document. Undated Personal history related to psychology, american culture, and comparative marketing. Cleghorn, James R., Computer Programming and Information Systems: Design and Appllication. 8-77 Computr programming. Cloud, Donna Rae., Library Learning Experience. 6-80 Library volunteer, Northwest history documentation. Clynch, Helenmarie A., A Professional School Approach to Students of the 80's. 2-2-87 Recruitment, admission and retention activities for professional schools. Coates, Doris., Community Organization. 11-74 Community action, involvement. Coby, Leesa., Human Services Management. 4-10-87 Fundamentals of management and supervision. Cohen, Daniel., Documentary Photography. 1977 Photography. Cox, Douglas., Foster Parenting. 5-16-75 Foster parenting. Cronin, Sharon S., Program Structure and Development. 1976 Religious education. Dailey, Cynthia., External Credit Document. 4-9-82 Rape/incest relief. Danielson, Leta., Public Personnel Management: Assessmenet, Job Analysis, Communication and Affirmative Action. 10-28-87 Personnel management. Darby, Phillip Andrew., Entreperneurship: Owning and operation of a Shake Mill Business. 5-13-87 Business management. Davidson, Sharon., Work Experience Equivalent to Sixteen Quarter Hours Credit in Management. 1981 Fundamentals of managerial planning, organizational theory. Delahunt, Jacqueline Ferron., Native Americans and Community Service Organizations. 11-74 Community involvement, Native American studies. Demorest, Cheryl., Documentation of Experiential Learning in the Field of Family Planning Services. 1-19-87 Family Planning. De Pirro, Patricia J., Searching for Creative Directions. 10-28-87 Clothing design. Dietzman, Dave., External Credit Document. 1987 Forestry. Dilley, Robin., Becoming a Professional. 11-82 Teaching Counseling skills. Eastman, Carmen Marie., External Credit Document. 1980 Directing city sports. Eich, Linda., Work Experience in Community Planning. 1-82 Community planning. Engle, Ralph G., Trooper to Captain-- 24 Years of Public Service in the Washington State Patrol. 3-76 State Trooper experience. Ericksen, Charles D., Voyager Wilderness Programme. 4-25-79 Making multi-media wilderness slide shows. Erickson, Timothy., Personnel Management and Employee Selection Procedures. 6-83 Management for State Patrol. Esler, Tika A., Duties of a Financial Aid Administrator. 7-75 Managing a financial aid program. Ethenridge, Jack., State Park Management. 6-7-77 Park management/ outdoor education. Fairbanks, Joyce., Professional Development as a Woman. 4-84 Equal opportunity and the law. Feldman, Jo., Offset Printing Experience. 1977 Printing experience. Ferguson, Betty., What I Learned About How to Teach Classes in Fiber, Quilting, and Related Crafts, and How I Learned It. 2-79 Teaching fiber, quilting, and related crafts. Ferguson, Maureen C., Hotel Sales and Management. 5-86 Hotel sales management/ Personnel management. Fernandez, James R., Humanistic Management. 4-30-87 Management. Finley, Jerry L., Land and It's Following Activity. 3-89 Land Segregation Department of Lewis County Assessor's Office. Fitzgerald, Jean., Commponents of an Affirmative Action Program. 2-16-87 Writing affirmative action plan for Green River Community College. Forth, Joan K., Meeting Asministative Needs, WFRC-- A Biological Research Institute. 9-27-82 Management, Organization. Foster, Patricia B., The Functioning of the Washington State Legislature. 5-75 Legislative process, state govertnment, research methodology. Frankfourth, Jo., External Credit Document. 3-9-79 Transformation of experience into teaching skills. Frey, Jean., Planning, Beginning, and Managing of a Child Care Facility. 1977 Child care management. Fuller, Norma Dean., Educational Program Development and Practicum. 6-82 Education of dyslexic adolescents. Gabriel, Lynne K., External Credit Document. 1976 Legislative Process. Gaer, Susan C., Law and Reason. 10-28-87 Family law, criminal law, constitutional law. Galbreath, Marti., Management With a Marketing Emphasis. 12-86 Marketing. Galloway, Shirley A., Public Ecucation. 1-80 Administration of Public Schools and negotiation/arbitration. Garlichs, Anne Elizabeth., Teaching Children. 