Curriculum for the Hospitalized Aging Medical Patient
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Curriculum for the Hospitalized Aging Medical Patient CHAMP Inpatient themes and topics:
Theme #1 ID/screen the frail or vulnerable elder What is frailty? Why is it important to ID in the hospital setting? Screening for cognitive impairment using the mini-cog Screening for functional impairment Recognizing dementia Dementia and assessing decision making capacity Dementia and treatment of non-dementia illnesses Assessing and treating agitated delirium
Theme #2 Avoiding Hazards of Hospitalization Adverse Drug Reactions Polypharmacy/ polytherapy Medication review Delirium recognition—using the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) Delirium—workup and treatment in the aging patient Delirium—risk factors/precipitating factors and prevention in the aging patient Falls—screening/prevention Pressure ulcers—staging/treatment/prevention Deconditioning Foley catheters Restraint use
Theme #3 Palliate and address end-of-life issues Assessing pain Assessing pain in the demented patient Pain treatment and opiate conversion DNR and advance directives Changing goals of care and prognostication Hospice—the idea and the Medicare benefit Having the feeding tube discussion
Theme #4 Improving transitions of care The ideal hospital discharge—including PCP communication and medication reconciliation Destinations of discharge—home, skilled nursing, rehab, long-term-care Dementia and transitioning care Teaching on Today’s Wards—Addressing aspects of Systems Based Practice & Practice Based Learning and Improvement What is a system? Mapping a systems problem using the process mapping tool Using a case audit as a tool for improvement Using a census audit as a tool for improvement Expectations of members of the Inpatient Medicine Team
Attending Regular teaching, facilitate learning Available for consultation Available to fight the political battles Attending documentation/billing obligations Feedback on performance
Resident Organization of rounds and work rounds The team manager Supports the team Oversees the clinical care—big picture and details Reviews primary data where possible Supports intern and promotes autonomy to next level as possible Reviews case and exam of students Teaches during rounds and on-call Ask for help
Interns Day to day patient care Learning by doing Give clinical care snippets to students as you can Primary review of data when possible Let students know when their patients are having procedures, etc. Ask for help
Students Admit 2 patients per call cycle Hand in write-ups for review Do your own separate H&P Review cases with intern and resident Participate on rounds as key provider of info and data on your patients Read about your patients Ask questions; Ask for help Be available to help any member of the team