10-74 Teaching children. Garrett, Lydia F., Translator Training Through Work Experience. 1-13-77 Translator training. Garrett, Ruth E., External Credit Document. 4-7-78 Producing a monthly publication. Gerhardt, Thomas A., Exploring Culture and Community Development. 4-10-87 Cross culture studies, human resource development, community development. Gerrald, Kathleen D., One Person's Journey into Democratic Party Politics. 4-78 Involvement with political events in 1972. Greif, Frank V., External Credit Document. 5-14-75 Radio/T.V. announcing, production, reporting. Gorcester, June., External Credit Document. 10-83 Small business management. Guerin, Tracy., Public Sector: Human Resource Development and Statistical Analysis. 10-28-87 Management in the Public Interest. Gulbranson, Marlene., Climbing the Staircase of Learning: Step by Step. 10-6-86 Fiber craf: marketing, advertising and teaching. Guykema, Judith Johnson., Widening Circles. 4-79 Community involvement in land use planning. Hall, Sheryl Ann., Fundamentals of Effective Microcomputer Training. 10-26-87 Teaching microcomputer classes. Halliday, Meredith., Work Experience in Communication. 4-77 State agency coordinating council for occupational education. Hamilton, Steve., A Description and Interpretation of an Experiential Education Program. 8-80 Outdoof educational instruction for alienated junior high students. Hamling, Veronica., External Credit Document. 10-85 Psychology, philosophy, religion. Hansen, Joseph C., Computer Progranning: Art and Science. 5-16-75 Data processing, computer science. Hardin, Gene Wiley., Bone to Karukulam: That's a Trip. 11-82 History, geography, and culture of India. Hart, Carol., Teacher Training. 1975 Adult education theory and practice, teacher training, reading and writing. Helsper, Donald., Rurral Living: Experiening Differences. Purchasing: The Perception, the Theory, and the Reality. 1985 Effects of living areas on purchasing. Hermanson, Berverly A., External Credit Document. 1979 Personnel management, office administration, writing and public relations. Herness, Tarrie J., External Credit Document. 10-80 Educational administration and finance, curriculum development. Hershberger, Carolyn., External Credit Document. 4-85 Data processing instruction. Hertlein, Margo Stewart., External Credit Document. 10-80 Art education, management, display and history, and personnel/financial management. Higgins, Judith M., External Credit Document. 5-74 Counseling/mental health field. Hill, Eleanor C., Compliance Investigation. 2-17-87 Civil Rights, equal opportunity. Hill, Walter III., External Credit Document. 1976 Internship in agricultural administration. Hodes, Stephen., Lessons of Worker-Managed Enterprises in the 1970's. 10-84 Management, community development, organizational theory and behavior. Hoffman-Biskar, Ethel., Green Plants for Gray Days. 3-77 Plant physiology, technical writing, market research, graphic design, publishing. Hogan, P.L. "Rick.," Salesmanship and Sales Forse Management. 1987 Sales and management. Holz, Diana J., Montessori School Management. 4-84 Managing a child care center. Horrocks, Leland., External Credit Document. 1-81 Leadership and teaching, management, freight transportation. Howard, David D.H., External Credit Document. 1-13-82 Political processes, natural resource management, public relations/policy development, environmental protection advocacy. Howard, Kathleen P., Dynamics of Institutional Abuse: A Personal Perspective and Theory. 1-86 Mental health care. Hunter, Rhonda., Avian Husbandry: An Avenue to Ornithology. 5-82 Ornithology. Iwama, Shirley Jae., New Smiles on Stories of Past Rides Through the Dark. 11-18-85 Psychological burnout and writing. Jackson, Dorothy M., Eight Years of Telephone Time. 11-77 Communication skills, public relations, employee/office management and training. Jekel, Peter., External Credit Document. 3-26-79 Comparative anatomy, medicine. Jirovec, Joanne., Foster Parenting. 5-15-75 Foster Parenting. Johnson, Eugene., External Credit Document. 12-77 Management, community advocacy, careeer counseling, stock market processes. Johnson, Maria-Elayne., Pathways from the Tunnels. 10-2-85 Social Welfare Practices, disability adaption, social work advocacy. Jordan-Parker, Jessie., Evolution. 4-85 Sociology, psychology, management. Joseph, Jacquelyn., Yes, I Can Succeed: A Youth Oriented Success Program. 2-10-87 Youth counseling. Kangas, Jill., Career Development- Registrar to Director. 1-82 Museum administration, program development, cataloging, storage, conservation. Karras, Maureen., Business Management. 4-28-76 Business management. Kelly, Beth Ann., The Making of a Parent Advocate. 1982 Child development, developmentally disabled rights. Kennedy, Ed., External Credit Document. 1-10-77 Altering behavior patterns, life adjustment, autobiographical writing. Kennedy, Mary Lou., A Data Processing Experience. 1-11-78 Data processing, management, personnel management. Kent, Sandra., External Credit Document. 9-78 Spanish language, English as a second language, Mexican- American history/Contemporary cultures. Ketchum, Edward., External Credit Document. 1975 Sociology. Kerber, Susan Marie Culbertson., External Credit Document. 10-13- 80 Public schhool administration, curriculum development. Kiley, Mary Joyce., From a Marriage Encounter Experience to the Formation of an Adult Education Association. 4-13-84 Communications, sociology, psychology, education. King, Edward A., A Creative Event. 6-76 Pottery practices, techniques. Kirscher, Tom., External Credit Document. 4-84 Environmental design, energy systems, business. Knott, Julie Anne., Education, Public Involvement and Issues Related to the Puget Sound. 10-28-87 Environmental Studies, fisheries/habitat, education, Pacific Northwest issues, journalism. Kort, Suzanne., Tales of Chrysalis. 4-27-87 Cross cultural understanding, Native perspectives on community, education, healing and faith. Lauckhart, Josephine E., Teaching Music: A Piano Teacher's View. 1985 Piano Teaching. Langille, Jeanne L., Graphic Layout and Design. 1977 Graphic layout, graphic design. Leader, Lawrence H., Air Traffic Control. 1976 Air traffic control. Lee, Patrick M., Water Quality Investigations: A Learning Experience, 1971-1975. 4-8-77 Water quality, environmentalism. Leffel, Kay J., A Legal Administrator. 1-18-85 Financial Management, marketing, personnel management. Leland, Susan., Core Concepts of Automation. 10-28-87 Administrative management, computer organization, information systems. Lidberg, Rennie., Being a Foste Parent. undated Foster parenting. Lindauer, Ethel., The Expansion and Contraction of the Family. 5-82 Sociology, women's studies, family. Lodefink, Pamela D., The Legislative Process in State Government. 5-15-75 Legislative processes. Lombard, Linda M., Women's Studies. 1-77 Women's studies. Longacre, Jene., External Credit Document. 4-79 Career development, teaching practicum, sociology of welfare, counseling practicum. Louden, Carrene M., External Credit Document. 7-80 Labor relations and group organization. Magee, Helen., Development of a Human Service Program. 4-82 Policy/human service program development, social work principles. Magram, Ronald W., External Credit Document. 5-15-75 Mental Health Services. Mahan, Betty., External Credit Document. 5-74 Learning disabilities, education. Manthey, Merrily R., How to Promote Your Cause. 1-76 Journalism, communications. Mantle, Cheryl., External Credit Document. 5-82 Coordinating volunteer services. Marsh, Rose Marie., External Credit Document. 12-75 Child development, education, teaching. Mason, Sandra Lynn., The Indian Culture. 1-20-87 Indian Art, storytelling, history, culture. Mauerman, Mary D., External Credit Document. 1977 Citizen involvement, political science, legislative processes, government organization. Mayer, Daniel., Human Being Human Becoming Human Doing Human Being. 10-77 Primate behavior education. McCanna, Mary Lee., X-Ray Training. 12-77 X-Ray theory, medicine illustration, human physiology, darkroom techniques. McCreary, Val E., Management and Move. 4-10-87 National Guard, management. McCullen, Doug., Management Information Systems and Historic Interpretation at Fort Vancouver. 4-7-87 History of Fort Vancouver. McDaniel, Margaret., Pottery as a Business. 8-80 Pottery. McGarry, Robert., External Credit Document. 6-79 Business management. McGrath, Michael E., A Question of Balance. 4-85 Soils and land use, construction engineering, construction management. McHugh, Prudence., Beginning Experiences in Community Services. 11-77 Community planning/needs assessment, financial management, program management, community organization. McKenzie, Judith C., Case Management and Program Development. 1984 Social work, community outreach, counseling. MacNeil, Denise M., External Credit Document. 1982 Vision improvement techniques, education, small business management. McPhail, Marlene., The Development of a Day Care Center. 10-6-75 Pre-School education and child psychology. Meighan, Kathleen., External Credit Document. 1975 Photography, advertising, photojournalism. Mendez, Jim., External Credit Document. 4-6-79 Sociology of migrant Chicano labor, job placement, labor relations, community relations. Merriwether, Ramona., Working With the Cerebral Palsied Child. 4-7-78 Human development, developmental disabilities. Miller, Lura M., Seven Years of Learning and Growing With the Kitsap County Crisis Clinic. 6-76 Counseling, psychology. Miller, Mary Kathleen., From Fiddler to Violinist. 12-75 Orchestra, reading music, repetoire/performance, private instruction, violin. Minks, Kathleen., External Credit Document. 10-1-83 Corrections counseling, sociology, psychology. Mize, Dixie., Social Interaction in the Classroom. 4-9-82 Classroom management, child psychology. Mohoric, Marjorie L., Human Resource Development. 4-87 Women's issues, communication, management. Monroe, Dale A., An Oroweat Baking Company Distributor. 4-10-84 Business, accounting, marketing, finance. Moore, David., Retail Grocery Management. 1980 Sales/marketing, business management/accounting, perosnnel management. Moore, James F., Humanistic Experimental Psychology. 5-16-75 Psychology. Moore, Marda., Teaching, Playing, and Speaking. 11-86 Working with youth, recreation leadership, public speaking. Morehead, Bernice., External Credit Document. 1974 Homaker/caseworker services. Morey, Henrietta., External Credit Document. 10-80 Business administration, data processing. Morgan, Dorothea., Cosmic Education. 4-80 Early childhood education, history of ecucational theory, methods of interdisciplinary education, teaching practicum. Morgan, Kay E., External Credit Document. 7-77 Learning disabilities, tutoring, principles of teaching, psychology. Morgan, Peggy., Hypnotherapy: Holistic Communication. 4-12-85 Psychology, counseling, Neuro linguistic programming. Morris, William L., External Credit Document. 1977 Physics, anatomy, physiology, psychology. Neal, Colleen., The Base of Ethnic Studies/Finding Oneself. 4-4-77 Ethnic studies. Nelson, Debra., Television News. 4-12-85 Television broadcasting, news writing, media ethics, media critique, editing procedures. Newton, Elsie., Thirty-six Years of Learning Experience Obtained Outside a College Setting. 6-30-78 Medicine (surgery, pharmacy, mental illness). Neimeth, Pamela., Experiences Working with Autistic Children. 7-3-81 Psychology. Neilsen, Jennifer L., Una Edemque Res. 2-86 Environmental studies. Nnadi, Omenka (formerly Allen, Frances Ann)., How to Run a Radio Station. 7-75 Business communications, office organization, broadcasting. O'Connell, Bridget A., Three Phases of Growth. undated Private day care operations, coopertive preschool organization, family relations. O'Donahue, Joni J., External Credit Document. 1983 Journalism. O'Roke, Michele Ann., External Credit Document. 12-75 Labor relations in the public sector. Ockert, James L., External Credit Document. 1975 Retail management. Onadera, Paula Tamaki., External Credit Document. 2-75 Computer programming. Ossana-Smith, Roberta., Perspectives on Poverty During the Renaissance in America, 1965-1975. 4-7-78 Community action programs. Otto, Gerald C., External Credit Document. 12-21-77 Forest Technology. Palmer, Dorothy Mae., External Credit Document. 1981 Animal training/husbandry, farm management. Pastor, Robin., External Credit Document. 4-14-76 Counseling, psychology, mental health. Patnude, Constance., External Credit Document. 1975 Teaching (reading methods, theories in child development, early childhood development), psychology. Patrick, Robert., External Credit Document. 10-79 Urban planning. Pavelchek, David., External Credit Document. 4-80 Forestry management, systems analysis, public advocacy, research methodology. Pavelko, Raymond J., External Credit Document. 1975 Child/adolescent development, psychology, social behavior. Peck, Christine., Craft, Design, and Art in Handweaving. 1-86 Handweaving technology, dyes, colour theory and teaching. Peck, Walter., Wildlife and Oil Wells: Can Washington State Have Both?. 1-85 Geophysical exploration, wildlife management, environmental impact statements, oil/gas development. Pennington, Rosanne., External Credit Document. 1975 Cultural anthropology, curriculum planning, pre-school teaching. Petrick, Jessie M., External Credit Document. 1975 Advanced and governmental accounting. Phelps, Jean., External Credit Document. 1982 Mental health counseling/services. Philips, Cheryl Dianne., External Credit Document. 6-77 Manpower program administration, governmental budgeting/accounting. Pietraniec, Bridget F., External Credit Document. 9-30-82 Adolescence and Schooling in American Society. Price, Eleonore B., Legislative Research-- A Vital Tool for Examining Effects of Public Administration. 4-14-76 Political science, legislative research, investigative research. Price, Roger., What I Learned as a Patient Aide. 2-75 Nursing, rehabilitation of the handicapped, developmental learning. Prescott, Anne A., External Credit Document. 3-77 Mental health work, feminist activities. Purdy, Anita., Survival: Twenty-five Years in Business. 10-1-86 Entreupreneurship, administration, personnel management, economics, legislative lobbying. Quintane, Louie., Keep on Truckin'. 6-78 Trucking industry. Ramsey, Judy., Small Town Newspapering. 4-9-80 Small business operation, newspaper production, journalism practicum. Raphael, Marie L., Experiential Learning and Growth in Speech Communication. 11-11-85 Speech communication. Rardin, Ronald F., External Credit Document. 9-78 Management. Rasor, Leslie., External Credit Document. 1975 Counseling/education for adults. Ray, Doris A., Small Business Management. 12-1-86 Business management. Reed, Ruth G., Teacups and Doiles: Happiness is a Wide Margin. 1980 Theatre management. Reeves, Sandra M., At the Top of My Voice. 1980 Psychology (adolescent). Reinhart, Paul., Design Strategy and Systems. 6-75 Systems design. Richards, Dennis., The People Assistance Team Project Police/Social Work- Vancouver, Washington Police Department. 4-86 Grant writing, personnel selection, program implementation, program evaluation. Richardson, Janet A. (Long)., The Education of a Planner- 1968- 1981. 9-81 Planning in public sector, technical and report writing, public administration. Richardson, Kathy., External Credit Document. 1-82 Data base management, markenting research, personnel training and supervision. Ritchie, Marian., External Credit Document. 1982 Political science, legislative process, budgeting, personnel training. Roder, Barbara Fay., External Credit Document. 4-10-81 Program planning and implementation, public relations, personnel management. Roney, Martha., Learning through Evolution. 10-28-87 Sociology, psychology, history. Rose, Pearl H., External Credit Document. 1-6-76 Developmental psychology, psychiatric nuring, social psychology. Rosene, Maria., External Credit Document. 3-78 Mexican-American studies: culture, translation, social work.. Ross, Doug., Principles of Supervision in Public Transportation. 1977 Public transportation supervision. Rowan, Suzanne Blessinger., A Treatise on Business: The Zen of Understanding. 1977 Business management, advertising, organization, development, small business enterprise. Ruffin, Deborah Elaine., Remedial Instruction. 10-28-87 Teaching remedial reading/math, remedial students, teaching methods and style. Russo, Marie E., External Credit Document. 4-13-76 Business administration/management, interior design, psychhology. Ryan, Andy., External Credit Document. 5-75 Newspaper internship. Ryder, Shirley., Non Profit Public Relations: Planning and Management. 10-85 Public relations. Sachirarwe, Nyasha B., External Credit Document. 1976 Elementary education, administration. Sather, Joan., External Credit Document. 5-16-75 Paraprofessionalizing in an Armed Forces Library System. Schneider, Jan L., Growing With Groups. 1981 Group dynamics, leadership, family counseling, psychology. Schock, Patricia A., Woven Garment Design. 4-15-86 Weaving, dyeing, garment design. Schwartz, Christine M., The Hebrew Language. 9-15-86 Hebrew language, teaching techniques. Schwary, Sandra Loy., Marketing Art: Fine Arts and Antique Gallery Operation and Management. 4-12-85 Small Business management, gallery administration. Schoos, Susan., Personnel Management. 1977 Personnel management. Seagroves, Sandy., No Risk...No Return: A Pathway to Success. 10-86 Business management. Sears, Delle., Development, Management, and Marketing of the Northwest Crafts Emporium. 7-2-81 Arts management, non-profit marketing, financial management and analysis for the arts. Seeley, Robert H., Dealing with Employees as Individuals. 2-14-75 Management, applied psychology. Serdy, Arlene., Norhthwest Indian History Research: A Personal Project: 1969-1974. 1979 Northwest Native American history. Shaw, William G., Marketing- The Learning Process. 1-77 Advertising and public relations, market research, sales techniques, development of tourist industry. Shurtliffe, Linda., External Credit Document. 8-78 Communications in management, personnel management. Simmons, Carrol A., External Credit Document. 4-14-76 Legislative investigative research, legal research, public administration. Smith, Daphne., External Credit Document. 5-16-75 Environmental Education, field biology, cultural anthropology. Smith, Jeanne., External Credit Document. 4-84 Journalism, writing and broadcasting, management, education. Smith, Joan L., The Challenge of First-Line Supervision. 10-28-87 Communication, supervision/management, human relations. Smith, Robert W., A Paraprofessional View of Residential Treatment Approaches for Delinquent Adolescent Males. 1976 Counseling delinquent adolescent males. Smith, Roberta O., External Credit Document. 4-7-78 Community action. Snell, James M., My Learning Experience in the Jevenile Rehabilitation System. 1977 Counseling. Snow, Blaine A., Nature, Culture, and Mind. 10-28-87 Far Eastern studies, general science/philosophy, education, phychology. Spain, Kenneth., Building Construction. 10-28-87 Structural design, cost estimating, site planning, management, sales/advertising. Speer, Richard., External Credit Document. 1-12-75 Computer graphics, film production, contemporary cinema. Springer, Elizabeth., How I Learned to Operate a Small Business. 1978 Small business management, finances. Staggs, Sue Ellen., A Woman in a Non-Traditional Trade. 10-87 Woodworking, construction, business management. Stanley, Tricia., External Credit Document. 10-5-77 Social welfare training, human behavior studies, social agencies work. Steelquist, Robert U., Human Values and the Science Writer. 4-12- 85 Natural science. Sterley, Terry Anne., From Sears Telephone Sales to Merrill Lynch Word Processing: Ten Years of Education. 4-84 Marketing, library science, business. Stetson, Nancy., One Step Behind. 10-3-75 Poetry, fiction writing. Stewart, Damon H., Small Gasoline Engine Service and Repair. 11-79 Vocatinal training instruction. Stokey, Angel., Organizing and Operationg Two Small Businesses. 6-83 Business forecasting, law, behavioral science, finance, personnel, marketing, advertising/retailing. Stricker, Helen M. (Bell)., External Credit Document. 9-78 Alcoholism and program development. Terry, Janet., External Credit Document. 5-80 Northwest Native American history, Northwest Indian treaties/land rights. Thayer, Roxanne., Health- Education and K-12 Governance. 10-28-87 Women's health, para-professional counseling, alternative education, public school governance. Thurston, Carol J., My Personal Experience of Religious Education and Administration. 1977 Administration, religious education, management and budget. Tissot, Jan., An Analysis of Criminal Behavior: A Personal Evolutionary Perspective. 5-77 Counseling, public speaking, corrections/criminal law. Tolle, M. Maxine., The Evolution of a Community Organizer. 10-77 Community education activities on behalf of people with mental retardation. Toth, Marilyn., Elements of a Civil Service Program in Higher Education. 6-79 Organizational theory and practice, public management, public administration. Traywick, Kathleen., External Credit Document. 4-1-83 Residential treatment settings: organizational administration, personnel management, health care policy. Tu, Alexandra., Philosophy of Indian Education. 12-75 Native American history, philosophy of education,teaching special projects design. Tuey, James A., Foster Care From the Perspective of a Foster Father. 10-75 Tuley, Elizabeth., External Credit Document. 5-75 Counseling/mental health. Unsoeld, Terres., My Teaching Work in a Self-Contained Classroom. 1-8-80 Psychology, counseling, curriculum design, handicapped education, teaching. Varela, Lori J., Computers and Personnel Management. 10-28-87 Introduction to computers, history of computerization, computer services. Vanmeter, Terry., Creating and Manageing a Small Business. 1-14-83 Small business operations/management. Vest, Pamela R., The Labor Relations Process in the State of Washington under the Jurisdiction of the State Personnel Board. 11-3-86 Labor relations, collective bargaining, arbitration/mediation. Vincent, Pearl Deneen., Fundamentals of Angus Ranching. 2-18-75 Livestock management, veterinary medicine. Virgil, Mabel T., A Chronological Review of the Life Experiences of Mabel T. Virgil. 3-22-85 Communication skills. Waite, Carol S., External Credit Document. 10-77 Special education practicum, teaching skills, group home administration. Walden, Margaret., An Educational Alternative: Learning through Experience. 10-28-87 Teaching preschool, gifted education, crisis intervention, multi-media art. Waller, James., External Credit Document. 5-75 Juvenile corrections and counseling, public administration. Ward, Helen Carpenter., Being and Becoming an Alcoholism Counselor: A Personal Account. 12-30-75 Alcoholism. Ward, Marilyn., The Evolution of the Department of Social and Health Services. 6-8-79 Public management, public admistration, plotical theory. Ward, Sharyn., Budgeting and Lobbying for a State Agency. 4-82 Political systems, budget processes, legal process, special interest groups. Waterman, Neil., The Wax Papers: The World of Contemporary Craftperson. 2-14-75 Candlemaking business. Weeden, Diana., Radiological Technologist. 6-10-76 Radiological Techology. Wheeler, Sharon., The Process of Establishing a Human Service Agency. 10-82 Organizational/Progam development of a human resource service. White, Patricia Hays., Corporate Business Management. 10-28-87 Business management, computer knowledge, audit theory. Wilkins, Patricia., External Credit Document. 6-79 Counseling families of handicapped persons, community organization. Willmarth, Hazel M., External Credit Document. 10-1-78 Management pfinciples and practice, communications. Williamson, Janice., Management in One Easy (?) Step. 5-82 Small business organization, development, management. Wilson, Kathy., Learning, Growth, and Analysis in a Governmental Environment. 1-85 Winsor, Judy., The Transition into Middle Management with the Washington State Energy Office. 4-83 Management, personnel supervision, organization administration. Wolff, Helen M., Practical Politics. 4-4-77 Political campaign organization, initiating legislation, image-making politics. Wright, Jaime., Architecture. 1-82 Architectural philosophy, site planning, design. Yaple, Mary Ann., Transition: From Unemployed to Manager. 2-17-87 Communication, gerontology, management. Yates, Christopher., Dancing in the Dark. 9-85 Youth employment programs, counseling, supervision and staff training, program management. Zeidenstein, Laura., Learning in Bangladesh. 2-75 Bengali language/culture, cross cultural communications, women and society. Ziesemer, Connie., The Process of Change. 1-19-87 Religion, psychology, sociology.

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